Should I?
Should I?
Yes. It's unironically good.
>david cage game
yes if for the lulz
Its really nice to look at but there are some potholes that annoyed the fuck out of me.
It's still free on PS+, right?
Get it then, it's definitely worth a few playthroughs
Watch a better movie.
>david cage
Man who has bought every Cage game here, don't fall for it. Every single one of his games (even Heavy Rain) is garbage amd NEVER lives up to the hype.
Isn't it basically a western style visual novel
Only if you like playing a game that you will likely only enjoy 1/3 of
Robot detective fun time is good
Muh robo rasicm and muh robo motherhood are both hot garbage
absolutely not
watch it on youtube
its not just static images with text and decisions. its more like a movie
david cage's games are only enjoyable if they're played ironically
Fuck no, just play it on YouTube
This, it's an interactive movie. Probably the best one cage has done t b h.
Did you like the previous “games”? If so, yes. If not, shit taste.
>david cage
you should already fucking know that you shouldn't
SuperBestFriends Play is the best LP of this snoozefest, The boys making fun of it constantly and poiting out the stupidity is great
No, it have terrible writings like all David Cage games.
reminds me of this
David Cage is a French dude making games about Americans and "SLAVERY BAD" is the message of this game. It preaches at you and wants you to feel guilty over things you have no part in. Imagine if an American made a French video game scolding all of France for the atrocities committed by Napoleon when he killed, raped, and pillaged all over the world. Could you imagine? How do you think the French people would react to that? Then that's how you should react to his game commenting on America. It's pretentious, fart sniffing, moral high ground, holier-than-thou, masturbation bullshit. Don't fall for the propaganda. There's a reason this game was 60 dollars last year and it was given away for free this year.
wait for PC version
The word you're looking for is "sincerely", your statement cannot even be ironic, and no sarcasm is not a form of irony.
based. Drag these filthy heathens kicking and screaming out of their meme world bubble. I love it.
It's shit if you judge it as a pure video game. It is also shit if you judge it as a pure movie. When you ascend to the next level and are able to judge it as a ludographic presentation for men of culture, it's pretty good. Obviously, this sounds like an exaggeration or a troll and it is, but it is also based on reality.
David Cage's bullshit has better writing and worse gameplay than the average vidya, but also worse writing and better gameplay than the average movie. As such, going into it expecting pure gameplay leaves you with a shit taste but also going into it expecting a great movie leaves you with a shit taste. The issue is, you shouldn't be expecting either of those things from David Cage at this point.
As a bonus, I'm pretty sure this game triggers both extremes of the political debate depending on which paths they took.
I am chaotic neutral by nature, so I just want to watch both sides tear each other apart and dance while the world burns.
I'm sorry, grammar-sama. It was sincerely good.
I almost thought this was a joke
>it was sincerely good
narrator: it wasn't.
fahrenheit/indigo prophecy is good before the silly mid-flight dragon ball z karate aliens.
Detroit is a good game that i really thought i'd hate and roll my eyes at.
The game where you get to talk to David Bowie is supposedly really good
Heavy rain is the only game of David Cage's that's actually pretty bad from beginning to end
It is good. Kara sexbots IRL when?
Would have been better if hiding their identity actually took some sort of sacrifice instead of "stab the little circle and twist it to become instant human".