For me it's the lothric knight sword
For me it's the lothric knight sword
For me it's dark souls 2
Good taste, that thing's a glorious return of Balder Side Sword. Lothric gear in general is pretty good, both for Fashion Souls and actual stats
OK enjoy your bad game!
Do you people defend just the original DS2 or both it and the SotFS edition?
I wear painting guardian gear because I like feeling Holy. I usually run with dk shield and lks with elemental buff and spam my miracles
>vanilla had non retarded enemy placement and the fact that you don't need a gazillion of fragrant branches
>SotFS has Aldia
pick your poison
>he doesn't use the broadsword
>he doesn't rp as a basic knight with simple armor and a strictly sword and board style
What are you doing user holy fuck
Straightswords are boring.
Best magic sword in all the games.
I like to pretend I'm a holy knight and lks has s scaling on faith with blessed at +10
Best Strength weapon coming through
Eh. Always wanted to use it but everything else is so much better. A magic/melee build just doesn't work.
It's less that it doesn't work than that Moonlight Sword is pretty much your best option for it
I have fun with using arcane in BB and magic and the other games. Moonlight sword in BB is the best and coolest implementation of it in any of the games.
For me, it's the crucifix of the mad king
Original got Aldia in the final patch. The only difference between the two versions now is the graphics and enemy placements
Step aside plebs
>rping as literally the most generic class there could be that's been done to death
what makes Souls so special is awesome shit like Pyromancy, no Souls clone seem to replicate this
My nigga.
Based and lucernepilled
That's cute.
Nothing makes my day like hitting somebody with a duel charm when they try casting dark blade on a crucifix, and seeing the absolute state of butthurt
DS3 i just go 40 in int and faith so i could use all of them at once with the right catalyst
For me, it's fucking pussy faggots who use greatswords 24/7 and don't know how to play without them
>dump points in dex, int, faith
>dark lks in one hand, pyro flame in the other
For me, it's Chado's Great Hammer. Nothing like styling with the unique R2s and the weapon skill.
Zweihander or gtfo.
For me, it's The Fume Sword
>doesn't use farmer tools
Go fuck yourself with a broomstick handle, committing to big attacks actually means it takes more skill to use
For me, it's the Dab.
>Decide to replay DaS3
>I'll make a Sellswords twinblades character
>Moment I get to the catherdral I pick up Astora's greatsword
>Immediately switch to it
This this is like a drug, I can't stop gravitating towards it whenever I play the game.
Dark sword or btfo
>it takes more skill to use
Halberd Heroes
>H-he's rolling through attacks, it doesn't matter tho it just means i have more skill!
Nerfed to oblivion now. Thank the crybabys on the forum.
Didn't even have to call it out.
me but with executioner's greatsword
I just started mi first DS 2 playthrough which weapon should i main?
I mained Longsword on DS1
You should skip it and play the actual sequel
For me, it's cheesing every enemy with Sorcery spam.
Bone Fist.
ivory straight sword or darkdrift
For me it's the buckler! Everypony eats dust when they cross my path!
For me it's this plus Darkmoon Blade
For me, it's the Hollowslayer Greatsword: a pure upgrade to the Claymore
>*click* time to add this on r/wooosh
On what?
For me it's THE greatsword
Monster Hunter weapons > DS
*quicksteps behind u*
don't play that piece of shit g*me
>find great looking sword in Dark Souls
>it has a shit moveset
Why was that allowed?
lightrolling around in nothing but a loincloth with a zweihander is peak Dark Souls.
>Crosses your path
>Find something fun
>is shit in pvp
>90% of the weapons
idk user you tell me
this bad boi
Vanquisher's Seal for ripping apart your enemies with bare fists
This was one of the only things 2 did right
Damn near every weapon was viable
Dark Souls would be perfect with backstabs and parries removed; merely grant a 50% damage bonus on attacks that strike the back of the character model.
Prove me wrong.
Why? I've only seen people shitpost saying it's bad but never an argument about why it's so bad
>Moveset is just downward smash
>not playing offline
They should have used charged R2s in the back opens you up for a critical like in bloodborne
>fighting a one shot build
>I rotate 1 degree
>oneshot build gets 50% bonus dmg i die instantly
I hate how they nerfed VS. Running around in pvp with stats allocated only to health and stamina and thanking flynns ring and RoB2 was amazing and dragon armor is surprisingly great.
Better than how it is now:
>Fight literally anyone
>Get backstabbed
>Die straight up
>not playing online so can't get invaded
You got a problem with that?
>why yes im a fucking heroic badass, how could you tell?
>getting backstabbed
don't blame the game because you're a shitter
I can tell because you also applied blessed weapon on it.
>Ringed Knight Twin Greatswords
>Do nothing but L1 combo endlessly
>Eventually the other guy just gets bored and walks into it
>Has one move that slams
>is better move than that entire moveset
it's shit
I can't fucking win with you retards. There's just no arguing. You just miss the point of anything anyone ever says so hard.
Fucking virgin.
>guys im guts from berserk arn't i cool haha
K thnx
Lol it's the best one
Its not hard to avoid a backstab, if the mechanic you suggested was a thing. with the whole buttfuck that is the DS3 engine it would fuck up alot of thing.
>comes up with retarded solution to problem he has because he is bad at the game
>gets upset when someone points out his lack of skill is the real issue
Don't forget to put on your slave hat
Looks like Hulk's toothbrush
>Calls them a virgin too
user, this is LITERALLY Guts' sword
>idk user the other one looks similar
>is forgotten
>What's that one again user?
>shits on everything
*resists fire damage*
nothing personnel kid
>Worst catalyst
>is fully modeled and has a complete move set, weapon art included.
>is unobtainable
DS3 really pisses me off. Silver sword and spear would have had a unique niche too, as the only holy/lightning weapons
>perfect for hexes
>has a unique, invisible modifier that makes it shit for hexing
grug like club unga
DS2 longsword will always be the most godlike weapon.
>has spike
>like your going to use a shield as a weapon in DS
You aren't allowed fun weapons
>Whoa cool the dancers swords
Speaking as someone who always uses longsword for their first playthrough, DS2 longsword is easily the worst in the series.
Because the devs want you to use Caitha's Chime or Sunless Talisman instead
>catarina armor claims the oniony shape is for parrying
>pierce shield can't parry
>Yes, my favorite weapon is the astoras's greatsword, how did you know?
>uses murky longstaff instead because E in faith
Wrong. SS2 longsword has the perfect moveset
Speaking as someone who absolutely hates ds2 and will never touch that monstrosity again. DS2 longsword is easily the best in the series.
Good taste
Also, executioner's greatsword
>not viable
Use warm and bait people into you
>never used katanas in a souls game
>use pic related
>think it's shit at first
>actually like it now
Is this what becoming a weeb is like?
>use warmth
>get 20 spinal columns first
Have fun with the worst of the series (6/10)
Use midir's katana (frayed blade or whatever), it's easily the best and coolest one
Big skeletons in the Carthus Catacombs also drop vertebra shackles
>use run attack 50 times in a row
>point down
Imagine using anything except broken broken straight sword
The weeb knights in Iron Keep represents everything that is wrong with DS2's enemy design.
I've put some serious effort in to making the pierce shield work. It's just not possible.
The weapon art has a ton of hyper armor... but the long start up initiating it has none, and you're easily hit out of it. On top of that, unlike pretty much every other weapon art, the attack has no autotracking, not even when locked on; so the only way you'll ever hit someone is if they're in the middle of an animation, in which case they'll probably just hit you out of the attack. It only ever works against people using heavy weapons, and only if you anticipate their attack before hand.
It's just so bizarrely bad. I legitimately think that it was never play tested.
Chad silver knights vs virgin alonne knights
Explain this one gamers
>0.00001% chance
There are worse enemies than the weeb knights such as the salamanders and giants for example
What a meme
There's literally nothing wrong with them
>Why yes, I do prefer to go STR/DEX and use claymore and longsword. How could you tell?
Fuck DEX
Real chads only level STR and VIT
Imagine not using gotthards
>Only one of those creatures performs gender reasignment surgery
>Only one of those games lets you get gender reasignment surgery
I see it now, user
If you think that's bad, have fun farming silver knights for ears waiting an hour to get summoned
>not using this
>going through Spotify
>see that the series OST is on there
>listen to some of it
>flood of memories
>decide to boot up a new save file
Inferior to regular longsword except for the rolling atrack, and if you're going to roll spam then two handed estoc is strictly better.
>Short curved sword moveset in main hand
>Long curved sword moveset in off hand
>Works as a pyromancer flame
>Unblockable Weapon art damage with lava pools
>uses without poise talismin
>dies instantly
Based. Coolest weapon art
I should also mention that the weapon art does spectacular poise damage, and will even knock great hammer users out of their attacks. If you ever manage to hit them, that is.
It hurts, user. It hurts that it's bad and it hurts knowing that the devs literally didn't care.
I think this thing rivals the ringed knights straight sword in coolness
>You've been invaded by -xXXSephiroth97XXx-
>Does shit damage anyways
I love it when shitters use the weapon art and overestimate how far it goes, and they just land on the ground right in front of you and get smacked in the face
Inferior to the Izalith staff. For some reason it's the only non pay-to-win weapon in the entire dlc.
>when you grab O&U spammers out of the animation
Same with Farron Flippy fuckers
>Forgive me master, i have to go all out with this opponent...
It's a really cool looking weapon once you get behind the Irythill style.
Looks pretty great with a lot of sets too, I must admit, very fashionable scabbard too.
I dual wielded this and Wolnir's as offhand. It's two-handed rolling light attack is useless but the one-handed is honestly usable.
>frostbite intensifies
What's better, DS2 or Scholar?
>has higher ar than broad sword
>has frost bite as a benefit
>*Broad sword cries as it's replaced*
Original DS2 is only good for speedrunning
But why? Why wont the game let me dark infuse it and have it at least be viable, if not optimal? I've test it and on a 60/60 build and caitha's does literally twice as much damage. The fucking gap is simply insurmountable.
Elegant in it's simplicity.
Deadly in it's efficiency.
>crystal chime vs chaithas chime
Genuinely curious now
>"perfectly balanced as all things should be"
The amount of fucking people using this thing is nuts, I hate it. Fuck straightswords.
I prefer Scholar, more challenge desu
>Damage buff and healing for consecutive hits
>Best curved sword in fashionsouls
It's very viable, from what I remember. I'd test it out and give you the damage numbers now, but I actually deleted my hexing build because of how abjectly miserable it was to play.
>Best curved sword in fashionsouls
I would agree if it didnt had that fucking hair
I think crystal chime is better for regular types of miracles and sorceries
Why can't japanese developers create new things and continue to pump out the same thing over and over again?
Does anyone play DS3 on ps4 nowadays? Would making a Darkmoon build this late be a futile effort?
If you get a friend to help you out its possible
there's communities of people that help each other in the series
>He says this when Call of Duty alone has more entries than the average japanese franchise.
At least CoD has multiplayer, which is eventually all the series became. Their sales have also never recovered after MW2
>three forms of dmg
>split dmg in ds3
rip in pieces
Normally I still to longswords cause sword & shield gameplay is what drew me to DaS
However, when it comes to DaS2 I really have to praise them for their handling of dark magic. I love the idea of a chime as a weapon, I just think its really neat. And that dark magic is essentially one big faustian bargain is so wonderful. They really nailed dark magic to me and I was SO disappointed when DaS3 came out and they almost wholly abandoned dark magic.
Rocking this bad boi when the Ringed Ultra Greatswords were meta was the best shit ever. Weapon Art fags btfo 4ever.
>*dodge rolls through swing and backstabs with chaos dagger*
Pretty much any weapon whose power comes at a price makes my dick diamonds. But for me it's pic related, and also the Lifehunt Scythe from 1
playing with this atm sweet stuff m8
>28 dragonball games
>26 tales games
>21 naruto games
>21 gundam games
>19 Robot War games
>11 one piece games
>11 taiko master games
>10 digimon games
>8 SAO games
>7 ace combat games
>7 idolmaster games
>6 kaiman rider games
>6 Soul Calibur games
Motherfucking Gravelord Great Sword
>*ganks u with my 80 white phantoms and sips while seed is active*
Heh... Better luck next time....
>instantly kills all your white phantoms and any npcs during seed with my darkmoon blade
>true combos your health bar into oblivion
>not just hitting niggas with big fucking rocks
>spams true combo on cooldown 100 times and slow walks at you after missing every time
>not just spewing giant rocks like they are tonsil stone at your foes
I just fucking love it
there's something special about uppercutting somebody in the air and set your weapon ablaze
Profaned GS for the same reasons too
Why me need faith for big bonk
Excuse me ladies
>watch you as you foolishly walk into my dead again trap and seeing you disintegrate from the explosion
Fuckin pube sword
why is the art so different from what the weapon actually looks like?
For me, it’s Dub.
The chaddest of weapons.
>pube hammer
>when the weapon hits so fucking hard you cum a little every time it connects at full force
Excuse me while i walk to the side before you finish swinging
>The chad weapon of one punch builds
Dark Souls 2 and 3 both suck.
If you disagree with this you didn't play Dark Souls or even Demon's Souls first.
Bloodborne is also good.
>dupe titanite slabs and chunks
>make a bunch of +15 crystal demon greataxes
>moveswap with rapier
>dash attack destroys them no matter what
To be fair DS3 at times can feel like just a worse BB, i still like it though.
Post yfw Ringed City made faith niggas the most OP magic in the game. That heal spell and the crucifix was wack. But I can't help but be happy for them.
Vro i like the mad king weapon and the hex explosion.
This nigga is correct
>Doesn't use staffs as melee weapons
beta cuck
Which Dark Souls is this in and where can I find it?
Crucifix of the mad king has such ridiculously low stats to use, slap human resin on it and it's great for dealing with overleveled phantoms when you invade.
Even better if you have it as a watchdog of farron.
>invading at the church, 25 +2 weapons
>get to the part with the scafolds you have to walk down to get to the next area
>pull out crucifix and weapon art
>it's the explosion
>run towards a group of 3
>they all get knocked off and I barely lived
This really puts my grasses on
High IQ post
*Smack you*
Based Chadsword
*Blocks your path*
>killing half the host's ganksquad with the old wolf sword's true combo
Millennium Falcon was kino
I hate how DS2 has heavy fresnel on everything, makes the graphics look cheap. Otherwise, excellent taste in weaponry.
>makes the graphics look cheap
graphics weren't the only cheap
NOT SO FAST! because i can't swing it twice
>he uses an ugs
>a fucking powerhouse in 2
>butcher in 3 like all crossbows back to bow bias
3 is the better game but 2 did some good things
But user i needa compensate
I actually unironically use UGS
Longsword is the best weapon in all Souls games.
What's some good fashion for an Ultra Greatsword chad?
Burly build
Dancer set
>not posting the havelyn video
>unironic flipping Havel
lmao, what a faggot
>PVP channel
neck yourself
newfags don't know about Lv 387
how anyone can watch this fafgot is beyond me
fucking get off it dude
murky is better for dark sorc when you use the weapon art
Umm... Uhh... Time is convoluted in Lordr-... Drangleic
>pick knight
>win game
Where is this in DS2 again?
before the trollmen ambush
God, this game is such a clunky piece of shit.
the moveset is fucking goat in 1
*teleports behind you*
*leo ring hornet ring backstabs you*
Nothin personell
Lucy truly is the only girl for me
The misnamed prison area between Majula and the crossroads that lead to the insurmountable pile of rubble, N64 Woods and Alpha Version's Keep.
It's okay. You need the right music though.
Basically anything like this turns it from a slog to actually playable.
Fuckin zoomer
Zac is back with the zac backpack
or whatever he used to say