Explain why your not playing dusk right now

>we need a new quake singleplayer
>quake champions isn't REAL quake
>i wish quake was popular again
>we need real shooters
Why the fuck are you kids still talking about that overrated boomer shit.
The best arena shooter of all time barely has 100 player peak daily

Attached: 897.jpg (460x215, 27K)

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>The best arena shooter of all time barely has 100 player peak daily
nah QL has at least a few hundred players usually

and fornite has 10000x that
doesn't mean quality
dusk is still the best

I'm playing DOOM instead

I'm waiting for Ion Maiden because honestly i think low poly 3D is trash and i'd rather have higher quality sprites

>easiest arena shooter existence
>most popular one
Honestly im not shocked desu

Because I already finished it. 10/10 campaign.
Dusk world feels clunky af.

Finished it on 3 different difficulties and got most of the medals/awards.

how is ion maiden?
i want wraith personally but dusk has been a great play while I wait
still scheduled for summer but its almost august with no release date

Attached: wraith.png (934x671, 527K)

uninspired garbage with awful slippery movement and reticle bloom on the machine gun (LOL), with levels that range from pretty awesome to shit
wish I could refund it honestly, the only good thing to come out of this game is that it made me play quake a lot more

Because I'm playing levels off quaddicted.com

Dusk is ugly garbage and not anything like quake

I am playing it right now, fragnight is tonight. also the music is really good.

to expand on my post, the music might be the most overrated aspect about it, pretty sure if i played with it off it wouldn't make a difference since i barely notice it playing because it's so forgettable
top fucking kek


Attached: Quake Champions Sorlag Backwards Movement.webm (960x540, 2.93M)

CPMA movement? Should I buy QC? Seems dead desu.

it's free, but you'll feel ripped off even if you download it without paying
not a quake game

honestly if they just didnt change the stats of the characters
no passives
no hourglasses
longer cd on bigger abilties
and made everyone control like a mix of anarki/sorlag
and made the netcode not shit

quake champions could of been fun

Feels like a high budget (well as high as it can get...) Duke mod, guns feel good, levels are great but the one liners are kinda weak

It's the most alive Quake there is.
It's got plenty of minor issues but the gameplay is amazing and it's alive enough to find tdms or instagib matches quickly, which is great.

Attached: Quake Champions Protection.webm (960x540, 2.93M)

me and a Friend played it nonstop for a while but than 2v2 died
that was sad

amid evil > dirsk
project warlock > amid evil

dusk? more like DORK lol

Because Amid Evil is much better and does justice to classic shooters by taking everything great about them to make a modern game instead of something that looks like it was made with a low budget in early 90s

>they killed 2v2
when i played 2v2 was more popular "competitive" wise because the duel format qc used was lame

Diabotical waiting room

do we even have a release year?

0 players found.

i play it for the single player, but if anything, this proves arena shooters are dead

>amid evil > dirsk
I don't know, famanon. I love them both, but Dusk is more consistent and gets exponentially better with each episode with only a couple levels lagging.
With Amid Evil, episode 3 and 4 are terrible. The first couple episodes waver in quality at times but are mostly great. The last three episodes are fucking godlike. So, AE oscillates in quality where Dusk is solid through and through.

Or you just go play CPMA. What's cool about Champions is that you have this mix of different Quake movements and abilities to complement how Quake is played and mix it up.
It always feels like people who complain about this aspect never bothered to play the game for more than a couple of hours. It's incredible how well Champions work in Quake. But nobody cares if and how well it works, everyone just complains that it's not the real Quake.

Attached: Quake Champions Tox Drive By Rail.webm (960x540, 1.28M)


seething (and delusional) qc pleb

i liked the champions i just thought passives and stats being different between them was retarded
and with hourglasses you could just spam your ability like bj basically has double damage the whole game
fuck that

sure buddy and mother 4 is set to release in winter of 2014

Attached: index.png (287x176, 4K)

>project warlock better than anything

Diabotical could be released right now and it would be in a much better state than Quake Champions is currently, but 2GD is smart.

>Shitting on Episode 4
Explain yourself

i want halo, wow classic, or diabotical to just be on my harddrive already. ready to play

Yeah stack differences used to be really shit and bj too strong. Things changed a bit, Stack differences aren't as big and bj isn't as strong anymore.
Think the way it is now it quite well balanced.


Attached: file.png (453x465, 270K)

i already beat it and im waiting for the modding update and more multiplayer features

>cringing unironically in 2019
Now thats p fucking gay, my dude

Amid Evil is good but far worse. Each chapter has the same 5 enemies falling into like 4 categories. 2 chapters share the same theme except red/orange instead of blue/purple. Weapons are thematically cool but mechanically insists on being the same exact shit Doom pioneered. Special exception is the sword but it's worse than the flail so who cares?

duskworld is shit
quakeworld is overrated
q3/ql is peak arena shooter
qc is garbage

idc about single player since I'm not a casual

project warlock is THE best 2019 doomclone

doesnt sound like you played the game. amid evil doesnt play like doom and it has different enemies every level

crossbow is very fun and unique weapon, but totally broken in mp

Attached: unknown.png (633x412, 76K)

I did, too bad you can't read. My only reference to DOOM was that the arsenal is mechanically the same. The flail is a shotgun, Aethereum is a BFG, lightning rod is just a minigun, Celestial Claw is just an RPG, the axe is just a generic melee weapon that you'll never use and Azure Staff is just the poor man's excuse for a hitscan pistol. The sword is neat but bad considering the very chapter it appears in is hard-countered the enemies who also use a sword.

Game also has a huge issue of giving out so much not-BFG ammo that between it and Soul Mode trivializes most of the encounters.


looks shit desu

And I forgot to mention. The same enemy categories appear. Staple melee, ranged and flying type with usually two types of "heavy". 5 enemies, 4 categories.

>the axe is just a generic melee weapon that you'll never use

Except the axe is a very powerful weapon that one shots basic grunts even in Episode 7

So does half the arsenal so what's your point? The game isn't difficult and gives so much ammo that you should never "need" to use the axe. If you're a decent shot and good at finding secrets you can exclusively use the shotgun, RPG and BFG even at the hard difficulty equivalent. Nevermind soul mode.

Last I checked the shadow grunts in Ep. 7 take 3 rockets and 3 mace shots to kill versus just 1 axe hit

Already played it like 3 times. It's ok but ugly as fucking sin


I'm too casul for games like that.

Dusk isn't that hard.

why bother doing that though in the first place? youre missing the point entirely

I just tested it on hard just for you, user. The flail kills in 1, axe in 1, RPG in 2.

Play on Warrior Mode and you'll see how useful the axe is