What are the best and worst third party controllers?
What are the best and worst third party controllers?
Other urls found in this thread:
>lets slap a smiley face in a droplet
>woah instat iconic mascot
No idea why this franchise is even popular
looks better than any controller nintendo has put out in 20 years
Anyone tried this? How is it?
post it, you know which one.
DQ is the 9gag of JRPGs, anyone on this board can tell you that. It's one of the most reddit serieses of all time.
It's cute.
I'd like to own this controller for Smash bros. I wanted Erdrick for so long I need to go all out. What's the best price for this thing?
Asians are now officially Black.
Amazon japan
>we just released a pretty toilet CPU, what should we do about the Intel Play line?
God I want to stick this thing up my ass.
>old Yea Forums was reddit shit and nigger speak
glad it's dead
nice bait bro
It's the cawadooty of JRPGs
>old Yea Forums
>If I put as much buzzwords in my reply as humanly possible I'll surely fit in!!!
>most reddit series
Nigger what? That's Kingdom Hearts.
Dragon Quest is fucking great, but seemingly can't get a foothold in the west because of its visuals.
Sorry to disappoint you, but summer/v/ started in '09.
Was there anything more soul crushing than asking your parents for a new controller and they end up buying you a third party one?
The objective best controller.
Try actually playing games sometime. They can be fun.
I modded my friends controller to have all the buttons be “X” and switched it out with his old controller. It took him 3 days to notice.
Pardon me, superior symmetry coming through
They're are many different kinds of slimes. They're simple and cute.
Considering Yea Forums mods have been deleting actual video game and console discussion lately, this isn't a video game board anymore.
Open the thumbnail you blind retard.
>shilled by Epic hardcore
>mushy recessed buttons that require effort to press
>horrible D-pad that makes Sega look competent
>crouching in Jazz Jackrabbit either makes you run left or right
>and going left or right either makes you look up or down
>"the OFFICIAL controller of Jazz Jackrabbit"
I had a chainsaw one. Was hilarious but sucked too hard to beat RE4 with.
>that dpad
Is it good for platformers? Looks inferior compared to nintender and xboc controllers
I have one, and I like it a lot. I use it mainly for platformers, Mario maker, shantae, bloodstained , etc. Super worth. The newer ones have better analog sticks, the ones on this one are "meh".
i dont like how the middle indents into a circle, thumb slides sometimes would rather the snes dpad if i could pick, but now a days the switch pro or wii u pro are what i use for dpads
Best controller for Mario Party
this controller is extremely comfy
Nani? What’s that guy doing to that poor slime!?
Yea Forums is bad and was never good
What does the Doug button do?
Why's it so fucking dirty? Quit playing with your nasty ass grease fingers. Piggu.
excuse me what?
It's for Monkey Ball.
this one was fine. allows finer control for the gameplay, and is more like the true arcade version.
i have the metal slime one of those for the ps2, think ill pick this up too when i get XI S
>>crouching in Jazz Jackrabbit either makes you run left or right
Sounds like the switch pro controller
yeah but what is it called, is it official? im searching everything: monkey ball 2 banana controller, peripheral, promotions, events, all nothing but goddamn banana blitz.
I want to buy that monkey ball 2 banana control stick cover
It dougs fucking brainlet
Hmm thanks user. Yeah i mainly wanted to play platfomers with the controller.
Its around 40 CAD used so ill pick up a used one soon.
How many iconic, timeless characters have you made?
the Citizen Kane of controllers
come back user i need more information
Step the fuck aside
Which one in particular to leave a good impresion
the dpad and buttons are really good but the placement of the shoulder buttons/triggers is absolutely awful, the analog sticks are decent if you don't mind the size.
>only thing I ask for last christmas was two controllers
>are these the right ones user? oh sorry, we can return them so you can buy the ones you wanted
they tried, but it was during a really tough time for me and on top of it they had been distant recently
honestly they know about name brands and electronics so it did come across as kind of lazy
it kind of broke me and I got food poisoning from the night before so I spent christmas day in bed or on the toilet with a stream of tears rolling down my cheeks
They got Toriyama as a designer for the very specific reason that he tries to be funny.
you can play almost all of them in a 3ds, i could start with 8 or 5. all of them have kinda simple mechanics and are kinda easy but really fun and charming
I tried looking for it too. I'm pretty sure I've seen it on the internet before but fuck me I can't find anything either.
ill take that image to my deathbed
It might be faked D:
Does it look like the arcade cab's joystick?
Underrated post
Was there even a monkey ball 2 arcade cabinet? Only getting results for 1 and ticket blitz and that image clearly says monkey ball 2 and from this video: youtube.com
the banana from the machine looks like its made differently, maybe someone just 3d printed a banana with the logo, but it looks like a fun peripheral
Looks like one of these
Shit man, this may never happen.
It worked, so what are you on about
Because user it's
right but the banana on the controller is way different, it has a logo and way more green on the banana, plus its flipped compared to the arcade stick
i just need to where the hell i can get one
why the fuck would you recess anything on a controller
This is why mockup faggots exist and I hate it, these people have no idea how to design a controller
Keep your homo impulses to yourself faggot.
>shits covered in 5 inches of cat hair and human feces
1, builders, builders 2, heroes, heroes 2
ignore the rest
doesnt it have no rumble too? only the v2
>here you go bro, had to go into jabu-jabu for this bad boy
i swear to god if someone says "but it keeps coming back dohoho" i'm going to have an aneurysm
>Amazon's Dualshock 4 listing drops to $40
>Next day delivery, thanks Jeff
>Open the bad boy up
>It's counterfeit, or just potentially refurbished with some shit missing
>Return that shit ASAP
Suck my balls, Bezos
>shit missing
This was basically made for a Wii Port of an arcade game (DQ Monster Battle Road), so
Can I stick the other end in mine?
I keep it in my work bag because I also use it on my phone.
That's not what a joycon looks like retard.
Where the fuck do you get this controller?
I'm trying but it keeps coming back!
Pls say wallabi user
woah you posted shiggy diggy baseball bat man that means youre an oldfag!
>There was never another mech game that took advantage
I almost want one for the novelty of it.
Ah yes, the controller with my car radio in it, that's nice and futuristic :) haha this is nice and real!
>That's not what a joycon looks like retard.
obviously, but I imagine the same type of people having joycons and complaining about drift
I swear to god if you could somehow make one of these peripherals for Armored Core Verdict Day, you'd instantly sell out. That game desperately needs some sort of ridiculous layout like this.
you are now responsible for my death
I weighed it against my original and it was significantly lighter. So much so you could feel it just by holding it.
I didn't bother opening it to avoid giving them a potential excuse to deny the return, but basically it was either counterfeit (which I doubt, given certain other details), or refurbished and listed as *NEW* which is more likely because the light was fucked up and I imagine that's where some weight was lost.
tl;dr don't buy tech shit, even basic bitch stuff like console controllers, from Jeff Bezosbub.
Damn, this would be great with VR.
I'm betting it was from a different seller than amazon, but I did send back a ds4 I bought on prime day, because it was shipped with other stuff and the box was absolutely bumfucked, like a truck drove over it. Some things were broken or didn't work, the controller looked like it mighta been fine but sent it back anyways cuz fuck that
I nevèr played past For Answer. What makes V so different from that or games that played like 3?
SNpro is way better. But the new SNpro+ has programmable buttons
It was just the official listing under "Sony"
Even now it says "Ships and sold by Amazon.com"
I didn't bother accusing them or anything, there's plenty of reports of this shit going around online. Evidently people have gotten counterfeits from that same listing, but I don't think mine was, just a fucked up fixer-upper rush job by some Chinese slave labor.
Glad I returned it anyway, the DS4 is a piece of shit despite the increase in quality over its abhorrent predecessor.
Glad I sold my PS4 in general.
There's nothing like not having to pay a monthly fee twice to access servers you already paid $60 to access.
I may be part Jew, but fuck me if I ever manage to stoop to the level that these console corporations have fallen to. What an embarrassment on several levels.
I keep mine on the switch, and the charger when I'm not using them. I use my pro controller almost exclusively outside of the 8bitdo. My left one still wound up drifting after a time anyhow. Got a free replacement though, so easy come easy go.
Just sent my drifting joycon in for a free repair. I'd feel good about getting it fixed for free but so many bad things have been happening lately.
I wish the pandas weren't going extinct.
Holy fuck i saw that controller one time, you can even remove the mask it it its cool as fuck
Perhaps you'll get it when you graduate from school.
Maybe you'll finally have sex when you get your G.E.D.
Every fantasy game of the time had generic, faceless monsters. Akira Toriyama saw this and gave his monsters features that gave them personality. Add the music and writing and the games brought more life to RPGs.
Slime wasn't even meant to be a mascot. It became that because the fanbase loved them. Which showed the developers were listening and catering to their fans. Increasing the popularity of the series.
this controller looks fun (even if impractical) and i might pick it up one day. i love dq!
How come Dragon Ball is successful then?
>Dragon Quest is fucking great, but seemingly can't get a foothold in the west because of its visuals.
It got a foothold in the west with Dragon Quest VIII. Then Square spent a decade not releasing new games or marketing it. Now it got major marketing support at E3 and overnight, it's well known and popular again. It's almost like marketing and hype helps sell products...
Dragon Ball games sell 3-4 million and Chrono Trigger is still one of the most popular RPGs ever. So it's clearly not Toriyama's art.
I prefer the other version since it got a fuckhuge d-pad and slightly bigger trigger buttons.
I honestly couldn’t care. All I care is that they did it out of genuine good intent and thought I might like it. And they did it all for me while the money was tight. They could have just said no if they wanted to. So fuck yeah dad, let me play all my Wii games with this chainsaw.
wow someone tried with their answer
That's the first time I've ever heard anyone say that
I just checked r/dragonquest and it only has "30,000 readers," so I don't know what the fuck you're on about
Here's every good starting game
>Dragon Quest V
About a boy and his dad and the boy growing up in a fucked up world.
Also, you play the boy not the dad.
The second part of a disconnected trilogy, that being DQIV-VI, and it's available for the DS.
>Dragon Quest Builders 1 and 2
2 has better gameplay, 1 has a slightly better story. It's like Minecraft but with the DQ aesthetic and both games act as alternative versions to their respective mainline games, DQ1 and 2. For example, and this is not a spoiler, DQB1 follows the bad end of DQ1. DQB2 is a lot weirder in that regard.
>Dragon Quest VIII
The Governor, his big fat friend, his skinny chick friend and his pet rat gerbil thing. Most popular game in the West for a reason, get it on PS2 or 3DS, both versions are really good.
>Dragon Quest XI
Most recent game, but it's the one that calls back to the classics a lot in ways some people found unenjoyable (I know Zero Punctuation was hard on it for that). I suggest the Switch release or PC release, as Switch has more content and orchestrated music, and on PC you can mod in orchestrated music.
>How come Dragon Ball is successful then?
Cartoons are considered to be a kids show and was marketed to kids. JRPGs aren't super kid friendly and most adults or older kid from the west aren't going to pick up Dragon Quest games because of what it looks like when JRPGs like Final Fantasy exist.
Also just to be clear I prefer Dragon Quests art and classic gameplay to basically every other JRPG, but I'm certain Dragon Quest suffers from a Wind Waker effect.
Does anyone own this one? 8bitdo disappointed me with their wired SNES thing but the reviews of this say it's clicky.
>Cartoons are considered to be a kids show and was marketed to kids. JRPGs aren't super kid friendly
JRPGs are literally Shounen anime in video game form, you idiot. Dragon Quest got popular because it marketed itself to kids in the magazine Shounen Jump.