Why was it so shit dudes?
Why was it so shit dudes?
never played a DMC game before this one, but i thought it was fun.
i was bad though
Cope, Barry.
DMC in general has always been kinda shit imo. Like I get it pioneered the genre, and mechanically the games have always been very good, but I've never really found any of them actually FUN to play, and of course the characters and stories have always been a joke. Even back in the day NGB and NGII were better and nowdays I get more enjoyment out of platinum action games.
Ninjacucks are Barneyfag tier
It wasn't, shitposter.
i only have 3 issues
1. Music is trash
2. Lady and trish look like ass
3. Nico is absolute fucking trash
4. no playable vergil and no dlc for playable vergil so we now have to wait for another SE just to play as him
That’s 4, dude.
no that's 5
Based and checked
cause you cant play as dante the whole game and hes the only fun character
How many times have been through this, Barry?
nice 5 check this 2
Mostly because it forced you to play as Nero and V for most of the game instead of the one good character.
Trish and Lady look like fucking crackheads in 4
Style over substance, this appeases normies and zoomers, just watch Persona 5.
look a lot worse in 5 buddy
>10/10 when playing as nero and dante
>playing v is like pulling teeth
He kills any interest I have in playing the game on SOS. I S ranked DMC3 on DMD mode twice
Forced neroshit again
>barry is still seething
>dmc4 at high tier
>metal gear rising and NG 2 at midtier
>gow 3 at low tier
Whoever made this shit has garbage tier taste.
DMC5 is my favorite in the series, but let's not pretend it's better than DMC3 3, or that god had doesn't belong alongside it, or that NGII doesnt belong at high
It's objectively better than 3
Sekiro released and show you can not only do cuhrayzee with taste and tact, but also with god teir aesthetics and themes and world building and progression
DMC is old news, Fromsoft character hacknslashes are now the new certified gold standard of kino
you keep using words that you dont understand
This list is all sorts of fucked
Cos you got shit taste, mister keep repeating the same thread until people agree with you.
Did the genre die or was it raped?
>bland environments
>shit music
>lame plot but tons of cutscenee
>not enough Dante
>no divergence mode
>no custom bloody palace
>in 4
Because Itsuno is a hack.
Just go user, for your own good.
>Inb4 200 replies
Whats with V? Why did people hate him?
Dude had something like 3 missions total to play and was easy as fuck. I even found it to be a nice change of the pace during the campaign.
I could get the hate if you were forced to play as him for the entire game, but hes not there for long and offers a new approach to combat for the series (albeit an unpolished one).