>BOTW is the greatest game ever made
ITT NPC vidya opinions
Other urls found in this thread:
Get some new material.
>witcher 3 is good
>I have more than 0 wojaks saved to my computer
>I come to Yea Forums and spend hours making 15 threads about Breath of the Wild
>someone pay attention please
>I'm so bored
>I like shorts! they're comfy and easy to wear!
>Undertale is the greatest game ever made
>make soi thread
But seriously, fuck Trump and fuck Trump supporters. Unironically.
OP eternally BTFO
thread /based
>ape escape 4 isn't needed
This is a pretty good post.
>you shouldn't be able to say certain words in the chat
What the hell is a NPC opinion? Am I too old for this place now?
When someone says something you disagree with, you call them an NPC. This is what passes for memes on Yea Forums nowadays. This site deserves to be nuked
You seem unironically mad. You mad bro?
>The switch is underpowered because it can't do the same as my 10 times bigger underpowered ps4
Why would NPC make you feel old? The idea of NPC's in video games is decades old. If this got to you, wait til you see this boomer/zoomer cringe shit.
/pol/ found a fart-huffing survey with "dude trust me" sources about how some humans are on an elevated layer of consciousness than the rest of the populace and that the majority of people are "npcs" in effect, they promptly went fucking hog-wild and made a wojak about it but it wasn't well-received at all, got shelved for a month, it made a brief resurgence because i guess whoever made it wanted to try their luck again, and now the only people that use it at all are obnoxious faggots that spend too much time posting memes to funnyjunk and twitter
>GTA IV is better than GTA V
Objectively wrong
>No really though, the Switch is underpowered because it's a Wii U from 2012, which is an Xbox 360 from 2005, in a small portable form factor.
>DOTA died after 7.00
>Klonoa looked better in the first game. They made him look like a Sonic OC!
>Sonic Heroes is shit the controls are so bad! But Sonic Adventure 2 is amazing! (has the same controls as Sonic Heroes)
fuck you nigga
>Sonic lore fans
Some people cant have internal monologue.
True but GTA IV's story DLC's shit all over V.
That's a shota opinion, user
but that's the 3rd post you linked to....
>oh my God it's NOT A FINAL BUILD you guys, stop criticizing Pokémon SwSh until it releases
>I'm sure your complaints are going to make it fail
>I'm buying it anyway lol
>/fa/gs wear pants in the summer
>people who look at them like they’re retards are just uncultured
ding ding ding we have a winner
There was some dude I saw a while ago that showed off his soi Wojak folder, he had like 120 of them it was really impressive.
BioShock Infinite SUUUUUUUCKS
>Why yes I enjoy Deus Ex, how did you know?
>GTA IV's story DLC's shit all over V
No they don't. TLAD is hot garbage and TBoGT is only very slightly better than GTA V as far as story goes. It hardly comes close to "shitting all over V."
Shut up, nerd
ok, forget I said anything. I'm sure you know what you're doing.
I played like 2 hours of botw and it was fucking boring
empty depressing openworld with no music
You're damn right
is the full pic scat,piss, or fart
I'm interested to see how this all plays out. I find myself wondering how this all ties in to your master plan.
Plans are also for nerds
NPC's fucking hate BotW because they have to think for themselves for five seconds to enjoy it.
>Me hit enemies with weapon over and over instead of using other methods to kill them NOOO WHY WEAPON BREAAAAK?
>Where go? No explain, just empty world no big letter or symbol to walk to this BAD
>No epic loot? BAD
>Puzzles not puzzle enoughBAD
Anyone has the söy reddit? yes the one with the open mouth
>everybody who doesn't share the same opinions and viewpoints as me is a part of a NPC hivemind
Post rare wojacks
>top 10 games
>zerda and morio on top 5
>Classic WoW will revitalize the mmo genre.
Oh yeah yeah
The dialogue has been modified.
Enjoy 2020, bitch.
>old game is better than new game
>game is bad because it has *inserts something i dont like that exists in 1% of the game*
>game is bad because its fanbase
>game is bad because an e-celeb is playing it
>linear hallway dungeons are bad
>dungeon/raid finder is bad
>classic wow is good / home threads
>*every soul vs soulless threads that praise old games and shit on new games/remakes*
>epic is good, steam is bad
>*every console-warring threads and comments*
Yea Forums is a right-wing board. Please leave.
yes, mad that i live around you idiots
oh we will. and you will cry your little special incel snowflake tears.
wasnt before and is not anymore, election tourist
Why do you leftist parasites have to colonise every single remotely right-wing website on the Internet? You could go to Twitter, Facebook and ResetEra, but noooo, you just have to shit up Yea Forums instead. Fuck off.
This is some next level comedy
OP destroyed
>waaaah get off my safe space
Top fucking kek. This happens because you cucks let it happen. You're impotent, both online and in real life. There is literally nothing you can do from losing. You will be banned from saying the n word. You will get your wife fucked by Tyrone. That is, if you ever manage to get a wife, you little faggot incel. And ultimately, you white bois will get bred out of existence. Seethe and cry and cope about it, but it is inevitable.
was it this one? i saved it to show how degenerate these people are
a fucking legend
>wrpgs are good
>wrpgs are better than jrpgs
>there's at least 100 onions wojak edits out there
Does someone have the "days / minutes / hours" meme? I want to edit it.
>the world ends with you is a good game
>Street Fighter and Marvel VS Capcom are great, but Darkstalkers sucks!
and those are just a subcategory of wojaks
Why is OP so afraid of his own opinion that he has to lampoon as others?
Console wars have been and always will been this boards most autistic obsession.
>its dangerous to go alone take this
>Bloodborne is the worse game ever
>minecraft is good
because they are portrayed as perfectly stable relationships
>popular thing bad
>Bloodborne is the best game ever
Fuck off
Pandering to literally 2% of the population is forced.
>Fuck off
>unironically thinking bloodborne is the best game ever
I don't know if this has been posted yet, but
>Bloodborne is the worst game ever
It's sincerely the best game of all time.
>using the subject field
fucking newfag
Fuck, I have one.
not its name, never was, god summer is forever
>he’s pro skub
>not agreeing with a circlejerk opinion
choose one
You can take your summer and shove it up your ass because this shit isn't feels guy anymore.
>Bloodborne is a good game
Honest to God, fuck off and stop samefagging
seething snoy
>Wojak nigger with a bad opinion
Checks out
It’s spelled Sony newfag. Lurk moar next time.
is today your first day on the Yea Forums, newfriend?
>Undertale is the Citizen Kane of video games.
>Consoles are better than PC because they let developers create a singular vision.
>I pay an extra monthly fee for online play.
Unironically git gud
Try doing leg exercises and wearing jeans you noodle legs
If no one else will post anything worthwhile, I guess I will.
I mean, lol
Nobody cares what your answers are faggot post the template jesus christ
Based and redpilled.
how did we get here
seethe harder FEELS GUY apologist
hilarious that in 2016 i voted for hillary and now i would like nothing more than to gas you and yours.
They literally did this with Tracer and Soldier 76 for Overwatch.
The cool face becoming troll face meme era made it so that memeing relatable content followed a template of set meme faces. Wojack had the most staying power as he was part of a different wave of memes since that first wave was coopted by normies. To keep it counter-culture, the meme was mostly stagnant, opening it up to a fun avenue if creativity where it stayed the same. It delves into the absurdity of memes in that you can recognize the wojack line of memes even when it changed up.
NPC is just the modern way of calling people sheep
These responses to rattatataatatatata
>Undertale is my second favorite game
It's better when someone says "I just hate it when the gay characters are one note and being gay is their entire personality" and then someone asks "which characters are like that?" and there is no reply or the subject is changed.
Genuinely how I would rank them
>It's better when someone says "I just hate it when the gay characters are one note and being gay is their entire personality" and then someone asks "which characters are like that?" and there is no reply or the subject is changed.
how about that tranny in mass effect andromeda who you meet and immediately says 'i am a tranny'
now that i think of it bioware has a few one-note characters like that in their games. it's probably their fault.
>[game released this month] is the best game of ALL TIME
>new month, new game
>[game released new month] is the best game of ALL TIME
>my backlog is sooooo big guys lol
You'd think that eventually they'd get tired of throwing their money away. I have friends that buy games for 10 dollars on Steam and never play them. I don't care how cheap the game is, if you never play it you've thrown your money in the toilet.
>the game that killed the MMO genre will save the genre
I don't understand how Blizzdrones can actually believe this
no please i don't want to go back to grey wojak posting
please guys don't do this it's a very, very low effort meme
>gray wojak
t. ledditor
Why does he save it by number instead of by defining characteristics?
>I eat food
>I drink water
>I breathe oxygen
>Metacritic scores matter
>DMC5 is the best action game ever made
*claps hands, points at screen*
"Reddit, mommy, Reddit!"
jesus wept
t. Seething npc
Go back to knowyourmeme and make another article on Trump's latest cough
>game is good
Absolutely seething
>It’s not censorship, Freedom of Speech only applies when its done by the government
>You only dislike it because the women in the game aren’t 7 yos in revealing clothes
>You only dislike it because it disagrees with you politically. Any game that agrees with me politically is flawless in every way
>Gatekeeping is bad
>Caring about dumb parents letting their kids buy microtransactions and lootboxes
>Or literally anything dumb parents have said ever about vidya
>I post on Yea Forums
>"I have no argument so I resort to twitter-tier non-answers"
True npc behavior
gatekeeping something you don't own isn't bad it's just stupid
Post the template you cum gargling shit piston
>n-no you have the burden of proof
>lmao npc
absolute softbrain
>"No u"
>Needing evidence that Yea Forums is right wing
Thanks for confirming your retardation to everyone here
This is the only one I have since it's actually a decent joke
>"An anonymous video game board is my political hang out and we all think alike."
>"That's self-evident but I'll still ask for counter-arguments despite arguing in bad faith."
>"You're retarded."
Just because /pol/ is right wing doesn't mean the rest of muh sekret club is. I wouldn't expect a low IQ sperg like you to understand this, though.
OP is the eternal faggot
I have bad memories of being a kid and wanting to join a MTG group followed by them making new rules about decks so I couldn't join in. I had never even met them before other than my friend who invited me.
Imagine being so fucking autistic that you would actually save all these garbage low effort images.
It isn't since I'm here
i wouldn't take it personally kids are just dicks
we've all done or will do something shitty to someone else and someone has or will do something shitty to us
no on means to, sometimes you just bump into each other at the wrong time
>Video games are fun
"Ackshually" - the post
Keep seething that no one on Yea Forums will never accept your woundhole
"I'm wrong but here's another meme on the way out" the post
lmao dude go to bed
>Video games are not subjective as a medium that's just silly talk. I mean it's highly rated so that means it's pretty much good and if you don't like it you just don't have good taste in video games
keep coping, incel
>video games are art!
>video games are also objectively good/bad!
i hear this shit all the time, people will say these two in the same fucking breath
>cheating is bad!
Made for black dick my goodness!
You haven't been able to come up with a single argument, just parroting what I say first and claiming intellectual superiority. Retard crap like this is why you aren't welcome here, faggot.
>you're obligated to disprove MY claim
that's not how it works bro seriously go back to school it's not even funny any more, every post since we started arguing has contained a meme up until this one and it's got me bummed out how obvious it is that you've probably been held back a grade
>just parroting what i say
that's mockery for ya
Thank you for pushing normal people to the right
>"How DARE you use memes on an image board, I want it to be more like Twitter!!!!!!"
>JRPGs are great!
>Thank you for pushing normal people to the right
>I changed all my political stances on everything, even things like healthcare because a leftard was mean to me on the internet once :(
Imagine being this fucking fragile and pathetic. Holy shit.
this is the face of schizophrenia
>2d > 3d
>nes and snes were like the greatest ever lol n64 so bad early 3d xD
>these pixels are totally like how games are supposed to look you know?
>All JRPGs play,look,and seem the same!
If an user you never met can make you this angry while on the metro, it's pretty clear one of us is fragile
>Hint: it's the one that thinks Yea Forums tolerates leftism
only wojak I have saved
Both of you are clearly underage.
>npc soi westacuck
>liking anything japanese outside of nintendo or resident evil
anybody have the most recent fagjak filter?
>Both of you are clearly underage.
Prove it.
Persona 5 is one of many JRPGs out there this generation to enjoy.
Ys for instance plays nothing like Persona.
Keep coping, incel.
>Imagine being so fucking autistic that you would actually save all these garbage low effort images.
Where do all these söyPC wojaks keep coming from?
Why doesn't GoW, Gears, or MHW get the amount of hate that BotW does? Or maybe its all just one autistic person screeching by himself.
t. Baltimorefag
yeah by rename it to >tfw no gf or retards won't get the joke.
I mean retards who HAVE played ff8 won't.
>tfw just fought FF8 Queztlqotl in FFXIV
an abstract kind of feel. Can't wait for the remaster.
Don't know about that game, but even the gay mage in DA2 had more going for him than just being gay. The interview about him didn't mention his sexuality until he was asked half way through the interview.
Playstation is bad because censorship
>Sports and shooters are popular on consoles so therefore everyone on consoles doesn't play a variety of games on it
I truly hate this NPC opinion. There are many niche and fun games that come out on consoles that are not super heavily popular or are a sports/shooter/online game but many think there aren't for some reason.
I mean, I see that you were saying something, but that webm has me distracted right now
Yeah! I'm part of /pol/ and Im' proud!
I hope one day to get my gun and shoot some niggers for existing because the only good niggah is a dead niggah.
NPCs are just so mad lmao.
I love being part of a right-wing website! I'm learning so many good proper lessons instead of the Nazis from the left. They're all terrible and colluding with all the jews.
imagine getting baited by /pol/ this easily. leftists don't actually come here.
It's funny to see what's not "winning people over". What should be innocuous and apolitical like pointing out how bad a president can be when forming sentences in his 8th tweet for the day is seen as politically charged. A game like Celeste is seen as taking a stance against white male characters when really there just isn't one in a small cast, it's not standing for or against anything with it's casting.