Only one month and already the game is dead.
Where did Shadowbringers go wrong?
Only one month and already the game is dead.
Where did Shadowbringers go wrong?
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Try again, my normally “dead” server had a fucking queue of 38 at 6:30am EST today.
It turned too many cute girls into monsters. Was turning Yda into Lyse not enough?
Keep living in your little world of delusions, WoWcuck
>fake queues to trick people into thinking the game isn’t dead
Is there no depth to which square won’t stoop?
how are you bros enjoying XIV classic? also i need an invite to mrhappy layer
We need to make a "WoW" Ilberd
I'd agree with you a couple months ago, but thats really not the case anymore..
At the end of Stormblood if you had a queue less than 50 you could cancel it and relog and immediately get in.
In Shadowbringers that trick doesn't work anymore, so one could assume the queues are real.
level your crafters homo
waiting on tuesday to get my pajamas
Which Heritor Primal theme remix are you most looking forward to
>Ifrit: Primal Judgement
>Garuda: Fallen Angel
>Ramuh: Thunder Rolls
>Shiva: Oblivion
Ifrit's theme is by far the most boring (since it was originally just a generic primal theme) so I'm interested to see what Soken does with it, like combining it with Zurvan's Infinity theme or something
>Ifrit: Primal Judgement + Revenge Twofold as we conflate him with Nidhogg "that was a fire dragon right?"
did they ever do mid-expansion boss music changes again? By the time 3.4 rolled around I was sick and tired of Ominous Prognisticks so Revenge Twofold was a refreshing slap in the face
Revenge Twofold was definitely a case of Soken writing that for the Nidhogg battle and then going with something else but wanting to keep that song anyway. I hope he makes a second boss theme for ShB anyway though.
Don't think so, all I know is they wanted to use it for Nidhogg but they decided against it. You can tell because the lyrics are all about Ishgard... after we settled everything within Ishgard.
the game is designed so you can do all the content very quickly
then you hit a wall at the end of the MSQ every time, that's when you're expected to be done and play another game until the next expansion
>use the CD that let's you take 0(ZERO) damage in bigboi pulls for 7 seconds
>said CD forces healers to heal
>almost all of them lose their shit
>more than half of those that do are half-naked Vieras
>Ultimate Legend btw
>most of the ones that don't are unironically Hrothgar players
No I don't use it to "troll" healers with a meme macro right after they used heavy heals.
Yes I have a macro notifying them I used it.
Well what he ended up with was 10x better even though Revenge Twofold itself was a great song
Uhh... Kupo
Im a catgirl healer with a ninja title and mentor status, where is your god now?
I've always liked Fallen Angel and hope for a decent remix.
Odin, just because it would come completely out of left field.
The Corpse Hall gets the Eden treatment combined with some new nordic lyrics.
DPS check will be countering Zantetsuken like Seifer did
I wonder which raid I'm going to get today.
>Syrcus Tower
Just like every day.
the only really stinky thing about Superbolide is when a healer pops a CD on you just as you hit the button (eg: Benediction and then Superbolide 0.1s later). But SCHs like it since Recited Excogs nullify it immediately.
Of the four invuln moves though, Living dead is still the worst
>have to 'die' or else it's wasted
>have to heal 100% of your health or else you actually die
Like can they chop off that required healing part or at least make it like 50% of your health
>mentor status
Right here it seems.
why would you play FFXIV if you dont like bullshit cutscenes where people talk a bunch, this game has been out for 6 years, the amount of bullshit cutscenes is known, a cursory research would have revealed this to you. If you dont like bullshit cutscenes this game is not for you
If you wouldnt fuck Tesleen's Sin Eater form you dont deserve her.
I've been getting World of Darkness everyday for the last week.
so ascians are some sort of time aryans or what
from the structure of how Eden works, we don't have a reason to summon anything than the 6 primary elemental primals, so we wouldn't be summoning Odin or King Mog or anything past ARR. I feel like each block will be two heritor primals and then two non-heritor, probably FF8 reference fights, so something like
Eden 5-8
>Heritor Ifrit
>Heritor Ramuh
Eden 9-12
>Heritor Shiva
>Heritor Garuda
>Final big bad asshole
That's why I only use it at the start of a pull while I still have most of my hp and the healers haven't used stuff like benediction yet. Using it mid-pull aside from being an emergency is just silly.
>janny farm
>playing out of my mind, not a single mistake made, almost 2k dps ahead of the other tank
>realize he's facing me when my debuff hadn't ran out yet
>louisuix facing bahamut.gif
I just want something 60+ since anything level 50 and below is a complete snoozefest. And no I am not using a job lower than 60 or lowering my gear either. All these roulettes I've done are 70+ and it is syrcus tower every time without fail.
i cant stop getting labyrinth and my last run was the only one where every mechanic was done perfectly
Here you go user.
At some point he uses his TB right before the other tank's debuff falls off. Pretty sure if dps gets higher with better gear it might cause some issues.
He's a Garlean with an ace up his sleeve when a massive war of succession is about to break out, he will be acting sooner than that.
What a waste. Shes so cute even Alisaie wanted it while lusting for the WoL
>always have benediction on standby when healing a DRK
>tittyX lightning mechanic, DRK takes three hits and hands over tether to our DNC
>pop bene on him
>DNC panics and runs back towards the DRK
>he dies
Shh, it's so stupid jannies won't delete the thread
>Odin, just because it would come completely out of left field.
Just let a nigga dream, my man
>massive war of succession
what war of succession?
Zenos is not even remotely interested in ruling.
Last boss might be Apocalypse
is it actually possible for a tank to soak all 6 tethers or am I getting memed
What's a good ffxiv Yea Forums approved discord
He might not care about the people, but even he knows Garleans have resources. Those resources could be used to find a way to Zodiark and Hydaelyn.
I bet it's possible but good luck finding a tank that can adjust their cooldowns and invuln down to the millisecond
Pretty sure only DRK can and it requires a dumb amount of coordination for very little gain.
How about this we summon Odin for whatever reason, he preps Zantetsuken halfway through the fight and it gets countered by the antagonist who is totally not Seifer or anything and we fight FF8 Gilgamesh for the rest of it
as hilarious as it was to see Zenos make elidibus run away like a bitch they shouldn't have killed off varis so soon. it was actually interesting seeing how he disliked ascians and actually cared about garlemald as a nation, but had to follow Emet's whims whether he wanted to or not. wasted potential desu
>selling 24 houses on gilg for 2,850,000,000 gil
Holy shit what is wrong with these people.
Pls someone
I'm still fucking mad.
I literally had to turn the game off, take some melatonin and go to sleep because it fucked with me so bad.
>tfw apparently the reason we get nothing but the CT raids is because players intentionally gimp their ilvl before queuing so they get the easy raids
ffs let me get a fun one like Dun Scaith or Weeping City once in a while
>You can't run Orbonne anymore because everyone just leaves upon entering
All tanks can do it but its fucking retarded as it requires a stupid amount of healing. You would save way more GCDs by just having the party do it.
To be fair that runs the risk of getting Void Ark which is the most boring fucking raid in the universe
>Dun Scaith
>Half of the alliance leaves after dying to the first boss
It's a great filter.
so how do you think the landscape of the empty will change going forward?
>beat Levi, a lake appears
>beat Titan, the cliffsides turn brown
I was hoping for some grass or something, but I feel they might be saving that for the end, have a massive bloom of flowers like in VIII's ending
Welp, did it again. Re-upped my subscription and started a new dude and got halfway through the MSQ before getting bored. I’ll be damned if I’m going to pay my way to skip it. Is it worth pushing through the MSQ garbage to get to the expansion content or should I give up and kill myself now?
You want a source?
Its funny, before Emet revealed himself, I thought they'd copy Allag and find a way to ressurced Solus. Now Solus/Emet, and maybe Varis is dead. Much more interesting than Zenos, but I guess we need a pure bad antagonist in a sea of sympathetic villains
Why do you start a new character instead of just continuing?
CT is still 10x more boring than void ark. I have probably run CT 5000 times because of this bullshit.
are fates and roulette the best way to level alt jobs 70-80?
Void Ark fucking sucks, its honestly LotA tier, I dread the prospect of ever seeing it
to be honest, lots of people die but I don't think I've seen a wipe to Deathguise in fucking forever, especially in ShB where everything dies much faster
>Dun Scaith
Not in this day and age kid.
Fates are good especially if you want to level up your shared fate level
Meh, I don’t know really. Guess I wanted to switch classes anyway so jumped on a different server while I was at it
I'm a queue it up just for ya'll.
MSQ roulette gives a buttload of exp daily.
It sucks but you should do it.
wow what the fuck yoshi
Alliance roulette and leveling roulette is enough exp for pretty much 1 level. You should really take advantage of it every day.
I just got SMN to level 80 as my first class, what do I level next?
This, especially praetorium, it's excruciatingly long and boring but oh boy does it gives XP
Why do people care so much a character the fired off deathflags like it was going out of style?
Bout to finish leveling all Tanks, have everything else to 70.
What next?
and MSQ roulette if you want to idle but I think it's only worth the time if you get Praetorium since it's practically worth a whole level
Sorry I'm not a healslut.
It's a real shame. Maybe she'll come back as a mount. I'd prefer not, though.
Is there any other trial? I'm sure this is the only trail in the game.
>that guard you talk to who talks about how he had to kill his waifu
this game is too cruel
Is WAR fun? I was thinking of picking up a tank, but I can't decide between PLD and WAR
last two times I did MSQ roulette we had at least 3-4 people who would run around with the group and then just stand still in the middle of fights so that it looked like they were doing something.
is this the meta?
>we accidentally summon him in Eden
>but mixed it up with King Thordan
I mean would you want to pay attention during a dungeon with 30 mins of cutscenes. Just afk it and read manga or something
>trial roulette
>cape westwind
>alliance raid roulette
>Syrcus tower
>leveling roulette
>aurum vale
>get Labyrinth every single time
>have to yank some shitter onto the Atomos pad and then again at the final boss' Ancient Flare every single time
How many years have come and gone since that day? How many years have I waited for this moment? For the one who stood alone against the storm. For the one they called...The Warrior of Light. ONE BRINGS SHADOW, ONE BRINGS LIGHT
I don't understand why people complain about getting cape westwind or an ARR primal for leveling roulette
Not really. WAR only has their 1-2-3 combo and the occasional felcleave spam whenever inner release is up and nascent chaos when you use infuriate.
>That quest in Kholusia about a girl whose lover got killed by Dikaiosyne and committed suicide because of it
>Go check out the bridge she jumped off of
>A ghost and a smaller ghost appears
>Slay them both
>Come back
>Find out that she was pregnant when she jumped
Shad Owbringers
>Good King Thordan and his 12 Moogle Knights
Oh, this is a boy. Ok.
the most uninteresting and braindead trial in the game. It's over quickly and the point of roulettes is to get in get your XP and get out but when the fight is over in 45 seconds it feels like you wasted your daily
it wasn't even emotional pain, I was terrified since it scared the shit out of me
I thought the kid would kill her for sure, but instead a cute girl turned into a monster. That shit scares me the most.
>but when the fight is over in 45 seconds it feels like you wasted your daily
yeah idk I guess I'll never be this fucking retarded
In my objective opinion, PLD=GNB > WAR >>>>DRK
in terms of fun at least
fuck you, I know
based sharlyan popoto
and then you end up killing her and letting her soul be at peace, so it all works out
So to get it straight, the Gunbreaker opener/CD phase is KE -> bloodfest -> BS -> no mercy -> sonic break -> bow shock + danger zone -> gnashing fang/continuation combo -> SB -> burst strike x2, right?
I’ve been consistently doing this and of course using ogcds/gnashing fang on cooldown, and I’m still only a 40% greenlet. Also, is it better to save bloodfest so it lines up with no mercy or just use it on cooldown?
>Some literal who from an inn whose dialogue I clicked through at light speed
People pretend to be upset by this?
Good thing Gaius is maintaining order in Garlemald now that Zenos killed the Emperor
>game's dead
>Half the servers still closed to new characters
>Raids about to come out
I think this is actually a probable way to not kill off Gaius.
Zenos: "you take over running the mundane boring stuff"
Gaius: "but i'll be plotting to kill you"
Zenos: "that's fine, it's more fun that way"
Congratulations. You don't have any concept of "tone setting." You have this nice girl in a frankly morbid job who is still somewhat positive despite everything. She could have faded to irrelevancy for all we knew but they decided to use her to tell you just how fucked the world is and gives you an idea of what you're fighting.
Does anyone else feel like Norvrandt didn't even feel like it was on the brink? You don't even see any Sin Eaters outside of some quests, and everyone seems to be living pretty well.
all datacenters have at least one server open which is all that matters
Such good attention to detail.
im fighting for some hot loot and cool boss fights. I dont give a fuck about some alternate reality of literal whos. Hell the main universe I'm from doesn't even have anyone likable beyond "I'd fuck that"
Because it's not on the brink in a sense of immediate apocalypse. Thanks to the original Minfilia halting the Flood, instead they are dying off slowly due to a lack of resources. Eulmore limits their resources to the elite and the Crystarium struggles to make ends meet and every other settlement is barely alive (except Tomra because the dwarves are comic relief).
Post Glamours that you want on the mogstation or as event items
Can't you just go play Guild Wars or something?
You already posted it.
Wasn't on the brink until the warden of light thing since emet selch planned a very slow demise. Also living well depends since everyone is destined to die to aether corruption to varying degree and we all know that shit is horrible if mr stoicbringer was in pain.
>Krile has dibs on the Cat Ear Hood forever
Feels fucking bad
You know a developer could easily just artificially set lower caps on their servers to appear full, right? A full server means nothing if its set to say, 200 people.
>hot loot
>the main universe I'm from
This speaks volumes.
Why does a renowned professor wear a cat ear hoddie?
Close enough for me to be happy.
Its an MMO dude, story is tertiary. No amount of story can make an MMO good, only a good endgame can do that
She wants the D and Alphinaud isn't putting out anymore.
yeah, it would be more interesting than him and estinian escaping and work together with WoL.
Because she's a slut that likes a quick fuck. Also it's cute
its been a 100 years since the floor, people are used to it by now
>everyone seems to be living pretty well
yeah all those people in Khoulsia living in hovel shacks and living on handouts were doing real well
My waifu is not a slut and is only for me.
Whats the next summon for SMN?
Ah, I forgot about that. It's ShB SAM artifact armor or whatever, right? That is probably the closest you'd get to Auron's outfit.
Was the fanfest the only way of getting a motorbike mount?
thats why they created zenos. He's not the WoLs counterpart. He's actually based on players who care about real content
Just pay up goyim
>tfw the cat ear hood will likely fuck around with a bunch of different hairstyles
I swear we better not look bald with it, I can see them cutting corners like that
You know, I never really questioned it but Krile seems to really have a thing for Alphinaud, or she just likes teasing him. Wasn't Alphinaud a student of hers? Probably just enjoys teasing him for fun, not sure if you could imply romantic or sexual interest there.
It's not like I watch recorded streams of Rin-chan playing XIV to feel less lonely or anything.
Are you saying she's a sick slut that's likes a quick fuck?
There's not a good glamour for Bartz/Faris from V or XI's NPC Espial Set. So those.
Also some spin-off representation would be nice like Crystal Chronicles.
cough up those shekels goy, check the Mogstation
No, I'm saying that I'm a sick fuck that likes a quick fuck.
Titan with Car.
I was just joking but you can (intentionally) interpret that they fooled around back in school. But for obvious reasons it's not something they'll ever explicitly say.
Is Zenos the worst character in the game?
I do this if there are newcomers, purely to make the fights last longer so they get the epic first run every player deserves.
I absolutely hate most MMO players with their hamster wheel rush through everything as easily as possible mentality and wish this was a single player game, but as long as I'm here I can at least do this in hopes that the occasional other player with actual taste gets a good experience.
Amano-Faris is very similar to Setzer and Setzer's set is in. But I would always like more Amano-esque stuff (see also Pyros sets).
what's wrong with us
That's because you are a retarded philistine who lives to do menial tasks and cannot comprehend fun or immersion.
Is anyone else disconnecting a lot or is it just me?
Literally the only character added to the game with any actual personality to speak of
user did nothing wrong
>leveling up GNB
>find out I can't yeet myself across the pit against Dohn Mheg's final boss like Thancred
no fair
It's the fault of the writers of making the villains more compelling than the MC and their supporting cast
>trade a viera/lalafell/miqo'te/roegadyn
>give them a carrot/popoto/chub/jar of honey and 5000 gil
>/pet them and run off
>Queue for MSQ roulette
>Castrum Meridanium
Yes, there's been ongoing DDoS. Or, more likely, they didn't plan for such legitimate server strain a month after release.
That's kind of hot desu
I'm on the final arc for Stormblood and I actually haven't minded Zenos up to this point, granted he doesn't really make a lot of appearances till the end of the expansion I take it? From what I've seen of him my opinion of him is just some massive edgelord who lives to kill.
He's more of a "might makes right" kind of dude. Also if you fail him even once then he cuts you down, but he is strong, no denying that. Also he seems to be a fair person, like how he gave what's her name the weapon belonging to the black wolf even though she is a mhnigger and not an actual born Garlean
I also dig the katana revolver and the design of his character.
Amaurot is the best dungeon in the game.
>trying to get glams from ivalice raids
>everyone fucking leaves as soon as they enter
if i complain enough to SE will they impose higher penalties on leaving?
I tried to rescue someone across the pit because they were slow
it doesn't work either
WoL is an autistic bringer of death
Other people point at what needs to die and we obey
>playing level 50 dungeons as WHM during roulette
Why did I unlock all the lvl 50 hard mode dungeons, it just makes me wish I had my instant healing moves when I inevitably have to play them
FFXIV naturally gives rise to the inner fascist in all of us.
well fuck
kinda hard to tank when I'm d/cing in the middle of boss fights every other instance
wrong. there something to be admired in a villain so strong he not only bests you twice, he wears the strongest primal weve ever seen like a fking condom. hes definately one of the best villains weve had to date in terms of power. he didnt need any deep or convoluted backstory- he was litterally the second coming of kefka to me- someone who just wanted to destroy for destructions sake.
Would you honestly say GNB is the best or most fun tank job in the game right now? Because I kind of thought it was boring. DRK looks cooler to me, but I haven't heard good things about it.
Living Dead has NOT ONCE actually saved me yet. Can't even use it as an oh shit button because it takes a second to activate. So many times where I pulled more than our combined cooldowns could handle and just straight up fucking die even though Living Dead is on 297 seconds cd.
Why the fuck do I even have that useless piece of shit bound.
GNB is a blue DPS with some defensive cooldowns so it's one of the most compelling tanks by default.
When is he going to wear this in-game?
>WHM's only OCGD heal at level 50 is Benediction
I feel like they could have moved Presence of Mind to a CNJ action and replace it with Afflatus Solace or something jesus christ
One of the post-game patches I bet. I liked the promo render for the costume depicting him with Susano's Tachi.
gotta wait for the "meanwhile in Garlemald" in a future patch
I love how people are shitting on GNB on the first day and now suddenly it's the best tank lmao
Eh, I just found it to be boring, like I like some aspects about it. Just wish they didn't wear leather armor. I hate leather armor in this game, like most leather armor garbs/sets are ugly as shit. The default GNB armor set you get is pretty cool looking. I'm just tempted to keep that as my main outfit if I play GNB, or get their artifact armor I guess.
>story is tertiary
>playing a Final Fantasy
Have your pubes come in yet? Which Fortnite skin did you get last?
Well people were originally worried because GNB's numbers were predicted to fall below the other tanks making it the weakest in terms of DPS but then it turns out it has the strongest DPS and WARs are absolutely seething
>best tank lmao
wait till they buff WAR
>Click through dialogue
>wtf why does anyone care about this character I skipped
people don't eat like it when nice girls turn into monsters you have to kill.
>story is tertiary
Yeah in WoW maybe where you're just a sideline character.
Why the fuck did I say "eat" there
must be hungry
A boy is fine too
Bruh, its 2019. There is no excuse to not have your game be fully voiced especially when you make money hand over fist with greedy monetization. Full priced game + cash shop + subs? You kidding me?
It's a really good outfit
>Queue for 40-50 dungeons to level up my WHM
>Always get one guy bitching about waa it's DD or AV again.
>Tank or DPS leaves.
It was funny the first few times now it's just fucking annoying.
Alright I got it. Living dead gives you shadow armor that makes you invol but sucks your hp. You're still a black hoe for your healer but you don't have to die. 15s.
You gotta be at least a little subtle that you're trying to stir shit, 3/10 is the best I can do
>it's DD
Dzzzz...aemel darkhold
No seriously, when do you kids start school again? Middle schools outta be starting up again won't they? I can't fucking wait for the summers to gtfo.
I assume he means Dzmael Darkhold, the 44 ARR dungeon
Voice acting is half the reason AAA development is so bloated and expensive. Fuck off.
Emet's Dismissive wave better not be a cash shop emote
>dude im so much older than you because I like bad story telling
I make sure I die as the tank in DD to make it exciting.
Is the Crystarium Salute in the game yet?
It's such ass when tanks forget to what to do in this dungeon. I'll even tell them they need to go in the light thing and they just ignore me. Even worse when they baby pull or try to pull EVERYTHING but don't go in the light.
>finally finish HW's story after hearing about how great it is after the slog that is ARR
>its just another generic blue pilled RELIGION BAD jrpg plot
Never trusting you faggots ever again
>bad story telling
>skips all of it
>think his opinion is then relevant
No. In SB they started giving emotes as the reward for finishing patch storylines, so it'll probably be in one of those.
>Queue for Aurum Vale
>Tank gets pissy and big pulls to try to wipe and force a kick for him
>Smirk as I wanted a quick run and tanks seem to baby pull here.
>I heal him all up and we go through it lightning fast.
>Get all the comms
Is there a better feeling?
Just go to /vg/, there's a pastebin that has all the discords there.
the first time i played it it was as healer and no one stood in the light so i had no clue why everyone was taking so much damage. the tank went "okay no big pulls then" so i thought it was my fault and when i realized how you're supposed to avoid it i got pissed that he acted like it was my fault
Tell me who and where that character is from and if they have porn and I'll tell you.
Honestly, it was something you had to find out by yourself. I don't think the game directly told you. It does feel good when they full pull and grab EVERYTHING to the light. I always get retards who try to grab stuff outta the light in the last area and get massacred before they can go back in there.
That triple sheathe revolver thing is so fucking retarded and I love it
Of course it tells you. Like literally every other mechanic in the game, up to and including something like Hello World, when you stand in the light you get a buff icon that describes its function when you mouseover it.
>Is there a better feeling?
Playing with friends.
this character will always be ruined by that insanely retarded spinny giant sword holster thing. Seriously what the FUCK is that
>wiped twice on Innocence Ex cause parsefaggots couldn't stop attacking him and died to exploding stars
I'd be mad if I hadn't just finished getting all of my accessories, finally reached that 446 (first time doing endgame content).
Real shit is this game actually fun? Or is only fun if you like FF? I personally find the franchise to be boring. Every time I go to look at the game it just seems like their in a cutscene or talking to an NPC. Is the actual gameplay halfway decent?
A dragoon just mentioned that I should "face north" during a dungeon.
I was WAR, what does he mean? Does that have something to do with his positionals?
I've been tanking great through Lv. 50 getting tons of commendations, this is the first I've heard someone say that.
Was just weird, I did it but was not sure why.
These are only a problem if you're not that good. My first run through them people told me AV was annoying but with me as tank it was a walk in the park. And DD was a similar experience, smooth sailing.
And my first run I got the malboro minon to boot.
I like how it serves no practical purpose to be that gigantic because the only real mechanism to it is to rotate the swords around. It ain't no revengeance muramasa or anything baka
>Ninja Class look cool as fuck
>It's shit
>Is the actual gameplay halfway decent?
Damn. You got me there.
Does anyone really look at their buffs anymore? I'm sure new tanks wouldn't know unless you told them or if they've went through the first few sections and figured it out. (big IF, most sprouts are fucking braindead mouth breathers.)
It infuses the blades with aether.
play the damn game nigger
>Get a decent farm party for Titania that can do the mechanics except for one DNC who I don't know why we haven't kicked her because she's the only one who consistently does shit like fuck up the mist rune after add phase (She's SW corner and keeps ending up in NE), though we're able to recover from this since it's only a corner pool we lose and a single add
>Eventually mark the corner she's supposed to go to with waypoint markers spelling BAD
Fuck Lyse.
Gameplay is great but not really engaging until 50+
We knew how much you lover Stormblood and Zenos that we killed off/cucked the other villians in the story just so you can enjoy more of Zenos
It's a magitek scabbard that lets him use the abilities of his super-katanas without actually being able to draw off of or use their aether. They were asked about it in one of the live-letters and it's basically a battery for the swords, charging them up and then releasing their magic
>Face north
Which dungeon was this?
I mean they may have fucked up but regardless of online logs you want to aim for maximum uptime on any boss, especially as some harder ones can have very tight enrage timers
He is correct. More exactly you should face the boss away from the party and rotate it as little as possible, but for consistency's sake the standard is to face due north except in rare instances that demand something else. Yes, it has to do with melee positionals and in endgame content, with movement-based mechanics. It's not such a big deal in leveling dungeons but it's a good habit to learn.
>Its an MMO dude, story is tertiary
I love how WoWniggers are literally incapable of understanding that an MMO story can be good
>what no I'm busy *teleports back to the first*
It's a FInal Fantasy game first and a MMO second. Fuck off back to WoW, underage zoomer.
I'm afraid to do end-game content. You guys won't yell at me for making mistakes and not knowing my rotation, right?
How do you think people figure out new mechanics when raid tiers debut? But yes, retards will ignore them.
I think he means face the boss north, though he doesn't mean strictly northward, just facing away from the party. As a tan you generally pull, run through and turn around to fight anything so they're facing away from the party, which is important for melee DPS as they have positionals.
hit a dummy
Why don't you know your rotation?
>Taimanin thread earlier had people complain about XIV threads
>now taimanin pic in a XIV thread
crossover when?
My daily routine to get the 70-80 batch is: 50/60/70 + Leveling + trial + normal raid + alliance and I get a level per day. Maybe a little more.
I want everything 80 so I can stop playing THE GAME
God, he looks so much better in this outfit then that retarded looking edgelord armor.
>not knowing my rotation
how do you reach endgame without figuring that out for yourself?
for not knowing your rotation absolutely, you had 80 levels to learn that shit
You've been in parties where you have to tell people to get into the frost runes. I mean fuck, even with the lighthouse where the game literally tells you MAKE YOUR HP A MULTIPLE OF FIVE, people still fuck up.
Just play a healer so you don't have to remember a rotation
I won't, I'll just quit your parties. But rest assured there are plenty of people worse than you in endgame already, you won't be but more than another drop in the bucket.
Why are XIV bros so obsessed with the story?
I may just be a retard that hasn't been paying attention. but has anyone from the XIV team mentioned adding more levels/content for blu mage?
Braxy's Longstop or something, the goblin story one with the poison dragon.
Oh, that makes sense. I already do that for bosses since it makes the most sense, not necessarily north though.
He mentioned it when I was pulling several groups of ads so I was confused, but I assume the same thing applies.
Duly noted
b-but my big brained SCH DPS
Okay what should I level next?
I know my basic rotation, but not any sort of opener or anything.
I play Monk
Would giving lyse her big tits make it better?
Summoner is fucking horrible in this expansion, so I'm not resubbing until they make it good again. Fuck YoshiP, use some of the funds from the game IN THE FUCKING GAME YOU FUCKING GOOK.
I know it's a meme to say or whatever but you may genuinely be autistic
Im glad there was some kind of reasoning behind it that I didnt know about
excuse me? WHM is the green DPS of this expansion
Wow, I must be SUPER retarded and slow because I just now realized the WoL was sparring against Lyse in the SB trailer. I wasn't sure who the chick was, but then again I just started SB a few days ago. It all makes sense now since Lyse is a MNK.
Jesus Christ, I'm so fucking slow.
Imagine doing a daily routine of menial chores just to get some pointless numbers up.
Here's how you do an opener
>use all your relevant cooldowns
>do your rotation
Yes it would Yoshida.
>Taimanin thread earlier had people complain about XIV threads
Wait what ? link, shit sound hilarious as fuck
Redpill me on DRK, I'm thinking about going back just to play this class alone and is it worth it. Also wondering about NIN.
Because I want everything to 80?
Because I have too much free time?
Because I am replying to you in the first place?
>wahhh why isn't summoner like an actual summoner where they summon things
>ok here you go
>wahhh I want something ELSE
it's 404'd now but there was one user bitching that XIV threads get deleted but taimanin thread got to bump limit
Her outfit is already in the game, they just haven't put it up on Mogstation yet. You can check it out with SSTool.
It just gives you her hairstyle.
How do people do shit like this? Do you not have a day job? Or have you just been playing for years? I can't imagine having the patience to sit and level each job to 80. Or is just not as hard as I think it is to max out a job?
I wish they'd tell you that in-game since the device genuinely makes no sense without that explanation, especially with characters like Gaius that shoot off sword-waves and shit with no visible magitek on their persons
Seems like I'd get yelled at for that. This is the type of shit I find overwhelming.
I think when Lyse's design was originally revealed she was a mystery character since she always wore a turban and mask as Yda
Reminder if you dont think pic related is the hottest Female NPC then you are a tranny faggot
What would you guys consider to be the worst thing or system currently in the game? I have a hard choice between Eureka or the way buying a house works.
Good, stay seething you poison mage faggot
Practice on a dummy. Most bosses sit still for the opening part of the fight so you can just treat them the same as a training dummy
only trannies like this shit "character"
DRK is ungabunga with the best tank cooldown in the game, NIN is both the weakest and most complex DPS and will probably be changed soon.
>can't dye NPC attire
I got this big fucking baba yaga ass hat for buying Encyclopedia Eorzea 2 and I can't wear it with anything because it's this stupid fucking purple
I'd kill to have her crush my pelvis into hers but we can't date NPCs in this game.
>Got blown out by the Garlands
I don't associate with smooth brains.
Eureka is fun
Buying a house isn't
Classes because I have to explain what they are to my friends every time one of them joins
Just remove them already please
just do all of your roulettes every day user
just fucking delete trick attack and increase NIN's personal DPS
OK did you find the rotation F U N?
It's not hard at all. The leveling curve in this game is extremely shallow, especially among MMOs.
Legati have power-armor with the magitek in it, Gaius's even goes Super Saiyan.
>not knowing my rotation
I won't yell at you because I've already been warned about that but know behind my monitor I'm seething at the fact we even breathe the same oxygen.
>ruin mage*
fixed for you
Why the fuck are you trying to buy a house now? Why didn't you buy them two weeks before the expansion dropped? There was a SHIT ton of houses.
It's really not that hard. Just do some roulettes and every now and then and you can have every job to 70 easily with full rested exp and the bonus exp. Now you can even afk grind trust dungeons. And leveling jobs is nowhere near as autistic as compared to trying to obtain something like a house or clear ultimate/savage content.
No, just play Samurai if you want big personal dps. Making every job the fucking same is cancerous horseshit.
To complement on DRK, I also really enjoy the animations. They feel properly heavy with the great sword and wide swings that look like they're taking your body with them.
I think you can put together my opinion from the use of the phrase "ungabunga"
the extremely limited inventory space.
not being able to craft with items in your chocobo saddlebag, having to move them to your inventory first.
Fishing tackle not having it's own separate bag.
Really being able to have separate "bags" for crafting/gathering mats, fish, bait, etc. would be great.
Then you do bloodsplitter.
Making NIN only be in a party to do one thing every 60s is also horse shit lol
only real men can handle fem roes
Summoner is about as good as in Stormblood, the jank just moved to different aspects of it and habitual autists are freaking out because they have to relearn.
Social skills.
Phoenix is excellent, the problem is that they doubled down on dots and ruin in this expansion, now your dps is completely shit unless you have 100% dot upkeep, but the timers are all out of whack.
Also Egi Assault is basically oGCD for 1k of damage, like what the FUCK.
and people shit on elezen necks, goddamn that looks bad
Is there any job where you charge a nuke up and then fire it in ONE BIG FUCKING CHARGED UP SHOT? Something like SAM's SEN but I was hoping for more slow brutal hits than lightning fast charges.
Give them 2 more trick attack like skills.
don't be afraid user. I'm a shitty samurai because I drop all my spaghetti during heavy mechanics but I've still cleared stuff, and so can you.
Machinist I think? My MCH friend is always screaming about his huge fucking crits
Black mage?
Have you seen how the skill ends though? At some point towards the end you're pretty much just leaning entirely on the sword with your feet off the ground. Sure there's momentum but it also makes it look like the sword is really fucking heavy.
all of the eorzean alliance leaders are smoothbrains to some degree or other
>raubahn is the actual face of ul'dah and maintains a significant amount of its power as a syndicate member and the immortal flames' leader, but fucked off to ala mhigo at nanamo's order
>nanamo is a naive princess who tried to make her city-state a republic before that plot-thread got dropped because it was stupid and probably because the monetarists shot her down
>merlwyb CONSTANTLY claims innocence where the kobolds are concerned even after y'shtola and, much later, varis had no patience for that shit
>kan-e-senna is the elementals' talking head
what's wrong with SAM?
Not to the extent that you're hoping for, sounds like. They can't do a job like that really because it would be busted with the way they balance the numbers.
Isn't BLM literally "delete key: the job"?
NIN does plenty of shit, you just don't like that it's not about seeing big dick 60k crits constantly. Which is why you should play SAM and stop trying to sterilize the game.
Doesn't Dancer have that 1500 potency move
"It was too big, too thick, too heavy and too long, it was more like a slab of iron"
garuda my wife
Not when Pa'jeet exists. And Y'shtola
I hate how there’s zero incentive to play old content synced, especially since it would be so easy to give some kind of rewards for doing it.
MCH has 2 separate 700 potency skills on long CDs. You can pair one of them with a guaranteed crit skill.
BLM is also good for BIG CRITS, or so I hear.
I didn't mind it when they kept attacking while there was only one star nearby, makes sense (I still pulled out earlier cause my connection was wonky). It's when he's charging that dash while having 2 stars next to him and people wait until his skill bar is 80% full before they start running that annoyed me desu.
I'll check later. I'm leveling the superior GNB right now.
>Needing oshit button to big boy pull
Shit tank. I bet you don't even use Arm's Length.
SMN was top dps in SB, now it's down the bottom with NIN and DNC.
I know they will never do it. But I was hoping for a slower (higher GCD timer) for BIG DICK POTENCIES.
Heart of stone feels so fucking weak. That's what's bothering me the most.
>kan-e-senna is the elementals' talking head
I see nothing wrong with this. Maybe we get to fight the elemental lords one day.
How difficult is endgame stuff in this since that's been brought up?
Still chugging through ARR and I'm confident in my abilities since learning a rotation isn't that tough, just requires some forethought, but I'd like to know so I have a goal in mind.
I've ran a lot of hard mode Destiny raids sometime back which required a good bit of skill, coordination, and communication, but even then if you have two brain cells to rub together you could do it.
Is it anything comparable to that?
>forget to relock hotbar after fiddling with it
>accidentally click and drag ability when trying to mash it
>Eureka is fun
I know they're archaic but they kind of have to exist from a lore standpoint. Conjury is available to the general public because White Magic is a forbidden art exclusive to like, 3 people and you because you're speshul. Most jobs are really exclusive from being lost arts and shit
Paladin: Exclusive, Isolated (Ul'dah)
Warrior: Lost Art
Dark Knight: Uh
Gunbreaker: Foreign (northern Ilsabard), Isolated/Nearly a lost art
White Mage: Forbidden, Exclusive, Basically a lost art
Scholar: Lost Art (though it's being brought back into use)
Astrologian: Isolated/Foreign (Sharlayan faggotry)
Monk: Isolated (Ala Mhigo)
Dragoon: Exclusive, Isolated (Ishgard)
Ninja: Foreign (Doma)
Samurai: Foreign (Doma)
Bard: Lost Art
Machinist: New
Dancer: Foreign (Thavnair)
Black Mage: Forbidden, Lost Art
Summoner: Lost Art (Allagan, but being brought back into circulation due to your efforts)
Red Mage: Isolated (Ala Mhigo)
Blue Mage: Foreign (New World)
So in general theres nothing stopping you from becoming a Machinist since anyone can, Dark Knight I can't quit remember while the rest are foreign or just taught almost exclusively where they're from
>elemental lords
Hydaelyn and Zodiark are shaped like Elementals but with halos
dumb clicker
2 dungeons and 4 raid bosses, weekly character gear caps so gearing alts is out of the question. XIV really only has the story going for it, and that's run dry as well until 5.1.
So when is Hades EX coming out and are you expecting a lot from it? Savage better be hard because the mechanics in normal eden feel easier than the last expansions omega
>Summon Phoenix, which is SMN’s lvl 80 capstone skill, has Phoenix cast Scarlet Flame, which is identical to Wyrmwave, even have the same exact potencies
>Also grants access to Revelation, which is identical to Akh Morn, even have the same exact potencies
>Only thing new acquired is everlasting flight which is a meme
So....why did they do this, exactly?
Because they keep updating job progression to load all the complexity nearer to the level cap, it's really not fun anymore even if you do it. Doing something like Savage 2nd Coil synced in ShB is nothing like it was at the time.
But it's other two skills are great. Camo and Neb
I'm kinda disappointed that Hades planned to sacrifice a ton of people to resurrect his kind. Since his people are effectively dead, it is not effective to compare their lifes to ones alive in the current worlds.
Imagine if the story was that like apparently there were versions of WoL in atleast The First and The Source, it would be so for everyone. So every person in every dimension would be 1/13th part of an ascian soul, and by uniting the worlds Hades would bring the soulshards together, not killing anyone but combining them (and erasing their memories), so everyone everywhere could live eternally in a commie utopia where all is created with the power of imagination.
This way the options would be "Do you want to live in a perfect world but as something that is still you, but also something else", not "Hey are you okay with me killing everyone to resurrect my people so they could live in a perfect world and maybe you can live as our slaves too lol?"
I have half my abilities as easy to reach but ones I only need to use once or twice during a fight I just click.
you just sound like a SAM yourself who wants NIN to trick attack for them, DNC to dance for them and AST to throw cards on them exclusively. And you make party finders that allow everything but BLM
I bet you still die to Ozma
Be prepared for people communicating more through discord than the game itself. Look up balance discord for general info on rotations. Hunt discords for hunts/specials fates, pvp discords, eureka discords, etc...
DNC’s two main dancing moves have extremely high potencies. Technical step is a 2-min CD with an absurd AOE potency attached to it. Standard finish is a 20-second or so CD with a smaller yet still big potency attached to it.
The downside is that DNC sustained DPS is bottom-tier.
Heart of stone is incredibly strong as an off tank mitigation tool
It’s literally one of GNB’s best actions. 15% mitigation every 30s is really good, plus being able to give it to others makes GNB a godlike off-tank.
It's not that difficult. If anything Destiny's raids are a little harder mechanically. But as in Destiny you also have to rely on your teammates and in XIV you're talking about relying on 7 other people and depending on the fight you can fail because just one fucked up. It is best played with friends because of this.
Same shit different color.
FF14 bosses are like playing a Piano. Everything happens in the exact same order at the exact same time every pull, any RNG comes from the bosses' abilities themselves.
Playing your class to the fullest is basically memorizing the fight in such a way that you maximize uptime on the boss and line up cooldowns with important phases (if there are any)
the huge potencies are basically just to compensate for the time you're not actually doing damage at all
In this same vein WHM gets Afflatus Misery which is their big 900 potency nuke after they use 3 lilies
Summoner was this in Heavensward with DWT and Deathflare, but they've diluted it heavily by giving every job high potency nukes and making them far more frequent in rotations.
I have no fucking clue. It could have been really neat. I THOUGHT it would be really neat. It's just a red Bahamut.
Do they have a website? I really don't want to use discord
how long till war buff?
You sound like a whiny projecting faggot that should just change job to something else if you don't like NIN
You have to use discord man. Statics love that shit.
I made sure to make a macro for Heart of Stone and Aurora since they can be given to the MT. Something like this I think? Correct me if I'm wrong
/ac "Heart of Stone"
/ac "Heart of Stone"
/micon "Heart of Stone"
/merror "off"
just too bad Macros are still fucky to this day
I'm a bit disappointed with GNB though. I was hoping the skills feel more heavier and thicker but it just feels too quick for it.
>Dark Knight: Uh
Isolated to Ishgard but not exclusive, there's apparently enough DRK soul-crystals floating around that they didn't confiscate Fray's from his body or anything
It's coming with the Nier raid.
Come play on japanese servers and queue with all languages options enabled. Now you won't know if you are being abused
what do you do with gil? also are the crafting/gathering professions worth leveling up?
>15% mitigation every 30s is really good
While DRK has way more than that at half the cooldown. Heart of stone is pure mitigation so virtually, if you're taking damage like Jesus on the fucking cross then there comes a point where it can surpass TBN in mitigation, but we both know that won't happen often. You'd need to take like 200% of your hp in damage on heart of stone.
>b-but TBN has a downside
Not if you use it right. And even then, we're talking about tanks. A dps downside is literally whatever if you can get a strong tool for your role which is, guess what, tanking.
How big do you think Ranaa's black futa cock is? Asking for a friend...
Not going to join a static.
I'll suffer through pugging it. I cannot stand using discord anymore because of personal reasons.
>what do you do with gil?
make more gil
>also are the crafting/gathering professions worth leveling up?
if you wanna make gil
Absolutely, and especially if you enjoy crafting/gathering. It can be comfy in this game
That’s an easy fix: just let players have access to all their skills even when their level is synced. Sure, it would require some balancing, but nothing much in regard to how much “new” content it would generate.
It’s basically the Ventrilo of the modern raiding era.
>"Stupid Gajin died again. wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww"
No thanks.
just spend on cute glamours
Well some pugs will still want you to get on discord. Just saying that is where most of the end game coordinating/communicating goes to.
I think balancing that would be a lot more complex than you imagine, but I agree it would benefit the game.
Neb is literally the same skill every tank has dude.
use it for catch up gear when you come back from a long hiatus.
FF14's high-end hardcore content is far harder than anything you've ever played in a video game before.
Talking 100+ hours of practice to beat a single fight.
Pic related is a strategy for one of the hardest Savage mode fights, and then there's Ultimate above that which is almost as big a jump in difficulty from Savage as Savage is from regular dungeons.
>leveled up white mage through shadowbringer msq
>want to level a dps
>10 year queues or do potd+hoh
disgusting leveling system
Ignore the discord retard. Most pugs don't care if you use discord or not and if you get a reputation on your datacenter for being a good player then nobody will ever bother you about it
>me when people who think femroes are ugly
just have sex incel lmfao
Oh man. For fucks sakes. I really hate using it. I guess I'll just make a linkshell and try to recruit the shitters and make them better somehow.
This is the biggest problem with Danger/Blasting Zone, it's basically Squall's limit break of the same name except done in half a second so there's no windup and it just looks like you stumble forward real fast after sticking your hands up in the air
Fucking powerrangers
I still have nightmares from that shit
I wonder what they're gonna do for costumes because they can't do YoRHa costumes for all 3
Ignore the others, You can 'easily' raid Savage without discord or a static, it's just a learning process (which imo is fun).
Even Ultimate Raids (hardest tier, only 2 fights currently) you can do a discord-less static, it just requires a bit a patience because half the playerbase is braindead and the other half relies on crutches like external software reminding them what mechanic comes next.
These Icons look like souless mobile game tier shit. people actually play this?
>Having to use mods in an attempt to make femroes presentable and even then failing at that
why are you so afraid of using discord?
most people won't complain if you don't want to use your mic since it's most calls
ugly as sin
wait sin eaters are cuter
>ghost white femroe
Just delete your post and go away.
OP is actually right, there is literally nothing to do at endgame
Probably the camp outfits, YoRHa might be just a level 1 glamour or something.
comfiest dungeon theme
>the other half relies on crutches like external software reminding them what mechanic comes next
this isn't wow
King's honour, friend
>just level alts lmao XD
dude, it's just the money and exp symbol and some currency from 2.0 settle the fuck down you turbotard
Why make things more painful for yourself? It can be a smoother experience. Unless you like wasting time going through party after party.
I've had some bad experiences with discords. I really hate meeting people there.
anons that screech about femroes but worship the ground that fem-highlanders walk on (despite them looking extremely close outside of the square noses and femroes having thicker eyebrows on average) should be lined up and shot
I love square/circle rooms.
Not him but I dislike it too. But i'm on PS4 so at least I have an excuse.
you either are lying or a cunt to make this happen
people here like to complain about this or about that but i never and i mean never had problems with people in discord
exciting new shitposting material, i approve, stick with this one
It's the truth. People get a bit too personal on there.
The funny thing is I already have, I have all jobs im actually going to play at 80 already. I'm only logging in to do my daily cactpot and frontline.
WAR gained exactly nothing too, Fell Cleave transforms into another skill with more potency and same thing with Decimate. This game is a joke in regards to classes.
All of their funding is spent on marketing or on other games user, don't ask questions, just consume.
Pets are just a visual. They don't do anything that couldn't be incorporated into the base job. Phoenix is only there as a visual, the only key difference is that your personal rotation alters slightly in FBT. XIV doesn't have the right design for pets to be meaningful.
Why don't you fuck off retard? We're here to play a game not to meet new people I have zero interest in an out of game chat app. If you can't communicate in game and demand that everyone download your dumb shit then fuck you I'm not joining your shit
and? just move on and don't care you aren't 14
>FF14's high-end hardcore content is far harder than anything you've ever played in a video game before.
>Talking 100+ hours of practice to beat a single fight.
This is literally only because you have to depend on 7+ other people to not fuck up at the same time. If this game's high end content were a boss you could grind over and over on your own until you perfect it, it would be comparable to a hard Dark Souls boss or something. The difficulty in this content comes solely from tard wrangling and having the stars align enough for everyone to hit the sweet spot at the same time.
The delayed mechanics in E2 have caused some of the best chimpouts I've ever seen in this game
>The hardmode theme
Oh I am aware, Discord is the go to for things like this now a days.
Destiny is the same way in raids since it's six man content and some of the mechanics especially in 2 make it tough to clutch if everyone is not on point in hard mode, but I get what you mean.
If mechanically it's less intensive and more about doing what you normally do but better I'm not too worried.
So fairly similar from what I'm hearing, Destiny you have to be extremely coordinated and playing your best while also dealing with heavy rng mechanics and dealing maximum optimal damage in 10 second windows.
Does look like it requires quite a bit of learning, but it honestly reads the same way to me as a Destiny raid guide desu.
What dps numbers should I be pulling on Innocence EX and Titanai EX at the moment in 447ilvl gear.
Watch a vid and read a basic rotation guide. Admit you're new joining and you'll be given slack 80-90% of the time. So long as you admit you're fucking up you're already better than the vast majority that end up on the other end of someone calling them out for being bad.
No less than 9k if you're a DPS
>Fending: Caim
>Maiming: Inuart
>Healing: Leonard
thank you for leaving out the most important piece of information. your job.
It's the truth. People get a "bit too personal" on there.
alright bros, im tired of being alone. how do i find a static or a good FC? i dont wanna be that guy thats FCless on endgame and ends up quitting because he has nobody to run engame content with
Why make things more painful for yourself? Might as well just wait for Echo for that +15% buff.
I know 'respect the content' is a shitty meme but unironically I follow it in these cases.
>dont wanna be that guy thats FCless on endgame and ends up quitting because he has nobody to run engame content with
This makes no sense. You don't need an FC to do endgame content
You can just... you know, watch fflogs for the runs done and get an estimate. Also, need job to tell.
this is fine, all WAR cares about is Fell Cleave, I'm sure they're fine with Fell Cleavera
I'm glad we got Lyse in all honestly. Yda was a nothing character and she got replace with nero
>Everyone runs from the stack marker
You start picking on the icons, fucking really now?
EXP is the first one, then followed by gill (gold), then followed by tombstones which you buy gear with. It's no different to any mmo, except you have a picture next to it
then don't download it?
no one is telling you to nigger just use party finder and make a party if you have so many problems with it
So how much of a disadvantage is it using a pad vs a keyboard and mouse. I just can't understand people who would want to do savage/ultimate content on a pad
Is the game still "just hit max level and level alts with daily roulettes and fates all day every day"?
Hey man, you're the one coming in here being assblasted about people not using discord.
Not a disadvantage at all retard. I play exclusively on controller and parse high purple
Little to no disadvantage, either control-scheme is genuinely fine.
no i asked a question on how he had problems with it that aren't real
if you can't read is your problem not mine
finally doing my SMN quests after only doing my SCH ones, what am I in for at 80?
funny enough that was a fight I was able to do on my first time as the time dilation thing didn't seem that confusing. Wiped to E3 once because half the party fell off when he destroyed the platforms and wiped to E4 a couple times from people learning it
if that's what you like doing, sure. you can gather, craft, play the market, do treasure hunts, etc. as well if you prefer.
Controller is pretty good actually.
The kid's creepier desu, to see such a cute girl that cared so much for you getting stabbed and turned into a monster and he just stared. Then you cant even be mad at him since he's in the same boat and is gona get fed a poisoned apple before the days end.
Holy shit. You're pretty obnoxious lmao.
Coming from someone who has cleared this stuff, these diagrams over complicate the mechanics to a hilarious degree. The mechanics are the same every time and once you learn them you never mess them up again. Since all jobs are essentially homogenized in their utility to some degree, theres barely anything different to adjust between comps as well. (Excluding blm but with the amount of movement QoL they keep adding to it, its basically a braindead job now)
follows up on the summoner squadrons talked about in 60-70
The only thing that matters is you use LEGACY CONTROLS and not standard. Everyone agrees with this fact.
>run endgame with pugs
>they cant even hit 11k dps
>not even orange parsing
>dont know the mechanics
>dont play meta jobs
y-yeah bro you can do endgame content without an FC, t-totally!
What makes it distinct from Bahamut is the fact that the summon and the trance comes at the same time. granted, they're probably gonna dumb down the rotation at some point and combine DWT and Bahamut to make them actually the same, but for now they are different enough.
Pets are only a visual as of Shadowbringers, retard. We used to be able to do a lot of cool stuff with them, like use them to share damage for stack mechanics, or even have them tank. Titan-Egi as tank was a legitimate strategy for certain hardcore content at one point.
Both are viable. I cannot get into controller but lot of people use them and they do their job more than well.
Just play with what you feel more comfortable.
Getting to see Fordola again
These dumbass nips had years to make the game interesting at the level cap. Yet it's the same shit every time.
>ravel keeper's guillotine
now THIS is a sword lads.
You don't HAVE to use it and can just make your own parties until you clear. But if you want to get into other end game content like eureka then eventually you will want to use a discord since you can interfere with other premade groups. Or getting into a special fate without waiting for 72 hours in one spot. Once you actually reach end game it will start to make sense.
6.0, it's just Summon Bahamut, Summon Phoenix and then Summon Alexander
Pretty fun 15-60 quest, boring 60-70 quest imo.
Stop shitposting. If you need to be carried by orange parsers and meta comps then that's a you problem for being s shitter
my best uess would be a mixture of automata, gestalt/replicant, and drakengard gear similar to how ivalice had some 12 gear
players don't know what the fuck they want to do at level-cap and "surprise me" is not effective game-design
>only play dps
>now i have to level up a tank and a healer to do the new quests about the WoD
Into the trash.
Why do they keep dumbing raids down guy. Our content has been easier than wow for a while now all aiming for that accessibility.
this reminds me, it's been 4 years and they never made a buster sword glamour for DRK even though that's the most basic bitch thing you could possibly do
11k would be best gear and materia and food. I don't expect any of that shit in pugs. Relax retard. You can clear innocence and titania with every dps doing like 7-8k dps, and titania's enrage is still only at like 80ish by the time you kill puck.
>Coordination and communication is the main challenge in a co-op multiplayer game
You don't say
And even so, UCoB is still harder to execute for each individual person than most if not all Souls bosses.
I'm in a FC but haven't run anything with them since they're all about their own little groups desu. Did my Ex farming through PF.
>tfw i thought ruin iv was less potency than ruin 3 still and the procs were just for strong ruin 2's
well i learned today i was wrong. always read your tooltips friends
It's just a means of communication dude contain your fucking autism
I still haven't gotten a goddamned Ravel Keeper's katana or a Katana of the Forgiven but I nabbed their equivalent DRK swords the moment I saw them. Made sure to pick up a Nabaath Blade too, so far Baldur equipment is fucking platinum-tier no matter how it's recolored.
So what else is there to do now at max level if you are ilvl 447 aside from savage raids
Is 12k dps good for a melded ilvl446 Dragoon? Not really sure what my exact goal is here.
Summon Odin
SMN story is shit. You get some Fordola and WHAT I AM FIGHTING FOR shit.
SCH is much better though not good either.
nothing besides leveling other jobs and gathering
Statics are for endgame FCs are for comfy
You still only want to use them for movement and weaving.
So how long does it take to level a trade job to 80. Never tried and got nothing else to do at the moment
Just dump some million gil into it and you can have all at 80 in a few days.
Pretty fast if you've got a levekit (all the items necessary to turn in for crafting leves for easy leveling)
FF7R. Please look forward to it. Might get the fusion sword though
>get labyrinth
>somebody aggros the Atomos before everybody's with their groups
>all of the stragglers get lumped in with group A due to boss warp and we wind up wiping to enrage
I hope they fix this shit soon. Every time I get Labyrinth it happens and it's a clusterfuck each time.
>he actually thinks he needs a FC static with metacomp to do extreme and savage in this game
I bet you're a TA slut.
If you do anything in this game other than the story and then the hardcore raids, you might be retarded.
The story is great, the raids are generally great, the rest is a hamster wheel any player with a brain will know to avoid.
You just reminded me
>run a d&d game set in xiv during hw
>except the sultana actually died and the monetarists want to take over
>the party decides that civil war is the option
I'm not sure how the NPCs should react when things settle down
AST is fun. I don't get the hate.
God damn I hope not, post-FF7 is in the same boat as post-FFX in "didn't need to happen at all"
So is ff14 actually so easy you can pug the hardest content in the game? That seems to be the vibe I get in these threads
I really like some of the forgiven weapons.
Haha, when that came up I was wondering how the translators let that in the game
What's the quickest way to level DPS now? Roulettes and then HoH?
speaking of tooltips who the fuck approved the new Celestial Opposition
>whopping 100 potency heal
>60 potency regen
>GNB and SMN have stronger regens
I stopped being grumpy about there being no Innocence EX weapons when I saw we'd gotten them anyways as dungeon weapons.
>all the conflict in the game is forced by pc stupidity or some other characters obvious recklessness
Getting real tired of this shit.
That depends on luck. If people know what to do then yes, you can pug anything. if you play with retards (the usual thing), you will suffer even in the easiest of contents.
You'd think? Most of the discord's I've joined always seemed to turn into really shitty groups.
>hiii guys ^_^ how's everyond doing today "posts 10 pictures of their catboi" oh my goshhh don't I look so sexyyyy???? anyone wanna erp in my mansion?
>guys I can't take it anymore, I'm gonna kill myself tonight. I hate my family I hate my job, I hate everyone around me. Nobody cares for me. I can't find a reason for living anymore. Sorry guys, I'm going to go to sleep for tonight. (repeat every night)
I get it if you're close and using discord for friends only but I always have bad luck joining random discord groups.
>play the game to 80 then log off for the week til reset or raid time
quality mmo. no wonder its slowly sinking
You're not going to be able to pug Ultimate, on-paper you can pug Savage but it's a crapshoot of how good all seven of your teammates are, how good YOU are, and how good all of you are at communicating.
You can, but it is a fucking nightmare you don't want.
What do you mean, It's a fucking comedy.
>Deathgazer casts Aero
>20 guys fall off the board
Help guys how do I fix this DX11 crashing error aside from underclocking my gpu as that seems to be the only advice I can find online
yes it is
and people here for some reason think you need discord to do stuff like a bunch of fucking retards so you can expect the same people to be shit at a easy game
like most people on v
it's always "slowly sinking" or otherwise failing when known numbers and censuses say the exact opposite, why is that Yea Forums
I've got every DoH and DoL at 50, should I even bother leveling them further? Are they good for anything at all?
All of their potencies are shit because they oversold the party buffing thing and were afraid of it being the best healer again
>Collective Unconcious
>50 potency regen
>doesn't persist like Asylum and Sacred soil
>both of those have 100 potency regens
>Asylum lasts longer, SS has only 15s of downtime
also pic related
She's from Zero/Ao no Kiseki
Play them, but play the Trails in the Sky games first
You his dad or something? You want to know why he aint married yet too? Who gives a shit about his discord shit
it was funner before, this is why
That must be why I saw a Summoner the other day who never used their Ruin IV procs and was sitting at 4 stacks for the entire dungeon.
They literally print money
depends on what you want to do really. You can gather rare materials if you go further. You can also craft rare items as well as endgame gear, along with housing furniture.
Any romance or dating mechanics in that game?
Hurry! Before the thread closes.
what is ignore and move on with your life using the discord only for the games of said discord?
you are not paid to do anything about anything there
>400 potency heal just like indom and assize
>waa why is it so bad
The only bad thing about CO is the retarded long cooldown.
If by slowly sinking you mean constantly increasing subscription numbers for the 6th year in a row, then sure.
Only autists want to play the same game every day for weeks on end. You are supposed to beat the game, beat the raid, then play other games like a non-retard.
anyways I expect knee-jerk buffs to AST as they always do, in the case of shit like CU I'm almost betting they're gonna turn it into a basic placed AoE like Asylum and Sacred Soil with a stronger potency since the scions do it that way at this point anyways.
>have 6 different cards
>They literally all do the same
>3 are for melee dps and 3 for ranged
I genuinely don't get this design. Why not 1 card for melee and 1 for ranged?
>stubble never ever
>good facial hair at all never ever
I'd kill for a good beard like Cid's.
There’s a special place in hell for dps that blow up starbirths.
Remember folks, if you can’t place an aoe out of a star birth circle you’re a detriment, everyone one hates you, and you are actually dumb as shit.
>join a static
>do pretty good for my trial
>the static fucking explodes the very same night because of everybody shitflinging over one dude being late
>the static leader gets drunk as shit and starts DMing me about his beliefs and principles, how his shitty personal life influenced them and how so few people try to understand him
>lalafell NPCs are randy for the taller races
>even player lalafells will often be attached by the hip to anybody taller in a party, FC or other group
How could the Twelve have created such creatures?
Never done Savage before, is it that much harder than Ex?
i just want easy money. I don't know of any way to do it at 50 though.
Yoshida was genuinely surprised that so many people wanted the stubble which is weird because who the hell wouldn't want additional customization?
Why are you replying to me?
I said I don't use discord anymore and said my reasoning why.
i'll risk us all for two more globals
Yeah but Emet and hitler literally did nothing wrong
Ruin IV has never been less potency than Ruin III. In fact if you weren't INSTANTLY using your Ruin IV procs before Shadowbringers every time, you were a garbage SMN because you could be wasting potential more procs. Now the procs aren't random and you can keep a stack of IVs so you can actually use them for weaving and movement.
I'd say that the first fight in a tier is 1.3x harder and it scales up to the final fight being 1.6 times harder than the average Ex.
Everything depends on your party. You can't really carry 7 other people in savage.
I really hate this class homogenization shit. It's what makes me quit any mmo
It doesn't get especially hard until the third and fourth floor of each given raid tier; floors 1 and 2 of Savage are usually insanely puggable, sometimes not appreciably harder than the normal difficulty. As far as Alphascape goes the difficulty scale goes normal difficulty -> EX trial / floor 1 and 2 / floor 3 and 4 / Ultimate.
honestly why don't we have savage primals. these fights need to be harder
It's hard but not that much harder, and the first 2 are usually on par with ex.
Crafting and gathering allow you to make money. Gathering especially so, and at any level too. You never really stop needing older ores, or elemental crystals. And it's easy enough to gather, just time consuming. Alternatively you could strike it rich by leveling them and going after endgame materials. With Crafting, it's pretty niche to make money, either off special glamour items, furniture, or endgame equipment.
are you his dad trying to defend your son stupidity and lack of understanding?
you share the same problems so it wouldn't be a surprise
Yea Forums is full of armchair raiders who never even tried Savage, much less Ultimate.
Savage can be done with randoms if you're willing to spend hours every day kicking bad players, but Ultimate can't.
japs don't like looking scruffy maybe.
I'd say Chaos was legit way harder than fucking Titania ex.
Next week
i just want to know why you can't just ignore people being retarded in discord
You're part of the reason why I don't use discord to be honest.
is there any video footage of Hades' black cauldron attack or is it just boring wave of blackness? I'm curious what it looks like but it's impossible to lose at that point until they do Hades EX
>Yoshida was genuinely surprised that so many people wanted the stubble
People have been asking for more facial hair options for years. Yoshdia is lying.
Most Japs literally can't grow facial hair at all so they can't comprehend it
When CU requires a resource stack to use and requires the party to stand still in a tiny place for it's full duration you can bitch about CU being worse than asylum/sacred soil.
I see, thanks. Will give it a try either way, I was afraid of Ex and managed to get them down after a while so maybe I can do this too.
I still want Ex dungeons desu.
How do you ignore people being retarded when the discord just becomes about them?
You think people in discord will just ignore the "OH IM SO DEPRESSED GUY". fuck no.
I demand Savage solo instances.
2B's outfit is going to be wasted on the assses of XIV tho
I don't even know what the rotations are for classes I just do what feels natural and have never got yelled at
this has been talked about before, something like 10% of the playerbase touches and clears Savage, less for the final tier. Hard content is fun but if only a fraction of the playerbase clears/plays it's a bit of a waste of dev time
>Complaining about sacred soil
15s downtime, you aren't going to be spending aetherflow on lustrates that often, every other Excog is free, etc
new sacred soil is powerful for what it is, learn how to place it correctly. Put it where people are, not where you want them to be.
The only Savage fights that have been comparable to Extreme are V1S and V6S. Usually the first two fights are a step up from Extreme, the third is a MASSIVE step up from the first two and brick walls 90% of PF players, and the fourth is a smaller step up from the third to the point where it's usually easier to do with randoms than the third because all the shitters have been filtered.
lol no wonder you got no problem with discord fags. You're just like em.
You can romance her in Ao, it's kind of shallow though since it's just buying stuff for her room throughout the game and choosing her as an option at various points, and you get one special scene with her at the end.
>mandatory savage solo instances to progress through the MSQ
Say goodbye to 95% of the playerbase.
That's because you only do shitter content for casuals, and people still judge you and tell horror tales of you to their friends while running dungeons with you.
Thanks user! Off to play it. Tried searching nhentai and I'm a bit sad she doesn't have much porn.
Her name is noel right?
honestly you don;t realize how high of a percentage 10% is. Most of the playerbase for mmos just log on a few hours a week and just level alts or get welfare gear. You might as well not look at the bottom 50% of the playerbase and just pretend they don't exist
I wonder what it would look like on male characters haha wont that be funny haha
even then that's only 1/5th that does savage stuff (and usually the first floor is pleb EZ tier)
They'd obviously do the gender dichotomy thing where males just wear male YoRHa gear
since i've got some summoners here I'm supposed to ignore the balance guides for it right? is there another write up available anywhere? i didn't play SB so I'm double behind
Those are the same 10% who stay subscribed to the game continuously for years and advertise it for free on Twitch and Youtube, retard. Even more dev time should be spent on content for these players than it already is.
They're scared to even try. I've seen people on the RP servers that are scared to touch fucking normal mode raids.
we have ex primals you absolute paste eating retard
ive litearlly never once commented on this game i know nothing about it but you can't seriously defend this art
also what fucking universe would you use tombstones to buy gear with. and how the fuck would someone carry a tombstone around?
Just look at what some top parses on fflogs do? The rotation is pretty obvious.
>I'm supposed to ignore the balance guides for it right?
>is there another write up available anywhere?
I don't know but basically you use DWT to set up Ruin 4s, then drop it as soon as you don't need it for Bahamut. Manually refresh DoTs after Bahamut, use Devotion for Phoenix outside of your opener, use Energy Drain off cooldown.
user it's ok try read it again out load and think again before posting
Kaine's outfit will be unisex.
>also what fucking universe would you use tombstones to buy gear with. and how the fuck would someone carry a tombstone around?
>also what fucking universe would you use tombstones to buy gear with. and how the fuck would someone carry a tombstone around?
They're tomestones. Basically magitek flashdrives from the ancient supertech empire. Not sure why you're being autistic about fucking icons though.
If you start with the 5th game in a long-running series with a hugely intertwining story, shit isn't gonna make any sense. Start with the first Trails in the Sky game and see if you like it, trust me.
Why is there so many MCHs now?
Why is it that so many MMO players are literally too retarded to read?
TOMESTONES, not fucking tombstones. And GIL, not fucking gills. GOD you are retarded.
You are retarded as well though, these icons look straight out of any classic PC game. Dumbest complaint I've ever heard.
I can confess I never touched Alexander and Omega because I was afraid of fucking up and being a shitter.
Eden is the first time I've done raids while they were relevant, and now kicking myself for being so retarded before.
>He is unaware of the currencies of the undead
Oh no. I was gonna start from the beginning my dude.
Her name is Noel right?
>Magitek Flashdrives
actually, they're smartphones, you're peddling thousands and thousands of smart phones for armor
It's Tia.
Why is 99% of this game straight outright fucking trash and refuses to listen to anything that might help them play better?
Thanks bro.
>He doesn't do commerce with the dead
Because 99% of human beings are outright trash
oh god lemmie get a WHIIFF
Don't listen to parse trannies. You don't need to drop DWT early or manually refresh DoTs after Bahamut, that shit is only because parse trannies have Trick Attack and other raid buffs at a certain window, you won't get that in most random groups so space your Tri-Disasters properly so you don't have to refresh dots manually until 1:30 into the fight.
Because Jesus, bro.