jesus christ i like this game but fuck me it sure likes being tedious

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That's not DK64

The amount of fun the combat is more than makes up for it. i like that everything is set on a stage and the audiance and the stage itself can interact with you. no other game does anything like it.


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what the fuck...

why didn;t they do this but with a the bunghole.

it sucks only zoomers prefer it over the original

but the combat is more fluid and just, better.

I played it for the first time recently and the game genuinely felt like it was rushed.

Chapter 4 was literally backtracking the level
The Chapter with train was extremely short, it was like they were missing areas for Poshley Heights
The next was terrible with having to find the General, the ice section felt like it was also cut down.

Shut the fuck up, dumb zoomer. You simply can't appreciate a good game like this. You don't deserve it

can we stop being generation'cist


Fuck Arlo and his followers

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Seethe harder dumb nigger

The last Paper Mario game was released in 2004 (TTYD)
Super was a spin off, and SS and CS are a completely different series since they changed nearly every single thing for the worse.



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And? We know we're getting another paper mario game eventually. The franchises listed there may never come back.

Just like the real Paper Mario will never come back.
The current people that have a stranglehold on the IP seem to hate the original two games for whatever reason.

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Literally who?

Na it will come back, Paper Mario stans have made sure of that. Punch Out and Starfy though? Lol.

The fuck is a "stan"

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I don't remember a lot of backtracking, so maybe I enjoyed it. I do remember the game kind of getting dull after the wrestling ring chapter, before it picks way back up in the endgame.

I played the first chapter but have zero motivation to keep going. It is just so ungodly slow paced with 90% talking and 10% easy AF battles that are just boring.

The only real bad backtracking I remember was the parts during chapter 4. The General White part wasn't that bad and took me like 20 minutes.

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Punch Out doesn't need another game, the last game was a good note to end on.

>shame that people like a superior game
OG Paper Mario was good but TTYD did it better like a sequel should.

People actually played the first 2 paper mario games. Although I agree Punch Out and FZero need to return.

I really like super paper mario.

It's the gamecube even the best games feel half done or like they were made for the n64.

Ask someone their least favorite chapter in 64. They'll usually have to think about it, and even then, they'll usually say "but I still liked it."

Compare this with TTYD. You ask someone what their least favorite part of the game was and they can almost always tell you precisely what it was 9/10 times.

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Fuck I want a remake so bad.
Better yet just remake all 3 of the earlier games, I want all of them on my Switch. Gets tedious having to break out my Wii U just to play them.

If anyone is asking for any of these series to be revived over F-Zero they need to be corralled up and forced to play F-Zero GX since it's more fun than anything Nintendo's release since it came out.
F-Zero deserves a fucking new game more than any other Nintendo series right now.

Shut the fuck up, I played the original Paper Mario and I thought that was amazing.

It's the one thing I pretend isn't an issue with the game. It's perfect, stop this nonsense talk op

What the fuck is this supposed to mean? If you think there's something objectively bad points in the game, point then out.

Fans. Its from an Eminem song.

Chapters 2, 4, the first half of 5, 7.

>it's another 64 vs. TTYD thread
Now I understand how Banjofags feel. Can't we just all get along and acknowledge that both games are excellent and that which one you prefer boils down to personal preference?

skip battles.

Chapter 4 small?

No, it isn't.