What do you envision for the future of the Wolfenstein series?
How would you change it or improve it?
What do you envision for the future of the Wolfenstein series?
How would you change it or improve it?
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>downvotes you on reddit
>reports your tweets
>supports patreon feminists
nothing personnel nazi
Why is it even a series in the first place?
Why is a everything a fucking series or a sequel now?
I get it that women took over, but at least come up with something original instead of just inserting women in existing movies and games.
Wolfenstein wasn't not a series for very long.
nazis were effectively the villains in ww2, regardless of your believing in the holocaust or not, they did terrible crimes to other europeans and were generally pieces of shit. why do you identify with them and get mad and the idea of killing nazis?
There's been much worse people after the nazis were a thing but where are the games about them?
No, it's clearly a politically inspired thing. Hollywood makes sure we never forget about Nazis and just how evil they were, every year we hear of some new unheard of evil they committed. It's amazing that we're still finding new things out all these years later!
You need to understand the difference between WW2 "Hiel Hitler" Nazi's and "I voted Republican" Nazi's. OP's pic means the latter.
ever hear of the firebombing of Dresden? dumb cunt "muh ebil nazis" weren't the only people who did bad things in war
I sort of doubt that dude could lift a hatchet without dropping it on his foot and losing a toe. Anyway, I'd do a full reboot, starting with a RtCW remake and adding back all the supernatural elements, and including an updated Enemy Territory multiplayer mode. They're probably putting this franchise to bed after Youngblood, so maybe I'll get my wish in 5-6 years when some other developer resurrects it.
>much worse people after the nazis
such as?
oh my bad i didn't know you killed alt-right kids on wolfenstein. the uniforms threw me off.
are you going to cry about razing berlin to stop hitler too?
>What do you envision for the future of the Wolfenstein series?
Drag it out to a ditch and put three bullets into the back of its head before it gets even worse than Youngblood.
nazis are cringe desu but not nearly as cringe as this faggot and his ilk
>They're probably putting this franchise to bed after Youngblood
wolfenstein 3 is still coming out, youngblood was supposed to be a quick cash grab i mean spin off in between the "real" games
let us kill some russians, they think trump is owned by them anyway
I dunno, probably depends on how far along they are in development. I can see it quietly being dropped.
Every side always believes the other is the villain, genius. The Allies saw Germany as a bunch of racial fanatics with a lust for the blood of innocent civilians and countries, Germany saw the allies as ruthless imperialist shitters who ruined their economy and national pride with massively unfair treaties.
It wasn't a conflict of good vs. evil. France, Britain and even the Dutch had colonial empires they'd been mistreating for up to a century. Britain not only invaded neutral Iceland (in the same way that Germany invaded Norway), they also blew up formerly allied French ships (with French sailors onboard) after the baguettes surrendered just so that the Germans couldn't have them.
Not on par with killing millions obviously, but the war was a lot more morally grey than Yea Forums brainlets seem to understand.
Should I have put "Voted Republican" "Nazi's" instead? OP's pic refers to people they disagree with "Nazi's". Not WW2 Nazi's and not Alt-Righters. The game may feature WW2 Nazi's, but thats not what the onions fuck is smirking about.
What's wrong with this dude.
He looks like he stabbed someone and hid the bodies where no one could find them.
There were MUCH worse groups of (((people))) during the time of the Nazis too.
What are you talking about?
He's such a friendly guy!
God i hate these fucking sweeds. This cringy as KILLING NAHZIS promotion is so fucking cringy. I dont remember ANY of the older wolfenstein games do this type of fucking promotion. Even compared to The New Order it wasnt this bad. They know exactly what they are trying to say and if you dont see it your either disingenuous or retarded. I dont even thing i technically can be a NAHZI but watching this disgusting looking fuck go on stage and talk about killing them makes me fucking angry
very unlikely for them to drop a project for a reason like this. at worst they'll rename it or try a different marketing strategy. maybe you'll play as a nazi in the next one, that'd resonate more with people i think
If that ever happens ill probably be some bullshit like your a nazi and all of a sudden your a good guy and start killing your brothers in arms without thinking about it. Also would probably have a shitload of cutscenes of the character trying to apologize to a jew or a black or some shit
Fuck off Nazi
nu-wolf was never very big, bethesda doesn't need it
Im a spic
>Yukankill natsiswitafren
What a Jewish looking human.
not germany. the nazis. germany still exists and absolutely condemns the actions of the nazis. you're just a fascist doing mental gymnastics to say "well actually the nazis weren't that bad".
pretty sure nazis are just ww2 nazis. if you feel offended and identify as a nazi you're just a fucking dipshit tryhard.
He's trying hard not to do the basedface
Unironically embargo all games made by swedestanis, frogs and frog-canadians(fuck pepsis)
Make it illegal to produce and sell videogames of overt political propaganda nature
Publicly shame retards who buy garbage games
There, fixed it.
Nazis were people. Real, living, breathing, people. Would you kill an infant nazi? Wrest it from a mother's embrace and strangle it with a smile on your face as the mother begs for you to show mercy?
Its going to be run into the ground by these idiots, we seen what happened with the latest co-op one that is so shit even RPS said the story and characters were cringe.
I dont even get why its so hard for then to understand Wolfenstein was fighting Nazis with their crazy inventions and supernatural stuff during WW2, not 20 fucking years later ... its was a simple run-and-gun shooter with WW2 background, there is a reason why people liked DOOM because they understood what Doomguy and Doom is, these guys certainly dont.
if i knew he was going to end up a nazi? sure
“Nazi” is an ideology you subscribe to, not a birthright you fucking tard. You’re not born Christian or Marxist.
The firebombing of Dresden was important so that the commies couldn't use it after they took over.
Really, we actually did them a favor.
Same for Hamburg and Kassel, the Reds didn't made it in time, but better safe than sorry.
Nazis had no problem with wrestling/strangling/etc. infants so sure.
This guy talks like a fucking psycho about wanting to kill nazis. It reminds me of that comic with the Klansmen and two of them are talking about how one member doesn't shut up about hating black people
The men who actually killed NAZIs would be considered "NAZI" by these hipster faggots.
You are, however, born Jewish. That is important to remember.
you are insane
Supposed to be a Swede, but I always thought they were mostly blonde blue/green eyed.
this guy looks like Charlie Sheen but instead of tigers blood its soý
many swedes looks strangely syrian nowadays
OK now I need sauce for the rest of the comic. Really made my day.
>humans grow second pair of hands, all hands are four times stronger, four guns on screen at same time
>eight times more nazi with twice less health
>each nazi has sixteen times more giblets and blood
>four hitlers to kill in the end of game
>each time nazi dies, twitter is updated with randomly generated one-liner
Hire me, Zenimax, and we will have all the money in the world.
Saying you want to kill Nazis is a dogwhistle for "I want to kill people who disagree with me politically"
Weird, I'm willing to bet they saw us as the bad guys.
can they make a game for americans instead of a jewish revenge fantasy
Preacher, apparently.
Fuck you, I'm going to make a game about killing democrats then
>game about killing nazis with extreme prejudice
>inspiration to have glory kills has to come from somewhere
What the fuck is the problem, OP?
Here's some easy ways to improve it.
>Drop the stealth sections
>Cutscenes aren't allowed to exceed past 10% of game time
>Bring back the bombastic orchestral score from Return to Castle Wolfenstein
>no burger king's kid's club fighting the nazis, but actual soldiers with some actual organisation
>Your foes range from cybernetic super soldiers to occult magicians
>each mission should have a boss or at least a tougher than normal challenge
>a proper terrifying villain that actually poses a threat and isn't a geriatric you kill in a QTE
>improved weapon sandbox replaces the barely noticeable gear upgrades, a laser rifle that can see through walls is infinitely more interesting than a sub machine gun firing slightly faster because you put some upgrade points into it
What's the state of Russia/USSR in the current Wolfenstein canon? Having to fight the Russians/Soviets instead would be a pretty good twist for a sequel/spinoff.
Aren't there already games about killing Democrats? I mean, I assume there are at least a couple of games in which the protagonist fights the KKK.
God i can imagine a band of brothers x Wolfenstein game and it sounds glorious
Ill legitimately help if your serious
Their world building is shit, they won the war and control most of the world except for Africa because ... I have no clue really, if you beat the industrial juggernauts that were the US and the Soviet Union then its not FUCKING AFRICA with its nearly non-existing infrastructure thats going to pose any kind of threat.
You dont get to fight then for two reasons, its not Wolfenstein for starters and because it would never make sense in the Wolfenstein universe no matter how you cut it.
go back to wolf3d tier.
go back to BJ being a 1 man army
gets captured, starved for days, tricks a guard into entering his cell, stabs him and takes his gun, proceeds to gun down everyone that stands in his way while stealing all the gold and uncovering every secret
they just have to set it during the war still, they time skip around already
wolf shouldve stopped after enemy territory
3d, spear were good
RTCW was good
ET was good
2009 was ok
everything after that is complete shit and truly only enjoyed by consolefag halofag codfag morons who want faggotry like hendrix songs and shit tons of cutscenes in their gay shooter
Why are the Japanese so rarely used as the bad guys?
Well these devs won't be making any Wolfenstein games in the future, Muslim countries don't really make video games
>Would you kill an infant nazi?
Because they control the games industry
I'd like less 2 dimensional enemies. I'm sure amongst all the nazis there are those who signed up because it was just a job or the benefits are better than being home, or were simply lied to at the recruiting office. Sort of like how our own military works. Not everyone is waving a flag and preaching about democracy. I imagine some, but not all. You'd still have your major villains and the elite death squad types be zealots, of course.
But I guess that kind of wrong think is a big no no in these sort of matters.
in before nazi apologist. Dont be daft
Because if America wants to use WW2 Nips as villain, they have to touch the atomic bomb subject.
When have Hendrix songs ever been in Halo or COD?
>he doesn't realize how many people in the world feel the same way about American armed forces.
Ironic. Don'tcha think?
Because people belive the millions of war crimes should be overlooked cause MuH a-BoMb, even though its the exact same as the tokyo carpet bombing but no one complains about that
let's be real though those people don't matter at all
The only thing people need to realize is that nazis were humans, just like the romans or the mongols.
People just like to ignore that so they can feel justified in their fucked up bullshit.
Just look at that psycho.
Is that the same guy that was at E3? Because if I were the police I'd keep a very close eye on that guy.
He fucking sounded like he was cumming every single time he said "kill nazis"
They are unironically the same as what they claim to hate and I don't even mean this like the faggots that say "you will become like them don't do it!"
Killing is not something you should be so eager to do.
The problem arises with your definition of Nazi.
"Voted republican" does not a nazi make.
"Opposes the dissolution of the state" does not a nazi make.
"Does not subscribe to gender critical radical constructivist idealogy" does not a nazi make.
"Is not an Annarchocommunist" does not a nazi make.
"Is annoyed by political correctness because it's not a valuable tool in the creation of quality media" does not a nazi make.
And most importantly of all, "Person I do not like" does not a nazi make.
If you're talking about Authoritarian ethnonationalistic fascists, then I agree, fuck nazis and kill em all.
The thing is though all the authoritarian ethnonatialist fascists these days have a blue checkmark rather than a red armband.
These demented psychopaths like the guy in OP are always limp wristed chickenshits with absolutely zero experience of violence (not gang violence or war, just plain fighting violence) who think of it like comic books and edgy teenage revenge/slasher fantasies. I still remember when I was naive and inexperienced in college saying to my normalfag friends when the topics of fights had come up that I'd love to get into one and having them admonish and finger-wag me that that is a terrible mentality, fights are dangerous and unpredictable and not something to seek out. And these were high-school footballers or baseball player 6 foot plus chads. And especially . The problem with them is unlike polaks who get called out for their retarded fantasies these cocksuckers have theirs enabled and defended by fucking mayors and senators and major media outlets.
Beyond what's been stated I fucking hate the constant trend of "Nazis won superscience". It ends up paradoxically making the Krauts out to be better because colonies on Venus in 1960 is unreal. It's hard to argue against the tremendous success of a society able to pull off something we're liable to have to wait for the 22nd or 23rd century to attempt. There's a rich potential to be had in a more realistic take on a new world order after Hitler dies and the empire schisms, experiences a civil war, insurrections or attempts of reform. Wolfenstein is always going to be nazi super science so this is more for other stuff.
And I'm not an apologist, I hate nazi white supremacists but I want to kill them as Ivan the burpgunner or GI Joe not as fucking woke-gang. Or I want to be a nazi fighting Ivan and GI joe.
Did you somehow missed in school that the Soviet Union was part of the Allies?
>People just like to ignore that so they can feel justified in their fucked up bullshit.
>Killing is not something you should be so eager to do.
>defends a group of people who caused mass murders who decided to ignore their victims were humans using racial inferiority as an excuse
But, yes the guy sounds like a fucking psycho. I wonder how these people get these jobs and speak publicly.
>Killing is not something you should be so eager to do
It cracks me up that the people who won't shut the fuck up about punching nazi's are the type who've never been in an actual fight in their life. There was a guy in our local board game community that had a board game that involved nazis called fortune and glory. He would always been so incredibly eager to include the phrase "punch a nazi" in any discussion that was even remotely related to that game. That said, he was a greasy scrawny neckbeard that didn't know the first thing about throwing an actual punch.
Maybe there's something to it. People who feel powerless in life making threats to nonexistent boogiemen. It's easier to say how tough you are than to actually show it and all that jazz.
>defends a group
Acknowledging nazis are human doesn't mean I am defending what they did, you absolute faggot.
>random nazi soldier scared to disobey is a person who caused mass murder
you need to dilate
"oh boy, I'm sure love to fight some ''''nazis''''' in any way!"
The nazi party did not enforced recruitment, retard. Not everyone who joined was on board with the fucking ideas I realize that, but you knew what you were signing up for.
You're the insane one, you're probably a tranny as well
>killing millions
user, about that...
They also exemplify the fucking abominable bully-mentality. Antifa types, punch a nazi faggots, and nazi apologists (inheriting the practice from their German idols who lived and breathed the bully mentality as much of a national psyche as arabs and conspiracy theories or Americans and chest-thumping: Talk shit, act smug and powerful and violent and the second you get hit back you turn into the biggest maudlin crying to authority cocksucker imaginable. Hate to use pop cultural metaphors but youtube.com
Right. It was like Baathism where if you wanted to be anything more than a janitor or manual laborer you had to be a member of the party. Slight hyperbole but we're talking "Teacher? Alright, you need to be a Baathist/nazi." We got a very good appreciation for 'de______ification" and what works and what doesn't with the example of Germany after WW2, the Communist Bloc after the Soviet collapse, and Iraq.
>Germany: Initial harsh denazification (Nuremburg) then rapid relaxation and burying the hatchet - stability and no relapse, no bitter enders.
>Post-Communist Bloc: Persona nongrata in government jobs for senior communists or mid-high stasi, bury the hatchet for the rest - stability and no relapse, no bitter enders.
>Debaathification: Complete dissolution of military, complete expulsion of Baathist members of any kind in any position - oh god why is everything exploding oh god Baath is Baack with ISIS.
If they'd done their retarded "Hunt down and kill the chef at some satellite concentration camp" shenanigans nonstop in Germany the werewolf paramilitaries wouldn't have been a figment of retarded nazi imaginations but a reality.
Honestly I'm still surprised at how much they dropped the ball with Wolfenstein. The alternate history is a genius little concept that allows you to make a game in multiple periods of american history and play with a lot of varied concepts. TNO was a simple and effective shooter that knew when to play it straight and how to be silly.
But for some fucking reason these niggas just decided to make every character an obnoxious deranged psycho and throw any sort of restraint out the fucking window.
I mean seriously, how am I supposed to like any of the non-nazi characters when they don't even act human? Gameplay issues aside TNC suffers from the most unlikeable cast of characters I've seen in a while, and some of the shoddiest comedic writing since Borderlands 2.
It all feels like a bad Friedberg/Seltzer parody film and it still ASTOUNDS me to this day that they fucked up what could have been "70's exploitation: the vidya"
I hope all those writers never type a word of dialogue ever again in their lives, jesus christ
>The nazi party did not enforced recruitment, retard.
Fucking single digit IQ.
>tfw Wolfenstein multiplayer will never come back
the new order was pretty good but they have now turned wolfenstein into a parody of itself
I don't want to kill Nazis because I'm not an evil fucking bastard.