esa thread
Esa thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>being shorter than fucking Feasel
>died to Pinwheel
#freeben(and ryedawg)
see you fags in a couple of months
just let it end peacefully
Rate this Summer ESA!
it's time boys
How do we fix the bad tier?
How the fuck can he stand there and take that stature next to those guys? Has he really not learned?
this is incredibly awkward, does nobody even rehearse what they are going to say for even 10 minutes before, holy fuck
>these are the people that banned Ben
manlet wants to speak so bad but they keep passing him up holy kek
It's been fun shitposting with you all ;_;
This was Feasel's first time at ESA? Damn, he did a good job with the third stream, honestly.
Based Edenal
Guess I'll dump the few webms I made.
When will they learn?
Not too many good webms this time around but here they are.
Guys, now that the dust has settled.
Why was the Re4 run so controversial???
And what's the deal with the whole nugget fiasco????
See you in 6 months anons.
stop posting about yourselves
its not even over yet and i already feel empty inside bros
>Monster Hunter World
Wholly deserving of its spot. Like holy fuck why did they decide on an autism showcase? A speedrun of Low Rank takes like 2 hours, less than that if you use PC for instant loading. It's much more entertaining to watch with actual skilled gameplay and interesting resource routing.
rate ESA posters, I give myself 10/10
Zero (the runner) mention our secret hackerxx club
Because Call_me_Zeroo sperged out over nuggets and Punchi got banned
>everyone talking about how short that guy is
>ignoring the girl behind them that's even shorter than him
It was alright, although still enjoyable. First two days were stinkers. The highs were really high, but the lows were some of the lowest. Weaker than the previous two years but still far better than the past 8 GDQs
LOL what the fucks tekkies problem?
It was okayish. I'm somewhat worried about shift into GDQ style of running event as seen with RE4 drama. Thankfully stream 2 still keeps ESA spirit alive
girls are expected to be manlets
Decent ESA Summer 2019, I'd rate it 8/10. Worried about the easy bans that few guys got for no good reason and what it means for ESA's future though and the censored chat and stuff. ESA 2017 remains the king.
I know it's not for everyone here but those of you who do, let's see at the EVO threads next weekend!
dont kid yourself user, you're a 1/10
Is a legit midget or are those guys like 6'7
Like, if you were a real midget, then it's considered a handicap. Someone to feel sorry for. And in general, someone like Blechy just seems a lot cooler than him.
If you're just really short like Danny DeVito, then at least you're funny looking and also just a funny guy in general.
This guy is as tall as a ten year old girl and is standing there expecting to be taken seriously.
>that fucking beak
jesus christ
Never forget the ultimate tourney
holy shit he's surrounded by giants
Stop posting thots that won't even be in the next ESA.
Is this the kind of thing euromuslims like? I knew you guys were bottoms but I didn't know you flaunted it.
furries are insufferable, whats new?
Based weeb grandma
They're just nordic people standing next to continental Europeans.
9/10 top comfy
Reminder that Japan has their own speedrunning event every December and now is the perfect time to practice your Japanese in time for the event!
IcePlug is pure
I know alien user, I hate the long wait til the next event, but hopefully it comes by quick.
Around a 6 or 7, Were some really good parts, a lot of okay ones, but there were some pretty bad ones like Vice City.
Kinda worried about how it's going to be next time around, I hope it doesn't become GDQ 2.0.
Had a blast shitposting with all you niggers...
Gonna miss all the nugget threads and Re4 hype.
I love you all no matter how big of faggots you are.
Cheers my nuggets! And my the sauce be with you.
Also Susan is a cunt.
>This guy is as tall as a ten year old girl
He's like, 4'8? He doesn't seem that short.
I want to go back and watch previous speedrunning events. Any good ones in particular?
The Swedish Ed Kemper lol
I rate myself an 8, anyone with a "personality" in these threads a 0 except Umaposter, webm poster and Hulkposter and everyone else a 2.
But that girl's probably 4'6 or something.
By the way can someone explain me why these events can't ever start on fucking Friday or end on Sunday?
Like it's so shitty not to have full weekend for the event being ran ever.
I'm terrible with English never mind learning another language.
That was fun. Bye, anons!
Bye guys.
It's over, and this thread is way too sappy like always. Fuck off to Discord.
shes so sexy
goodbye frens
after ESA retardy if anyone's interested
It's over.,....
It's fuckin over!!
Okay, well ESA over and time for bed for me. It's been fun.
Time to sleep. See you guys at GDQ threads in few months or EVO threads next week.
how do I forget about my job now
Don't worry cute goddess bro I won't forget
until winter
Who's this mommy?
bros..... I don't want to go back to my life.
please stay here with me
Those two guys are towering over everyone else in the room, too.
just start reading untranslated doujins, you'll be there in no time I promise
What the fuck, what happened here?
Based. He's going to save speedrunning marathons one meal at a time.
it's fucking over
Comfy times, see all you faggots next marathon
Don't know.
what is this?
Last chance for ESA waifus
until next time
>the deafening silence hits me like a brick
>open Yea Forums catalog after only browsing ESA threads
He needed a controller for early-game tricks but didn't need it anymore and doesn't like having to use it.
holy shit which run was that? that's hilarious.
That was a pretty decent ESA, a bit rocky when it came to the bans and the rather bad ones, but everything else was pretty fun. Hopefully they don't go full GDQ next time
I hope to see everyone at the next event!
There's the end. See you all next time! Thanks for all the fun.
>practice your Japanese
I'd love to, but...
ty for the (YOU)'s
we could still fix the bad tier
Anyone here been to ESA, is it worth attending next time?
is that pic real? they got $96k 2 years ago?
esa is fucking regressing Jesus
Speaking of which, I present you the full Large Jonathan saga
I neglected my 2 hours of reading for watching ESA, gotta get back on track.
And that's all I got. Only 10 of them but still.
See you fags at GDQx. Bye.
Don't forget about MOMMYposters getting 8 hours of screentime
See you all at AGDQ
truly a work of art
haven't done my anki reps in three days desu
i'm a lost cause really
Blessed webm
See you later, American Mommy
mario AI duke it out on easy
Shitposting everywhere
He did, but it's kind of shocking to find out the comfiest stream was managed by a GDQ jew
>tfw want to attend an event
>don't want to be THAT guy who goes alone
>friends aren't that interested in speedrunning to come with
But browsing these threads during feels like a good second alternative.
So happy we sniped that
great work as always man
I won't let you guys go without answering me!
Thank you for your continued efforts Webmnon. You should watch EVO though and make webms there too.
I'm going to start speedrunning now
Never forget Wally's emotional rollercoaster, guys!
I miss Punchy
Take care of yourselves anons!
I didn't see there was a new thread.
I'm going to miss you faggots
See you at GDQx
Shame they didn't follow through with this the next day.
Guys what if we make our own speedmemes event but we ban women and trannies. Imagine how great it will be!
Remember to eat your nuggies
wtf is gdqx
Are there evo threads?
I feel so empty inside... What do bros?
I'm thinking about running through the metal gear solid series starting from the classic msx metal gears 1 & 2
Should i??
saved gonna wank atleast 3x day to this webm
I'm honestly considering it too, but I also wouldn't want it to consume my life of vidya. Especially when I have little time for vidya in the first place.
you could watch him stream every day
what am i looking at here
i've been reading a few pages of a manga each day but i need to start learning more grammar
Based Pac
you can see a little bit of a smile there. i'm not entirely convinced he hates it.
I will, thank you user.
clip with audio?
my life is already consumed by vidya so I might as well
A hot sauce challenge that happened in one of the side rooms. They stopped early on and didn't reach the highest heat levels.
Hot sauce tasting competition.
You gotta be a slave of the habit user or else you'll never make it.
The second hot sauce tasting did happen, but it took until friday, and don't think anyone recorded it. It was some wacky shit, with a sauce rated at 6 milliom scovilles.
what will we call it?
It's a mini marathon that GDQ is holding at Twitchcon. It's only a 2 or 3 days long.
Of course, starting Friday and lasting through weekend to Sunday.
Damn. I would have liked to make some webms of it. Oh well.
pretty good
I watched punchi stream once, he was bitching about his parents because they cut off his internet since he wasn't applying for jobs, and they were boomers that thought everyone still went around handing job apps to employers, and he couldn't explain it was all done through internet. Funny story honestly. Also yeah he does talk that way all the time
Oh august 2nd?
what program is that?
Did they ever cut that dudes hair?
And was it streamed??
Well no I mean, I like playing other vidya, and I feel like getting good at running one game will keep me from many other games i regularly play.
Though if you're a neet, you have time, and if you get good, you might make it big and make a small sum on streaming.
Anki with the review hetmap addon.
That's correct.
Yes. Webms exist, didn't save.
This webm got a lot of use this event.
Yes, I made some webms of it but to be honest it's not that interesting.
I'll miss Prinzposter, gave me good faps between runs I didn't like
Rub the head of fortune and your wish will come true!
There were far fewer entrants, and the organizer basically had to call it a draw because the remaining guys were basically vomiting or passing out. I had some serious stomach cramps because I went into it with an empty stomach like an idiot, and was basically convulsing in pain for the better part of an hour.
It sure was an experience.
that's a penis
I think this webm is now the official mark of an overestimate run now.
I'll try to drop by and check it out, thanks.
Wish you didn't cut it off there, he acted like a sperg shortly after too.
>who old here and still watching this shit
such a kino shoot
farewell anons..until next time!
Her face is great.
>empty stomach
oh user you
why is she crying
Yeah I don't catch everything which is why it's always good to have a second pair of eyes or more people to make webms.
men looking at a woman that isn't her
Remember the mommies
no really
How was the 100% dark souls run?
kek what the fuck was this from, looks kino
whats this clip from
Dora the Explorer.
Also cheers for Josh and Metako being so nice this week and Leonis not giving a heck when certain Nuggalot was whining to him about time constraints.
You saw nothing. NOTHING.
Cheers then.
Same brother
later gator
she's obviously one of those girls that gets all euuuuugh at fanservice aimed towards dudes
she even says outright during the run that the story bothers her
But where are the links to the runs? OP you goofed it up, right?
Bombay. Bombay. Bombay. Bombay. Bombay. E.
thanks for posting this shit, webm user. good to look back on the the week
The stream is over.
One day we'll all get a wife that supports our autistic hobbies, believe
A typical retard then.
I'm skipping over a few low quality ones from the awful block because they're too similar to eachother.
That run was so cute.
anki started burning me out hard when i started having to review like up to 300 cards a day
yeah I would like to get some extra money from streaming. I think ill enjoy it if I get good
Also thanks webm user, always appreciate your work.
at what time
Imagine being his age and behaving like that.
I was fine, only had minor stomach ache, sweating like bollocks and mouth breathing pretty heavily. However, as soon as I started eating ice cream some 15min later after the competition ended, I basically could only kneel down and squirm every which way while holding my arms over my stomach. I squirmed my way to the bathroom and basicwlly laid there on the floor next to the toilet for a while, feeling like I was about to die.
And I only knew the sauce was 6m svovilles after the fact, since I was late to the competition itself, and joined as a willing victim as they put it.
See you lads at EVO, GDQx, or ESA Winter.
I've been getting burnt at 120~ reviews, but it's worse for me since I make myself write out the kanji to remember them better
I honestly might drop that aspect, and do more reading/immersion to make up for it.
Pretty early in the run if I remember correctly. If you need a more accurate idea the timestamp in the webm should be accurate ~2 minutes plus or minus the timestamp in GMT-5. You can compare that to the VOD if you're really looking for the exact moment.
I hope people use it in GDQ threads when it rolls around again.
It was nice and comfy. 8/10
is it fun to watch?
Too many races and whining about the weather.
yeah thanks im fucking stupid
absolutely unfortunate, those 2 look like 6'4" at least.
Short bastard never stood a chance
Can confirm, I do like you and have some trouble learning more kanji because of writing immersion. Trying half of the writing for now.
It gets pretty hype, so I'd say so.
What the fuck
EVO is how I got into playing fighting games, so it's definitely worth checking out. Even the games I don't play can be a blast to watch.
27.. god damn I'm old :/
Man that was a trainwreck of a run
He kind of pulled it around but yeah it didn't finish.
Did that GTA $25% run turn around in the end and is it worth going back to watch?
No it was awful and went really bad, not worth watching.
That's a subtle shirt.
>that estimate
is Werster insane?
Don't you even dare watch that run.
Dude, it was so bad that Frew apologized for it on twitter. It was boring as fuck and lost viewers pretty much the entire time it went on. He didn't even finish and it went like 20 minutes overestimate.
It's not really worth watching.
>crowd doing anything but sitting in silence and clapping on demand
this wouldn't fly at GDQ!
having watched his Pokemon Stadium 2 run to completion myself, yeah probably
dude's fucking amazing though
some of the tech and bullshit is really incredible
No, just extremely autistic.
Wester felt he got a good streak and went to the end, he's know to have the worst case of luck in a run.
can't you make a dropbox or mega with all the webms?
I did that with all of the previous years events and barely anybody downloaded them. These are all archived. I'll update the mega some other time if people start asking for it again.
Punchi talks about the event!!!
what a great run
People who go to the event have lives to get back to
best girl! (male)
That doesn't explain why it can't start a day earlier. BigJon left the event right after finishing his Golf run on Thursday.
>seething over $20% runs
kek, never change
this is some NASA-tier shit
Lowkey fraudster Maral got ESA to add ‘matching’ from an ‘anonymous donor’ to the total shown which make this number high. They directly raised only 50k or something.
It was worse than GDQ’s anonymous $1000 donations and makes ESA look bad now they broke off from save the children
he's totally right in regards to the GTA run tho
but beyond that yeah I can see his whining plain as day, but everyone just knew and felt at the end of Yakuza that tomorrow was just going to be a shitshow(and they were 100% right)
I don't get what he wants, he wants to hang with the "boyz" and yuk it up and have fun on HIS terms, but when other people do it it's "eurojank speedmeme" and he bitches nonstop
>"blatant cash in variety stream"
doesn't this guy also goes to GDQ
I'll tell you where I want robo to put them fists
You're such a gaywad but I respect your lechery.
>cool, Pokemon Stadium 2 100% run
>is actually JP Stadium 1
I wish the mad lad luck, PS1 is an absolute torture to play with rentals, at least in 2 he has the Continue glitch.
No fucking way. God dammit I always miss good runs.
Haha what a fucking faggot
He's just a sperg. He can't laugh out the nugget story and complains like a retard for the ffx-2 overestimate.
that was the only good part of the run desu
He thinks he's more popular than he actually is, and thinks he's above the type of shit that happens in these events.
...fuck it, i would.
i'm not sure, people at GDQs seem to like him, he's on lots of couches
you can say that again
He's "everybody's friend" type of guy in person, but he's kind of a cunt under that mask.
Damn. Someone already posted the last webm I was going to post. That's all for me this time. I would have liked the audience camera to be closer during intermissions for obvious reasons but they kept it way up high this time. Wasn't really able to catch anything good from so far away.
Big cheers to you webm user.
>RE4 drama
What happened?
No don't got to sleep though.
Thanks for the dump and for the clips user.
Fucking F
thanks for your service, lad. you help make these threads great
Thanks for all your hard work, see ya next event
Is he quite literally evil?
>people spitting and shitting on the FFXII stream when GTA started
>laughed because the autodonator had to be turned on for them
>we got a comfy-ass run and minimal bullshit while anyone watching GTA got the worst of it all
Thanks a lot user
missed everything
Where on the cab specifically did he mean?
What game, for that matter?
If the kid was just touching the side and he reached over to whap it away that's kind of a cunty move, it's not like the kid was shaking the cab at all
but if the kid was touching near his buttons yeah sure I'd do the same or at least ask what's up
Get a calendar and mark down the dates of the events.
All the nugget-based taunting has corroded his soul.
Someone inform ESA staff about this blatant child abuse.
The kid was probably actually that Manlet from the outro.
The event had groove coaster and jubeat cabs. I can imagine it being annoying if the kids laid their hands on jubeat while playing.
He made up for it with an entertaining True Crime run, at least.
I know Yea Forums doesn't go outside that much but kids at arcades are literal devils, even more near music games. I had a brat try to actually JUMP OVER MY LEGS while I was playing DDR once, I almost punted the little shit away by accident. The "scourge of kids messing with MUSIC GAME" is real as fuck
oyyyy veyyy
this fag needs to get his ass kicked
Big heads at esa didn't like how Ben and some other staff member were acting during it, and they kicked them off the team and banned them til 2021. They even did a whole apology card thing on stream.
Not really sure the exact reason why they banned them though. Runner didn't get in trouble supposedly.
I mean I don't like kids either but damn, I'm not gunna go around being all proud of telling a kid off.
punchy pls
its just a game
DOn't fucking post or talk about Larxa on this shithole you fucking retards. She's too pure and doesn't deserve to be exposed to stupid fucks like you.
I just realized some of you dipshits tried to raid her today on stream too by calling her ugly and stuff. Go fuck yourselves.
Should I watch WC3 UD campaign? Was it good?
yeah fuck kids
Well, banned as in they can't do any volunteer work, they can still attend the event.
He's pretty small but the other two at the sides are way above the average height.
The fuck is with that discord the retard made a sign for? Is it just a honeypot?
where the fuck have you been?
How much money have you given her?
Do I watch Werster or Speedgaming?
Made it home after driving all day, sounds like I've got a full day of VODs to go through. Outside of the crazy super mario bros coin thing is there anything in particular that you all enjoyed?
didnt watch anything. recommend me 5 runs to watch
missed you based hogan poster
is this legitimately your only image m8
glad you showed up for the last thread bro, it's been fun
I think it may have been the ESA discord, or at least the url looked similar.
How was encouraging russian speedrunner's second run after his DMC run? I missed that one.
it was just a link to a discord channel called "made you look". so in other words, an irl shitpost
Kids messing around with regular games is just annoying but in stuff like beat em ups and fighting games you can just turtle a bit and tell them to go away/look around for their parents, during music games your run is over as soon as your eyes go offscreen, in DDR/Pump it's even worse because someone could actually get hurt
Why the hell would I talk about some chick that probably fucks black guys? It'd be like talking about a dumpster or something equally repulsive.
watch yakuza
Does this board have twitch con threads. larxa is going to that so based hogan poster might come back.
>no one posted Hogan's stop talking abut larxa comment on twitch chat
Yea Forums was literally assblasted about the shitty VC run though. Everyone here shat on it nonstop. I think you guys are taking this "we need to oppose everything Punchi says and does" too seriously.
The rest of the runs seemed pretty subpar, though quake was probably the most decent of the last few. The others are eh.
Mario Bros was the big highlight, that was great.
we could have gdqx threads during twitch con
i don't think so, too far removed from vidya for jannies to tolerate i guess
>black adult wearing a quicksliver shirt
There are GDQX threads, but since it doesn't last very long it doesn't pick up much momentum.
Outside of more technical issues than normal and the odd pacing of the schedule with regards to races, this was a pretty great ESA. Lots of good runs, lots of good threads, lots of good memories.
Hopefully all the good posters here will be back for GDQx!
we loved yakuza tho and punchy is REEEing at the concept, not the fact that VC bungled it. work on your reading comprehension instead of just blindly defending this prick every chance you get
He seems like a sociopath.
no phone case. disgusting.
>fag hates children
Is this a cope?
She has plenty of disposable income courtesy of her paypigs and moonlighting as a toilet.
imagine seething over chicken nuggets and $20
Antis are a cope. Some children are pretty shitty and I like them for pats.
Not about money. I just want fuckheads on here to stop talking about and bullying her.
Only one I need.
Fuck you, retard.
Oh please, even during the great Yakuza run (and before, and after) there were plenty whining about it being reddit and the concept being run into the ground, you can check the fucking archive.
Even right now you have people clutching their pearls about him shooing some kid off, its like you guys fucking live on his twitter. These ESA threads would have been way better if every thread wasn't 25% Susan-Watch, its a shame that RE4 run happened so soon in the marathon.
I already know what you want. You didn't answer my question. How much money have you given her?
>Final Fantasy
Sorry I'll pass
it's another Yea Forums praises trannies thread, both of them were embarassing at that Sunshine run with how many times they failed
You should watch some of Caleb's roid rage FFVII runs.
>Oh please, even during the great Yakuza run (and before, and after) there were plenty whining about it being reddit and the concept being run into the ground
nah thread was about as positive as possible on Yea Forums. don't waste the last thread trying to defend susan, everyone else here hates him and aren't about to be swayed by whatever nonsense you're spouting. keep the thread comfy or just walk away
What a fucking attention whore...
I don't care if you retards hate Susan or not, I just dont want the ESA threads to revolve around him the way GDQ threads revolve around trannies. Twitter screencaps should always be permabans on Yea Forums anyways.
Not who you're replying to but personally I don't care one way or another about him. He fucked up by not rolling with the punches about the nuggets. Exposing how mad he still was about them live on stream just put a bullseye on his back and he should have known better. I thought the nugget meme was already dead but he revived it with forbidden ninjutsu.
It was pretty good, not as fast paced but still very entertaining.
I dropped him a follow on twitch even tho I barely watch it.
If you are going to be retarded can you please not do it while avatar fagging with my waifu? Thanks.
>liking pokemon but not final fantasy
It's all JRPG shit regardless.
sleep is good
true crime NYC
>so mad he cant even quote right
Lurk moar
Turn-based JRPGs are better
I'm not Punchi, but $20 is $20...
Several FF games are turnbased.
can't let it die...
I finally caught up on reps. You'll join me for RTA in Japan, won't you?
Sorry, bro. I can't understand zipangu.
He did nothing wrong this time
Does anyone have the archive thread when susan came to Yea Forums to have a autistic fit about his 2017 run?
Now I'm interested
What were the best moments this marathon?
Attempted to blow my brains out but pussied out so I missed the Sunshine race, is it worth watching?
>232 cards in 20 minutes
it sometimes took me almost 2, almost reaching 3 hours for 300+ when i was doing anki
Involves sabotage and people having to do the shit without game experience(I think two of the runners who were supposed to show up bailed, so they pulled in Cheese and another dude) so it depends.
I thought it was pretty fun.
It's a rollercoster of fuckups. The losing team had a massive advantage on time.
My day resets at 11 PM now because I've lost control of my life, and I had to rush it. It shouldn't take you that long though unless you're writing the cards down at the same time.
why cant punchi yell at me?
Wait, did that faggot punchi got banned? Thank god. Why do you go to an public event charity to be visibly mad at everyone and everything because of jokes?
>imb4 he was only pretending to be mad
Quite the moodkiller when you pretend to be a passive aggressive asshole for the entire event
>Wait, did that faggot punchi got banned?
wait what he's banned?
How was Nintendogs?
hilarious, one of the better awful games games
Neither he or Zero were banned
links please
user, i...
Quick rundown on the nuggets guys???
And what was up with that Re4 run???
So, what were your top 5 runs?
Get some fucking originality.
That doesn't answer either of my questions.
Elaborate please
Shitposting the same tired questions isn't funny. Be more original with your shitposts.
You're too stupid to answer my question so you resort to name calling. That's my only takeaway from this coversation.
I think you need to calm down before you have an aneurism.
Please stop replying to me and let someone with some braincells answer my questions.
Back on topic, why was the Re4 run so good?
You're acting like I haven't seen you ask this same question ever since the run happened. Shut the fuck up, retard. The event is over. Your shitposting persistence won't get you any fucking upvotes here.
>he thinks it was only one person asking the question
It's not a shitpost that more than one person would adopt because it's not clever or funny. You really don't know how this shit works, tourist.
good bye speed friends
ill see you in six months
I don't want it to end yet!
>tired russian pausing the game to banter about how bad is dmc5 over dmc4 and complaining how everybody is playing it wrong
this is hilarious