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Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 was a dumpster fire. Race With Ryan will sell more copies.
Wasn't MUA3 pretty much a small AA game?
Sleepy loli is the best.
Only reason I bothered to pirate this game.
Sony really fucked up PS4s end of generation.
Already sold out on Amazon.
Playing 4 days early is a pretty good motivator. Also still wasn't totally convinced it wasn't going to be trash and didn't want to pay for a turd, but it turned out great.
whats the appeal of fe
War, strategy, and cute girls/boys, not in that order
I'm a Nintendo basedboy and I don't know why people like the new FE games. Is it just the waifu bait?
incest and lolis
Falseflag sales shitposting is bannable you know.
Why do most of the women transform into old hags while most of the men become rugged chads?
It's not at all fair.
thats all the characters?
imagine how many more sales Fire Emblem would have gotten if all the people who stole the game bought it.
Lost sales add up.
Someone post more manuela.
Persona and Sony deserve to die you know.
Probably a couple thousand copies at most. There's still a ton of fearmongering surrounding Switch "hacking".
>Everyone already has a PS4 or PS4 Pro so sales falter
>Xbox One X still can't sell even with hardware that does circles around the Switch
Microsoft has the money to discount the console, but their new CEO sees the Xbox brand as a black hole.
All of the ones that change after timeskip. None of the teachers or knights do.
I don't think Persona deserves to die, but I think sony fags deserve to neck themselves, seeing as they permanently ruined the fandom.
>that redhead dude in top row
Literally Reinhard.
Cope nintedofaggots
keep begging for Persona 5 on nint*ndo console
Why are you bragging about a censored remake?
Imagine begging for the game for 6 years already
For most of them
>men grow out hair
>girls cut their hair
I hope they don't continue with this artist in the future and get someone different, I can't put my finger on it but something is just off about all the designs.
I'm honestly surprised they're still selling consoles at all. How are they still moving 40k units a month? Who doesn't already have one of these?
It sucks Microsoft is in such god awful shape, because there's no way I'm supporting commifornia Sony in the nexgen
>I'm honestly surprised they're still selling consoles at all
Ask Japan. Censoredstation 4 is completely dead there.
>It sucks Microsoft is in such god awful shape
with based phil at the helms, next generation will be the return to xbox domination. let's not forget the trainwreck the xbox one was when the zenga faggot was the head of xbox.
It was easy for Sony to rise to popularity when all they had to do was say they'd allow used games. Xbox would have to do a lot to get back on top.
They have zero exclusives now that everything is concurrently developed for PC, a considerably smaller userbase so anyone buying these for FIFA or 2K is better off on Playstation, and zero niche support since Sony has legacy contracts and Nintendo own the rest.
I honestly don't see why they'd even participate in the next run of consoles.
>switch has lots of hardware sales
>the instant something that's not bingbing wahoo releases it's a hit
And this is why the persona fanbase sucks now. Sony fags have attached themselves to this game and refuse to let anyone else but them discuss it. This is why I hate talking about persona nowadays, because especially on Yea Forums you'll get at least some sonyfags come invade persona threads to shit them up with console warring.
Arent the ps4 still $300(cad)?
It's pretty amazing how much the xbone reveal fucked Xbox.
It's pretty amazing how Don ended up being entirely right about the direction the industry would go.
>Bernie loses her qt messy bedhair
Lorenz turning into a gigachad was worth it but GOD DAMN IT
I predict 3 million opening sales for FE Three Houses
>Nincel starts a topic solely with the intention of doing consolewards
>dude responds
>see? this is why they suck now; can't even discuss it
Yea Forumsintendogaf bias, everyone
Imagine paying full price yet again for an Ann recolor.
I find it funny to think that console war posters think they're better than the other ones
Stop shilling your retarded twitter every day, nobody gives a shit you sandnigger
Seriously? Are you this young? Don, the guy who was in charge of Xbox at the time?
>another twitter screencap thread
If you think that's fucking up an end of generation wait until you see nintendo, it's going to be lucky if it hits 60 million units lifetime with their end of life plan, ps4 still has death stranding, ghosts of tsushima and the last of us 2, switch will be lucky to have any first party games launching within it's last 2 years of life.
Why? It is still selling really well
>How are they still moving 40k units a month?
I have no clue. Maybe people just break theirs at a rate of 40k a month?
Final boss can be cheesed with just 2 characters
>Who doesn't already have one of these?
I don't, I decided to give up on consoles at the beginning of this gen because they all looked really bad. I don't regret doing that.
>death stranding, ghosts of tsushima and the last of us 2
That's some pretty weak competition for the Switch.
>it's going to be lucky if it hits 60 million units lifetime
I remember Nintendo haters saying it wouldn't outsell the Wii U not too long ago
>Mercedes and Bernadetta post time skip
Why would they do this to their hair?
Not a single switch game will compare to The Last of Us 2, so no, that's extremely good competition for the Switch, and these are just end of life PS4 games, PS5 will be landing with big hits of it's own.
It's not even going to begin to approach the PS4.
Enjoy your 2020 release date.
Being on a Nintendo console means we don’t have to wait half a year after the japs get the game.
Keep moving those goalposts famalam.
>PS5 will be landing with big hits of it's own.
Gran Turismo 7 and...
Its what you resort to when you're bored of better IS games like Advance Wars
But we did for SMT 4, and probably will for 5
What kind of coping shit is this? What, are you so much of a child you can't wait a while to play something? What a joke - enjoy the P5 Musou, you deserve it.
not really
Kojima being fired by Konami boosted his career immensely. Last of Us sold a ton. Ghosts is a literal who though.
What the fuck does the Switch even have coming up?
>3 big games still in the next year
It seems better off than the PS2 and PS3. PS2 had God of War 2 and Persona 4 launching post-PS3. PS3 had Last of Us in its final year with nothing else. I guess you could include Persona 5 on PS3 but by the time it finally came out the PS4 had sold a ton of units.
I don't understand why people care about what others play
I don't like rts games but my friend put 1500 hours into Hearts of Iron IV and I was like okay good for him
the average Yea Forumstard would bitch "how can he waste that much free time playing a shitty rts game?"
>weak competition for the Switch.
you live in your own bubble if you don't think Kojima's game isn't going to blow normalfags away
>It's not even going to begin to approach the PS4
Nah senpai. Switch may hit 200 million.
No analyst ever predicted that number for any Shitstation product.
Luigi's mansion 3 and Pokemon are most likely going to move a few millions
>muh analysts
meanwhile right now the PS2 is the best selling console of all time
Shut the fuck up, you console warring shitposter. Acting retarded still means that you're retarded. If I hear one more "basedny" or "nincel" then I'm going to shit a whole skyscraper
*best selling DVD player
I actually forgot all about Pokémon, yeah, that'll move quite a bit. I have no idea what the sales numbers for Luigi games even look like though, although now that I think about it it's probably high.
Well yeah, but he fucked up by trying to implement that shit an entire generation too early. Forced Kinect was a mistake no matter how you wanna slice it though.
Men lie women lie but numbers dont lie.
Japan is the first country to realize that the Censored Station 4 sucks. Once again, Japan proves that they have a higher IQ than everyone.
Animal Crossing is lined up for early 2020 and that should push a bunch of units too
That's the DS m8. Besides Nintendo sells way more hardware and games cumulatively. Oh and Nintendo has Japan on lock.
MUA3 is a good game that did well
and console
false, PS2 has roughly one more million unit than the DS
PS2 has outsold the DS though. Straight from their respective sources:
DS: 154 million
PS2: 155 million
Why do console warriors use bad dating sims with boring turn based combat to try to convince me to buy their hardware?
>FF7R is japans most anticipated game
How could this happen Yea Forumsros you told me PS4 was dead in japan?!
What's with those xbox sales?
And before you think I mean what I don't - what I'm asking is why those few people are even bothering to buy it at all. None of their friends will have one, most Japanese culture shuns outside influence, and finding online matches in games must be a real kick in the dick. Why even bother at that point? Frankly, when your other option for multiplats is the heaping pile of shit that is Sony, I think this should have been the gen to convince people to buy cheap PCs
They learned from the best.
Honestly I'm not sure what other major titles Nintendo has announced to be hyped for. BOTW2 maybe?
>literally the remake of one of the most beloved games ever made
>why is it so anticipated?
VIIR could suck dick and make millions
>moving the goalposts AGAIN
literally neither of those posts are moving the goalposts or even saying the same thing
I'm genuinely not sure what major releases Nintendo even has coming up on the horizon aside from BOTW2. I've also already got VIIR pre-ordered so I'm not coming from a point of trying to antagonize either side.