
The last good NFS game.... Made me nearly buy a Porsche.

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Need for Sneed



Best soundtrack
Best physics
Best car line up
Best tracks

Could run on a shitty pc, it was a 10/10 game.

That's not how the meme works you absolute retard.

I liked that one more after underground. Hot Pursuit 2?

Is it any good lads?
I really want to play a NFS game that isn't NFSU2 or MW (because I've played them to exhaustion), but I'm highly skeptical of it because it's not illegal races

Attached: prostreet.jpg (220x288, 19K)

>That's not how the meme works you absolute retard.

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It's pretty hilarious, considering that generation is the least wanted.

>inb4 all the ricertards and zoomer weebs who watched initial d screetch because they'd rather drive a corrolla in a video game than a 911 GT1 or Mclaren F1.

i don't really know shit about cars but those "flat" sort of supercars just aren't my aesthetic

Great atmosphere of amateur track day, I'm not talking about proper FIAA events, more like weekend with friends. Soundtrack, cars, tracks. Everything.

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Yeah, it's last good modern NFS.

It's the game that got me into Porsches.

It's also got a killer soundtrack

Attached: Need-for-Speed-Porsche-Unleashed-PC.jpg (1024x768, 96K)

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>but I'm highly skeptical of it because it's not illegal races
It's still street races, just legal ones with a festival vibe to it. I personally think it's great, probably the most underrated modern NFS. Great car selection, great tuning options, Good engine sounds for the time and speed races, the most fun races in the entire series for me.

I just really like the whole illegal aspect of NFS, combined with the police pursuits and stuff.
I'd play Carbon but fuck the rubber band AI in that game.

Shut up weeb

I fucking hate it
It was the beginning of the downfall of the series


>It was the beginning of the downfall of the series
That was Underground though

How is the ps1 version?

Underground 1 was good can't say the same thing about 2

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UG was begining of the fall because they replaced pure exotic sportscars with shitboxes like Civic or other 80s-90s garbage.

Pic related was the last true "Need for Speed" before they went for poor/pleb vehicles.

Attached: need-for-speed-hot-pursuit-12756-2.jpg (800x600, 111K)

well you are a retard then
The one PS1 NFS that isn't that great. The PC version is better.

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