Are there any games about self defense situations?
Are there any games about self defense situations?
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Fuck I love watching this kind of videos
Lol wtf is happening
Burger education at its finest right here
Dude got mugged and told to put his shit on the ground, guy went to pick it up and the dude whipped out a piece and shot him for mugging him to get his shit back.
>uses the girl as cover
Damn that dude knew exactly what was up. I think he shot him before he could even see the gun.
Not as cover, used her to block line of sight so the mugger wouldn't see him draw his weapon.
The guy was saying something as he reached for the gun so I'm guessing he was announcing he was robbing them and had a gun then the other dude popped him.
lol wtf
How can goyim even compete?
This is so fucking bizarre.
>D-M-Y date format
/int/ obsession and retardation at its finest right here.
Orthodox hassidim. They're fucked and should never be allowed near humans.
what the fuck is happening here
oh shit my ribs
Where can I hire these guys
Jews are entitled parasites and hate niggers. Femnog probs 'insulted' the rat or something.
Brits are disgusting
>modern western game character design
It just gets stranger and stranger
>Jurassic Park.webm
it just gets better and better as it progresses
What the fuck? Did he learn to vomit at will? Does he just always have a mouthfull of that shit, just in case?
He was calling out the idiot who couldn't piece together what was happening in the video for being a dumb burger boy, you fucking dolt.
retard mugged a cop.
Unironically based for a rabbi
how can one learn this power?
This is ilegal. If your life is not under threat, you're not allowed to use deadly force
It's a reptilian thing
More like Jewrassic Park
>someone pulling a gun on you isn't threatning to your life
both of those people who got shot had guns...
It didnt take place in cuckmerica
And I think the guy is an off dutypolice officer too
This is bait. If you don't even have good bait you're not allowed to post
>Why yes sir, just kill me and steal everything
It's called not living in cuckrope.
burger education in action once again
It's not, since he only wants your belongings. Especially on the second case, the guy gives up his stuff, then backs away; at that point his life is no longer under threat, so he has no justification for killing the robber.
Are there any games where the protagonist kills a influential politician in a self-defense situation?
Oi its 12 bong!
>average skyrim tavern.webm
Bold of you to assume he only wants your belongings
look at it from to frame, he clearly waited until the gun was out
>someone with a gun robbing you
>still within 2 feet
Year your perfectly safe bruh
Fuck off cuck
Yeah makes all the suicides, accidental deaths and murders guns otherwise cause completely worth it.
Why do British people look like absolute inbreds?
how stupid are you?
you cant know that someone who threatens you with a gun wont shoot you
His life is under threat until he gets his shit back.
These vids are from brazil where cops can be nasty as much as they want.
That's the law in the US, user. Even stand your ground laws no longer apply after you've already retreated.
If you use weapons to threaten and rob innocent people, your "life" has lost all worth.
This but unironically
The people involved makes this look like hueland, do you know how often thieves kill during burglaries just because they think it'd be cool?
It's a small island.
>tfw no games on aerobic self defense
>that power down animation
did he just on command projectile vomit?
how the fuck do you even do that
Ahh yes, guns cause those.
None of those suicides, accidental deaths, and murders would happen without those evil guns.
Blows my mind how fucking stupid most white people are (mainly women) when it comes to guns rights.
Fucking hell what kind of shot was that, half of his torso turned red before reaching the ground
>The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
>Your lackadaisical antisemitism & excitement to spread it doesn't shock me anymore. This is an old clip, took place in Belgium, these people r cosplaying. They aren't even Jewish - man has no peyas, woman would never wear miniskirt & uncovered hair or kiss another woman on mouth.
Good thing it didn't happen in muttopia as well
man this guy was fucking on it.
don't see that much.
It was so smooth like some kind of special attack. reminds me of the thin man spit attack from X-com
no it's not. no amount of material wealth is worth a human life, even that of a criminal
it does