What a pile of shit of a game.
Now Fallen Order doesn't look so bad as I thought.
Just beat The Force Unleashed
fallen order kinda looks like unleashed + platforming desu
It looks nothing like TFU
TFU had awful combat, environments were too fucking big and you could beat most the game by spamming force throw
Haven't played TFU2 so I don't know if it's any different
shameless bump
>slowkiro combat
>uncharted movement
Really boring.
TFU for Wii/PS2 was kino though.
Play Jedi Knight instead
What was different compared to the "next gen" version?
Sekiro's combat looked really boring with the limited animations and singular finishing move. Am I wrong?
Stop talking to yourself retard
It worked for what it was, but JFO is just a really slow version of that.
You've managed to say so much faggoty shit in just the past half hour I've noticed you, fuck off.
Ea no ones buying it stop shilling
Why do people shit on EA so much but give Jewctivision a pass? Sekiro should have flopped but you faggots bought it
Because Sekiro was good.
Yea I just played a bit of force unleashed yesterday. I imagine it was great when it came out, but it aged terribly.
its Uncharted with Sekiro lite combat
Looks like more press X to win bamham combat to me. Same with the avengers game
say whatever about sekiro, From is not a activision studio, there's no reason to think EA owned studios wont make shit, respawn was the exception but fallen order is looking rough