Joycon = Pain

This sucks, and it's the main reason I never undock my Switch.

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move your hand down

You are fat.

Fat ass

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Are you a manlet?

Typical attitude of an effeminate, 5'5" anime fan.

jesus, i'm surprised you can hold it at all with those ham hocks

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Is "overweight/deformed/black man holds controller incorrectly for (you)s" a meme, now?

Confirmed for not having an argument. Joycon are uncomfortable.

What the fuck am I reading his hands arent even fat why are nincels so fucking defensive about their toys

>implying effiminity is worse than being 5'9 and 390 pounds and doing nothing to keep your health in check

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t. OP

Get a Satisfye grip

wtf why is ur hands so swollen?

Dude you look like you weight about 350 pounds.

I bet you think dualshock controllers are fine, hypocrite

The sheer seethe in this thread, holy fuck. I love Nintendo, but you soi-niggers are a disgrace.

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Doom is on Switch now? How is it? What are they charging for it?

the only controller this guy can grip somewhat normally is the duke

Attached: theduke.jpg (950x534, 67K)

Oh look, it's a thread about people being to retarded to hold a toy!

Attached: IMG_20190716_230356.jpg (2048x1373, 372K)

>too small for most people to handle
>has rampant drift issues that Nintendo still doesn't know how to fix
>is still the most expensive base controller

Attached: Mario.gif (456x346, 1.72M)

those hands are really fucking fat. like, he needs a stylus to use his smartphone