ITT: Videogame faps you're ashamed of

I'll was a dark time.

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As it turns out, I'm also into tf stuff.
I'm not proud of it, I'm not proud of any of it.

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At least yours is a female, im a straight guy but deego turns me on and idk why,

The strippers from GTA IV. I was grown ass at the time and had plenty of better shit to fap to but I did it anyways. Repeatedly.

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i mean are you ashamed of that, i dont think it's that bad.

I'm bi and im always feel remorse when i fap to men.

yes, I really did it...

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furfags kys

I made a gigantic brown amazon with the maximum amount of ass & tiddy in a WWE game from last gen (2k14 I believe), gave her all the attacks that used her ass as a weapon, put her in a singles match with Kaitlyn where they were both AI (but the created wrestler was overpowered and was clearly dominating) and I jacked off to it.

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The audio recordings in MGS Peace Walker of Cecile talking about tropical birds.

World of Final Fantasy made me realise I have a huge chibi fetish

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How the fuck is this shameful, its just a normal woman with a plump ass.

>Her husband and herself have french accents
>Implied cuckoldry
I hadn’t noticed as a kid

what a powerful imagination I had as a kid.

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Why is no one pointing out that OP fapped to a male...he's a fag guys!

OP is always a fag so it's not really surprising

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I'm going through a lot.

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(;´・ω・) でべそ...

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I was certain that in the end of his social link it would be revealed that he was a crossdressing loli. I mean look at this faggot, that pose, the rolled up trousers, the girly voice, I was sure it was a girl. I guess I'm a fag now

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Hmmm im not really all that shameful tbqh

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Are you the user who is always posting Kaneko's Lilith images?

Only posted twice so far. Currently playing smt 4.

fuck this game, the end boss sequence was like 2 hours long with no save, boring ass grind and i died at the final phase, just fucking dropped it and watched a youtube ending