Just got a gaming P.C

Hit me with the must-haves, boys.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Life is Strange


Maiden Rape Assault - Violent Semen Inferno.

I'm listening....

Deus EX
Hotline Miami
Dark Souls


What do you feel like experiencing

holy shit! Like, that's a hella good game. I think OP should play the hella out of it too!

>gaming PC
lmao you couldve spent 200 bucks on a shitbox because all the good pc games came out before 2005

Escape From Tarkov

this! so much this!

Give us a rundown of what sort of games you enjoy, dude. I'll give you some recommendations.

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No, look shit up and try what you find that sounds interesting until you figure out what you like for yourself and develop some taste instead of being a faggot with no individuality.

Monster Girl Quest 1-3

A Hat in Time
DmC and DMC 5
Dark souls 1 & 3
Nier Automata
GTA 5 if you haven't played it yet
Risk of Rain 1&2
Witcher 1-3
Dragon's Dogma
L4D/Portal etc.
Wolfenstein TNO

There's a solid start if you haven't already played these

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literally anything if you got a 144hz monitor

first actual decent suggestion here

That's one of those moments in King of the Hill that leaves me confused. Why the fuck is he crouching on the front step to eat his burrito. That stance is fucking retarded.

Witcher 3 with both DLCs.

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VtMB, get the Unofficial Patch Basic not the Plus Patch bullshit for your first time
Planescape: Torment Enhanced Edition, ignore the Beamdog sperg, they didn't add any OCs or anything, all content combed over by Avellone himself
New Vegas of course, make sure you get 4GB Patcher, NVAC, all the stuff to make it work
LISA: The Painful
Doom 2016
Dark Souls technically plays best on PC with DSfix so there's that

Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun

Hunt Down the Freeman
Revelations 2012
Temper Tantrum
Bad Rats
Rogue Warrior

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he almost drop it.

is there a way to speed up time in that game? I remember playing and getting bored of waiting for people to finish their patrols just so I could kill them


Stellaris, then Crusader Kings 2, then Europa Universalis 4, then Hearts of Iron 4, then Victoria 2. In that order (increasing complexity). Move onto next game when you feel like you mastered the first one.

If you're going to join the patrician PC gaming class then you better start playing patrician games and drop that console babby shit.

System Shock 2
Turning TES into porn games

git gud

Dwarf Fortress.

I personally think CK2 is a LOT harder to understand than Eu4 but maybe im just retarded. I was able to form the German Confederation after like 3 games

Also check em

Underage b&


redpill me on 144hz monitors

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Discover the H game genre.
I suggest games with combat sex and defeat scenes, I would avoid most CG hunters. Start off with Violated Heroine.

Not as critical as getting a 1440, but the next most important. Then IPS panel, then G Sync

>3 multiplats and a game you can play on a toaster
>shit game
>vn's that you can run on a toaster
>all multiplats
>multiplats and games you can run on a toaster
>multiplat, can play on a toaster, inferior sequel of a game you can play on a toaster, and a game you can on a toaster
>3 games that can be played on a toaster and a mod for a multiplat game

The absolute state of the "master" race

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>DM serves caviar

I'd play

>Dwarf Fortress
Uh, user...

Deus Ex
System Shock 2
Cave Story
Mein Waifu is the Fuhrer
Civilization 4

Fuck yeah, count me in

Nu-Shadow Warrior

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Didn't know that rocks are edible.

>implying PC is shit because people are suggesting some of the best games ever made instead of some shallow graphics faggot tier garbage
state of console plebs

>dwarf fortress
Spotted the faggot who thinks graphics cards are everything. DF will fuck your processor in the ass and make it thank it for the experience.

Hitman 2 2016. Pure kino. Might want to wait for a sale though and get the gold version for all the content. Base game by itself is totally not worth it.

All first person shooters are PC exclusives.

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RS2 Vietnam
Killing Floor 2
nu-Hitman games

Can my Ryzen 5 2600x run Dwarf Fortress?

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FPS games are better on console cause no mouse flick 360* insta pixel sniping headshot around a corner in 0.00000000000001 seconds. And no hax

I know you're probably talking about recent games, but Unreal Tournament 99 is and will always be a must-have

Wargame Red Dragon

Depends how long you want to play it for.
Thank you

Counter-Strike isn't the only first person shooter.

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>not getting the recommended daily amount of minerals
Are you poor?

So you don't want any recomendations, just wanted to show around your cucksoler's inferiority complex? Okay, we got it.
Now go away before I make you cry showing you that video of bloodborne emulated for PC.

12 hours.

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I've never seen fucking ore and gems at grocery stores. Am I being jewed into bone cancer and diabetus?

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Is there a list somewhere of the best 1440p IPS G Sync 144hz monitors that give the best price for performance?

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bone cancer? diabetus?
Nigger minerals are for constructing additional pylons in your noggin.
And why would you go to a grocery store for them?
Do you buy iron there too?

>catposting weebshitter is retarded

That's one of the great thing about PC, you can play the best games ever made for it regardless of when they were made.
How's that backwards compatibility for your PS4, xbone and switch?

Some sort of mushrooms, cheese, escargot, hollowed-out mushrooms with caviar that look like miniature skyrim crostatas, and...a fucking rock?
I dunno how many tankards out of five to give this, honestly.

I wish.

just get a xb1 predator

hell let loose
i'd recommend red orchestra 2 heroes of stalingrad, but its basically dead nowadays

>FPS games are better on console because the dogshit controls make everyone play like a retard

black desert online

No. Just no


violated heroine

>just got a 3700x
>can't fathom anything i want to play


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Wolfenstein 2
Unreal Tournament
My friend Pedro
Gta V
Hat in time
Dmc 5

they move smooth

Total War: Warhammer 2

So much shit taste in this thread. Here's a better list.
>Gothic 1&2 with patches
>Fallout 1
>Thief 1&2

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>mass replier
>is a retard
some things never change uh

Star Wars: Battlefront 2

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>battlefront 2: 2005
>gears of war: 2006
>not playing battlefront and expecting it to be a better sequel, which it was
Zoom zoom.

I didn't make the meme.

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That reminds me OP, go play Descent. And Jagged Alliance 2.
And these, minus the X series, they're kinda hard to get into for a new player. Maybe try Galactic Civilizations and if you like that then play MOO2, the best in the genre, but with a staunch learning curve.
Pretty much only old games are worth playing, or games made like old games (Overload, Amid Evil, Ion Fury, etc...)and they dont need a good processor.
You can check the 36+ game benchmarks on all those shitty youtuber review things, none of them really appeal to me.

haha good jokes, like some ascii piece of shit would stop you from playing it lmao
this game is good too.
this but somewhat unironically.
I strongly suggest you try reflex arena or warsow.

Streets of Rogue

144hz is much, much, MUCH more important than 2560x1440.
i'd take 1920x1080 144hz over 2560x1440 60hz or even 75hz, any day of the fucking week.
granted i play rhythm games, shooters, bullet hells, you know, games that are actually heavily enhanced by faster refresh rate. But even just moving your mouse or entering text feels so much better and smoother.
I actually strongly suggest NOT getting a 144hz or 240hz monitor because you truly won't be able to go back to 60hz without feeling like you're getting a subpar experience and with a lot of adjustment. Play your console exclusives now because silky-smooth 24fps bloodborne will feel like shit if you're used to ds3 at 144fps/144hz.

Doom (2016)

you mean 4 multiplats.

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>I suggest games with combat sex and defeat scenes
I strongly suggest you not fetishize defeat. It can be an unhealthy mentality for you. I was into stuff like that but it led down the slippery slope of sissy cuck ntr bbc orc/elf interracial interspecies cocksleeve craving, to the point where now although I am a programmer, I also suck dick for money and enjoy it a lot - I don't think you'd want to be here.

based DND campaign user?
what games do YOU like, huh?


Battletech has the same problem, but you actually CAN speedhack it to speed up the game so you aren't alt-tabbing to youtube, discord, Yea Forums, twitter, reddit, etc, while waiting for your troops to finish their combat turn
Starcraft 2

Actually kill yourself

Action / Adventure
>Just Cause 2 & 3
>Castle Crashers
>Batman: Arkham series
>Spec Ops: The Line
>Rainbow Six 3 + expacs
>Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
>Alien Vs Predator 2 & 3
>Bioshock series
>System Shock 2
>Half Life series
>DOOM 3: BFG Edition (includes DOOM1, 2 and 3)
>Killing Floor 1 & 2
>Left 4 Dead 2
>Metro 2033 and Last Light
>Turok and Turok 2 rereleases
>System Shock 2
>Borderlands 2
>Deus Ex & DE: Human Revolution
>Fallout: New Vegas
>Far Cry 3 + Blood Dragon expac
>Mass Effect 1 & 2
>S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series
Free Roaming / Sandbox
>GTA: San Andreas
>Saints Row the Third
>Red Faction Guerilla Steam/Re-Mars-tered edition
>Sleeping Dogs
>MGS 5
Hack n Slash / Beat Em Up
>Devil May Cry 4 & 5
>Hotline Miami
>Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
>Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition
>Dark Messiah of Might & Magic
>Dark Souls II
>Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen
>Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim
>Fallout 2
>Neverwinter Nights 2
>Jade Empire
>Torchlight II
>Grim Dawn
>The Witcher series
>Diablo, motherfucking, II: Lord of Destruction
Strategy / RTS
>Total Annihilation
>WH40K: Dawn of War II
>ARMA series
>Mount & Blade series
>Star Citizen
>LEGO STAR WARS: The Complete Saga
>Empire at War
>Dark Forces / Jedi Knight series
>Pandemic's Battlefront II
>KotOR I & II
>Republic Commando
>X-Wing / TIE Fighter series
>Rogue Squadron 3D
>Shadows of the Empire steam rerelease
>ARMA 2 DayZ mod
>DayZ SA
>ARK: Survival Evolved
>Space Engineers
>Amnesia: The Dark Descent
>Resident Evil 4 & VII

I'll take it into consideration user, thx

Wolfenstein 3D and Doom are on sale rn (steam)
or just pirate them

other than that,
Yakuza 0, Kiwami 1, Kiwami 2
Witcher 1, 2, 3
Tales of Berseria, Tales of Vesperia
Dragon Quest XI
Portal 1, Portal 2

I'm playing sleeping dogs (again) rn. What a great fucking game. Idgaf what any of these losers say. It's definitely one of the best games of the last 10 years. I think the Yakuza series is a little better but it's still really good.

How has this not been mentioned yet wtf anons

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Red Alert 1 and 2
Total War Empire or Shogun
Deep Rock Galactic (fun with friends)
Alan Wake
Grim Fandango
Divinity Original Sin 2
Kerbal Space Program
Mount and Blade
S.T.A.L.K.E.R soc
Dragon's Dogma
Red Orchestra 2
Or you could just play fortnite like the rest of us

>PC Game recommendations
>"Euro Truck" = 0 results

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Learn to read, faggot



What are the top 5 exclusives to release on PC and console in the last five years?
