Are there any games about self defense situations?

Are there any games about self defense situations?

Attached: 1564265920889.webm (460x270, 1.88M)

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Attached: 1564267025828.webm (480x480, 1.92M)

Fuck I love watching this kind of videos

Lol wtf is happening

Burger education at its finest right here

Dude got mugged and told to put his shit on the ground, guy went to pick it up and the dude whipped out a piece and shot him for mugging him to get his shit back.

>uses the girl as cover

Damn that dude knew exactly what was up. I think he shot him before he could even see the gun.

Not as cover, used her to block line of sight so the mugger wouldn't see him draw his weapon.

The guy was saying something as he reached for the gun so I'm guessing he was announcing he was robbing them and had a gun then the other dude popped him.