ITT: Your favourite videogame dungeon

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Hellena prison. It's not the best in the game, but this shit got me so pumped for the rest of the adventure. I'll have the bgm stuck in my head for the rest of my life.

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La Mulana suffers in a lot of really dumb places that it shouldn't, but Mausoleum of the Giants is easily one of the best examples of the way a dungeon and lore should tie together to make a unique holistic experience.

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that's huge

Favorite dungeon in the game. Gives me Vagrant Story and FF6 vibes.

Uggalepih was based

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That's my least, least favorite one by a mile, user. Mine in XII would be the Sand-Seas, both of them. Feel really comfy for the time of the game they're in, still a treat to play through the first third of the game thanks to them.

ffxi had really good maps

nice pick, friend. the second time you go there is even better

Tenchu Wrath of Heaven/Return from Darkness
Amagai Castle

Japanese castle occupied by an evil inventor, who turned the whole fortess into a clockwork deathtrap patrolled by automaton guards.

This is an underrated thread OP and deserves more interest. I am having a hard time thinking of my favorite gaming dungeon though.

My nigga

I loved finding and traversing Steyliff Grove in FFXV (the boss was good one too). The expanded Insomnia is a nice contained open-world/dungeon/city too.

The Temple of Bu in LBA1 and 2 is wonderful and so frustrsting. How it's reskinned as an amusement park, yet still contains the actual temple, reminds me of Kiyomizu-dera in Kyoto.

Favorite ever? Deepwood Shrine in Minish Cap. Love the central barrel, and the mushrooms you pull to leap. That initial part of MC is just a joy. The gust jar is a fun mechanic too, even after the dungeon.

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god ffxii is fucking fantastic

the last good FF

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i loved ffxiii personally, but i absolutely agree that peoples complaints on it are valid so i wont complain about that
Havent played it but i heard ffxiv is really good now? maybe theres still hope for nu square user
lets just ignore 15 was ever a thing

meant to

played xiv for awhile, it's ok
it's more of a vocal minority kind of thing, their fanbase is incredibly rabid and fanatical in defending it

FFXIV is fantastic, but it's very slow to open up.
If you're ok with a 400 hour JRPG with a 100 hour introduction, there's nothing better

Fuck off shill. XIV is the same generic horse shit that every other current mmo is.

ah shit
here we go again

It's not like that at all though.
The first part of the story is pretty generic, but even then the way it's told is completely different from any other MMO. It's more like a JRPG with multiplayer content

it's just xivfags shitposting themselves

Probably a pleb opinion but the Spirit Temple in OoT. It just oozes both that end game feel and a sense of mysticism of being among unfamiliar religious iconography. Nothing in any other Zelda comes close to it.

>The first part of the story is pretty generic
Everything about the story is generic, not just the beginning. Go shitpost a WoW Classic thread.

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Sanctum City Shulva in Dark Souls 2 is pretty great. It has that little bit of Zelda mixed in with the pacing and the puzzles

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That's the sounds the Neuro Tower makes.

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I'm surprised I didn't turn out to be a furry with how much I played this

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I just can't get into FFXII, which is weird to say since I've played all the way through it.
The combat is unenjoyable to me, the levels feel empty and the story is completely uninteresting.
This bothers me because I want to enjoy it like so many people do

I loved this dlc dungeon. Wish it was on xbox1.

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FF fuckers ruining another thread. Good job.

That's not a dungeon

You have to be sexually abused in order to become a furry.

that, or play BoF2 at an impressionable age
why couldn't they just give her pants

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You're just mentally ill shitter who needs to neck himself

come lick your moms cum off my dick

For me it's probably mount Gendarme from Ys VIII.

How? I got stuck in there because of the hidden boss and that you can't go back out.