Is this objectively the best game ever made?

Is this objectively the best game ever made?

Attached: Resident Evil 4.jpg (800x1106, 195K)

Other urls found in this thread: vs Max Payne/

Yes, for its time.

Attached: RE4 vs Max Payne.jpg (1200x882, 298K)

> Literal who game that nobody talks about
> Critically acclaimed masterpiece that everyone loves & might lead to Leon getting into Smash

you're a literal faggot

Literally just two different styles of games

>great visuals
>great ambience music
>cool weapon variety
>weapon upgrades
>really cool unlockable guns and alt costumes
>attention to details
>campy plot and characters
>tight gameplay
>dynamic difficulty, and Professional Difficulty keeps it at max difficulty
>perfect controls + widescreen on Wii Edition
It's easily among the best games ever.

Attached: 1398456154631.png (89x105, 15K)

I don't know but one thing I will say is that Resident Evil is the most consistently good video game series. Its far more consistent than something
like Zelda. Almost every single mainline Resident Evil game is good. vs Max Payne/

My god, you're retarded.

Yes. Speaking of which it's free for gamepass subscribers I think I'll give it another playthrough

i think the quality of the game falls off after the castle, REmake stays good all the way through

not the best game but it is unironically up there among the best games ever made unlike meme ones like Skyrim or Arkham City


Yes, and just recently had objectively the best speedrun at ESA.

Third person action
Third person horror

>Almost every single mainline RE game is good
That could not be further from the truth.

I think so, yeah. I'm really happy the 2 remake makes me feel a little how I felt playing 4 for the first time

4 is a horror game so the controls and the camera makes sense you fucking retard. Do you just want every single game ever made to be the same game?


No, that's Tetris.

>4 is a horror game
You don’t know what a horror game is.

Resident Evil 6 is better, so no.

No but is still a great shooter

REmake 2
Rev 2

Only bad game there is 6

And 0 and 5.

Yeah it's way up there

>RE 4
But still I think the other user is retarded

5 is a great game. Its just not a horror game.

Its a shit game and if that wasnt enough to being with it fucked up the second coming of REmake

Escorts mission are only for a few chapter and you can make Ashley to hide herself or be in a specific place without moving. Leon lack of mobility makes sense because this isn’t a game min which you can win by pew pew, you need to know where to be to start shotting enemies, and also where you’re going to shot them. Enemies are slow because your character need to be standing to shoot and all the enemies projectile can be avoided by shooting it, also you need to know if you’re getting out of ammo or else the enemy is going to grab you. You need to think what are you going to do before pressing the trigger and react quickly.
And I’m not even a big fan of RE4

>tank controls

Massive fucking tits.

Attached: __ashley_graham_resident_evil_4_and_etc_drawn_by_sgk__92a3f62a428ce12415994a41f7caa3ac.jpg (676x965, 164K)


that image is retarded, but you are even more retarded.

>5 is a great game
NOPE! it's 4, but if 4 was shit and gay.

It's one of them. I could easily see it making a top 20 of all time probably.
Also don't forget about this aspect -->

>waiting for HD Project to finish before replaying
>finally gets through the whole game after like 5 years
>decides to go through AGAIN for more touches
I think I won't be playing until 2022.

Max Payne is scarier than RE4

It's good, but I wouldn't call any game where you can "game over" in QTEs the best game.

Whether you think it's scary or not they are two different genres with different styles of gameplay and conventions.

Attached: whatcha arrestin stranga.jpg (1024x768, 369K)

Those games are not even the same genre.

First off, the camera is zoomed in in RE to contribute to the horror factor. It's more personal. Max Payne is more about blowing people away, and you are supposed to feel the action, not anything personal. The real time weapon switching in RE, which it changed to, in my opinion is worse because it's not supposed to be a super fast paced action game, and the pausing adds to the tension. RE4 also has really enjoyable quick time events and the escort mission is the best done escort mission in video games.

Max Payne and RE4 are both good games and this image is retarded.

the absolute state of Yea Forums

Attached: 1499911957407.jpg (576x436, 57K)

git gud

RE4 was famously the first mainline RE without tank controls you absolute tards.

Stop talking about games you’ve never played.

Gamepass on Xb*xO*e?
I think I still have some time remaining from the 1 Dollar 3 month deal

user, I...