Because /qa/ won't address it and Yea Forums is slowly turning into the second-worst board behind Yea Forums on here...

Because /qa/ won't address it and Yea Forums is slowly turning into the second-worst board behind Yea Forums on here, can we please have an honest discussion about the creation of e-celeb board for Yea Forums?
It is understood that each board has its fair share of content to pull from YouTube, Twitch, Twitter, etc. This should not be disputed. However, there is little to no communication between moderation and posters about when posting content in relation to a board that just so happens to feature an individual with an amassed following.
An example? Take Mega64 or AVGN. Both are Yea Forums to the core, but because of the e-celeb hatred on this board in particular, their threads get more traction on Yea Forums.
However, when Etika, a streamer whose content was simply reacting to videos and events, died, it flooded Yea Forums and mods decided not to purge threads because it was considered at that point and time to be suitable.
We have threads on Yea Forums concerning video essays about games; let's plays; and streamers, but they end up being generals that, more often than out, expand too far outside the established topic. This alone should be reason for a separate e-celeb board.
I'd like to know why there hasn't been any attempt to create such a board. The only discretion people bring up is that calling it an e-celeb board is too pedantic, and making it some like "Internet Creators" or "Influencers" would be even more broad than current threads.
What are your thoughts, Yea Forums? And to any jannies on the prowl, if you remove this thread, you're the problem. E-celeb threads aren't cancer, it's the way they're being addressed by Yea Forums staff.

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I'm not gonna use it. I'm gonna continue posting e-celeb stuff here and the mods won't bother enforcing it, because it's a dumb rule with no meaningful distinction that would only be created to entice autistic spazes like you.

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no we don't need more boards for more inane shit

god I can't wait for Yea Forums to become like /wsg/

why not just make an eceleb general on /vg/?

There's a pretty distinct difference in fanbases from people who discuss mega64 or AVGN and people who discuss the fat, ugly, fake friend substitutes/online babysitters known as 2BFP
It's genuinely pathetic reading those threads

So close but now you look like the one who is mad

shut up
you're all the same garbage to anyone with more than 2 brain cells, but you guys keep arguing over which base has 1 brain cell and which has 2

nice off topic thread nigger. post on a board that gives a shit

Creating another board doesnt remove the topic, it just centralizes it. We have /pol/ but shit heads still flood in here to spew their political hot takes at every chance

The rules allow for vidya culture threads on Yea Forums. I might not personally be interested in them, but eceleb threads do belong here. The people complaining are honestly more annoying than the people making the actual threads.

same with /vg/
Nobody respects the reason /vg/ was made.
We'd lower the amount of e-celeb threads here if a board was made, but faggots would come back and post on Yea Forums anyway because they don't like the tone of whatever relevant thread on /ecb/

What if I think otherwise? I think the people complaining have every right to speak up about e-celeb cancer threads on Yea Forums. It's not video games.

>Yea Forums is becoming the second worse board behind Yea Forums
You really haven't explored much outside of your normal boards, huh?

New e-celeb board

/incel/ Internet Celebrities

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>nnno! someone want to censor my fav sstreamer while im busy spamming threds about him!!

I wouldnt mind having a board for it. Not to move the cancer away, because Yea Forums has much worst problems, but sometimes I just like talking about ecelebs or making fun of them.

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>/incel/ - Internet Celebrities

>bitching about non-vidya threads on Yea Forums
>by making an unrelated thread on Yea Forums

Any and all e-celeb bullshit from Twitter, Reddit, Youtube etc. should be a bannable offense.

ESPECIALLY Twitter screencaps.

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Why don't you go to reddit?

ecelebs do not deserve their own board. It will only further bloat their ego's and we are supposed to be a site of a bunch of people that mock trendy culture by being counter culture. Fuck ecelebs and most of all fuck you OP you faggot.

Every time you create another containment board, Yea Forums somehow deteriorats. Let's not try it again.

there is, it's called

Hello and welcome to Game Sack.

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Sorry, not even we want your garbage.

dude what if...
hold on...
what if we...
made a new board...
called it (wait for it)......................................
/incel/ - Internet Celebrities!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

formerly Chuck's


It's too niche a subject, "e-celeb" is an extremely broad label often used to mean whatever the hell an user wants it to mean at the time and there's not enough talk of it to sustain a board. Would end up like /po/ or /vip/ in very short order.


thats epic. You know that right? The way you typed it like that, its absolutely epic

>complaining about e-celebs when Homestuck General are trying to get a foothold on Yea Forums as they have been banned from every other board apart from /aco/ but refuse to use it

And furries seem to not get shunned nearly as much here any more. Disappointing to see from newer users here.

Wait what happened there?

would be if it wasn't the billionth time it was posted


Why am I laughing?

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Not saying they don’t leak in here but are you honestly saying that you would not have a leaky container compared to nothing at all?


Someone needs to be the bigger guy

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Because of your comment, I went back and upvoted :)

>An e-celeb cheating on his wife is not video games
Why did mods ban this discussion but not the Etka shit?


Simply Ebin for the win

actually yes

because etika is apart of smash culture and nintendo culture thus hes video games

Excellent question, especially because I am actually aware of who PJ is, and never heard of Etika in my life. I mean, you'd have to be a 16 year old nintendo fan to know him, so why it was here, I don't know.

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Something something Nintendo bias something something projared friends something something


That’s how you tell who the mods are a fan of. Not saying the other dude’s shit should have been allowed but allowing those threads mourning for some reaction video e-celeb was gay as fuck.

I want one so I can talk about Dingdong, Oney, and post gay porn.

>he is actually proud of this

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>ecelebs are nothing but marketers
>gee I want more shills in Yea Forums

What happened?

No he isnt.

Cope boomer

I'm not condoning it, I'm just explaining how shit works around here. If anything is even slightly nintendo related it will always get a pass. And this is coming from someone who owns all of systems.

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Have you seen Dunkey threads? Why don't you guys just do the same to other eceleb threads?

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t. 34 year old NEET at mom's house

Because Projared’s shit was a far cry from vidya. That being said, mods had to allow threads for that negro committing an hero least they incur the autistic wrath of all the smash fans not being able to cry for their e-celeb.


Sounds like nintendo needs its' own board too then




What if we're talking about criticisms of games or disagreeing with their assessment of games they enjoyed? Retard.

So how's that video game you're working on?

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>Yea Forums
did they laugh at your middle school music taste or something, OP?

>YouTuber who reviews games isn’t part of gaming culture
>YouTuber who makes reaction videos is part of gaming culture


formerly ships

I've been posting in Giant Bomb threads since they did the Persona 4 endurance run 10 years ago. But all the eceleb and like stuff needs it's own board.

webms with sound has so much potential but I have absolutely no doubt that you guys would use it to be as awful and unfunny as possible.

Both Moot and Gookmoot were and always will be very vehemently against it, even if it would help.
They think it's just a fad.

Thoughts on this fellow?

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there are no less than 3 threads dedicated to the same instragram/tiktok/snapchat chick at all times, usually all on the front page together.

Idk but it sounds like bowlbo is farther along

Gookmoot doesnt give a shit about the site

okay this is epic

That's fucking stupid. AVGN and Nostalgia Critic has been talked about for as long as I can remember. Just how fucking out of touch are these faggots?

I don't even know who that is but since he's being shilled daily I hate him

Feels like 2008 all over again

What went wrong?

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*closes door*

He commented on it once iirc.

Take it to the e-celeb board moron

Why do people hate this guy?

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I still like them. They're great when they're playing story based games like Ace Attorney and Detroit Become Human. Their Devil's Third playthrough is fucking great.

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>Moot - Gave a shit actually birthed the site but got fed up with dealing with the constant bullshit the users did and left
>Hiro - Doesn't give a shit at all and is only here to sell your data to advertisers

This place is burried in shit in a grave and hiro is just here to piss on it a little more while the users (maggots) eat through its corpse

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Is Pewdiepie based? Yay or nay?

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Moot is way more in touch than you are moron

>got his fanbase to shill him here

Can i be a worm instead

He dated a Mexican tranny once. He is a gay race traitor.

E-celeb threads ARE cancer. Even metathreads about e-celebs. Fuck off to reddit already.

No one cares what you think you whiny faggot

biggest cancer for this site since reddit

all Minecraft channels are based

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>this person played video games that one time therefore we should have free reign to talk about everything that person did including the majority of stuff that doesn't evolve video games
lets not do that

Yea Forums is a /pol/ spinoff at this point. Yea Forums is just dead

Aaron decided feminist frequency was the gospel and that 14 year old Tumblr girls were more lucrative than Jontron fans.

You sound mad, have sex

He said immigrants who are here Legally should be shipped back to protect the whites.

Think about it, /vg/ is THE most reddit board on Yea Forums. Faggots literally go there to circlejerk over the same shit over and over. Tripfags own every thread and everyone bows to them. It's nothing but avatarfagging and shiteating.

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