Cucks you

>cucks you

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Other urls found in this thread:

nice, I love a good cucking.

Cuckolding is my genuine fetish.

>He didn´t get true ending

Literally the main reason I chose her

Nah m8, bros before hoes. Deers, Lions, red bitch be dyin’.

>post game
>all the dudes become cooler
>all the girls become uglier

What were they thinking

all cumbrains should be killed

Bought the game but haven't played it.
How does she cuck you?

Wait, she cucks you?

with a black guy I hope

based. i love getting cucked

my wife's boyfriend approves of this thread

I was planning on marrying her, please tell this isn't true.

Yes and not. It's just that you get the cucked ending compared to the rest. What I mean is that she never marries you and keeps you as her secret lover because she wants to find a someone who will succeed her throne so she can finally be with you.
>not married, secret lover and no children
Meanwhile, a character by the name of Ferdinad who has high rank with her gets this:
>appointed as her prime-minster
>marries him
>have lot of children together
You basically get the beta and the worst end with her. Just about everyone has better ending with her (even lesbians) than you.

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you can't marry her, only some npc supports can


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How when I'm never going to play through her route?

What were they thinking

you can still marry her, but you'll be watching her fuck her boyfriend while you're masturbating at the corner of the bedroom

wtf were they thinking

I blame bi option for this and them making her into bi.
FE games have the same endings for bi characters. So, blame female mc for male mc getting this cucked ending.

Not on my watch.

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How long until Camilla WHIRRposting?

That's not punished Doodoo.

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Its realistic

Bros, what class do I make Edelgard?

Men age like wine.

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I thought the 4th route wasn't a true ending

that's Soma, right? who's the guy in his arms? Graham?

just realized it's Mina. I'm retarded

Marianne and Dorothea are still cuties.

As cool as Castlevania x FE stuff would be, that's just Dimitri.

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Good thing I'm not marrying her on my Black Eagles playthrough. I just got Marianne and she's more my thing. My nigga Hubert can keep his waifu.

Looks more like guy from Tales to me.

I'm starting to think that anime blondes are rare as fuck these days because he keeps getting compared to Eizen.

It's not just hair color. He looks like him a lot.

But he does look like Eizen though.

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Unfortunately for Beaglebros, the maps in that route are all boring rout maps and is the shortest route with 18 chapters. Blue Lions get a lot more varied map odjectives and have 22 chapters

But that doesn’t make sense. Her being bi doesn’t excuse the fact that the guy ending is shit. That’s a terrible excuse

Blondes with THIS design are rare. Also, he does look like fucking Eizen. You can't even deny that.

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>>post game
>>all the dudes become cooler
>>all the girls become uglier
>What were they thinking

Change your eyeballs

I never denied the resemblance. I just said I find it funny how that is the only comparison he constantly gets.

He does. Both are tip top boys

>kirbopher getting removed from the game because of allegations

I always suspected something fucky with that guy

Lysithea still looks good.

Explains his bad luck.
Perhaps if Eizen cut his hair, or changed his style, then perhaps he would be rid of his Reaper curse as well.

You need to get taste, you fag.

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It is a crime what they did to Bernie

I love Bernie!!!

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Why are english VA's so fucking stupid.

Will Seiros ever get her milkies?

Pretty much any girl with longer hair got shorter hair while short hair girls got longer hair. It's the laziest way to do character development.

I don't know this franchise, but there's gotta be some nice NTR doujins of this right?

mmh... femleth sure has good taste!

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Is there a way to prevent the cuck ending?

Is Dimitri the sexiest lord we had? Even voice actors want to fug him.

>the maps in that route are all boring rout maps
That's wrong though

Does she marry Ferdinand even if you S-rank her?

No. The Ferdinard thing only happens if they A rank, but their paired ending is far better than Byleth. Byleth's ending suffers because they had to make it gender neutral while some of the gender specific ones mention that they have kids.

Yes. Don't S rank Edelgard. It's that simple.

There's like 2 other maps that are half interesting in Edelgard's route which was Dimitri's (still rout) and the tomb

For those who don't know, here is how it goes:
>Black Eagles - 18 chapters
>Blue Lions - 22 chapters
>Golden Deer - 20 chapters
>The Church - 21 chapters

ch17 is Kill Boss(es). There isn't a single route map in the eagles branch aside from some paralogues.

That's not fair

who /chad deer/ here

Cute boy!

what the fuck dropped

Well, it's basically
>rehashes and MC-related infodumps

Byleth just has shit endings with lords not named Dimitri.
It's a hard pill to swallow, but he simply loves (you) the most.

That's what you get when you go playersexual. Dragon Age 2 had a similar issue, that's why DAfags will never see those romance options again.


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>fall for that pixie cut

That makes sense, Byleth isn’t a noble.

>Must you continue to conquer? Continue to kill?
>Must you continue to reconquer? Continue to kill in retaliation?
You dumbass bitch. What the fuck do you think would happen when you not only declare war on the other nations of Fodlan but also massacre his people?
>Were we born in a time of peace.
You literally sent Fodlan into war.
God I hate Edelgard so much.

being a secret lover is bretty hot though
shame the other dude is clearly loved more though

good thing i am aiming for the cougar!

>but marrying my war advisor is too much I guess
>it's not like my goal is to set up a meritocracy or anything!

>t. obsessed

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An info why Edelgard's route might be so shafted compared to the rest is that it isn't default one. You need to UNLOCK Edelgard's route, not Church's. Some of the anons reported that they got Church's route by default without even getting an option to side with Edelgard.

>when you S-rank her expecting something romantic and can only see how fucking insane she is

Any idea what the unlock conditions are?

Sadly, I'm not sure because I got it on mine, but then again I had high support with Edelgard, Hubert and lot of other Eagles.
Some user say that you apparently need to have at least C rank with Edel, while others say that you need to have support ranks with both Edel and Hubert.

>This is literally what she says to Dimitri
>Then she remembers he's the entire reason she never gave up in the first place and regrets killing him
What am I supposed to feel? I just feel empty and sad for the dude

wtf is wrong with her face

B rank on her and unlocking her master class

That you want to do his route next.

>Believing OneAngryManlet
He broke NDA, like Edlegardes original va. The allegations mean nothing to Nintendo.

C rank with Hubert and her will do the trick.

How does she cuck me exactly? Should I not S rank her?

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Dataminers found out that lords have supports with each other in datas, but not in game. Perhaps there will be the not-Revelation in which these two gorillas reconcile without killing one another.

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That's some major bullshit. I don't even use Hubert.

>Most of the S rank images make the girls look cute
>Edelgard just looks insane
Poor Edelgardfags.

I would love to see that happen. But it'd make me more depressed if Dimitri ends up suffering anyways

>in which these two gorillas reconcile without killing one another.
You'd have to rewrite history for them to reconcile.
It takes a lot of development for Dimitri to NOT feeling like killing Edelgard.

Most wartime conquerors either install a figurehead the people like it get assassinated, violent revolutions do t have legs after the heads roll. Abdicating was probably always in the cards for her.

Sanders? Yes hes a dilf

The biggest issue with both is that her memories of him are hazy, while he gets the wrong idea and both of their routes focus on one thing, without clearing up the other one. He only ever finds out the truth in his own route and she remembers him when it's too late in her own.

He still has to forgive her for everything she did as flame lord and empress.
Shit's pretty fucked and I'd rather have them remain as tragic enemies than some retarded revelations
>we're not so different, you and I

Life's been hard on the both of them, Byleths should have been twins/siblings like in Astral Chain so both get hugs and fugs from their respective sensei

Rather hilarious that Sylvain casually says that all of Edelgard's problems would've gone away if Dimitri dicked her.

>fugging some chick that plays for both teams
Not advisable.

Lysithea and Flayn become cuter. As expected of best girls.

True, but his hatred for her mainly comes from misunderstanding regarding what happened to his family. He doesn't know that it was his step-mother that was behind the massacre an the the empire (Edelgard). He only ever finds this out in his own route. Which is why he tried to gap the bridge between the two in the end.
Like-wise, Edelgard remembers him early in his route, but she finally remembers him when she kills him in her own route.

Point is: Lot of their autism would be gone if Dimitri was to find out the truth first. He wouldn't be that obsessed with killing her and her memories would have a time to come back without them trying to kill each other all the time.

Wait so if you're fem Blyeth she doesn't cuck you?

It's the same for both. The main reason why Manleth got short end of the stick is because they've made Edelgard romanceable for both.

fem byleth romance existing is the reason she cucks you. bi romance watered down her male romance. blame the fags.

I don't fucking get it so she still marries Ferdinand?

No. She only marries Fedinand in their paired up (A rank) ending. She doesn't marry another man in your S rank ending. It's just that your ending with her looks cucked compared to Ferdinand + others. You get the shortest end of the stick in your ending with her.

That only happens if Edelgard and Ferdinard hit A rank support. Ferdinard's paired ending with Edelgard is way better than the gender neutral shit you get with Byleth.

Imagine being so fucking cucked by the developers that you will literally blame a random group who have absolutely no impact on the development of the game for the developers themselves taking the lazy route and making one garbage ending instead of two good ones.

no ferdinand is always male so they can write he impregnates her byleth can be female so male byleth can't impregnate her the fucking fags ruined her ending with byleth. fucking devs should've scrapped romances that aren't byleth's.

So when people say she "cucks" you is she actually fucking other people, or is this yet another case of Yea Forums not understanding what its buzzwords mean?

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Does anyone know what the little arrows on top of some of the support rank letters mean? Like there are two chevrons on top of some of them

fuck off retard

Your refusal to answer my question suggests to me that I am correct.

you idiots spammed "cuck" so many times in recent years you don't even fucking know what it means anymore

it's not a cuck ending it's not even a bad ending it's just that ferdinand has been in the empire and she would not cause a massive abdication syndrome by marrying him but you are a fucking hobo mercenary so she cannot marry you without causing a giant favoritism uproar that would implode the country, it makes sense for her to cover it up and then appoint a successor to then live peacefully with you away from the empire, you literally heal hear soul and make her forget the rest for you

are there weapon restrictions?

if i train for magic and switch from mage to myrmidon, can i still use magic? also would bow/magic pegasus/wyverns work if this is the case?


So she gives up her kingdom for you? She doesn't fuck anybody else, and you have kids on a farm or something? Right? Right? I am good with that...

Hopefully the DLC True End fixes her S rank into a non shitty one

As far as I can tell, there are no weapon restrictions. Some classes give you better growths for certain weapon skills than others, but I haven't had any trouble using any weapon with any class so far. Maybe some of the endgame classes are different though

you don't have kids with her where the fuck are you getting that from

It's not fucking cuckholding if that only happens in a completely separate playthrough. Edelgard is faithful to Byleth when they S rank

fucking explain why she gets a better ending with another man retard the s rank ending is inferior to a rank


Edelgard and Byleth die childless in exile because they pandered to yurifags

Edelgard says that she'll run away with Byleth once she has found someone that she can leave the empire too, but who knows how long that will take.

This is true, and it's a valid criticism of the writing in the game, but it's not cuckolding. That's not what that fucking word means.

>S Rank ending with (You) is worthless
>A Rank ending with NPC is perfection
What did they mean by this?

Because you're a fucking sperg having a deranged meltdown; you're so bad at separating fiction from reality that you can't even separate the events of separate playthroughs of a single game.

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Anons, she explicitly doesn't have any children with you.

>so bad at separating fiction from reality that you can't even separate the events of separate playthroughs of a single game
Do you ever read a sentence that makes you stop and ponder just how genuinely autistic this place is? Put into words like that, it makes me concerned how anyone in this place even functions.

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That you should roll a female. Pick color blue and fuck their leader instead.

you are a fucking retard you stupid bitch it doesn't fucking matter if they're separate playthroughs the fact is ferdinand gets more out of a ranking her than you get out of s ranking her you can't deny that faggot

(You) shouldn't fuck Edelgard and go for someone who isn't bi if you want a more fulfilling ending like impregnating Flayn over and over.

Incest is canon anyways

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this game is a bit confusing with character building, my edelgard likes using an axe and has crazy strenght compared to other stats yet she has a latent skill with black magic with 3 stars that can unlock shit apparently

am I supposed to teach her black magic and force her to ditch the axe?

it figures that the tranny shit ending pretending to be a woman and getting fucked by a guy gets the best ending fuck off faggot

God, that's hot.
I hope it was with a dog.

You're intensely upset by this, to the point that you're inventing further consequences in your own head. You shouldn't play video games if they impact you this deeply, it's unhealthy.


yeah bro that's the only way to not get cucked by this shit game and its faggot pandering

You're supposed to teach her axe how to use black magic and give it a tiny wizard hat to wear.

This is literally the same tier as the faggots complaining that the River City Girls protags are rescuing their boyfriends and are therefore roasties cucking you

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Unlocking the budding talent isn't worth it for Edelgard. Unless you're a waifufag who wants her to be a spellcaster in a dress don't bother with it

ferdinand gives her children you stupid fuck byleth ending with her is shit cause of you faggots

Don't blame me. I wasn't the one who wrote the endings here and decided that out of 3 lords, only one shall have GOOD ending with (you).

There's no time, comiket is 2 weeks away, you are gonna have to wait until december.

Panda's dead anons

I guess this would be the thread to ask, what's the best yuri route?

So what you'e saying is that if I'm already balls deep in the black eagle storyline, I should just drop Edelgard now and romance Dorothea?

dorothea is a faggot romance too man get one of the girls that isn't bi all bi girls get faggot endings

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I'm already playing as a girl

Dorothea is a lesbo too so she wont have your kids either

Petra and Bernie are the only women in the black eagles who aren't barren for Byleth

No because Dorothea is by. You could go for Petra or Bernie if you want a straight eagle girl or poach one from another house.

This makes a ton of sense. Poor male Byleth, Yuri Chads win again.

>Just discovered that you can run

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You picked the wrong color then. The best end for female Byleth is with the Boar. They wanked him good in this game. Even his ending with (you) is the best you can get.

Straight ones are fine. Male Byleth has kids with Flayn and becomes immortal because of her.

the other half of the problem is the a rank endings the fucking devs should've scrapped them they're all better than anything byleth gets with s rank

RIP. Guess happiness will have to wait until NG+

I love my grandmother/mother/father/daughter/wife!

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lysithea ending is top tier

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What's this?

Looks like it's up to us internet people to fix stories again.

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men do age pretty well if they avoid a beer gut and balding

This thread makes me want to restart as male Byleth because the yuri options sound bullshit.

What were you expecting? Freaks like you would shoot up IS's offices if you let their pure waifu get preggers

your kind fucking ruined 5 women asshole haven't you gotten enough?

Imagine the sex.

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I was expecting some magical contrivance. A world where magic exists and they can't even give femleth a magical feminine penis to impregnate Edelgard with?

If you're playing as F Byleth then your only option is Blue Lions and going full otome game.

>The absolute state of the black eaglets

>tranny option has the best ending
even the japs went full pozz

>all the girls got uglier
not all of them user

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I seriously hope they will make tons of porn for this

Is the only way to increase the movement stats to take lectures on them? Or if I make bylethe a knight will he slowly gain knight points as he does shit?



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how many ours to post game and was edgard actually a bad choice?

Why did they ruin her by making her bi

Fuck yurifags, they're a bigger cancer than faggots, fujoshi and otomefags combined

>how you can tell someone didn't play the game
user, stay still. I have to slap the shit out of you.

Cute hag imouto!

Blame IntSys for being too lazy to make different endings for each gender.

>Edelgard is a shitty person, gives you a shitty ending

Whoa! Who could’ve seen that coming?!

This. Waifufags are mentally ill.

Please don't use my onee-chan to support yurishit

Fucking spoil me.
Who is a Manakete

She's a batshit crazy mommy sexual daughter and you're her mommy. So of course she would fuck you regardless of gender you dumb dumb.

Imagine not wanting to be a ladychad with a harem full of silly sluts to order around at your leisure.

Die mad about it.

Not everyone has a gender dysphoria

How long does it take until your get to the timeskip? What percentage in the story?

I don't have gender dysphoria. I just love watching women humiliate other women and then fucking the alpha bitch senseless


>because they had to make it gender neutral
>had to
That's complete nonsense. The epilogues are tiny, they didn't "have" to make it gender neutral if they didn't want to. But the ending makes sense for a female Byleth so it seems more likely to me that Edelgard was meant for her initially while being an option for male Byleth was such an afterthought that they didn't bother writing a different ending for him.

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Which route is best to do first bro's?

>why did they make a lesbian momcon a lesbian

Looks like that bitch with the ridiculous outfit from star ocean.

>he wants to get fucked by his sluts
Sounds pretty dysphoric

No, I want to be a man who fucks the alpha slut who abuses all the other sluts

>game made for waifufags

Yeah, you're mentally ill.

no, that's way more pathetic
if a girl literally is embarrassed to have you as her lover publically it says a lot about the dating sim you're playing

I'm sure the Retro City shit was all shitposting anyways

Oh that's what you meant. My nigga

Who should I recruit into Blue Lions?
Why is Felix such a dick?
Why are Ingrid and Doodoo so OP?

>girl literally is embarrassed to have you as her lover publically
Imagine being so demented and insecure you interpret it this way.

What does >> above support ranks mean?

idk shit about this game but why do I have this feeling that dimitri__ is precious and should be protected at all costs

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>>girl literally is embarrassed to have you as her lover publically
>(You) literally are a hero for the empire
Yeah, anti-gorillafags are hilarious.

Because you have AIDS.

>girl is embarrassed that you don't fit her station, so she keeps you secret
I mean, if the shoe fits.

I gave Felix and bow and he does more damage than Ashe. Is Ashe the worst BL unit?

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Wait so she loves you but tells you to wait for her so she can rid herself of the throne and run off together with you? How is that cucking?

It's not cuckolding if it happens in different playthroughs
Only if you don't S rank her

If she and Ferdinchad A rank without you S ranking her, the two of them marry, otherwise she abdicates the throne to be with you, at which point it's heavily implied you two marry and thus have children

If you S rank her and Ferdinand A ranks her, your S rank ending beats out her and Ferd's A rank ending

It's honestly pretty embarrassing how much lionlets are sperging out over this

bullied at all cost*

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>hero for the empire
>she's too embarrassed to marry you with s rank
>gives children to other men with a rank
that's what happens tho

It's not. But once again spergs ITT are literally mentally ill.

pfft, Ok. That's cruel.

For some reasons that crazy stare from her makes me diamond
What's happening to me ?

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you fucking retards you absolute fucking retards she doesn't have children with you in s rank she has children with ferdinand in a rank and keeps her throne you stupid fucking cunts her a rank ending with other men is better than her s rank with byleth

Common! He suffered enough.

Based smoothie

you don't even refute that's what happens you stupid cunt

>the true origin story of punished Dimitri

Woah, Byleth is pretty stacked. Does the game have a boob slider or something or is that just the default size?

It literally isn't. She marries Ferdinand in their A rank ending, which only happens if you don't S rank her. If you're S ranked with her at the same time she's A ranked with Ferd, you still get the S rank ending

This one user HATES her for some reason, like frothing at the mouth hates her, and is spreading misinformation

It's implied she has children with you in your S rank ending

Her A rank ending with Ferd being better than her S rank ending with Byleth is a matter of opinion, and her A rank Ferd ending DOESN'T HAPPEN if you S rank her in that playthrough

Take your meds.

Default. Why do you think people meme'd Dimitri as milkies obsessed all this time?

That's a shame, she's the only cute girl and all the other girls in the game look like dudes.

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Edelgard a shit. Get better taste.

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it's not misinformation. post the fucking endings. how the fuck is it implied she has children with byleth? you're fucking reaching. she explicitly has children with ferdinand in fucking a rank you dumb fuck.

Manlier than most of the guys.

S rank endings supersede A rank endings

If she leaves to be with you, you're probably going to have children. The ending doesn't have to state that outright for it to be the case

>keeps her throne marries and has children with ferdinand
>abandons her throne for a childless relationship with byleth

Wait, you can make lords into dancers? That's hilarious!

Does the ending actually say their relationship is childless, or does it just not say one way or the other?

>probably going to have children
>ferdinand explicitly gives her children
>t... the ending doesn't have to say she has children with byleth
you're fucking retarded

Wait, so who should I romance for an actual loyal and loving wife?

>doesn't say with byleth and edelgard
>other byleth endings say it
>fucking outright says it with edelgard and ferdinand
what the fuck do you think

Feel the Bern

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flayn or lysithea for starters

Based nips. How old is Byleth supposed to be anyways?
I haven’t played this game, or any other FE game for that matter. I wanna get it, but it looks kind of complicated. The characters are pretty cute though.

What else would they be doing?

If Edelgard retired with me I'd spend all day making children

Edelgard, the A rank Ferdinand ending doesn't happen if you S rank Edelgard in the same playthrough

>abandons her throne
Yeah that's actually more committed and romantic.

Idiot. FGO get doujins, not this

Would unironically vote Bernie for Empress.

fucking refute ferdinand's a rank ending with her is better than byleth's s rank or get the fuck out with your misleading bullshit

Meanwhile in other stories, better written, you dont give a fuck about people opinion


Wrong, you fuck ALL the sluts yourself cause that's what you do as a man.

MY bullshit is misleading? You're the one implying that if you S rank Edelgard, she still fucks Ferdinand

S rank endings ALWAYS supercede A rank endings, if you S rank Ferdinand as Femleth it supercedes his A rank Edelgard ending as well

I actually like the idea of Edelgard leaving the throne to be with you, as said it's way more committed than what's basically just a political marriage between the Emperess and the Prime Minister to keep Ferdinand in line

we should do that but even the japs are pozzed cucks now

Annette, Hilda, Marianne, Dorothea and more are upgraded though.

Chad Ferdinand and Virgin Byleth

It’s pretty sad looking at this thread and seeing everyone do all these mental gymnastics to make it seem like you have a loveless relationship with Edelgard despite her eventually leaving her throne just to be with you. She takes a while because she wants someone capable at the helm of the new empire she basically created with Hubert. If she were to act on emotion and immediately leave her throne and run off with Byleth, you would all be calling her retarded like you do the female lords who make decisions heavily influenced by emotion.


Does the blonde brown skin knight girl give me children? I like her

>meanwhile CHADmitri parades you around the capital city as his wife before bringing you home to fuck you silly

she isn't even fucking said to give you children but she does with other men you dumb cunt

She literally and unironically gets impregnated by other men.

Take you sperg meds.

Can anyone compare the individual routes to a game or an anime tone-wise?
Like if you like x game or anime pick x route.
I have no idea what to expect from either of the routes.
Is Edelgard a deep waifu with development and the most screentime?
Are the blue lions utilitarian chad route?

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I assumed you were OP, who outright says that Edelgard cucks you

Only if she and Ferdinand A rank eachother without either of them being S ranked by Byleth

Why the fuck would anyone want to side with the church? Why is that default?

>default route is siding against her
>has kids with other guys with an a-rank but not byleth with an s-rank
>asks why byleth is crying about jeralt getting killed by kronya
>she's allied with kronya and knew it would happen
Edelgard is the cuck option and choosing her also shits on Jeralt.

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stop fucking deflecting the point you moron i'm talking about her a rank ending with ferdinand better than byleth's s rank you keep fucking deflecting that s rank happens instead but you won't fucking address how ferdinand's a rank is still better you deflecting piece of shit

Because she's a cunt, you find out that she's been a snake since the beginning of the game and IS gives you 2 chances to back out of her route even when you side with her.

>fem mc

Based user I agree with you. This bi bullshit need to end

turns out the guy who looked like a double crosser was based all along and the straight laced looking girl was a Stacy bitch the entire time.

What we really need is a description of every romance option's personality before and after timeskip, as well as one for their ending. That's the only real way to avoid bullshit when playing the game, as well as to quickly discredit lies like this one.

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Inb4 youtube tons of players play fem Bayleth for the LGTB right

you stupid fuck her ferdinand a rank is clearly superior to byleth s rank

Probably because he feels she doesn't love you when she keeps you a secret shame.

>Interested in Dorothea
>She's a bitch who doesn't give you kids in the end
Oh well. At least Ms. Krabapple is straight.

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>Siding with a fag

>Want to romance Dmitri because he's a beautiful cinnamon roll
>But Byleth is so fucking boring because she's the stupid self-insert protagonist
>All his supports with the other girls are cuter and more interesting because the girls actually have characters


Marrying Rhea also shits on Jeralt

Yes, that's true. However, it also isn't cucking.

It isn't better though

Leaving the throne to be with Byleth is better than getting knocked up by your rival just to keep him in line

Marianne is the best girl for him.
Dedue bromance, however, tops all of his endings.

if you admit it's shit what the fuck are you bitching about

Not him, but the crux of his issue is that he feels someone having a public marriage and children with their partner is more romantic than someone being too ashamed to marry their partner and eventually running off to have a fruitless, anonymous marriage whilst living in poverty is not.

The game hardcore ships Edgelgarde and Dmitri. Or more like it shipd Dmitri crushing on Edelgarde, but Edel being such a monstrous bitch that poor Dmitri just gets shit on.

>this is your brain on inceldom

You are one mentally disabled and insecure faggot holy shit.

The entire reason people were freaking out, and why people are mad enough to argue with you now, is because your colloquial usage of cucking confused everyone.

Oh wow. I hope you can get her killed.

Doesn't he die in all non-Byleth endings?

>s... she was impregnated by ferdinand ironically
coping retard it's better to be with byleth but not have his children in s rank? to have children with another man in a rank ending? shut the fuck up.

Bromance with Dedue >>>>>>>>>>>> bitches

Just pick any route not her's.
>Killed by Dimitri in his route.
>Killed by Dedue in Claude's route.
>Killed by (you) in Church's route.

Dedue's ending always mention he dies though. Becuase, SPOILER ALERT, he is a mortal human and humans kick a bucket one day.

>those spoilers
>most waifufags got baited into her route
I can't wait for their tears

Name one thing wrong with NTR, just one

>IS found a way to trick deranged waifufags into blaming and attacking some other random group of nerds instead of calling out the devs themselves for lazy writing.

How do I recruit students?

They're waifu shitters, they'll just rationalize it away.

Retarded otakus should be hanged.

can characters have multiple paired endings?
i thought s-rank paired endings stopped a rank paired endings from happening
i mean byleth would still be gorillagard's secret lover, but she wouldn't have sex with anyone else

It's literally a single autistic freak, user. I saw this exact guy having a meltdown in FFXIV threads.

It is disgusting, pathetic and you cuck won’t pass pn you cuck genes.
So there you have it, two bad things and a good one.

Wait. So I should avoid her Fedinard A ending then?

See OP is demented faggot.

You should avoid the Black Eagles route

Just S rank her and the A rank ending won't happen

Characters can't have multiple paired endings

this. Blue chads>Yellow bros>Red cucks

>dubshit drama

Attached: 1561930637894.jpg (399x400, 13K)

you fucking morons the point is ferdinand's a rank is better than byleth's s rank
>just don't get it
that's not the fucking point fucking retards

....what if I already A ranked her with Chadinard

not the fucking point you fucking moron

Answer me while you shitpost lads please

Which romance route makes the most canon sense for male Byleth?

no she doesn't

Unless the game has already ended, you have time to S rank her


Why would anybody even want to romance that awful cunt?

Church mommy

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No S-rank end where Sothis CHROMs you

>Byleth has canon autism
Was it a bold move?

Sothis aka tulpa ending

Who can Dimitri end up with?

Seriously Claude is the only good one.

Edelgard's axe.

>generic NPC


As punishment for picking her or Claude.

Basically, it's a normie filter. Claude pumps and dumps you if you're a chick, and you're just a secret lover for Edelgard.

Meanwhile if you're a chick and pick Dimitri you literally give him one of his best endings and one of yours.

The moral IS is telling you is you don't get to be happy being wed to a politically motivated monarch and only the pure monarch aiming for proper cultural reform will give you true love


They got really fucking lazy with them it seems. Poor Raphael instead of being 'The Gentle Giant' is just "LOL FOOD FOOD FOOD". I was done with him when there were plans to assassinate Rhea and he said "No they just want the food in the pantry lol FOOD FOOD".

No, she doesn't love you enough to have your children. You're not as handsome as Ferdinand.

I was going to waifu Ingrid till her bio said she's used goods.

Characters that surprised you that you didn't care about before release?

For me it's Annette. Didn't even glance at her twice before I played, now after playing about 15 hours I think she's one of the best girls. Her voice actor definitely helps, I think she has one of the best voices in the game.

What a shame, strong women bearing children children is a fetish of mine

The gentle giant was always given to Doodoo desu. Plus he is tallest guy in 3H.

roughly half-way through

Definitely true. Dedue is precious and deserves to be loved. I'm romancing Dmitri already so I'm giving him Ingrid. I love the idea of her hating his people but then ending up with him anyway.

Ashe is a shit unit, yes. Serves no purpose whatsoever.

God fucking dammit
I'm restarting and going Blue Lions
Maybe pity fuck the desperate milf or something

I wish Doodoo wasn't bad with Horses and Flying...

If this game on PC, you could mod it so you can have children with Edelgard.

It also helps that Felix is the best BL unit besides Dmitri who is a lord.

unironically based, making these "people" seethe.

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Felix is high damage man of big numbers so that's a little unfair a comparison. Ashe and Ingrid do have the lowest Strength grows in Blue Lions though besides Annette and Mercedes who are mages.

How easy is hard mode? Should I just wait for lunatic?

You don't need a restart. BE only have 18 chapters, so...

What the hell are you supposed to do with units with equally mediocre growths in strength and magic?

Don't you faggots realize Three House is FE for girls?

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>80 hours long game they said
huh huh sure

>Edelgard : Literally a villain who you need special requirements to recruit, shortest route, the default is turning against her because she's literally a Mad Empress
>Dimitri : Damaged Good Lords with well defined character arc and clear trajectory. Sticks with you no matter what
>Claude : Filler Route where you just watch the others fight while you fucking play clean up for villains that are literally just "dealt with" in the credits of the other two routes, evidence that he's really not fucking relevant at all to the point he fucks off to his actual nation at the end for his own adventure

Three Houses is a game that punishes for thinking with your dick

But ManLeth has plenty of cute girls and cute endings, Edelgard is the shitter. Hell, she's worst girl in her own route with fun girls like not-Athena and Bernie 2020 who run rings around her.

Here are their max stats, so you be the judge.

Attached: stats.jpg (904x1376, 341K)

I have hears two stories as to why he got removed

He did some bad/dumb shit, and in fact admitted to it, like a dumbass


He broke NDA. Honestly i could see him having done both both as being the case

I like Claude's route, it has a lot more lore dumps and is a nice change of pace from Edelgard's retarded screeching and whining and blaming.

>thought I would hate Ignatz
>he's genuinely good as a unit
>super nice to everyone
>competent in his supports
Damn I love this nerd, his crit line is great too.


Attached: Ignace_Portrait.png (1200x1200, 586K)

Does dimitri job to edelgard in claudes route or does he get taken off guard

You can finish it in 24 hours if you skip everything, but the story. If you do the stuff on the side and other missions, then it will obviously be longer.

Why does every house have 1 unit that has completely mediocre growths across the board and sucks at everything?

But you're the one seething and getting phased out.

wait what

>Rush Sword ranks on Byleth
>Recruit Catherine immediately after her ally mission
Jesus fuck she has 20 strength at level 7.

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>he's genuinely good as a unit
No unit with that garbage a strength and magic growth can be good.

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Edelgard is too pretty to fuck niggers

>Ashe and Ingrid
Jesus Christ that hurts to look at.

Ignatz's bro in law ending with Raphael is the cutest too.

her parents sold her to another man

Why do you fags call Edelgard a gorilla when the blue guy is more gorilla like judging by this.

isn't he dead though

When can you recruit Catherine?

do you think that reverses her being used?

>the ending where dedue guards dimitris grave until his death

Why does this game have such kino bromances?

>that sothis magic
I found my nuke mage.

You'll always be second

i'm saying i don't think she got used

I'm only in, what, Chapter 4 I think? I just did the first FoW map.

Emperor power grab but I'm glad I was spoiled so I can avoid it.

>Leonie has the second highest speed in the game with respectable everything else.
Alright, that was unexpected.

that would be better but we don't know

Any other blue lion chad just go full unga brain? I made everyone but annie and mercie specialize in hammers and fists and i've been tearing through everything. Even if a fists base damage is 11 it will hit 4 times for 44 fucking damage.

cute and funny user, I...

The true unga brain is picking hard-classic, then waiting for Dimitri to gain like +6 levels at least and then enjoy the gorilla in action while you sit back.

Fist weapons are disgusting. Who thought they were balanced?

Dimitri is Wild Boar though.

What are his growths like? I don't check meta data usually when playing a game for the first time, I just know he's been doing great in my classic hard run.

Check his personal skill you fag, he's retarded good for that alone

I would rape her out of pure hatred for all she did

>Felix with fists outright one-rounds literally everything so far besides Death Knight


It's meme tier shit. You're the only one she's fucking, but she can't make her relationship with you public, so she's trying to find a new ruler for the kingdom so she can openly be with you.

The fiancee died when they were both like 13 so yeah

she won't even fucking give you children but she does with ferdinand you fucking idiot


Based on the reaction of I'll assume you're on point. Thanks user, I'm saving up to buy a Switch so I can try the TH out myself, glad it sounds like the game is good.

>dimitris stat growth

What the fuck

What do Dimitri or Claude say when Jeralt bites it?

How can VIRGIN Byleth even compete?

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That's not cucking though, is it? She's not sleeping with anyone but you. The only reason why she has kids with him if you don't do her romance route is because he's a noble, and you aren't. She doesn't need to try and give up the throne to be with him or have children. If you had any sense, you'd see that once she gives up the throne and can openly be with you, having kids is a no brainer.

Sothis is unrecruitable in the base game

>she won't even fucking give you children

Can you get A+ rank supports before the timeskip?

BAORILLA!!! He fucking ruined my Hard experience with all unga bunga shit.

He can't.

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>v/ btfo like the cucks they actually are

How have you people finished this game already?
I got it before release and I'm still on chapter 15.

I feel like we're in a loop. Byleth's ending with Edelgard is meant to be gender neutral so they obviously can't mention them having kids. Blame IntSys for being lazy fucks and not actually writing gender speific endings for the bi characters.

>free to give you children
>game doesn't say it
>game says it for ferdinand
you stupid fucking bitch

>entire character is trying to be better than edelgard
>ends up fertilizing her with his superior seed

I just murdered him in the blue lions path

He has a speech how he'll defeat you for the empress and how he was jealous Edelgard was obsessed with the professor in the school year

>tfw playing undocked and it has to recharge every 2 hours

user projecting isn't good for you

Maybe I got unlucky but Felix is far more effective for me. Dimitri doesn't one shot anything like I've heard on Yea Forums

Her Ending slide.

Byleth's age is a "secret" but Jeralt's diary reveals they're born in 1159 and the game begins in 1180 making them either 20 or 21 depending on when you've set their birthday.

you can't fucking justify that shit it doesn't matter what the fucking reason is the FUCKING FACTS are she won't give you children but she will with ferdinand if they fucking knew they couldn't give byleth ending children with her in s rank why the fuck they give it with another man in a rank

IntSys probably wondered at a point who would pick Edelgard when shes the worst person in the FE universe

>how many ours to post game and was edgard actually a bad choice?

Funny you should say that.
Edelgard was the true villain all along. She's an insane despot that has been playing everyone for fools the entire time. Even her own soldiers, save for Hubert, were oblivious to her actions. She's indirectly responsible for the death of your father as well, as she knows Monica is actually an evil dark thing, but says nothing to nobody about it because it would risk exposing her own deception. Edelgard is objectively the wrong choice, so wrong that IS gives you multiple chances to bail out of her route and go for the hidden fourth route instead. She is a vile harpy sociopath witch that needs to be put down and doesn't deserve a happy ending. For the record, she's the Flame Emperor the entire time.

Dimitri and Felix probably have the best stat spreads in the game. They both work.

>"saving up" for a couple hundred dollar purchase
hey little zoom, i know it's tough but your monthly allowance will get you there soon enough

>snooty noble
>all he cares about is political power and ruling
>snooty noble
>spent years studying politics in order to carry out political reform to bring better living conditions and social status to commoners
Imagine joining the Bl*ck E*gles rather than the Noble Deers.

projecting what you fucking faggot she explicitly has children with ferdinand she doesn't fucking have children with byleth you can't deny that shit you retarded little bitch

How about you kill yourself you Faggotron, leader of the Cuckcepticons? My money goes towards feeding my family. I only set aside a little piece of it for personal spending each month because there's other things I need to be doing with it.

Felix is a double whammy of good stats and his stupidly broken personal skill, Dimitri relies more on his stats while Felix has a crutch.

I felt Dimitri got effective after the time skip. I just hit a crit for 288 dmg on a knight a lvl below me

It's genuinely okay when it's incest.

>cant become the emperor-consort and rule at her side

well now i'm just going to plow bernie instead. now for me its:

black eagles: bernie
blue lions: manuela
golden deer: that lanky bluehaired girl

ferdinand can lmao

Your four stomachs don't count as a family, you unemployed, lazy cow.

Marianne is cute. More stacked than she looks too.

>Edelgard is the main girl
>She's also a villian in all routes but her own
>She's not even the default option in her own house
>Even Claude's route has more chapters than her's
What did IS mean by this?


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I'd sooner be a cow than a sheep you meme template-obsessed babyman.

Sorry, but you need to be Ferdinand to be able to marry the empress and fill her with your seed until she starts popping kids.

the japs went full fucking pozz all games are sjw cuckshit now

>Faggotron, leader of the Cuckcepticons

Attached: kuzco.png (256x256, 8K)

They honeypotted you into siding with the villain.

>As cool as Castlevania x FE stuff would be, that's just Dimitri.
But would it be a strategy rpg set in the castlevania world, or a side scrolling action/exploration game in the fire emblem world?

or would it just be about idols lmao

This is the King and Queen of Brigid, say something nice about them

Attached: Petra_SRank.png (1920x1080, 1.84M)

pretimeskip design was a bad first impression

oh and i guess church mommy on the church route. is she DTF on that route?

>The two men were the correct choices
>The woman is an evil, despicable monster
>The alternative choice to bail out of that option is the local church, of which you're housing their goddess in your body.

SJW would be the game praising Edelgard's YAS QUEEN mentality and actions.
It does not do this in any route but her own.
In every other route, she gets the Daenerys Targaryen treatment.

she is but she's bi another woman fucking ruined by the faggots

>Castlevania x FE
Here's your not-Alucard protagonist.

Attached: 103.g1t.00.jpg (1287x1702, 375K)

Petra is pretty cool
After the coup she was the only Beagle hanging around unsure where to go

No she has the same problem. Ending is written for both male and female byleth so no sex, no children, no marriage just "they went and lived platonically in a cave together forever after"

just like real life

>cries about Byleth's apparent death
>creates a better world than anyone else
Yeah, that end is totally villainous

Are you all retarded or what?

You're quite literally the only think she's willing to spread her legs for.
Also, she's not Church Mommy. You are. Sort of. She's Church Daughter.

Edgelord fags on suicide watch, holy fuck.

Don't worry the Vampire FE leak will turn out to be true and we'll get that.

if you side with her it's cuckshit cause of the faggotry is dialed up on for this shit that's what sjw means cuckshit and faggotry

>Petra’s CG is one of the very few that’s not afraid to feature Mbyleth completely

her ending is fucking shit cause of the faggots again but it's not as bad as edelgard or dorothea

I'm confused. How many characters swing both ways? Is it just everyone? Or is it a handful?

why didn't they just make a variant for male byleth and female byleth?

Attached: sundowner.jpg (392x402, 20K)

too many

Like 5 of them for FByleth. A few more for Dorothea and one for Ingrid.

>nobody can even hope to scratch my dedue
dude's fucking based

>muh best ending

wtf is this faggot shit in this thread
bittersweet endings >>>>>>>>> happy Disney shit


because faggots ruin every thing

>When she has no A supports with any girls
Please do not blaspheme my wife, thanks.

>don't like using Armor Knights
>use Dedue anyway because he's BIG BRO OF LOYALTY like Arden

Fire Emblem? More like Cuck Emblem: Cuck Sheds

Pretty sure most people are saying that it doesn't matter what ending you get, as long as everything can agree that Eldergard's is the fucking worst and objectively the bad end of the four endings.

>First serious mission with #BlueLionGang
>end up losing Ashe pretty early on
>mfw I immediately reset
I don't know why the fuck I even picked Classic mode. God knows I'm not emotionally sound/strategically competitant enough to live with losing a character.

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you fucking cuck begging for cuck endings you'll get your wish tho you pathetic cunt cuck shit is all devs are writing now

Sorry, meant Mercedes. I don't know why but I keep mixing the two up for some reason.

>Jeralt dies
>Blyat shows emotions for the first time cries
>Jeralt gets buried with the mother
>Even that shitter Bernie stops his 2020 run for a second to drop off some flowers
>Sad music plays when exploring
They didn't even interact that much and didn't really feel like father and son yet I'm still really sad

are you me? i usually don't use them, but i couldn't resist this time

Use the turnwheel if you accidentally a student.

Well, honestly Three Houses is the least friendly game for people who want to let their characters die because for a good portion all you're gonna have is your house characters and getting replacements is tied to your stats which is hard

he ruins leonie's endings tho she doesn't give a fuck about byleth just his dad

I'm only doing classic mode for the yellow deers since I don't care if any of them die

Normally I’d agree with you but cuck endings =/= bittersweet endings

Some will tell you "Because faggots ruin everything". The reality is that IS are lazy fucks.
If they wanted generic gender neutral shit amongst the NPCs, fine. But the god damn main character should have some fucking effort put into it.

Also side note. Anyone else getting sick of Japanese games letting you rename main characters that you can't even customize anyway?
Byleth is a static fucking entity. All letting you rename him/her does is prevent NPCs from saying your name out loud in dialogue and coming up with 10,000 ways to address your character instead. It's dumb.
As dumb as gender neutral romance endings for the god damn main protagonist.

nah he's a fucking cuck he wants cuck endings

lol just turn back time

>Ingrid and Annette and other Lions are disturbed at the Western Church personell being executed
>Mercedes is hyped as fuck to hear that they are going to die for their blasphemy
Three Houses is giving me a fetish for crazy religious girls.

>Send my traveler off with an Advance Seal
>Forget about it for the month
>Call them back
>Made huge bank

They'd have to write an entire extra paragraph. That's a lot of work.

they're fucking bending over for tranny shit guys pretending be girls to get fucked by guys lmao dimitri gets best ending with byleth edelgard gets worst fucking pozzed tranny jap cucks

>byleth and dimitri can solo entire maps on their own
uh... i hope this gets harder after the timeskip. i'm getting pretty close.

Dimitri is big growths man and Byleth has really good growths too.

HAHAHA fucking hilarious thats what waifufags deserve

Reminder: Anyone who chooses the "girl team" or girl MC in a game is always a beta faggot. Glad to see the developers see that and make you get the ending you cucks deserve.

Attached: soy.png (720x742, 377K)

too bad mercedes is another byleth romance ruined by faggot shit choose a different girl man

I'm all for Hilda still

Attached: Hilda_SRank.png (1920x1386, 2.48M)

>This cope

Dimitri is pretty good but I find that mages can really fuck him up

what the fuck are you talking about the fucking japs gave girl mc best ending man it's male mc that gets fucking cucked cause they bent over for trannies

>Just finished Black Eagles Chapter 6


>Three hours later
What the fuck is wrong with you

>Another thread ruined by cuck arguments.

I fucking hate every single one of you on both sides of the fence.
If you're a cuck, I hope no woman will ever cuck you and that you get stuck with some insane woman who won't ever let you escape and forces you to have sex with her every god damn night and beats you for even suggesting she touch another man.
If you're one of these anti-cucks, I pray that every woman you ever find any sort of affection for cheats on you profusely, especially when other men you're close to and respect like your fathers and brothers, so it hurts all the more.

You're all fucking terrible and you should all get over your differences long enough to enter a suicide pact together and see it through. Fuck, you people suck. You suck dicks. You suck all the biggest, fattest dicks. You faggots.

Ah shit, this gave me a huge fucking boner and I'm in public, wat do?

i mean if you have the power to bend time and have god on your side i don't see why it'd be unreasonable to be able to reject fate and carve your own path where everybody lives and gets to be happy, maybe at the cost of your own life

it's pretty annoying when you go try and soften up units for a low level to kill and they just double them or just outright 1-shots them

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A hundred babies, maybe more.

I haven't played since Awakening, is class switching still valuable at all?

So I should avoid the bi character endings? Who are they?

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>Hilda acts like a huge stacy
>actually wants to be a traditional housewife
I don't know why but that archetype always gives me a massive boner.


Superior wife.

Attached: Flayn top.png (1921x1080, 1.49M)

So how do I go about making my chosen student a dancer after the competition? I didn't see it as a class in the certification screen.

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>cucks and anti cucks are equally bad
you are fucking retarded

>smug look knowing the massive dicking she's going to get later on

>Tons of babies and becomes immortal
Probably one of the best endings for Byleth.

yeah she's good lysithea too man

I relate to her way too much especially on the issue of the family complex she has. She always talks about how she can't do shit, but her brother is absolute perfect.
Shit hits way too close to home because I always got compared to a cousin who did everything right and was always considered not good enough.

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Are you locked out of supports after the time skip or what?

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She's a typical gal manga protagonist.

I'm fine with that, it's why I chose her, I just don't see where/how to turn her into a dancer.

I was planning on Rhea for my church playthrough but I'll go with Flayn instead now so Byleth doesn't die a virgin

I hope you're not playing on normal

I can't remember the last time he's gotten any strength or magic. I was gonna make him a Savant too, but now he's stuck with Locktouch duty like the trash he is.

I am too weak to big titty pink haired puresluts

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well I guess japs unfortunately do have some waifu disease. At least they were BASED in one area and fucked over the redditors who chose black eagles.

t. cuckold enthusiast

>crown more important than the waifu
Damn, how shallow.

Actually I just came into the thread, I'm a different user.

But glad to see you stuck around still seething about this thread hahahaha.

why would i play on normal in a fire emblem game? it's not my first. even if i was exaggerating, byleth and dimitri are way too fucking good.

yeah but they bent over for trannies that pretend they're women to fuck dimitri lmao

I need an image of Dimitri flipping his eyepatch up to say "Dedue's a nigger..."

Actually I just came into the thread and saw you seething over a three hour old post.


This isn't even bittersweet ending. It's not even cuck ending despite the false flagging NTR fetishists ITT.
It's a straight up romantic ending where she flees with her lover and leaves everything behind.


guessing this is after recruiting felix to another house?

Fascinating play! To find fault in user's rebuttal, the other user would have to admit to lying about being a different poster! What will he do next?

Attached: goofcaster.png (913x604, 346K)

Wait so Edelgard kills Jeralt then shits on Byleth for crying about it? What the fuck?

This one? You're all set. This one? You're all se- This one? You're a- This one? You're all set.

cuck? that's gay. NTR? I'm down.

Felix joining Edelgard genuinely makes no sense because he's supposed to be a moralfag that hates senseless violence.

Edelgard is kind of a bitch.

Do any defections actually make sense? Isnt that kind of the point?

Still pretty shitty desu, being so ashamed of you.

True, though some of them are hilarious.
>Raphael wants to protect his sister and parents
>joins Edelgard and invades his own country

Sylvain defects because he wants pussy

For real.
Bitch is all about "Breaking down the boundaries between noble and commoner". But how does she expect to realistically break down those boundaries in her empire when she's not even willing to let people know she's broken down that boundary in her bedroom? Especially since she's the emperor and anyone who publically disagrees gets a fucking axe to the neck.

She's a hypocrite.

Can you marry people you recruit from other houses? I picked black eagles not realizing it wasn’t the default. They really should put blue chads recommended for first play through somewhere in game

>Do any defections actually make sense? Isnt that kind of the point?

A good chunk of the Black Eagles leaving do when you think about it.
Barring Hubert, a case could be made for all of them not wanting to be a part of Edelgard's shit, since the majority of those kids have a fairly good head on their shoulders.

BL aren't good as a first/default route.

Based and faggotpilled.

so what's the level cap in this game? i feel like it's gonna be 30, but i'm already climbing up into the 20s and the timeskip hasn't occurred yet.

Shouldn't there be porn of thid bitch already?

Can I pick to back the church as eagles? I’m a chapter or two away. I realized the empress was crazy with the c support convo

Then why did they keep following her in the first place?

Church is the default route for Black Eagles, so go for it.

Thank god flayan or Petra was my waifu choice.