Sword > Staff > Shield
Sword > Staff > Shield
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Imagine not going shield
I choose to avoid this shit series and it's childish fanbase
>tfw no Indiana Jones world
You got that backwards you absolute tard. Where my Shield bros at?
>wanting indy to be in kingdom hearts
I'd rather not listen to a shitty Harrison Ford impersonator deliver monotone lines about darkness in hearts while anime characters do stupid shit in the background.
did these choices mean anyhting?
the order of abilities you get while leveling up, along with your stats.
I've played this game several times and shield gives you the best abilities much earlier.
Also the choices at the start determine if you level faster early, late or even across all levels
Shit > Kingdom Hearts
The series stopped being good after it started shitting on its gameplay and focused on story.
>implying Harrison Ford wouldn't want to be in Kingdom Hearts when Mark Hamill is there too
The shield is the only one without a negative connotation
Which KH has the best gameplay user?
Did anyone actually go for Staff?
Yes since its the best build in the game, magic scales from mp and magic is fucking broken, shield is only good for speedrunners.
KH2 > KH1 > All the other KH games.
no. "repel all" tastes of self isolation and loneliness.
yeah, I was a 12 year old nerd who thought magic was cool.
Magic really is cool, though.
Higher MP means more damage and longer lasting spell effects, so the staff is an excellent pick.
Staff is objectively the best, shield gets you another item slot which is meh and the sword only gives you 1 more point in attack at the start
Unrelated but should I play TWEWY?
Yes. Go for the DS version, though.
as I grew up I came to prefer melee
>pick sword because i think itll give me a sword
>get keyblade
You stats and abilities. They only matter in 1 though. Staff gives you 1 more MP which is very good as magic gets stronger the more MP you have. Sword is legit the worse choice you can play and OP is an inept faggot.
KH 2 Final Mix. Vanilla 2 is bland.
>was redpilled then became a bluepilled normie
Any other games similar to this user?
Yes but ds version
yes, go for mobile version
>they kept the good sentence, but not the negative one in KH3
C'mon Square. The negative half was part of the soul.
Ignore and go for the DS version.
Not him but whats wrong with that version? Would it be worth playing after the DS version?
I chose Staff for 2 and 3, I wanted to get Leaf Bracer quick
The game is easier and they changed the credits song. But the visuals are HD, that's worth it imo
The DS version has way more interesting combat mechanics compared to the mobile version imo, since you essentially have to focus on two character at once in combat. The mobile port is decent but it doesn’t really compare to stuff like this.
God it was too good for this world.
Mobile and switch dont have gameplay, the ds is the only one that has it.
I always go Shield for that early Guard. Guard is just so fucking good in KH1.
Sir, that's too much soul! We're going to have to have you delete this post immediately!
I find it weird the tutorial thing for trinity shield implied there would be more, and then there just wasn't.
The real deal breaker for staff is not getting second chance until 90. Leaf Bracer does not fucking save you every time.
Make me nigger.
Counter attack is even better
obviously im picking sword cuz im a hack and slash playaa~
UH, BASED? Counterattack and Guard in short time is the ultimate combo.
I choose sword since I thought it would be better but staff is op after a while.
If you're a casual player then Shield is probably the best.
But if you're going for the best possible Sora in the game, then Staff is factually the best. Staff gives you more MP than the other options, and the ways to get MP in the game are very limited. Strength and Defense are easily gotten and item slots are just not very useful.
>not understanding the sheer potential of a Temple of Doom level where KALI MAAAAAA is intoned as a man takes a heart out of someone, turning them into a heartless
KH1 must be confusing as shit for new players, every worlds is so dense and complex
Staff is the best if you're going for max level 100 Sora with optimal stats for a screenshot, or you're speedrunning the game at level 1, where every single bar of MP matters. Otherwise, just pick whatever you want.
By "casual", I mean players who are not going to grind to level 100, or go through the painstaking process of getting Ultimate Weapon, or farm materials to max out their stats. They're just going to beat Ansem and call it a day. A "perfect" Sora is always going to be a Staff Sora.
I pick sword regardless of what it does, as would anyone with a testosterone count >600.
>perfect Sora
Not even Platinum nigger like myself really care about perfect stats. If you really want that, the days where it matter are long gone. In 2003 or 2004, you could have posted a really impressive video of your perfect Sora build in OG KH1, but in the digital age of emulation and ports? Nobody cares. Your Sora may as well have 99 in all stats, whether it's attainable or not. Nobody cares.
>Lost Jungle Intensifies
Good for you? I don't care if it matters to other people. I didn't get perfect stats in FFX because I wanted to show off to anyone, I just wanted perfect stats. It's fun doing that.
If you don't find it fun, good for you. It's not a less valid form of play though.
>Nobody cares
So what? The people that do it care. You trophy faggots are insufferable, you always think people do things in games because they're looking for stroke their egos. No its just how people have fun you self-serving retard.
The first game is fun if you just take it for what it is, a simple cartoony game about beating up monsters and Disney villains with Disney characters by your side. It's every other game in the series that sucks, but KH II fags will never admit it.
Why? Switch has more story
The thing is that an extremely small number of people are willing to grind out perfect stats without recognition. Either you're a liar, or you're Ulillillia tier. An EXTREMELY small amount of people find long-term grinding in a single player game rewarding without community recognition.
>did anyone choose the objectively best option
Gee, who know's?
>The thing is that an extremely small number of people are willing to grind out perfect stats without recognition
And how would you know that? No, really, tell me how. If they're not looking for recognition then you wouldn't know they exist. So how do you know? I have perfect stats in at least 5 different games where its difficult to do, but you won't see me posting pics on fucking Gamefaqs or whatever because that's retarded.
Imagine being so cowardly, you need to dump all you points into defense instead of not getting hit.
These guys get it. Get staff and drop shield for maximum glass cannon action. Shield is for plebs...unless you play on proud or critical, then it's okay and I love you for who you are.
Fuck you now it's stuck in my head again
user, consider the rates of completion (cheevo-based) across all platforms for a certain game. Then factor in how many of those people even made it halfway through. The number of people playing to completion, then plat, then max stats for the hell of it? Maybe in the double digits per-game at best. You're part of a very select group of people, autism or not.
Switch also has the most ass controls. Also, the two screens played into the narrative but it's not a huge deal
It has like 10 lines of dialogue and it's all garbage.
>The thing is that an extremely small number of people are willing to grind out perfect stats without recognition.
You can tell this guy is a zoomer. Yeah nobody ever went for unnecessary grindy goals on their own in the pre-internet era.
>extremely small == nobody
You can tell this guy is an ESL retard.
The thing is, I maxed out stats even before achievements. Again, you trophy faggots are in insufferable.
When I maxed out stats in FFX, I didn't do that on PS3. I did that on PS2 in like 2002 or something. I never showed anyone that, I probably still have save on a memory card somewhere. That was just for me and nobody else. I wasn't the only one either, people made guides on this shit. There was no recognition in it, you weren't some FFX-god on the forums because you took the time to farm the area for dozens of hours. It was just for fun.
Goddamn I hate this new era of gamers, you're just circle jerking over imaginary fucking trophies.
Goddamn, I hate the old era of gamers, you're just circle jerking over imaginary memory card data.
KH franchise is cringe
Yet here you are.
Imagine sperging out this hard over imaginary trophies