WoW Classic Thread - Chill Saturday Edition

WoW Classic Thread - Chill Saturday Edition

Let's try to just talk about the game, and not respond to- or even acknowledge the fellas that try to stir up a fight. It's alright to have different opinions. It's okay. Chill.

What're your plans for Classic?
>Faction, race?
>Starting class?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Saturday Edition
Fuck off with your general, you and the XIV trannies too while we're at it. And no I'm not trying to stir up a fight, because this is not to be discussed. Do not even reply me

This is you on Classic WoW.

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Gnome Warlock, Enchanting, Tailoring.

My goal is to get comfy as fuck.


undead warlock so I can buttfuck gnome warlocks

on one hand, i wanna play POM Pyro mage

on the other hand i dont wanna play WoW on EZ mode

human paladin so I can rape undead warlocks

can you actually use exorcism and turn undead on undead players?

1milion honor is brutal even in premade, i had to stop at rank 12

No, they're considered Humanoid for balance purposes

100% solo/pvp
Never joining a guild
Never setting foot in a dungeon


No, but it used to be like that in the original beta iirc


Where are you going to get gear from?

Human mage, I'm gonna take it nice and slow, hopefully level to 60 in 3-4 months. Wanna finish MC by phase 1 and get my robes of the Archmage.

Not really sure what to pick beside tailoring, any1 got tips? Was thinking herb/skinning to 60.

Mainly focusing PVP, wanna get Atiesh during Classics lifespan, that's my ultimate goal with my mage I guess.

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get out of this thread Nintendo

>Mainly focusing PVP
then you obviously need engineering

dorf priest so I can get ez raid spots
was gonna go paladin but I've heard shadow priests are fun as fuck in PVP

neet here rolling a mage to go for r13. only ever went r10 twice on nost and northdale very casually. hope it doesn't break me

Undead Rogue
Kill everything red


Making the Horde great again.

honor will be infinitely hard on live

Can tell you right now with your casual approach you won't get Atiesh

Who /PvE/ servers here?

only know of one person who got atiesh during classic retbro and they were the gm of a top guild
good luck bro

Always pair tailoring with enchanting

I was thinking of tailoring and herbalism so I would get the bonus from bloodvine eventually but at the same time if whatever guild I'm in wants me to go alchemy I could switch. Enchanting seems like a lot to take on

Oh, sounds like you'll enjoy Classic aka WoW more than BFA aka casual horseshit then

what are you babbling about

Still deciding between orc lock or tauren hunter

I usually go shaman but I wanna do dps pure this time because building offsets as a hybrid in vanilla is a hassle.

literally me except I have my own place and 90k in the bank, buff, no piss bottles, can drive, have gf that I'm trying to break up with, and balder.

Undead warlock, fuck the alliance

>>Faction, race?
Alliance, Dwarf
>>Starting class?
Paladin or Warrior
Skinning til 60 then ill do something else
No one wants to hear this but i hope to be a content creator



Ouch, buddy. May as well kill yourself.

The only reason to play PVE would be to avoid high level ganking, and this is literally not an issue in a fresh server environment.

If I still had my PC is be playing a gnome mage because those gondola rides were comfy af.
Word of advice Yea Forums, if your gf says to get rid of something and you don't really want to do it, don't. I sold mine after half a year of her bitching about it for a measly $200 and we broke up 3 months later. I've shared that advice before but damn does it suck to have to save up for the rig I had less than a year ago.

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Why does Yea Forums like Alliance so much? It's objectively the worst faction with the worst type of players.

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you like not being able to kill people because they can run away?

RP-PVP for me. Nothing beats ganking ERP deviants in Goldshire.

I like civilization.
I like aesthetics.
I like comfy forests and snowlands.
I don't like mudhuts and streetshitting.

I like comfy questing in STV without having to fight alliance cunts every 30 seconds


So curious how the mods only move FFXIV threads. It's like they're biased.

nah, I'm doin fine rocking the jacked skinhead look.

>Human mage
>I'm gonna take it nice and slow
>Mainly focusing PVP
>wanna get Atiesh
you are gonna be playing the wrong game m8 try BFA

>Starting class?
Raiding and PvP

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Better cities, better zones, better models, better class, better fantasy races in general, excluding orc.
Undercity, the Horde's only good city, has the worst layout in the entire game. No one wants to run around in mud huts and level in the barrens for 40 levels.
I get that trolls, tauren, and UD are cool, but Alliance has humans, dwarves, gnomes, and the best looking race, NEs. Most people are going to like those races more since they are familiar.

>the mods only move FFXIV
Doesn't happen, quit crying queer.


trannies won't play a race they can't self-insert into

Human, Warrior, Herb/Mining while leveling, Engineering/Mining at max level,
I plan to hoof it to darnassus at lvl 1 and hit exalted for my tiger mount by 40.

because they're the good guys :D

Won't you miss your class quests? Or can you pick up the starting class quests of other races?

Priest or Shaman, what do?

A microscopic amount of players play WoW for immersion.

Aside from layering/sharding, what other major changes have they implemented?


rip your bags

I don't think you can, but there's no rush for warriors to beat their level 10 quest since you don't need def stance still you actually go to tank and the weapon reward sucks.

You're the milk toast of WoW players. Your guild will either be called "The X of Y" or some faux latin bullshit.

mostly just UI changes and the option to use retail graphics. I can't remember any specifics

I'm stealing YOUR name on name reservation day and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

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You can just quest around for the rep but it would be faster to level on the human starting zone then eventually steamroll through the NE starting area. They still give the same rep reward, right?

have you ever had milk toast?

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Its sad cuz this is me and some of my friends

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How rough is tanking dungeons as a low level warrior?

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I've been coming up with names for my toons for weeks and this post made me anxious

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>They still give the same rep reward, right?

No, in vanilla until I think mid WotLK, doing grey quests would reward 1/10 the normal rep.

If you want quest rep you have to do them at your level.

haha just put a shield on nigga

you can unironically tank 5 mans as arms spec at all levels

Tanking isn't hard just demo shout and sunder.

I always say though that RFC and VC are really hard dungeons to tank as your first time so if you do a bad job on them don't be discouraged.

>I always say though that RFC and VC are really hard dungeons to tank as your first time

any tips?

I see, if a Dwarf runs all the way to the starting NE area to grind the rep for a saber, would that be detrimental in any other way? Can I just go back and do the class quests and shit later?

I want to play dorf priest but would rather get a saber than a fucking goat

Running a human warlock, had the most fun as a lock on private servers. Thinking of going tailoring/enchanting and then switching to engineering/enchanting at max level and buying the mats for engineering. Is this feasible? Engineering seems like a huge money sink regardless.

prove it bitch

who else here is going to go mining and then sell off all the mats for everyone who switches to engineering at 60?

wear a 2 handed weapon, be in defensive stance, sunder armor on mobs??

Worst part is the troggs. Pull packs way the fuck back so you lure the caster troggs away from the troggs you aren't fighting so you can kill them easily. It's basic ranged pulling really but your tools for it suck because you'll be like level 12 and your party will be full of retards. The trogg boss hits like a truck and has two adds, if your party has no CC don't be surprised if you wipe on him.

After the troggs it's not so bad. The burning blade groups are kind of big pulls but it's not all that hard.

Miner shafts are a clusterfuck because of all the non-elites swarming you. After you kill every boss an elite patrol spawns behind you which you need to kill otherwise they'll attack you from behind as you continue on the dungeon. In the foundry range pull everything as far back as you can because all the goblins run at low health and mobs are packed tightly together. Always make sure you have full aggro on the goblin engineers in there because they spawn adds that can't be taunted after they pick a target. Do the canon trick for VC or you'll die.

>Night Elf because my friends are going Alliance
>Hunter, maybe Warrior later
>Mining/Eng or Herb/Alch
>Just want to hit 60 since I fell just short of that before TBC came out originally

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You can do the class quests whenever you want. I forget if priests get any important spells from their quests or not (I know paladins have to do a long questline to get resurrection)

I plan to go balls deep into the game since back then i couldn't do any end game content because BC released before i hit 60.
Best races and has my favorite class
>Tauren Shaman
Level as Enh, PvE as Resto and PvP as Ele. You really get to experience all the class has to offer that way.
Two gathering professions until i get my 40 mount, then trade skinning for Alch and when Alch is maxed trade Herb for Eng for PvP
Clear all the raids (i only got to experience them when they were remade in Wrath) and get to at least rank 12 in PvP

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You're not getting Atiesh. No one on Yea Forums is getting Atiesh.


>wanna try out alliance and have a whole new experience
>but horde zones are maximum comfy and full of nostalgia
The game is a month away and I’m still undecided. I thought I would be by now.

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>Faction, race?
>Starting class?
Herbalism, Skinning. Drop skinning once I'm set for gold and spend the 300-500g to level engineering.
Play on a highly populated PvP server, xfer to RP-PVP once those get released. Raid to get gear then Wpvp out the ass

Priest 21/30/0
Herb / Alch
No real goals. Just play the game. Do the all the content I can.

In the same boat bro and Ive got no idea. Probably going to end up alliance main and horde alt.

Female Undead Protection Warrior.
I'm going to help Horde friends accomplish their goals to the best of my abilities.

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I'm jelly of Europeans cause they get to keep their foreskin and aren't raped with knives as babies. Which has the added benefit of making fapping actually feeling good for them

I miss my peepee skin. But I guess gainful employment is nice

warcraft radio is coming back for classic

still thinking about dicks, huh?

Raping infants with knives is kind of morally wrong imho

I want to play Gnome Rouge but I'm a contrarian faggot who hates the fact that everyone's going to be a fucking rouge and even though I'll be playing casually my min-maxing autism will constantly haunt me knowing I should have rolled mage.

Please someone sort me out or kill me.

In vanilla combat daggers is best one spec. Sword spec is memes. Night elf rogue is BiS race for daggers due to base agility

You ready to make the run again?

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Classes will be practically even. This has been polled to hell. There is equal balance among all races and classes. Just ppay what you want and have fun. Otherwise, I'm wasting my time replying because you're one of those people who never enjoy themselves.

No, I'm staying in Kalimdor where I belong, with my people

this is funnier now that i know this is where Uri gives Mini-filia a pep talk