God tier aesthetic

>God tier aesthetic
>God tier OST
>God tier level design and enemy encounter design
>God tier Lynchian story
>Infinite replayability
Is this the best indie game of all time?

Attached: Hotline_Miami.jpg (800x800, 113K)

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The Biker levels are the best

It's my personal favorite.

>God tier Lynchian story
No. It's a good game, but no.

*blocks your path*

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its up there but i think you are busting your load a little too hard op

>Implying Hotline Miami isn't the vidya equivalent of Mulholland Dr.

It and FTL are the only indie games I've likes. The rest have no depth


Attached: asdsd.png (2431x222, 31K)

Mulholland Drive is one of my favorite films, and Hotline Miami is one of my favorite games.

Everyone's entitled to their opinion but relating the two stories is ridiculous.

Katana Zero has better gameplay, graphics and story

>>God tier level design and enemy encounter design
the levels aren't as bad as HM2 I guess, but the enemy AI is dumb as fuck, not sure what you mean by "enemy encounter"
>>God tier Lynchian story
hahaha no
>>Infinite replayability
as soon as you get all the achievements it's basically done for, too bad the worse game of the duo got the level editor

And Hotline Miami has an ending.

a shitty ending at that
>lol everyone gets nuked lol nothing matters hahahahaha
haven't played Katana Zero and have no intention to but hotline miami's joke of a story and ending can't be used as a rebuttal against KZ

>has publisher
Do you retards know what “indie” even means?

>game parodies genocide as a psychotic ideal
>fans unironically praise psychotic genocide
>hotline series is now dead

great job you retarded baby boys

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Plebs will never admit but 2 was better.

Its heavily foreshadowed and perfectly fitting with the games themes of escalating violence. Serving as a memorable way to deliver the final message of the story.

>fans unironically praise psychotic genocide
today on shit that never happened™

nobody cares retard I'm only here to kill people and have fun
memorable? yes, very
fitting? it fits with the story, yes
satisfying? fuck no

There’s no need to pit them against each other

>God tier aesthetic
In the official art but not in any of the pixelshit graphics that aren't the faces
>God tier OST
>God tier level design and enemy encounter design
Yeah I sure did love standing in a chokepoint with a gun and tap-firing enemies after a bait bullet because aggressive play is too punishing and inconsistent due to retarded AI and wild-west quickdrawing gun enemies
>God tier Lynchian story
It's got a cool premise, yeah
>Infinite replayability

It was immensely satisfying in concluding the story. Sitting the main menu, listening to the music after the ending, contemplating it. Its damn satisfying.
It doesnt need to be happy. If you want that sort of "satisfying" fan-service go play Persona or some other web game.

i didn't find the nihilistic "lol nothing matters everyone is dead" ending satisfying, but whatever floats your boat
as i said i hated the story for both games so that's where my stigma comes from

>it doesn't matter if the characters killed people for profit or out of patriotism since in the end everyone gets nuked anyway
seems pretty based and anti-statist to me

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I got 6 hours of it while unlocking all the masks and the secret ending.
It's pretty good just fuck crackdown

sounds like you've barely played indie games to be honest

Post your Top 5 custom levels

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>characters are forced to do bad things or horrible things will happen to them
>features themes of diality of man where characters deep down enjoy the killing
baby boy can't handle writting all of a sudden? back to playing Wolfenstein on your playstation

the story is pretty shit tier, and the second game pretty much confirmed that the devs had no idea what they were doing with the plot

>everyone gets nuked
what did he mean by this

>Come close to making a 10/10 game
>Include this level

Attached: Trauma.jpg (500x313, 33K)

Wild Thing is a good campaign.
14 levels mostly Corey with a couple Alex + Ash. Good design. Set up so Corey's dodge roll can be used in clever ways which the main game really lacked. Writing isn't cringe either.

>He doesn't like Trauma

>aggressive play is too punishing and inconsistent
it's ok to admit that you're not very good at the game
or that you only remember/ played the sequel that's worse in most every way

you only do it once and it's a change of pace for story reasons. It's shortly followed by youtube.com/watch?v=6oaF5fq6vcE
so who cares.

Is it worth pirating the sequel?

yeah, it's pretty good for being intentionally shitty.
Richter/Pardo levels are as good as HM1, for music alone.

yeah it gets way too much hate honestly.

Of course. Faggots here just wanted more of their silent protagonist self insert and are shit at video games so they call it unfair.

It's a very good game that you can show to your past-gamer friends that loved old GTA games.

It features a very cool soundtrack that you can play when someone passes you an aux cord at a normie drug party and you won't feel guilty about it

Best track coming through.

Why would I ever charge at enemies with melee weapons when there's so many guns after the first few levels that kill everything in one tap? Why would I want to charge or throw a weapon at a gunfag with undodgeable bullets knowing that there's a 50% chance he'll either never notice I exist or instantly snap around and dome me regardless of which way he's facing? Why would I ever try any of that shit and have to redo the floor when I could just rack up a full combo and A+ everything by using a bait bullet near a chokepoint and have every enemy on the map whose AI didn't glitch out line up to be killed so I can unlock some worthless mask and a brick? All of the issues got worse with 2 but neither game is designed to reward you for actually rampaging around no matter how much people try to meme it.

>not any of the scattle songs

Attached: handsome pardo.png (461x535, 253K)

Yep, good plot, perfect action and gameplay loop, excellent music, a perfect, succint package marred only slightly by a bloated sequel which lost sight of what made the original so good. It's essential simplicity.

>tfw no Girlfriend gf
i cant upload the pic related because hiroshimoot is a fucking nigger

i like the journo guy
the levels suck

amazing how far you can move goalposts in a single post

that's not how you say Inner Animal youtu.be/-PNdFNudHDY

Did you reply to the wrong person or do you just not know what that means? How exactly did I move any goalposts?

This man gets it

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HM1 and 2 are a miracle that restored my faith in Vidya for awhile fucking loved these games.

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Should I replay it on anything besides PC? It’d be convenient to have on PS4 but does it control well?


This game is unplayable without one. It's basically a twin stick shooter.

It’s not much different that a twin stick shooter, one stick moves, the other aims

>aggressive play is too punishing and inconsistent
>Why would I ever charge at enemies with melee weapons when there's so many guns
>Why would I ever try any of that ... when I could just rack up a full combo and A+ everything by using a bait bullet near a chokepoint
aggressive play is too punishing -> there's no reason you have to be aggressive
you probably realized that you can play aggressively and it is faster, more satisfying, and rakes in a higher score to do so
you also probably realized you couldn't justify why everyone else seems to enjoy playing the game fast paced but it never works out for you for some reason
so you deflect away from that and instead said the game doesn't give enough incentives to play aggressively to justify it so it's the game's fault you don't enjoy it like other people do
fix your ego

I pretty much beaten hm1 and hm2 (hard mode too) with only a keyboard and mouse

git gud

I have S rank on all hard mode levels. Never touched a controller.

Is it really that good, it looks like it’s more just based on rushing forward and slashing since it’s a side scroller

hotline miami 1 was video games' grunge moment.

it felt cool to play in a way that basically no game since doom had.

2 was the bloated second album which was stocked with power ballads.


>First game has a surreal story with intentional contradictory information, leaving it up to interpretation
>Second game spells everything out in explicit terms
What the FUCK were they thinking?

Why the fuck did you have to compare this to Lynch? lol, If anything it plays like a fucking REFN movie.

to be fair the second game other than son's ending strays pretty far from surrealism since the story tries to explain any and everything and flubs it all

the precision needed for actually aiming in this game without rolling the dice with lock ons makes controllers a huge handicap
this game is objectively better played on keyboard and mouse

>Lynchian story
your the one who should be lynched

getting S on Dead Ahead was the only achivement i had in my pathetic life bros