Will you play Dragon Quest XI: Downgrade Edition?

Will you play Dragon Quest XI: Downgrade Edition?

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Yeah, that vita port with the extra content isn't anytime soon.


The top is the downgrade right? Where are the extra party members? Unless you don't mean to tell me......

I haven't even played the normal version.

I heard from someone called Yea Forums that it might be a timed exclusive. I don't really want to pay full price for it when I paid day 1 for the original though.

Oh no, I can't look at the pretty grass with the Switch version.

Thank you OP! I'll make sure to play the best, definitive version of the game on my Sony™ Playstation 4! (also with no 2D Mode, no orchestral soundtrack, no fast speed in battles, no extra party members, no new exclusive side quests, no solo adventure per characters, and no monsters riding)

I'll just wait for the PS4 version to get the extra content.

You bet I am. I will enjoy it, all the extra story content and side content, the better music, and the 16 bit version of it.


Square already sent out press-release versions of DQXI S on the PS4, so it's either going to be a DLC upgrade, a re-release, or both.

That said, PC or gtfo. The game's lighting and texture resolution makes good use of 4K.

Yes, and I will post screenshots on a daily basis just to trigger people like you.

No i played it on pc in 4k. It was a great game.

please release on pc

About DQ 8, should I play the 3DS or PS2 version via emulator? Also, any tips for DQ 5 DS?

You mean Dragon Quest XI with

>more fleshed out characters
> new battle speed option
>japanese and english VA
>symphonic and synthesized ost
>2D mode
>improved UI
>new items
>new enemies
>new outfits
>new quests

Yeah, I will :)

Source: my stinky ass

Yep. I'm really looking forward to it.

>lose some graphic fidelity
>gain a lot of content

I dont have a switxh nor do i want one but i am a little jealous owning the original

>More content is worth playing the game at an eighth of the performance of the original superior version
Ninteniggers will LITERALLY eat any turd as long as you wave a shiny pair of keys in front of them, you're beyond pathetic.

No, I'm not going to play the inferior PS4 version. I'll be playing the superior Switch version with its extra content, orchestrated OST and 2D mode.

How does it feel making this thread multiple times per day knowing you will have zero effect on the Switch sales of this game? It's inevitable, snoyboy. Just buy a Switch. Just pretend this never happened. It's OK.

>Implying this will sell at all
The delusion holy shit

If you're the sort of massive autist who cares about MUH GRAFFIX on fucking Dragon Quest then you'd play the PC version.
I understand the fact that the 12 people in the west who actually bought the PS4 version feel screwed as you're stuck with the worst one, but try to get over it instead of constantly posting this thread on Yea Forums like the seething third-world ESL you are.

>wanting to play a game with 25% less content because it has some more grass
You described sonybros pretty well, gotta say.

If the Switch would come out with some exclusives I actually care about, other than remakes, then I will probably pick this up too. Let me know when SMT5 and Rune Factory 5 have a NA release date and then I might get interested.

Nintendo do a far better job of marketing Dragon Quest in the West than S-E do as sad as that sounds.
DQXI only sold 600k copies outside of Japan on PS4 and PC combined.

Oh man, you snoyboys and your deranged fantasies.

Okay retards sure.
Whatever you say, keep feeding yourselves impossible dreams, I'm sure Daddy Tendo is very happy that you're such mindless drones for them.
I'll be laughing while I sip my fine wine after this shitty miserable port doesn't even sell 10k units.

Fuck bros, I was going to buy the Switch version but apparently it has fewer blades of grass. Preorder cancelled :(

>Square already sent out press-release versions of DQXI S on the PS4

This delusion.
kek Square Enix has no plans to bring the Special edition content to other platforms

I always hated Dragon ball so no generic rpg for me.

This post will bring me lots of joy a couple months from now when the edtra content gets announced as a free expansion for PS4.

Considering DQ is my go-to comfy handheld series, and considering how much I have to commute back and forth for work, yeah, sure.

>muh graphixz is better than more content

Fucking nigger.

Literally this. This and only this.
The only winning move here is to ignore yet another generic bland JRPG and to play the real games that are already out.


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Oh snoyboy, when will you learn?
Grape juice isn't wine. Just like how the PS4 version of this game isn't the definitive edition.

>Fire Emblem Three Houses is selling out everywhere
>Waifublade Chronicles is approaching 2 million sales
>Octopath Traveller sold well over a million on Switch
>But Dragon Quest XI, with Nintendo marketing, is only going to sell 10k units
Try not to sip on some fine bleach when it outsells the flop that was the PS4 version

>He has a job and is still playing videogames
You will never be of any worth to anybody, you stumped manchild. Grow out of those infantile hobbies and do something of worth to society you fucking parasite.

Nah, I already got a good 100 hours or so of fun out of it. Not interested in playing it again with slightly more content on any platform.
Playing such a good looking game on such shit hardware sounds awful as well.

I got the PS4 version at release and I'll get the Switch version at release too.
I'll enjoy the adventure all over again, and no amount of shitposting will stop me.

Why not both? Since it’s just using a newer version of unreal why can’t it come to PC as well?

Glad you're still here Quentin, did you decide to not shoot up your school after all?

The only question I care about is, when will we get a nude mod for PC?

Who the fuck is Quentin
Stop bringing up literally whos as scapegoats for the miserable waste of resources that is your life

Dragon Quest team has finished with DQXIS for Switch only and have started development on DQXII. Special Edition content will not come to PS4 or Switch in any form. Dragon Quest team wanted to do something special for Switch in return for the long wait.

He's unironically doing Nintendo a huge favor by posting this every day. It makes people curious, and then they find out it's actually the best version of the game. He's introducing brand new people to the Switch version of the game on accident and I love it.

Fuck off newfag

>Special Edition content will not come to PS4 or Switch in any form.
>Look, Ma, I'm being literally retarded on Yea Forums again

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>after this shitty miserable port doesn't even sell 10k units
user... You've already lost that one. Japan alone will sell more than a million copies since it's a mainline Dragon Quest title with more content. Preorders alone will already be exceeding 100k. The west will have a bunch of newbies who've either never played it but know the Hero is in Smash or have played it but want the extra content. In terms of Japan this will break 1 million easy, in terms of the west at least 100k. You can admit defeat for not knowing shit all about Dragon Quest.

cringe and newpilled

Meant PC senpai my bad.

>Durr hurr fuck off you don't know this literally who person that means nothing to anybody? What a retarded newfag

oh no he said switch instead of pc

I'm just gonna leave this here...

Preorders alone of DQ11S already well exceed 100k. He's already lost for not knowing shit all about the IP.
Mainline DQs are not allowed to be released on work days or else all the salary men won't come into work for a few days. DQ releases are unofficial public holiday tier.

that's a yikeroni yikeroo from me bro
cringenation population: you

>Mainline DQs are not allowed to be released on work days or else all the salary men won't come into work for a few days. DQ releases are unofficial public holiday tier.
This is fucking stupid, stop spouting stupid shit.

Yeah because I came from pic related graphics and some missing grass doesnt bother me

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Will they downgrade the shitty motion blur?


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It's true. It's a company-enacted rule that came about for that exact reason. He's not shitting you. You're just a newfag.


user, please do your research and learn your history

Honestly I want to go to Japan on the release of a mainline DQ game just once to see it in person. I've seen pictures and it's crazy, salary men, otaku, children, families, every possible kind of person lined up to get the game.

If they fix up the translation i will. But they won't.

DQ 8 3DS has worse graphics, but more party members, additional content, an alternative ending, visible encounters, instant item crafting and other improvements.
So choose for yourself what you prefer.

When can I expect all the extra shit to come out on the PS4? I'm trying to decide if I want to beat it or wait

As soon as Breath of the Wild releases on PSVita

Hilarious. You know it's going to be released as DLC right?

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I wouldn't be so sure about it. Yuji Horii isn't a big fan of DLCs and even went so far to state that there won't be any DLCs for DQXI since it's a complete game.

>"Don't play video games. Be like me, someone who only makes posts about games"

im using my vita to play the snes games since the only official dragon quest is stupid builders

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It's not coming. There is no precedent for it, there is a heavy tendency for these ultimate editions to be released only on Nintendo consoles, and the developers themselves have already shot down the idea by saying that they are working on DQ12 instead. If it happens, it will be in the far future.

im torn.

PS4 version is cheaper, has better graphics and I also like trophies

Switch version has more content, more mounts, better music and your party can follow you.

I'm erring towards PS4

I don't know what to do now, I haven't played DQXI yet and I want the PC version because of the superior graphics but I don't want to miss out on stuff.

>look mommy I made a mockup bluray disc using readily available, cheap, decades old printing technology
If this was real, you would be seeing some gameplay pics by now.

PC is better for visuals, you can mod in the real soundtrack too

If graphics are what matter most to you then get the PC version but if you care more about content the Switch version is going to be objectively better by a mile.

Builders isnt bad, if your vita is hacked theres a english translation mod of DQ heroes 2

what extra content does the switch release has over the PC one?

I don't have a switch

From ITT
>more fleshed out characters
> new battle speed option
>japanese and english VA
>symphonic and synthesized ost
>2D mode
>improved UI
>new items
>new enemies
>new outfits
>new quests

>more fleshed out characters
that doesn't mean anything

Is the original soundtrack that bad, guys?

And idiots expect all this shit through DLC. So much of the game was completely overhauled for the Switch release.

Sure, when it's ported to PC.

He probably means there was a couple of non-voiced sidequests added where a character says something shocking or whatever. That's usually what "more fleshed out" means in these types of upgrades.

Yes it does. Don't be a retard.

They're great compositions played with terrible, horrible MIDI synthesizers. The orchestral soundtrack fixes this.

No, all of them got new character arcs telling what happened to them during the second arc.

I think it's meant to refer to extended character arcs thanks to new quests and something about marriage or something like that.
Also what wasn't mentioned is having your party follow you around in the overworld. Not a huge thing but some people like that.

You've either never played Dragon Quest, are confusing this game for a Tales game, or you are trolling.

i have builders 2 on switch, i dont feel like downgrading to 1. i am hacked, but dynasty warriors never interested me so i skipped the heroes games

no, the ps4 version sucks. I'm playing the definitive Switch version

>midi soundtrack
>less story
>less animals to ride
>no party members in the overworld
>call horse at any time
>faster battle speed

ah but it has more grass! that's way way better than having more content and a proper orchestrated soundtrack! man, i love having more grass.

>I don't care that you're having more fun, MY fun was prettier!

Of course, its the complete edition after all. I didnt waste my time playing a demo :P

Threads like this as a Sony/Nintendofag makes me embarrassed to be the former. We as a species don't survive off of pettiness. We don't need to do this song and dance forever.

Already confirmed as a misprint nigger.


>snoyboi makes his 10th shitpost thread about console exclusive
>nintenbros BTFO him again
>enlightened centrist jumps out of the woodwork long after the dust has settled to do some moral posing

Don't be projecting the "gallant hero" trope on me. I'm just a grumpy grandpa.

All I want is the orchestral soundtrack. Literally don't give a fuck about all that other shit
>no party members in the overworld
Worthless addition. 8 didn't have that and it was fine. Switch owners must be the most annoy fags on the planet

It also got censored because SQ wanted to retain that A rating from CERO.