Dokkan thread
>First fucking try LR
Dokkan thread
>First fucking try LR
very nice
I got baby and mighty mask first pull.
I'm happy because in the past week I went from no LRs from summons to 3.
I'm not falling for it this time! I'll only chase LRs after Caulifla&Kale are out and on a Rising Dragon
>Being an LRlet
Ended up with 5 lr Vegitos from anniversary rate up
I only did one summon on the shit legendary banner and got more phy sr trunks. I cant complain after getting 2 lr ssj4 gokus a lr ssj4 vegeta, lr goku+frieza, lr str broly dupe and lr gogeta dupe from the other banners I still have 700 stones to spare.
Thanks for the account.
>Other banners
>LR goku/frieza and str Broly
Those werent in the ss4 banners
Good luck proving you're me. Bandai support requires receipts if you've purchased dragonstones like I have
>600 stones
>zero LRs
Fuck this gay game. When are the top grossing stones so I can do singles?
I feel like I should be trying harder on this banner.
>he included his name
time to file a ticket
got broly from tickets and goku+frieza from the teq banner
Where is the ticket banner bases on how many stones you used?
Nah doesnt matter if you dont have receipts and transaction numbers.
Or team composition, or last summoned character on current level. Not like FGO
I beat everything global has to offer rn, there's really no point in summoning on this banner. Also i'm saving all stones for them instead. Even if i don't manage to pull them i'll be able to buy them down the line
>unironical mobage thread
>dragon ball
what the fuck
First try pulled LR Vegeta and Gogeta. Pulled a dupe Gogeta, and got LR Cell and Gohan from tickets.
You must be new
Dokkan threads are a normal occurrence, even more so with the anniversary
You mean like this
I lost 500 stones to the new teq Broly LR and swore not to summon on any banner but the Kale Caulifla. I'm 700 stones in. Wish me luck
>Wasting stones on Kale+Caulifla
Who's JP gang here? Any of you had luck pulling on LR TEQ Brolys banner?
Wanted an LR Trucks on the PHY banner and I got it based RNG
I have a full U6 team. I need K+C to have my first LR on my best team.
people say hes shit but I love him on my ssj4 vegeta team and hybrid saiyan team.
Exact reason I wanted him for a Vegeta team cause I got 2 LR SSJ 4 Vegeta's
>people say hes shit
I've realized that most of the dokkan community is kinda dumb and only values units that do large amounts of damage and nothing else.
Basing tier lists off of fucking dokkan events rather than sbr.
Most decent newer units are able to tank, on top of doing a lot of damage.
Cool team
Waiting on Kale and Caulifla
>2 dead multis in a row
Try 10 in a row and you will know my pain
>tfw 800+ stones and I didn't get any new LR or featured unit, not even a decent unit I missed from past banners
all dupes on units I don't even use or need for challenges
I can't even get more stones past 430 rank
LR Adult Bulma when?
How many LRs you own?
6 from banners
rest from evens
>1000 stones on dual banner
>no ss4
>out of frustration, buy the 50 stone pack for $4 and multi the new LR banner
>LR Baby
This is a no monkey zone. 3000 stamina to farm his SA though...
>Android team finally done with LR Twins and LR Cell at SA 20 and EZA Cell at SA 15
>No MVP 17 friends
Well... it's back to Vegtas Family for me.
>people say hes shit
He crits for nearly 5 million with Vegetas team and can take a beating even in higher EZAs without color defense bonus.
I have teq USS 17. Want me to put him in?
I count 10
that isn't 2 LR in one pull, faggot
i have it somewhere, but back when the goku/frieza hit global, i got that and the LR gogeta in one pull.
He used to be underwhelming, but the EZAs that the Vegeta family category got, along with SS4 LR, seriously put him back on the map in terms of damage dealing.
Fuck this game I dropped 10 grand all I got was Krillin
MVP 17 is the PHY one, Androids leader.
It's retarded how the friend system only exist to supply a second category leader for your team, this shit ought to be stopped.
are the prime battle ones even WORTH the time?
I only use prime veget hes pretty solid on the ssj4 vegeta team.
>mfw super full saiyan power ssj4 super saiyan 4 full power goku linked with the new LR ssj4
no LR geta, only 1 dupe goku. so i need goku family shit, which there is a lot of, but im at a loss as what to take due to color spread i guess.
So teq 17 is useless even for that? FUCK
There are campaigns that reward stones for having them maxed out, so yes
If you have Android 21 as leader for Androids... otherwise you can not use him together with MVP17 in Androids. Use him for Universe Survival. I have him too and he's not bad in any case.
It's like the new TEQ LR Broly and Movie Bosses leader Broly. Sucks.
I never remember to change the damn thing anyhow so I might as well set it to something that might actually help others instead of being the 800th asshole with an SSJ4 Goku.
i hate that the LR loses shocking speed coming from the UR. fuck you game.
I have a dupe on my ssj4 goku but vegetas team is more fun imo. im sure I could switch out coatku for something else but this works for me.
Should I change my SS4 Gogeta? I already finished the Vegeta Jr event on 2 accounts so should have everyone else
I've been forgetting to do the Bee Pan daily and only have 5 medals. Am I going to be able to LR her?
i don't have the FP goku or bros, which sucks.
i had to give up on LR geta because i have zero good family cards for him.
after the anniversary ends you can get one medal per week, should be able to avoid that if you start doing it while it's here every day
I'm sure I could replace units but this does wonders for a Goku's Family and a Super AGL team.
agl ssj4 vegeta works on the team and links with ssj4 goku. maybe you can try eza ssj3 goku in place of the gobros.
I have her with all paths open and the medals to go from TUR to LR... but not enough to get to TUR. 3 more medals!
really? can't see this being said anywhere else
>the virgin item using sbr agl goku team
>not the chad itemless sbr str vegeta team
based vegetas lineage I can finally use rage vegeta.
the japanese server is months ahead of us, gives us some foresight
Don't you have nuBroly movie SSB F2P AGL Goku rainbow?
I have him rainbowed and he single handedly pulled me through the last remaining EZAs i could not beat otherwise.
im trying to find more links between the characters too, at least 3 popping off i want to see if i can get.
>Only 2 categories left to finish for SBR
>No PHY super vegito
>Got LR Uub for Res. Warrior
>Got fucked over near the very end due to AGL gold freeze getting super'd by ssj3 goku without his passive active.
It's going to be a while to have some good RNG with STR fat buu stuns
I do, I really should put him in there.
I stopped watching super while they were partying on that cruiser ship.
I know it will still look like shit a few dozen episodes but has the anime ever recovered or do I have to put up with the ugly if I wanna keep following the story?
user, you missed the best part.
Not really. I think SS4 Bejita should be leagues better anyway.
it was pretty good desu
just enjoy the powerwankery and cool splosions
some fucking fantastic hype moments near the end too
I mean, I could still get there..
You will have two,maybe three big arcs coming up:
The first is a tournament between universe 7 and 6. It's pretty bad all things considered.
Second is the Goku Black arc. I personally believe that it is the best arc that super has to offer. Goku Black has a nice mystery behind it assuming you have been spoiled already. That being said it's pretty fucking retarded. Not only is the arc filled to the brim with plot holes but it also has some massive fanservice and a terrible, TERRIBLE ending. The entire thing by the end can almost be passed has being utter filler.
The third arc is a battle royale between universes. It's retarded as fuck but it has some nice moments here and there. The animation finally becomes fucking good starting this point.
>amazing team functionally
>also covers all of Vegetas best moments
Definitely my favorite team in the game rn, even if I could easily improve it with other units
>top grossing
We aren't getting tg stones in awhile bro
If you have gohan and goten they work just as well for majin buu saga, and I cleared resurrected warriors with LR Uub as well, using agl golden frieza and a friend Int golden frieza on one rotation, and both tapions on the other. Between tapions, uub, and int frieza you nerf the enemy's damage into double digits.
wish i had that transforming phy vegeta
nice team though. really glad we can make themed teams like this
Goku Black arc really was disappointing
Also I hate how many units in this game are from Super
How many Super Saiyan Blue units do we need?
Give me more crazy shit like SS3 Vegito or something
Great team, dude.
>tfw no transforming vegeta or ssbe vegeta ad havent awakened that int super vegeta
ill probably swap out the coatgeta for the teq vegeta that stuns or the int super vegeta when I get around to awakening him.
Cards that have been avoiding me forever
>Gohan Hybrid leader
>Gohan Future leader
>Transforming Frieza
>Transforming Vegeta
Cards that i don't want to see again
>UI Goku
>SSBE Vegeta
>Rag Vegeta
this banner is shit
You can do what I did - skip the first 27 episodes and watch Battle of Gods and Resurrection F instead. With that, you're basically up to speed for the saga that starts at episode 28. The QUALITY gets better over time.
>including ftp LRs
why do you retards do this? Free to play never counts
im f2p so I appreciate all lrs.
are you gonna pull from the INT summon?
Its funny because even before that trunks had his eza he gave LR Trunks 6 ki
It doesn't matter, ftp LRs are irrelevant. If you want to flex and see who has the bigger dick you always order by summonable LRs only
Man, both of these new LRs are meh. The Trio are great on their own category, but due to the nature of their passive aren't usable on other teams.
Then on the other hand Baby SHOULD be a great card and has a lot going for him, but doesn't have any good teams and no decent linking partner.
they should have given him a different name, sucks you can't run both baby
>but doesn't have any good teams
Just wait for the upcoming DFE transforming Cell
>no decent linking partner.
Baby has the same syndrome that Boujack has, his best linking partner is his TUR, which sucks for f2p players since, even if you do get him, you will not be able to play him properly. Just wait until they release a new Baby card and a 150/170 leader for Artificial Lifeforms, he will be fucking insane.
No way they aren't planning a Baby dokkanfest that leads a "Baby Saga" category. Too many units have been cucked out of a category too long. I bet they include Black Star saga in there too since its basically baby saga pt. 1
>people using LR Vegito Blue as their leader
Fuck off
should just make a gt saga desu
Omega should've been that in the first place honestly
At least Bojack has that nice PHY WT one
>should just make a gt saga desu
And Planet Namek Saga should just be named Frieza Saga and include the Saiyan Saga stuff with it.
We don't need a bunch of categories with like 10 usable units in them
LRs should always have unique names so they can be linked with anything besides themselves
They do it pretty frequently, like with Cell, Bojack, Beerus. The only problem with Baby is that they haven't given us any other good Baby cards, even though the LR clearly relies on one given the Baby-exclusive ki link
new tournament when?
>even though the LR clearly relies on one given the Baby-exclusive ki link
Holy fuck I didn't even notice
I hate the links in this game, so many of them are fucking trash
>more than meets the eye
>+300 attack
fix this shit bandai
What the fuck does the new dragon ball hint mean?
Run a super monotype team
So what's the best team in the game right now?
My favorite
The worst is your favorite
why the virtual battle is so hard now
Compensating for the better units coming out?
29 10-pulls and the only thing I have to show for it is a Phy android 17
Pure Saiyans has gotta be the hardest hitting team now, that or USS under Hit
That's pretty cool. Androids is a nice team.
Got baby and then a dupe
What should I do with it? Keep it as a TUR for now?
the TUR fucking sucks, I'd say him having crit, especially in Great Ape form, is more important.
keep tur
don't listen to this reddit faggot
Just wait until LR Kale+Caulifla drops
When he goes Great Ape he doesn't need a partner and will be supering 6 times. Crit is way more important than a linking partner.
I got a STR LR Broly dupe. What do I do with it? I know people used to TUR them because you can run the TUR version with the LR version, but now the TUR has the same name as TEQ and PHY Broly (although I only have the PHY one so far). Do I still keep the dupe, or should I just open a path?
>see thread
>open game
>super sale 50 stones for 4 bucks
>get that, bumps me up to 100 stones
>summon once on GT banner
>summon once on Potara banner
>get LR
this gt banner is fucking shit
If you have the PHY then open bottom right. No point in keeping it.
I'm so glad, too. Now I have both Potara AND Fusion LRs.
TUR Broly only gives 1 ki over a Phy Broly partner
Beef your LR the fuck up
Holy fuck I've been blessed by this anniversary pic related is my haul. Though my Kais are really fucking hurting and Baby's SA Grind is the worst.
>super sale 50 stones for 4 bucks
post of fake
It was there, but how it is gone.
think he is talking about that +44 stone one
I'm about halfway into the LR Baby grind. Still need the 29000~ hercule coins but have everything else. Also short on korin medals but hoping I can pick those up in the baba shop on the way.
The second option was 6 stones + 44 for 3.99 only once.
Didn't take a screenshot.
fucking hell
that fucking luck
how hard did you whale?
I spent 700 stones and no LR and barely any Dokkan fest exclusive units. Shit feels really bad and a waste of a year. I have fusion and potara LRs, but wanted they new LRs for something new.
anyone else REALLY fucking wish they pulled on metal cooler? I regret skipping
You're on the way with coins to buy them outright. If it's any consolation they're very boring LRs. You could even buy the battlefield goku/majin vegeta for the same super attack.
That was me during the last anniversary. Shit sucks. At least you got all those coins, my man.
I pulled and got shafted hard. Not even a single featured. I could really use that Metal Cooler.
Cool, got the same pull
What are some fun units to look out for? Should I both chasing them with whatever top grossing stones we get?
Use him where? I have him on a Movie Bosses team and besides his transformation cheese he's meh
Suprisingly nothing wo far. I got burnt really fucking badly during the Phy Vegeta banner and refused to spend since then and ended up splurging my saved stones on the LR Broly banner and getting shit. I guess this is just payback for me not getting an exclusive on their first banner since fucking Future Gohan.
He leads one of the most fun categories in the game
Caulifla and Kale are the next big LR but their banner is only a little better than the current LR Banner. Namek Saga Goku is a Super Saiyan leader and has a really cool set of animations. He's a dokkanfest unit, probably showing up before thanksgiving, which will probably have a dual fest of future trunks and zamasu.
At this point, I've gotten so many good shit from that category, I could use a decent lead for it aside from the freebie
In a few months there's a Battlefield LR leader for malevolent clan
How good is that LR?
ressurected warriors and wicked bloodline
he asked how good
>yfw you get LR teq Broly and ssj3 back to back
>Causes mega-colossal damage to enemy and raises Extreme Class allies' ATK by 30% for 2 turns
>ATK & DEF +66%; plus an additional ATK +20% per "Wicked Bloodline" Category ally on the team (up to 60%); Ki +9 when there is a "Super Saiyan" Category enemy
I actually really like SSJ3 Broly
If he can't figure out how good the card is by just looking at it he doesn't need to know
All right, so it's pretty freaking good.
>pulled all the cards I didn't have from the anniversary banners in like 300 stones
>kept pulling to see if I got a transforming Goku or LR Vegito dupe
>after like 400 other stones, all I have to show are a 3rd dupe of STR SSJ4 Goku and Angel Frieza
Goddamn it, I could have 400 stones right now for the 300 million download celebration.
whens the 300 mil?
Should start the last week of August.
>battlefield LR
I am never going to be able to get him then.
>pulling for dupes
classic mistake
Yup, I learned my lesson.
I pulled so much trash that even after pulling both SSJ4 LRs I still feel shafted.
People spend a thousand stones minimum without getting an LR. Appreciate what you've got my man.
I do.
I started rerolling for fun with botted accounts that farm all the stones available.
I went through an account with 2000 stones and I didn't pull a single LR and barely any featured cards.
>be me
>retarded lucklet
>just want a decent Wicked Bloodline team
>have to settle for shitty Realm of Gods bullshit
When is the new Zamasu shit coming? I need to know when I can start being disappointed again.
>got 3 copies of LR Gogeta, 2 of which were from back to back singles, and 1 of LR SS4 Goku from the dokkan fest
>got AGL Majin Vegeta from the tickets
Is Majeta so good that I should make him main rotation material on my Pure Saiyans?
Most of the time he doesn't even make the cut
He's only main rotation material if you also have LR SSJ3 Goku too
I got everything on Goku/Vegeta banner except for Turles
I hate that somehow there's gaps in viability between some of the rarest cards in the game.
How many yellow coins do you need to have before it's worth going all-in on banners to reach the 500 you need? I'm already at 340. On JP by the way, I'm not a gigawhale or anything.
If it makes you feel better he's got a good place on Revived Warriors and Vegeta's Lineage if you don't, respectively, have LR TEQ Broly or LR PHY Trunks.
I'm just gonna wait until I get all 500 I need naturally. I'm sure there will be lots of new insane LRs in the pool by then
>tfw I still haven't bothered getting the Ginyu Force stuff done
Don't even other. Even less at this time.
They're a free clear of the 1st level of battlefield so you can save your full type teams to handle actual, more difficult stages, so it's still worth farming them at some point.
>got LR SSJ4 Vegeta off a ticket single
>Got LR SSJ4 Goku after spending 400+ stones
I'm not spending any more stones until either we get another guaranteed LR banner like the one in January or the Zamasu/Trunks banners
That was for the golden week
Don't ever hope for it
Are you gonna try the INT summon?
I feel like I should since that Paragus is on it, but the smart thing would be to ignore it for future banners (especially my attempts on the type banners in general have given me jack shit).
>have 2 Bojacks
>no Gohan
I'm not sure
>LR Bojack and LR Gohan are on the banner
That Bojack dupe would be nice but I'm probably not getting him so no
Gohan's ultra super is so cucked that no matter how good he is it's not worth it
What the fuck do you redeem with the coins?
Didn't spend yet
>out of last 500 stones, pull like one Evolution Vegeta dupe and nothing else
>TEQ banner cucked me
>PHY banner cucked me
>try a multi on the LR banner and get cucked
>pulled LR Gogeta and LR Goku & Frieza from free tickets not from DS
Should I just start stockpiling until Kale and Califla comes out or something?
Get a unit you don't have that you want
Best value is getting a dokkanfest LR for 500, and the SSJ4s + Gobros will be purchaseable around thanksgiving
The free coins I mean
Why doing the phy banner?
Kais and then orbs, could get the old anni units if you missed any of em
>Why doing the phy banner?
I've been on a downward spiral mentally and now I've lost it completely
>no no, we only have them on random events that happen basically daily
>btw it's Yea Forums culture now fuck you
How are video games not Yea Forums
I pulled literally every featured card from the SSJ4 banners EXCEPT Turles and Vegito, the two I wanted the most. And I got 5 whole copies of Jiren. Is rainbowed Jiren even good?
yeah, video games
>'Til Next Rank
># Free Tries left
>event shop
>monthly/weekly events
>daily rewards
>event rewards
damn buttblasted queer
Rent free
ya seethe?
ya boilin?
LITERALLY seething
Funny enough, I got the LRs, but no Frieza or MVP #17 (which I was actually gunning for).
crying about gambling
bro just want to play a game on the go
lmao @ u
alright bros lets get on with it
>get every single unit including both new lr's ss4
>waste 150 stones afterwards on the vegeta banner and get absolutly nothing
>do a yolo on the new 2 lr banner
>fucked in the ass
im feeling so mad about it bros, i should have saved for a step up lr banner (200 stones minimum) from this point on aswell as lr KFC and zamasu with trunks
when do we get those 350milion download celebreation?
>optimal RoU7 has TEQ Tien on it, a card literally harder to obtain than most LRs
Why aren't these type support cards on regular banners by this point?
>there are fuckin LR'lets ITT right now
god damn you poor bitch ass crackers
no dude save save
cope already, you're embarrassing yourself
ya fuming?
Because how can bandai squeeze more money out of people with poor self control habits
god i wish that were me
>no Gobros or TEQ LR Broly
who's the lrlet?
It'll be okay, user
>No rainbow gacha LR
Try again next week
>he says, as he sharts his earlier taco bell burritos in his underwear but it's okay, it's a game for on the go
f2p btw :^)
>1 lr ssj4 goku and vegeta
>1 of each fusion/potara LR
>majin vegeta dupe
>str trunks lr
4th anni was pretty good to me
ya grilled?
if you're f2p during the 6+44 sale you're a retard
How much time every day do you spend absolutely fuming at the thought of people doing things you don't like doing?
Speaking of Dragon Ball, can I ask a question about that 'Heroes' game that came out on Switch?
I don't have the ss4s but fuck it who needs them
all i want is PHY transforming vegeta
no :^)
fuckin goyim
thanks for top grossing faggot
>Only freebie pulls on Goku banner
>LR SS4, dupes of Jiren and LR GokuGeta
>700 into Vegeta banner for PHY Vegeta, Frieza, and #17
>Only LR SS4, kaioken Goku, and Turles
>Jack shit on type and ticket banners
With our luck, the step-up banner will hit just before the KFC banner. Tread very carefully and think hard about whether you'd like a guaranteed LR or the new hot shit. Personally, the LR is nice, but I'd be satisfied with the new base form units.
>people doing things you don't like
only people who post non-video game discourse in video game discourse specific boards
If we’re doing LR brags, here’s my f2p box
whes is kale kaulifla cumming?
Seething frogposter
>6+44 for $4 is up
>don't have $4 in my bank account
how about now? jelly?
>try a fun team out
>go ot the cooler event
i rather lose then waste a senzu bean
pretty fun
Who's ass do I gotta eat for an LR Gohan+Goten?
I wanna pull Bulla!!
rate all of those teams
>waiting for zamasu and gowasu
I wish I had the MaGeta and purple one to run. Best I can manage is the PHY LR and EZA Trunks, though the Bulla and Rage Vegeta are rainbowed.
>5 digit number mess everywhere
this tells me that this game's numbers are significantly important
would it even be possible for me to make a decent Future saga team?
its one of the worst categories next to namekians
You need to go back
do you live under a fuckin rock?
what's the next major banners on global? i may just save up. also is that Giru worth grinding?
rate my teams
Giru is worth if you want good support for a Dragon Ball Seekers team.
Can someone please explain the appeal of these casino simulators where you spend real money and get nothing in return?
I grew up on console/PC games since gameplay was new and so I played games long before mobile phones took over.
I'm 28 if that means anything
you mod and beat events to get stones for free and then you try to get lucky
Most people are addicted retards user.
If only for the rewards, anyway.
The next banner after this in japan was the kid goku banner, but since we got that one already, it might be a while. Next major shit coming is:
>Copy Vegeta story event
>U6 story event (with f2p Vados, Hit, and U6 Namekians)
>TEQ Golden Frieza EZA
>Bojack story event revamp
>LR Saiyan Thots
>Zamasu/Trunks DDF
>Blackarot EZA
>Namek Saga DF
>Buuhan EZA
>LR Frieza
>Broly Second Coming revamp
>Android Saga content (Story, DF, Prime Battle)
Pretty sparse in terms of banner content unless they surprise global with more temp exclusive content.
Very true
If you have even a modicum of self control you are part of a group of
Fan service is the only reason people play this user
Don't forget Janemba's EZA since it hasn't dropped on global just yet
everyone has self control over some things but a weakness for one specific thing. some of you have to drink all the time and others can have a beer and set it down.
That's not what self control means
thanks, i've heard the featured units on the kefla one is broken so ill save up for that or if phy transforming vegeta pops up again
Can someone please explain the appeal of being a retarded boomer? What's a phone? I'm better than everyone else because I played real games.
28 is not a boomer.
What's a phone? I'm better than everyone else because I played real games. Fuck off you boomer faggot.
How good are PHY Android 17 an INT Gold Angel Freeza?
golden frieza is good and the best resurected warriors leader
phy 17 is a fuckin god
both pretty damn good
What don't you understand?
New EZA info out.
>I actually have all these units
Fuck yes
How so?
in 1 years on global
>int metal cooler getting better
This is why you never baba an ssr. Too bad it'll take five months but I have most of these rainbowed
in a nutshell: Metal Cooler is retarded good, Shenron gives SDS an amazing support, Evill Buu will make MBS SBR a joke, Vegeta will be a fucking juggernaut, and the others are pretty damn good too
>That new Evil Buu passive
We're less than 6 months behind
And suddenly, I'm reminded that I have one ripe for rainbowing.
god i hate fat people
>evil str majin bu 4/10 SA (with his own dupes) and fully unocked
my dick is ready
I just pulled Evil Buu as the only ssr from the str banner and almost baba'd him in a fit of rage.
how is the phy saiyan saga vegeta? can rainbow him but wont bother if he's garbage
Rainbow him for when Global gets the Goku event, he shreds it
pretty dang good. a good rule of thumb is that the later into the game's life a card gets a dokkan, the better it is.
shit i didnmt even know he got a dokkan thanks
Artificial Lifeforms will become one of the best teams.
Mark my words.
And once it is, people will be praising Baby as one of the best LRs
How do I beat the Peppy Gals SBR? This category sucks.
>This category sucks.
They only lack good leaders.
I think he's great already.
I love Giant Form so it just made sense for me to pull for him.
Fuck this grind. Just Kai him
give me your best truth impression
nice pngs
>meaty mask
>second multi on LR banner pull LR Baby
Too bad he's shit. I wanted GT Trio.
I’m sorry
>single summon
Thank god we get a new farmable SSJ goku before this big batch of EZAs release, I don’t wanna do the Epic showdown grind again
I only had 5 stones from the 7 Star GT Dragonball user
Then you save those 5 until you get 50. Single summoning is objectively wasteful now that we live in the era of every Multi being GSSR
You’ve never experienced the feeling of getting the unit you wanted off a single obviously
People who single summon are retarded. You're literally wasting stones for no reason. Considering stones aren't endless, it's just being retarded to ever single summon.
By the way, I have "experienced the feeling of getting the unit you wanted off a single", I've been playing Dokkan for about 4 years now. I used to single back when it didn't matter which you did.
I pulled Metal Cooler, Gohan/Goten, TEQ LR Broly, and LR Baby off singles in the last few months, suck my nuts nerd
couldn't sound more like a gambling addict if you tried
Seems like no one here pulled a Kefla.
It doesn't matter what you've pulled off singles, what matters is what you didn't pull because you didn't do multis.
Just saying, if you're going to summon, you might as well do what is most efficient, rather than just blowing all your DS on singles because you're too impatient to wait for the benefit of doing a multi. Play however you want, just saying it's objective stupid to do singles.
Well I'm not gonna pull for that shitty GT banner but I did got LR Boujack tonight from the tickets, a fine addition to my Movie Bosses team.
>Not wanting the main DB Seekers leader
Who hasn’t, she’s just not worth talking about
>wanting a unit that can only be ran on their own category
Meh, Goku and Arale do just fine alongside the Ginyu force for now.
Only until Kale+Caulifla LR comes out, then they can easily be used in Joined Forces
I understand what you mean, but you must understand that even in last year's anniversary there was no such thing as GSSR. These anons may have found luck using singles instead
>Literally a Tank tier leader that gets Def boost whenever super is used.
>Guaranteed to ALWAYS get their super in a DB Seekers team due to passive
They basically require their own team in order to get their 18 Ki due to how their passive is
>I understand what you mean, but you must understand that even in last year's anniversary there was no such thing as GSSR.
Well, yeah. But people should already be aware that doing multis is the way to go now that GSSR is standard. Doing singles is just hurting your account for no reason.
I know user I been playing the game for a min now but can’t beat pulling a LR with free stones
My best team for now.
What should I aim for after I get a better max team cost ?
>rainbowed lr ss4 goku
did you reroll
Not him, but I rainbows the LR Vegito from the rate up trying to get the LR Goku
Got LR Vegeta and Gogeta within my first 90 stones, but didnt get a single LR Goku even after 700 stones though
Meant for
Isn’t legends better?
>Literal Xenoverse clone that has a powercreep worse than Puzzles and Dragons
No. Just no
Who is else is saving everything for Namek Goku?
That fucking category will cover so many LRs and EZAs
Is that coming after Trunks/Zamasu? I'll probably blow some stones on that trying to get movie Gogeta.
No. I just use all the free stone I manage to get from this event and the 4XX I had before it started.
i wish i could hold every user in this thread tightly so i could comfort them and at the same time tear them away from this gachashit
Nope. It's rates are ass and that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Walk into traffic
I always keep 300 stones just in case something really cool shows up, like a dual dokkan festival or something.
i'd grab you and dive into it if it meant you not playing gachashit anymore
People like you make me sick. Just go away.
>just let me keep pretending i'm not throwing my life away like a simple gambler
we can jump off the bridge together, just you and i
>lucklet who keeps doing singles on vegeta every time I have 5 or more stones
>finally get him after 1200
End yourself
>gambling bad!
Lowstakes gambling is the best thing possible. The best dopamine rush with the smallest amount of investment
I’d rather have people spending 100$ a month to get smiles out of something than 1000$ down at my local casion
Let people live, there’s nothing after this
I never purchase stones, why would I do that? they give stones on a daily basis.
>lucklet who keeps doing singles
Wonder why you're a lucklet?
I know someone who continuously single-summons, and continues to get good shit. He also uses stones on continues.
Technically yeah, but I don't see them putting a DDF outside of a holiday, so there's a chance we might see it sooner than later.
we can go train-watching together and then end it all on a positive note: gachashit is getting less funding
Some sales are just stupid good
The current 50 stones for 3.99$ is too good to pass up, I’m probably gonna skip it though
Already got both LRs for free and that means I’m sitting pretty for a couple of months
>I know someone who continuously single-summons, and continues to get good shit. He also uses stones on continues.
Already said:
>It doesn't matter what you've pulled off singles, what matters is what you didn't pull because you didn't do multis.
sometimes you just hit rock bottom
>He do singles
But why tho? is better to just save up and do a multi because you are sure to get at the very least a good card.
>dude please commit suicide with me
Nah, take the pussy way out yourself, loser
You guys excited for the DFE SSJ2 Gohan coming out on Japan soon with "Cell Saga" Category lead? Hasn't been confirmed, but I have no doubt that's where this is heading considering they've been doing a lot of Android Saga stuff as of late on Japan.
>tfw I still play PaD
>what you pull doesn't matter compared to what you didn't pull, even if what you pull is good
Talk about glass half empty
we could go skydiving and have ourselves a real stimulating experience, but we can then end it all on a high note cause i stuffed the parachutes with a blanket anyways
I didn’t even read your post. I’m just responding because you keep responding with the most cringe replies I’ve seen in a while
No, it's more
>what you pull with an inefficient method is less noteworthy than what you didn't pull thanks to this inefficient method
You're literally just gimping yourself for no reason if you only do singles. This is pretty much the most basic thing to grasp possible. You're losing out on cards you could have had solely due to your own impatience. I have crazy ADD and I still wait until I can do a multi because it's just objectively better to do it that way.
For the record, I'm not even defending it. Just pointing out someone else who does it, no matter how much I tell them not to.
Those two are going to be the 300 million download celebration cards.
>tfw he did but he's acting tsundere instead
death would be better than this place
who else finally got around to completing category SBR?
and all thanks to based LR Bojack who I pulled off the ticket banner.
user, lord of cringe, bringer of the edge
I know. I just can't get my head around this "doing singles" thing. It's like something a child with no knowledge of how the game works would do. But hey, I'm a faggot who's been playing a stupid gacha game for years, I obviously take it more seriously than you really should. Play it however you want guys, I'm just being autistic over here.
it will be a dual lead card like the SS Goku DF unit.
my bet is that the second LS will be thebCell saga one you are expecting and the first being SS2 because that form is the only one missing from all the SS categories.
maybe SS4 will come during 5th anniversary or whatever.
>Ss2 category
>cell saga category
What would be the best cards on these
Both the Android 13s are kinda meh, the Vegeta and Goku are really good, and the Cooler, Nouva, and Super Buu are fucking amazing.
Most of the best cards for those categories probably don't exist yet. The new DFE Piccolo is probably being designed for Cell Saga team, at least. Global just got some good SSJ2s with the Dokkans for Angel Goku, Majin Vegeta and GT Goku. Majin Vegetas should all count as SSJ2.
wrong one
>because you are sure to get at the very least a good card.
Whoa let's not go overboard here. I doubt anyones over the moon about pulling Extreme Phy Super Vegeta or Teq SSJ2 Angel Goku.
managed to hit for 99milion on the new punching bag event
Same, and I did it F2P with Teq Cell.
Nice. I'm still stuck at 30 mil on the itemless one
>and the first being SS2 because that form is the only one missing from all the SS categories.
I really hope they don't do this. There's not enough of those units out there to justify it.
i did it with lr ss3 goku with 1 dupe
SSJ2 is a category that can only get stronger as the years go on. It can help the DFE Gohan be relevant for longer. I'm picturing this:
>SSJ2 Gohan: main category is SSJ2, side category is Cell Saga
>Cell: main category is Cell Saga, side category is Artificial Life Forms
>been playing global grinding shit
>forget about world tournament on jp
say this exact reply in a vocaroo
>had 400 stones, did 3 multis and got gt trio & lr teq broly
>tell myself im not spending anymore stones until 300mil
>i now have 0 stones without anymore LR's to show for it
the last time i used a microphone was in world of warcraft 2009 wrath of the lich king durning arena
and since then i have a trauma since my mother made fun of me
Yeah, you're right.
Hopefully it'd mean getting cool stuff like SSJ2 versions of Broly, Vegito, Gogeta, etc.
please recite it, i won't laugh at you
i dont even have a microphone anymore
How useful is Prime Battle Trunks?
Not that useful
>having multiple accounts for games as grindy as this
Why do people do this to themselves?
there is nothing wrong with doing singles on dfe banners since most unfeatured SSRs are trash anyway
That 3 bucks was worth it. Finally got LR ss4 Goku.
>there is nothing wrong with doing singles on dfe banners
There is everything wrong with doing singles on any banner
>brony faggots are playing my gacha at this very moment
>tfw a coding error happens and a guaranteed LR banner comes out that can be used infinitely for 30 stones
yikes dude
concession accepted
I just pulled him and AGL Broly. Feels good man.
>unironic frogposters are playing my gacha at this very moment
>AGL Broly
Why is that retarded monkey always evading me, i got all the lr brolys and shit but the agl one just doesn't want to show up
>Frieza plays Dokkan
Bet you anything he rerolled until he pulled Transforming Frieza and has used it on every single stage he's ever played
you should go back where you came from you redit unfunny clown
Does it count if I went on Yea Forums regularly way before I made a reddit account?
yea sure
Dang, that sucks
He has cool art
I mean I'm sure he's fine on a Time Travelers or Future Saga team or something, I just doubt he's optimal on any team. Not that surprising considering he's a free LR
Funny how this Anniversary boils GT down into it's best components.
>the original GT Trio
>Baby as the ultimate GT villain
Nothing else about GT needs to be acknowledged to be honest. I'm sure not looking forward to the day we get the inevitable LR Super 17 or LR Omega Shenron or some stupid trash like that.
I want LR Shadow Dragons at least
They should just do a Ginyu Force and have farmable Shadow Dragons with Nuova as the leader and a secondary Shadow Dragons category lead.
i want LR SSJ4 gogeta with a GT lead or something different than fusion/movie heroes
I really doubt they'll ever make an LR Super 17.
There's an LR Bojack. There's an LR Uub. There will be an LR Super 17. That being said, I wouldn't be surprised if it were a free LR, like a Prime Battle or something.
That's not a bad idea
>I really doubt they'll ever make an LR Super 17.
They'll make a transforming Super 17 LR someday
>Have 10 bucks sitting on my account
>50 stones for 4 is about what the regular price should be
>"why not"
>stupid game is defaulting payment to wrong account that has no cash
>I need to remove all my accounts until it gets to the one with money
Stupid android
>do 2 singles on baby's
>first single vegeta next to me
>does not fuse
>second single
>krillin next to me
>in the last second that fat fuck buu joins
Vegeta should not appear unless it means a guaranteed fusion, change my mind.
Can you still get tickets from the SSj4 banners?
I'm just here to fuck with you
>do a pull with the tickets
>notice vegeta is there
>meh another trollgeta
>vegito blue
>get Lr broly
Best feeling ever
>go to do a multi
>Chaiotzu, Buu, Yamcha
>do 3 multis on jp broly banner
>get 2 gacha LR's in the 1st and 3rd
Saved up enough stones and did a final desperation summon for LR Gogeta last night.
The duality of gacha games
>entire thread is gambler's remorse
>agl broly
fuck you dude, i want this card so much
congrats though you've been blessed by the luck lords
>entire thread is people who play a video game, with a few faggots interrupting briefly to jerk themselves off over how much better they are than people who play video game
very nice numbers
>spend like 1000 stones on anniv banners
>get shit, only able to rainbow my STR SSJ4 Goku
>decide to do singles out of pure despair
>Vegeta with me, too sad to even think about fusion
>get lr gogeta
>decide to do another one
>fuse once again into blue
>motherfuckers fused two times in a row
>get LR Vegeta
>try my luck at Goku, because I was shafted there the most
>vegeta once again
>fuse into super vegito
>tell myself that no one is that lucky
>see an outline of ssj4, think that it's probably str goku once again
>place my phone on the table to make myself something to eat
>come back
>turn phone
>LR Goku staring at me
I also got LR Broly from a single, so you can see ehy I have so much faith in them.
>entire post is gambler's misdirection
Not him
Jelly of my new account (few months old)?
>Jelly of my new account
not really as this anniversary has been a fucking blessing for me ( 7 different LR without counting dupes including the 2 broly, hence why i want agl so bad)
Congrats though that shit looks solid af
For some reason, AGL Broly is one of the cards that I keep pulling no matter what account I'm on, he's pretty sweet so I can see why he'd be wanted
>Got LR Baby and GT crew
>haven't rainbow'd giru
>got LR Goku and LR Vegeta
Fuck, there's so much to do lads, how can I even keep up?
Well, there's a couple weeks until anything new comes out, you should have plenty of time.
>GT crew
I want them so fucking bad. Congratulations, user.
You should rainbow Giru, he's good on seeker team.
What is Baby good for? I don't have anything resembling an Artificial Life Forms team or Hirudegarn Tapion.
i haven't really looked into kale and califla just heard people say it was good and holy shit it is so busted
The kale that comes with them is also ridiculous. Becomes straight up invincible on the legendary goku event.
>speaks in Namekian
nothing personnel dude
good on Hybrid SBR because he's tanky with multiple opponents.
>good on Hybrid SBR
I'll never beat it anyway since I don't have the leader for it.
Yeah, they're retarded
I don't know how they got released in that shape
how long do you think we have to wait for the phy pure saiyan vegeta leader to pop up again?
>that happen basically daily
user, its still the anniversary event.
What makes them so fucking busted?
As opposed to
>what did they mean by this
>*twitter screencap*
>Here's your controller, bro
It's very easy to get their 18ki, they attack like 4 times with about a 2 million attack stat at free dupe and stack defense to insane levels plus can dodge for free.
They need to be fighting certain types of enemies and have a team filled with certain types of units, but they still destroy everything with minimal support
Ribrianne awakening when?
Peppy gals with fierce battle when? Theres what, that agl android 18?
Both good suggestions, but I want a good Bulma unit
TEQ Bulma still exists. Besides why would Bulma even have 1 good unit, she's not a fighter.
Also the purple 18. Pretty soon, the LR saiyan girls and the INT Mai
finally hit the 99 million on the punching stone stage lads. Only 1 nuke leader and an LR Gohan friend with 2 paths opened, two supports and a full house of int orbs. He didn't even need to crit.
Im hoping they announce an EZA for the TEQ one. They did it for a few of the other free rainbow ones
Is Buu Saga SBR The toughest one? I had no problems with doing hybryd saiyans, but cant get past Goku and vegeta in Buu Saga
It always depends on your box, but even still i'd say ROG is the toughest one. Its always 4 or 5 enemies and at any point they can decide to just all shit out super attacks and end your run just like that
So once again, can anyone tell me if multis still give you tickets?
idk but they probably dont
I am too and they don't count man
Regardless of situation, they DO NOT COUNT damn
Vegito sort of should. You can't get him without some gacha units
No you faggot, you don't get it. None of them count. Only gacha LRs.
>only units accessible through gacha count
>Vegito is only accessible through gacha
>doesn't count
Fuck off povertyshitter he isn't a gacha LR you numbnuts.
Jesus, that goku is busted
>50% chance crit + 50%chance to stun the ennemy
>70% chance crit + 50% chance stun under 49% HP
Holy shit, that guy with 20 additional is gonna go ham on everyone
>check out LR k&c page on the wiki
>everyone seething in the comments that they're so good because they don't like the characters
Lmao, stay mad nerds
No, he's not like the other cards. You can't just play tournament or a story/prime battle event and get him. You need summon for him so he counts.
No he doesn't you absolute newfag. And it's not even remotely an accomplishment these days. Any fag like you could start during any celebration and get the required units right off the bat. I'm sure you're proud of him slugger, but he's total babby tier.
What did DaTruthDT mean by this?
Anyone could reroll during a celebration and start an account with 5 Lrs, it's not an accomlishment either. In fact, they're even easier to get then Vegito since it's just 1 unit to pull and you don't need to clear the quest.
Are you just arguing just to argue? No one gives a fuck about f2p LRs, there is a distinct difference between LRs you pull, and LRs you farm. Point blank. Now go take a walk.
I'm just saying, Lr Vegito counts
>f2p LR counts as a gacha LR
When you play long enough you'll look back on this exchange and cringe
They don't.
>when you get every anniversary feature plus the GT Trio LR all for 600 stones and you're F2P
Lucklets need not apply
Been totally shafted in terms of getting any of the new summonable 4th anniversary units. How many more stones left are we getting? I'm still hoping to pull one of them until the very end.
a lot, we still have the 300m dl celebration before us
I wanted GT Trio but this works I guess
It's uncanny
>almost baba'd him in a fit of rage
Wish you did bab him so you can join me in my misery
>Baba'ing any SSR apart from free event ones
Now user, what did we learn?
>yfw there is a new LR imperfect Cell coming and you have 700 stones in your savings
i think he's going to be a F2P LR
There is a f2p Vegeta coming user in a new event battle/ Trust me he won't be f2p
i just checked and he's a prime battle LR
those are both f2p, and the vegeta seems to have his own orbs. Probably gonna dokkan to Super Vegeta since we already have the SS LR one
Nice So I don't have to waste my stones
Why aren't they giving EZAs to obsolete units and insist on giving those to new ones?
Top this
I can't decide if I should roll this dual LR banner or not. With so many LRs in the game now they say the rate is pretty good to get any 1.
What are you talking about?
On JP they just gave an EZA to like 7 units that were utterly obsolete.
What the fuck
Mobage are just the 21st century form of MMOs.
>brother does 2 multis
>gets baby and teq broly
>I get nothing
I think they increased the rates on this banner, also got GT trio on 1st multi then got baby in the 2 next multis, I'm gonna spend a bit money and hope I'll pull G&F before the banner goes away it's the only LR i trully want and has been dodging me for ages.
you need to fuckk your mom so you become a brother too
There's no increase, there's never any increase, you got lucky.
Speaking as a Global player, the EZA seems slow. Like I already got my INT Janemba primed but the event is still nowhere in sight.
No, it's just the idiots for some reason released the Gotenks EZA before Janemba's.
Cheating piece of shit i'm reporting you
still waiting for teq golden frieza
Because they pushed Kid Goku forward and they want to release EZAs which are weak to the current DFE banner. SSJ3 gotenks in this case.
500th :D