Remember when Final Fantasy was the biggest game series in the world before they had the genius idea to change the gameplay?
Remember when Final Fantasy was the biggest game series in the world before they had the genius idea to change the...
FF16 is going to change the world though.
why did they make the box art feature some random ass bosses you see like 2 minutes before the ending, and put them in the sky?
Remember when XV was the highest selling entry?
They're supposed to be those knights of the round old kings that you see in the ending
They changed the gameplay in like fucking IV you retard and it kicked off the whole series
They change the gameplay every game, it just so happens that they fucked up a whole bunch making XIII and XV.
Final Fantasy was always shit
i like anime but even for me the character design in this game is like the gayest shit ever
FF had long since fallen off it's throne as one of the biggest franchises by the time 15 came along.
XV >>>>>>>>>> VII
12 was the first disappointment. It wasn't an outright bad game but it didn't hit home run unlike every entry before it.
Aren't those bosses only in the Royal edition anyway?
I didn't even notice them in the box art since I was so entranced with how terrible the box art is
...It was an outright bad game.
Oh aren't they called like the Auger or something? Isn't what those tombs scattered around the map were all about?
>They're supposed to be those knights of the round old kings that you see in the ending
Yeah but why did they think they were significant enough to put them on the box
>unironically thinking XV's failures have anything to do with moving away from turn-based combat
is your skull literally fucking concave
>We live in a universe where a FFXIV expansion pack is better than any FF game in almost 20 years
What went SO wrong?
Why do normies only like 7 and not the rest of the series?
They lost almost everyone who made the company. Lots the Chrono Cross/Xenogears team, Sakaguchi, and FFT team. Dunno if they even still have the Front Mission team but they stopped working on that franchise too.
At least the music is still good
Final Fantasy has been mainstream since VII, VII is just the most popular one and always will be.
There won't be a 16. This series is just 7 from now on.
the comrades OST is pretty good
I am not the closest follower of FF but what happened when XII was released? X and X-2 were seen as console defining but I think I remember very few fucks being given when XII came out.
I remember the first PS3 one coming out (XIII, I think) and there was this huge backlash about it being a walk forward simulator. Was it really so different to the previous ones? I think western game design had started to take over at that point
XIII was a mess that was literally just corridors you walked down.
Gameplay was slways changing in Final Fantasy games, though, sometimes very drastically.
Considering it was orders of magnitude more expensive to make than previous FF games that isn't impressive at all.
Sakaguchi left, that's pretty much the turning point.
That's still VII. XV was the fastest selling after they wasted millions on it.
12 was well received but people were divided over gambits and the shitty plot. It was a good game but the sign of things to come and the drop off point for anyone remotely aware. 13 was a hot turd from the first trailer.
X-2 was the first disappointment lol
>13 was a hot turd from the first trailer.
I'm pretty sure that the very first XIII trailer looked bad only in hindsight when your realized the UI was fucking made up
This. People were willing to pass it off as a weak entry. I definitely was disappointed considering it was in development for so long.
Nobody could see the sustained shit that happened when PS3 came around. That was as low as a generation could get.
X-2 wasn't a mainline game though.
15 may have been the biggest fuck up of the entire franchise
>a chance to go a new story direction
>could have had a smaller scale, character focus story, about the guys on just a road trip and the adventures they have on the way
>coulda been a whole new 10/10 if the writing was good enough
>they fucked the dog and had to go with some stupid saving the world shit again
>minimal focus on the guys
>some god damn awful writting
Jesus how do they keep fucking up like this boys?
>open world game about going on a road trip with bros in your car
>lose your car
>shit hits the fan
>From chapter 10 onward, the story goes from open world, to being literally, AND figuratively, on rails.
>feel a deep sense of loss, and a longing for things to go back to the way they were in the beginning
was this intentional or did they just run out of money???
bad planning, I love when Noc's girlfriend dies and the game goes YOU SHOULD BE SAD HERE. We literally see her on screen maybe 3 minutes total. We never see her interact with the guys or Noct. But, THIS IS SAD
Christ who the fuck did this tell don't show writing
the open world felt so lifeless.
If you took out a few "magic" looking set pieces like the Disc, Angelgard Island, and the Ravatogh volcano, you'd think you were playing MGSV
>evil empire defeats itself off-screen
I don't think it was weak, I think it was an entirely new direction as far as aesthetic, motif and characters that got fucked hard by suits trying to push tween bullshit and appeal to the lowest common denominator. You could tell it went through development hell, but they managed to salvage something.
the entire third continent felt like they were GOING to populate it with something, but ran out of time or money
>okay guys be careful we're going to climb down into a frozen valley where the dead body of shiva is buried
>oh actually never mind it's right next to the tracks, let's just stop the train here and kill a few necromancers
No one enjoys turn combat anymore, deal with it. All future FFs and most of JRPGs will be real-time. If you still enjoy the same tired turn-based gameplay, you're an autist.
Who asked you that, go away.
I'm getting a little sick of real-time action-RPGs after playing FF15 and Dragon's Dogma.
Gameplay is always just
>sit back and let your party tank everything because they're immortal and you die in 3-4 hits. At least DD has some of the best magic ever for an RPG
FF15 knew this, and they still had the absolute balls to make the magic system pure trash.
The big downturn, like most media, is when they no longer had constraints to allow them to do whatever. Thus VII, was really the beginning of the end no matter how good it was. Now they can do whatever they wanted, which lead to feature bloat, which lead to longer development times. DVD made it worse, and Blu-Ray worse than that. The only reason why we even got XV in the first place is because S-E FINALLY put it's foot down and forced a release date, and even then they couldn't help themselves to ADD MORE SHIT with the excuse of "living game" bullshit.
There's at least some hope, with Yoshi-P at the helm for XVI, that it'll come out in relative decent dev time from announcement to release. He's been rigid with XIV having expansions every two years and major patches every 3-4 months. Dude hopefully will keep the same rigid calendar mindset and not "hmm and haw" about it for 10 years.