ITT: enemies that unnerve you
ITT: enemies that unnerve you
No joke, I ran into one of these for the first time while playing DOOM 2016 on my Switch the other day and it scared the shit out of me. It was approaching very slowly in the distance and I didn't notice it at first since I was fighting other demons, but the moment I double jumped onto a bridge and it appeared two feet from my face I shouted in surprise. I'm not one for jump scares but that one made me laugh so hard at how off guard it caught me. Thanks for reading my blog
I've wanted a big cacodemon plushie for 20 years
How's the Doom3 Switch port?
>saying weanus peanus gets you banned faster than posting lolis these days
I like the 64 version.
Spray some water at him until he goes away.
are you saying that because of the DRM or is it actually shit
Both. It's the BFG edition, so downgraded textures, missing enemies, brighter lighting, much easier on all difficulties (You get a lot more health and ammo pickups), etc.
3 on Switch doesn't have DRM.
Bethesda is removing the DRM via an update.
Sounds like he's just a hater, I want DOOM3 portable so I'm very close to biting the bullet on it
Don't do it.
Give me one good got damn reason.
>not posting the HD remake