You really need to chill out, Yea Forums. This is getting really embarrassing now.
You really need to chill out, Yea Forums. This is getting really embarrassing now
Other urls found in this thread:
pretty sure most people here don't submit reviews to metacritic, nor even bought the game
it's at the point where they know their game is going to be shit so they load it up with females so they get free publicity from these types
are they just poorly marketing their games or are they just making games nobody wants at all. If it wasn't for the political shitposting I wouldn't have known that this game still exists
4channelers rise up against the alt-right and buy this game!
s-s-stop giving us bad reviews! buy our shit!
lol no
Oy Vey this is why censoring gamers and preventing score brigading was justified. Ahh I'm under attack from Nazis who don't like our game. Please buy.
i can't even tell when games have motion blur anymore
they all just make me sick
these reviews seem pretty based and redpilled
>Award-winning journalist
>"if you complain you are a nazi! Supremacist! And i will throw milkshake at you!
Game killing bolsheviks when?
lmao look at that smug nigger
civil rights were a mistake.
Unlike those guys, I'm actually playing it and it's tight as fuck. The gameplay, that is. I've had to skip every cutscene and dialog. Watched half of the intro and that's all the cringe I can take for the year. No mas.
>yfw there's Wolf3D clone in the game
>very faithful to the gameplay of the original wolf 3D
>... only you play as a Nazi named Hans who's escaping from an allied prison
>instead of yelling things in German when soldiers die, they yell weird things in English
these dumb fuck onions retards are MAKING the games. nobody, even the retards that you shitpost for 8 hours a day like myself, listens to you when that's one of the complaints.
just leave it out!
so much more productive, i promise you
in-game shot. Has 2 full episodes in it.
Me and a friend just refunded the game. The enemies just kinda stand there and wait to die. The co-op is busted as fuck (buddy lives just 50 miles away and we both have 150Mbps internet but there is still lagging/teleporting everywhere).
Bad game is bad.
>ugly mutt deservedly gets shit thrown at him
>nig doing nog things
>white dude just chilling in the back and minding his own business
all is right with the world
Reminder that the whore of Babylon is politics and you are a spawn of that whore if you get wrapped up in politics
Every dumbass thirteen-year-old now identifies as Republican, since it allows them to become "politically aware" edgelords.
>most satisfying enemy to kill
>has no games dedicated to killing them
>meanwhile nazis lol for the 7 billionth time
Is the game actually fun tho? Is it really TIGHT?
It's known for a fact that anyone describing gameplay as "tight" is absolutely wrong 100% of the time.
>new game bad
>old game good
>worth a buy face dot jpg
How is it edgy to know that 13% of the population commit 50% of the murders?
Since when is killing literal world war 2 Nazis so controversial?
I'm latino and what Yea Forums would consider a filthy liberal, and still I gave The New Colossus a bad review on Steam.
It was the only game (both old and new) that outright refused to run on my machine, and when it did (because I had the chance to upgraded my GPU), it still ran like shit. For starters, I play on a TV connected to my card. It's the only game that absolutely refused to detect the TV, forcing me to play on my monitor. I don't remember the last time I saw such a terrible PC port, and I played Dark Souls prepare to die edition, Nier Automata and Nioh.
It also was a step down from TNO and TOB from a gameplay standpoint (they even ruined BJ's signature energy weapon) and it was shorter than TNO too. There were some cool parts (like that destroyed Manhattan; seeing one of the United States' biggest cities being reduced to cinders and shambles was pretty creepy) but it was still a letdown.
I was excited for Youngblood until I heard it's a co-op game. I LOVE co-op games but I prefer my Wolfenstein games to be single player affairs.
Man if only roasties were playing games instead of catching STD's this game would be a huge success.
The game is really crappy. I was wondering why it was a budget title. It's because its completely unpolished. You'd think Bethesda would have learned by now after Fallout76, but no, they want their reputation to be completely worthless.
Yeah the left fucked up and now it's cool and edgy to talk shit about democrats instead of republicans.
What a radical shift, amirite?
He's right, SJW is not the right word to describe cringy dialog and cutscenes, the fact that this somewhat dark and realistic franchise has been turned into a joke.
I don't get it
Because at one point, the media started referring shitposters on Yea Forums as nazi, and retarded shitposters can't just let it go like regular human beings.
Is it a F76 situation, or just unpolished tho?
>Nazi run world develops pretty much the same as if they lose, except there are also robots and laser guns
Imagine what could have been.
> Wolfestein is suddenly a "beloved" franchise everyone loved
> Despite having only having 2 good games, one which aged like shit and one that was a turboboomer game released before most alt-righters were even born
I don't even get this. These guys hail Wolfestein like some sort of cult classic like Doom but in reality it was forgotten pretty quickly, then forgotten again until the new releases.
I think pretending to be familiar with something you aren't just to be outraged is pretty cringe
they look like soulless robots, and I mean that in a non-meme way
>dark and realistic franchise
Oh my god, it genuinely looks like shitty SFM porn.
pretty sure your game was just shit pal
/pol/ plays as much vidya as the SWSs they claim don't play games.
Just let them LARP to continue waging their useless war (which they're losing btw)
Speak for yourself you projecting teenager, I played the original Wolf and RTCW back in the day when they were contemporary. I played wolf 2009 too, so really I think it's you leftist cock suckers who know nothing of these franchises you ruin.
At this point we all know the drill: Nobody buys it because of PC crap, detractors called Nazis, right leaning utubers get money to say the game is ass, left wing media gets money discussing nazis and wymn
Nazis are the new zombies. Shit, even Nazi zombies are a thing.
>leftie newfags can't even reply properly
LARP harder
This looks like bad 3D porn
Why can't Wolfenstein just be pure online matches? That's what people want.
Fuck off teenager
>Is it a F76 situation, or just unpolished tho?
bad game, but if you play it on singleplayer (because good luck finding someone willing to play this POS with you) you will have a brain dead ai companion for the entire game constantly getting in your way.
Nazi Zombies have been a thing since 2008 with WaW, god I miss original CoD zombies (waw and bo1)
The last 2 reviews he quoted weren't even crazy out there.
It's fun and the combat really is "tight". The guns have a really good feel to them, reloading is quick, movement is fast, you get a bunch of skills to use, and if you're playing with someone else who's having fun, random shit happens. Like I had a partner come flying down from the roof of some building once and landed right on a guy I was about to kill and he fucking exploded into chunks of gore.
Also the music's good.
>I'm not a nazi
>But for some reason I identify with fictional Nazis in a fictional video game that are based off of the literal historical Nazis
>and as a result I get offended when I see them getting killed in said fictional video game
>He could only find 4 reviews that say SJW
46% and dropping
oh boy
Call them by their real name: Propagandists
imagine being so retarded you have no capacity to realize people older than you exist
Twitter deserves the gulag
I dont care about that game or your forced politics, thanks
>the nazi's in the game are thinly veiled allegorical to republicans, conservatives, and donald trump
kill yourself swede subhuman you and your country have no value
Why is she so oily?
There are barely any reviews for this game on youtube and even shills like ggman don't seem to like it. WTF is Bethesda doing
Don't worry, they'll be genocided by their imported pet refugees soon enough.
Bethesda always has their fans do the rest of the work. That's why this thread exists. No one actually gives a shit about this game here
Yeah, the game in no way ever compares moderate conservatives to nazis at any point in the game or during the marketing, no sir.
Doom eternal looks better every day.
Following the modern comic book business model apparently.
>republicans, conservatives, and donald trump
all have nazi values, opinions and rhetoric. It shouldnt be thinly veiled.
Like Activision and EA, they know the media will defend their botched abortion of a game because it aligns with the agenda
>I'm not a Nazi I just hate the idea of killing them
>this is what shitlibs actually unironically believe
Meanwhile in reality, antifa are the ones behaving like brownshirts.
How is that inaccurate? A lot of shooters running on id tech are known for being such
I mean most people these days are used to looser shooters like fortnite and borderlands
imagine being so buttblasted that you put this shit into your game
>Based and redpilled sis
>they know the media will defend their botched abortion of a game because it aligns with the agenda
What are you talking about? IGN gave it a 6.5 and destructoid a 6
The facial animations in this game remind of me of mass effect andromeda, I wonder why.
I just want to kill nazis as something besides a degenerate democratic communist
I have never seen a single antifa person irl.
Every day in Florida I see fat fucks crying their fat eyes out about niggers, spics, jews, SJWs, muslims, socialists, communists, etc. Defending internment camps. Defending endless war and calling for more war. Blaming all their problems on others, and constantly using rhetoric like send them back, even about people who were born here and who are legal citizens.
Nazis, but more cowardly and fatter.
>yfw there's Wolf3D clone in the game
Isn't that just the same game ripped from TNC?
yeah like
fuck laws n' borders n' shiet
They mean trump
Never lived in Oregon I see. They are everywhere until you get to the coast
>vermintide 2 tomb kings expansion
>I'm winning because I'm a little less shit
This anecdotal evidence convinced me, time to join antifa, do you know where I can contact them?
>diversity hires producing diverse results
No way!
FBI headquarters
>internment camps
Those don't exist. We have detainment camps for people literally here illegally though
>Defending endless war and calling for more war
Democrats are the ones calling for war. Trump is anti-war.
>send them back, even about people who were born here and who are legal citizens
A lie. The only people we want to go back are the 25 million here illegally.
announce it on twitter and follow the instruction manual
In Oregon just a few weeks ago militias were threatening the state house with violence and shutting down legislative voting. And defending Republican representatives that fled the state...
More like mass effect syndromeda
>Those don't exist.
Brainwashed nazis.
Go back to /pol/
>I have never seen a single antifa person irl
>in Florida
Maybe because the rednecks and cuban expats would skin the commie faggots alive? Also, they just get slapped with the antimask legislation originally enacted to curtail the klan down South. Ironic, isn't it?
It doesn't need any sjw shit to be bad when it introduced microtransactions and leveled enemies
How long until he's outed for rape or pedophilia?
This is what happens when you let young kids fall for propaganda and get brainwashed. It's disgusting how there's no free will or thought anymore in the right.
>3DCG porn
Fucking Swedes. Just play based Return to castle Wolfenstein
So are they going to keep makign games with nazis in them? All this shows is that the Nazi regime is really good if theyre still in power despite having suffered "massive losses"
I don't see them as being any more unaware than the left.
i don't care if people identify with vidya nazis, i think most just want to look snazzy and shoot communists
Found the r*dditor.
Republicans in a deep blue state are fags.. what's your point? This whole state is being run into the ground with Portland as the epicenter. The filth, high price of living, crime, and lawmakers who keep old laws while making new ones as well. The system my boy, is flawed
trump derangement syndrome affects other countries?
holy fuck, the butthurt dripping off this
Its just the publisher trying to get exposure by any means necessary.
Not as embarrassing as what machine games shit out lmao
I mean by your logic, all prisons are literally concentration camps.
Soon, hopefully.
You say that jokingly but there's a 99% chance of being true.
I had no qualms killing Nazis, I have qualms with people being associated with Nazis and then killing them.
Wait... yo can actualy kill NAZIS in this game?
No retard. And prisons do not house children, drug them anti psychotics, and deny them educations and common products such as toothpaste.
That was full blown Wolf3D. This one seems to be new levels.
>yfw SCOTUS just gave Trump the go ahead to build the wall.
The same state that allows antifa to attack conservative demonstrators unmolested.
Is it any surprise that they won't follow the law when it refuses to protect them?
>a franchise about killing nazis
>b-b-b-bbut why are they fighting nazis instead of being empathetic to me-err-them?
The go ahead to replace already existing fencing. A massive waste of money and no new wall.
Shut up faggot.
I recall someone saying that this is suppose to be sarcastic and they're mocking BJ's kids.
It's not killing nazis that's pissing people off, it's the cringy depiction of them and the allies as well in the game. I enjoy killing socialist in actually good games like RTCW
they should have punched them in the face until they look like voldemort
Sure they do, we've got juvie.
>why aren't illegal migrants being treated to all of the amenities that citizens are?
No that's old news now, he means actual wall.
Shut up, shill. Not even going to give (You) attention.
Yeah fuck all those leftists for thinking we're Nazis just because we are conservative.
Also, gas the kikes, fuck niggers, Hitler did nothing wrong.
We need to kill you brainwashed fucks.
>A massive waste of money and no new wall.
But you know what apparently isn't a massive waste of money?
35 billion dollars for Israel. More than twice of the proposed budget for the wall.
Wolfenstein 09 is a great game too. So there were three. TNO and TOB were pretty good as well.
I was a huge Wolfenstein fan from childhood all the way to TNC when the games became complete soi
You're doing so well OP keep up the good work
it IS exactly like hitler though
Prisons do not have a maximum sentence period. Not to mention to go to jail you actually have to have committed a crime, not just be the son/daughter of someone who did.
>franchise about eating your mom’s shit
shut up, stupid
Oh the irony.
Tell it to your godking.
>npc calling other people brainwashed
Never gets old lol.
>commit crime
>get jailed
>half of those players are playing for free with buddy pass