Ate without table

>ate without table
>goes on a killing spree and kills entire population of a colony

Attached: previewfile_1522719077.png (958x706, 698K)

you what mate?

Attached: 1495164844476.png (258x249, 146K)

It takes almost nothing to make tables, stop being lazy. Tree or stone, get to it.

that one mod fixed that 2 months ago, made the game actually enjoyable once you get past the honeymoon phase.

Save that wood for beds or pissing off elves
I swear to Armok why can't beds be made of other materials

literally everyone who has eaten at a food stall knows this feel

To be fair I would do the same.

well, mod in the op makes mood debuff -25
hey buddy i think you've got wrong thread
dwarf fortress thread is two pages down

I kept getting survivor rescue requests for relatives of this one dude in my colony
I rejected all 6 of them
He was not a happy camper

Last time i played this shit didn't happen, in fact stress was almost non-issue, is this some bug?

Do you have the One Big Family mod?

Colonists don't really get fussy about shit now until your colony has reached a certain threshold of prosperity and wealth

It's only -3 base game, not that bad.

Oh, it's a Rimworld thread
Took me a while to realise

no but what does it do

I didn't reach it then in over 20h, my colony died from boredom Random Randy spoiled me i guess but last time i've played it was still in Beta.

reminder to do peace talks with nuclear warheads

i stopped playing this because colonists kept befriending rats and shit and then going insane for 2 years when they died

will rimworld ever go on sale?

