>I have already become Death Stranding
I have already become Death Stranding
I stood up and clapped and yelled BRAVO BRAVO KOJIMA KINO
Honestly I thought the trailer was genius.
refn should've pulled out a copy of drive
>Sam... I'm already a Homo Demon
Why is Kojima such a hack?
>be the future
>decide to do all sorts of science-y things before curing baldness
>Behold, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots!
Yikes, he's such a hack
high forehead is not baldness you dumbass.
I thought the directors had bit role cameos, but now it seems Refn is a main character.
okay, made me laugh
i know he's a fan of america and i can kind of see this being true
what if he realised on the last 3 minutes he has a really urgent poo but it wasn't enough time so he decided to hold it but then on the last seconds it pushed real hard and TUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
imagine the smell haha
Your sphincter relaxes when you die so Refn either wears a buttplug, diapers or shits himself 60 times per day.
This is canon.
Colostomy bag
>Refn either wears a buttplug, diapers or shits himself 60 times per day.
>This is canon.
Think we just discovered what Mama's role in all this is
mama is for sexualising, not for degenerates.
Is that Qualley in my Death Stranding? Mucha me gusta
That look on her face makes much more sense now.
Why do the characters look so rubbery? Kinda reminds me of LA Noire.
Its not degeneracy, she just keeps Heartman's bum bum clean and powdered and gives him milkies after he's done playing on the beach
"Most of life's basic functions can fit into a 21 Minute time slot."
>trusting Kojima trailers
Uh, do you guys remember MGSV?
hell yeah
>Refn is actually a good actor
Surprised tbqh
>do you guys remember MGSV?
yeah it's a great game
>estimate: 10 min
Otherwise, good edit.
You get the game you deserve, positive or negative. I hope it's what you wanted.
He isn't the one doing the VA nor the mocap. Someone else is even doing the facial animations for Refn's face
>visit 218 thousand
And his heart can still be restarted?
Holy fuck Kojima is a hack. This writing is seriously embarrassing.
His heart shouldn't technically stop as that kind of heart can't be started. When people get defibbed its to get the heart to beat in regular rhythm again. Like in movies if you flatline and get zapped it "comes back", but in real life once you flatline thats it. Zapping isnt gonna do nothing.
Let me guess. Whenever he dies and goes to the other side, he lives as the woman he always wished he was.
mamas taking care of dirty nappies is not degeneracy
So how long is he dead for?
Also is he doing this voluntarily?
Isn't he the director of Drive?