>Grinding in a wolfenstein game >You have to grind because enemies only scale upward, never downward >entire game is thus made of bullet sponges >All the guns suck >This is purely to pad out a five hour campaign into a ten hour one.
Can we spend just one thread addressing how shit this is on a technical level without devolving into political shitthrowing? If you've played any shooter at all, you would recognize that this is dogshit design.
It was reviewed poorly and i want pay money to find out why.
Christopher Reyes
But how much is that worth to you? I can tell you how to replicate the feeling, go play Borderlands and kick the difficulty up to its highest so everything requires 2-3 reloads to kill.
-Skill up system -Enemies have levels -Skill-ups are primarily for damage/health/ability boosting. -Guns do more damage the higher level you are -Enemies scale to your level
>AAA games, where nothing can just be a shooter anymore.
Josiah Rivera
Holy shit, is this going to be series standard from now on?
Angel Gray
Yes, more shit you can quantify, the more shit you can tell as microtransactions.
Owen Flores
Were there people like this when Wolfensteins 3D through 2009 were released? >omg just bought RTCW! punch naxies, bash the fash!!11111
Hunter Ward
Yes, this is the new standard. Release a substandard game padded out with microtransactions and grind bullshit so twitter fags buy it on principle and then never play it.
Henry Bailey
>PUNCH A NAZI >PUNCH A NAZI of course liberals will drool over the SJW game...
No, social media and having a number attached to your real name wasn't a thing back then, so people didn't feel the need to make posts like that. Back then, you were called crazy and stupid if you put your internet handle to your real life name unless it was for business or work stuff.
Jacob Russell
except, it is shit compared to the looting, fun skill threes and comic worldbuilding borderlands has
Mason Hill
You didn't mention the best part
>You can't pause in single player
Lincoln Young
They saw people buy farcry and Rage 2, why wouldn't they add padding in their game?
Logan Hughes
fucking really?
Anthony Gomez
>jews invented the multiverse So they're going to pull doomguy and ranger to fight the nazi's in the next one, right?
Liam Baker
They gave it the Shadow Warrior 2 treatment, just turn it into a crappy looter shooter bordermeme zoomers will love it!
Adam Peterson
These people are just as dumb as actual neonazis. Games should be rated for their gameplay and if the game is story focused it should also be rated for it’s writing. Liking or disliking a game because of some tertiary non factor is for retards.
Grayson Phillips
Wolfenstein 09 released in the same timeframe Inglorious Basterds was in theaters, so it was just "ebin nazi scalping xdd" at worst. It's a shame that you can't discuss Basterds in today's climate because it really is Tarantino's best.
David Wright
Django felt like it was trying to capture a similar tone as Basterds, but it fell a half step short. I really enjoyed Hateful Eight as a western reimagining of The Thing. I’m hoping Once upon a time in Hollywood falls somewhere between pulp fiction and Jackie brown tone wise. It is a shame that people give more of a fuck about dumb shit instead of just enjoying something.
Aiden Martin
it's a spinoff so i don't care about it not being like the main series lol. 7.5/10 game desu if you're not crying about politics (or getting irrationally mad at everything else to disguise how you're really crying about politics).
Daniel Diaz
What were they thinking with this game? It's bad in pretty much every way