Why are humans one of the dominant races in Warcraft?

Why are humans one of the dominant races in Warcraft?

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Organizational power and breeding potential. They reproduce quickly and they regimemt themselves easily.


People take 18 years before they're combat ready and what's organizational power against beings that are 20-30% bigger/heavier/stronger.

Because of democracy

Something something genocide
"We're the superior race!" "They pose a threat to our society!" Stuff like that probably happened but then again I don't play shit games so idk

Because they're motherfuckers.

Writer's ego, there's a reason why most the of selfinserts and pet characters are humans.

They lack honor at the same time they are easly motivated by greed. Well like IRL.

This is the only correct answer.

>Metzen's sefinsert

>Sylvanas's cuck
>some other guy's selfinsert

Yeah, nah.

Because humans represent order. Also honor, light and all the good stuff. Which is easy for people to indentify with.

You can't have a generic fantasy without humans being dominant.

>>Metzen's sefinsert
That's why I said most.
>>Sylvanas's cuck
>>some other guy's selfinsert

>generic fantasy

They arn't though? maybe when Lordaeron and Tirisfall was around

the whole intro to WoW was "Humans are pushed back to one single kindom now because of all these green niggers"

Yes they are, especially in WoW. Alliance = humans and their pets.
Vanilla is about the cringe human male paladin bullshit, Wotlk is about the cringe human male paladin + meet the blue warchief who is so handsome, oh and did we tell you about Tirion the giant mary sue, or Bolvar the nu lich king, then cata is about the blue warchief saving the ass of the purple sluts and being chosen by their own godess to lead them (+ wolf spirit bullshit), then wod/legion is about another human mary sue mage, then BFA is about another human mary sue mage.
Oh and did i tell you about Rhonin another mary sue mage who time traveled to save the night elves and taught Illidan about magic? He even impregnated an elve with twins, yea just like that other human mary sue.
Oh and there's an undead mary sue (Sylvanas is found of him).

Plot armor. It's not even because Blizzard actually LIKES humans- they've admitted themselves that they don't like writing them- but because Blizzard insists on the Horde being eternal underdogs. Even though they've committed no less than 5 or 6 instances of genocide against the Alliance since WoW started, and sacked every single major human settlement except Gilneas during the second war, the humans are supposedly the dominant power.

And then the humans inexplicably fall all over themselves to not engage in what would be justifiable extermination at this point.

Who? Jaina is basically Golden's self insert character- because her favorite character is Anduin and Anduin calls Jaina 'auntie'- but otherwise there isn't a lotta hard baked self inserts for the Alliance.

because they are in warhammer

Rhonin = Knaak. Nathanos = that fat writer.

you forgot tbc

Human women are effectively in heat all year round, that's why.


They have magic but aren't addicted to it like elves, can use dark magic without succumbing to madness like orcs, and theres a lot of them.


then why do they flee in terror every time they see me

That girl wasn't even human. She's literally the sunwell itself, she isnt an actual person and she's dead.

She literally takes a human form and lives with humans.
Could have chosen to become an elf, remain in Quel Thalas, and thus saving a lot of trouble for Kael and cie. But NOOO gotta kill all those great characters. Nu writers of WoW are so great. "NEW YORK TIME BEST SELLERS" hot stuff man.

user, the Night Elf leaders are all over 10,000 years old. They simply don't give a fuck who runs the show for a decade or two. Which is why they are now homeless.

cause humans dont want to sub

Because they’re not mudhutt dwelling, shoeless, dindu nuffin, shoeless, green, shoeless niggers


Knaak is an independent writer. We don't actually know how much of it is his own writing and how much of it is effectively studio mandate.

Nathanos... yeah, I'll give you that one. He used to have the ugly undead model but then inexplicably Sylvanas discovers Nathanos has a brother or a cousin or some shit who she kills and shoves Nathanos's soul into the fresh corpse of.

Don't forget that the Blood Elves needed Velen to fix the Sun Well for them after establishing that the Blood Elves didn't do anything wrong when they abducted a Naaru and used it as a battery till it turned into a fucking Void Lord thing because the Naaru was kidnapped ON PURPOSE.

I think someone at Blizzard realized after the fact that they probably shouldn't have a race of fair skinned, prideful elves with a racist streak (it used to be that troll characters couldn't buy from some blood elf NPC's in their starting zone) committing genocide and destroying the religious symbols and figures of a race that was explicitly coded to be Jewish.

>want to immerse myself in warcraft's world again
>remember how shit and boring modern WoW is

I wish blizzard wouldn't take 10 billion years to release every single thing they do. and its still buggy and broken as fuck when they do anyway

They're homeless because bad writing

>Knaak is an independent writer. We don't actually know how much of it is his own writing and how much of it is effectively studio mandate.
AHAHAHAHAH, you really think Rohnin wasn't a self insert? Are you fucking serious? He even whined when Golden killed him.
And WoW followed Knaak lore, not the other way around. Metzen loved his work.

In wow a quest confirms that you can join the army at 15 but it may be even lower since back in the day 13-14 was considered a man and wow seems to be set in a time around like the 1200s.

Castles and plate armor trump clubs and mud huts, no matter if the latter is built like brick shithouses

Mary sue race since normies cant relate to anything remotely different. Same reason why orcs is just warlkie barbarian human warriation.

>muh modern WoW.
WoW lore was trash since vanilla.
>Night elves turned into purple slut submitting to their humans overlord.
>Taurens love undead and their respect of nature for some reason, let's bring them in horde lmao.
>Do you think Arthas crushed the argent Argent Dawn during Warcraft 3? Well turns out that nope, they are still alive, well and are now some multicultural diverse neutral faction with orcs and trolls, and their stronghold is literally in the middle of the Scourge main territory in EK.

>not dindu nuffin
They are though

>Mutated off spring of giant stone god golems

>lists a human
>forgets anduin jaina and varian

And they have magic and all sorts of techno shit to back themselves up. Paladins aren't just muscle, they hit orcs with weapons actual humans couldn't even lift up. No real person could ever wield a hammer as big as the ones paladins do theres more to wow humans than real life people.

>TFW being Horde
>TFW watching your faction become more saturday morning mustache twirling levels of evil with expansion
>And with each expansion doubling down on WE DINDU NUTTIN
>Literally the entire faction is cucked away by elves and undead now.
>Siege of Karabor regarded as one of the greatest atrocities in Orcish history BUT WE DINDU NUTTIN IT WAS THE DEMON BLOOD
>Burning of Teldrassil is just as bad but with no demons blood and is portrayed as some kinda horde pride moment, yay we killed those innocent civillians we so hardcore.

I just want my faction to go back to being WOTLK Horde.

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battlegrounds says otherwise. alliance gets their shit stomped on a regular basis, its extremely one sided

it was in actual classic/tbc anyway

False, Ion came out on stream and stated its roughly 50/50 with the only real difference being the levels which have advantage one way or another. Its just cognitive dissonance with the player base.

Wc3 was better than anything blizzard wrote after it

I feel Saurfang is a good representation of what the Horde should be and how they're tired of everything
Everytime its another fuckup of a warchief ruining any ground of peace they had before with war crimes, always hated her desu


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human spirit is the secret racial all humans in all fiction get that makes them superior

They aren't.


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I disagree honestly. Saurfang proclaims honor but he has never actually tried to be honorable. If he was he would have challenged Sylvanas to Mok'gora a long time ago. But thats not what he did. He tried to kill himself like a coward twice then became the puppet of the alliance prince

>B-b-but Sylvanas would never except or just cheat
yes and if she had done either of those things his whole rebellion would have actually made sense and had a bases with orcish honor. Now it just seems like him and Baine proclaim honor was a casus beli but know nothing of it.

That's like 90% of the life on Azeroth tho

In a real life situation a human would stand as much of a chance against an orc as a woman does against a man. Humanity would have been wiped out early on.

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In Warcraft 1, 2 and arguably 3 humans were not that small compared to orcs, they were both strong.
Orcs turned retardedly big after WoW cinematics and the movie.

I think superior magic and technology would keep them around in some form, actually

War is more than beating the shit out of the other side.

Ruiz vs Joshua

Nope, in a real life situation Alliance would have fucking anhilated the horde from purely and technological advantage. Literally just look at what happened to the native americans.

Women can't shoot fucking fireballs out of their hands or summon demonic rock golems from hell or enslave succubi or wield hammers larger than themselves as acrobatically as a Mexican with a pocketknife. WoW humans are not ordinary people.

I suppose you're right, she's a brute and very disrespectful but she does things for the Horde while others are taking a more passive route to avoid conflict while she wants action

I feel her nuking her own capital out of spite to what it means to the alliance is a brutal move

warcraft is pretty generic bro

Orcs can weild magic though. Especially nature. I'll give you the technology bit a little, but humans alone didn't have anything close to gnomes or goats. Humans use projectile weapons like balistas still.

horde have no right to even be alive
they are rag tag bunch of refugees VS space aliens and dwarf/gnome making tank and helicopters and shit

The Alliance technological advantage wasn't that big though. Currently, it's practically nonexistent.

Also the native americans mostly just died to disease.

Humans by Warcraft 2 were allied with Elves and Dwarfs, the latter giving them superior navy and guns.

Blood elves and goblins are on par with them technologically though. Also void elves seem to do some pretty advanced stuff with void magic.

The Dwarves didn't have a navy at all.

Sure lets do this

Orcs - Spawn of titans (Aliens)
Tauren - Natives
Troll - Natives
Undead - Spawn of titans corrupted by magic (Aliens)
Elves - Natives corrupted by magic (Aliens)
Goblin - Last I checked goblin lore didn't have a defenitive origin but corrupt me if im wrong

Humans - Spawn of Titans (aliens)
Dwarves - Spawn of Titans (aliens)
Gnomes - Spawn of Titans (Aliens)
Elves - Natives, corrupted by titan magic (Aliens)
Drae - Uncorrupted demons (aliens)
Worgen - Aliens corrupted by space doggos (Aliens)

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Because they're the face of the good guys, because retards won't buy the game if their not being represented as winners.

Also the orkz are fucking the gayest fucking shit. All of the horde is.
>The horde are just misunderstood good guys
fuck off with this gay shit, just copy warhammer orkz

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>make a race that specifically created magic and have an entire population that literally spent 1,000s of years mastering magic
>All the best mages in the world are all human and we never hear of any elf doing half the shit jaina does.
>Create beast races that are canonically 4 times stronger than humans and far more deadly at the cost of intelligence
>JK humans are equal, also "the light" aka plot device just solves does all the work and makes them win fights no problem

And what's worse
>Game was balanced around having races specialize in either being really strong, really magical, really intelligent, or just stealthy.
>BC: here's a dreanai, their tech is better than a gnome, they're stronger than an orc, they live older than an elf AND have better magic also they have faith plot devices out the ass, and they are the good guys forever and always and if anyone raises a hand against them it's never justified and they always win.

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In a real life situation orcs would probably suffer all sorts of health issues due to being so big. To say nothing of the other larger races.

because of mercenary mode half the players are actually horde. nobody wants to play on the "losing" side hence why alliance has instant queues while horde have 30 minutes just to get stomped by a fucking premade in wsg

>be Draes
>Know for a fact that space satan is chasing you down. its not a maybe, your prophet literally KNOWS it
>Crash land on a primitive world
>The natives don't even have the concept of greater evil or demons
>Do absolutely nothing to warn or prepare them that you lead YOUR. FUCKING. PROBLEMS. To their home world
>Infact, just let the worship your crashed space ship what the fuck ever
>Turns out Space Satan who you knew for a fact was coming, has arrived and easily corrupted the primitive caveman race

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Shit writing?

Becuase Humans created the Warcraft universe? They seem pretty fucking powerful.

From what I gather
>Humans of Stormwind: A kingdom with some of the finest warriors and scholars around and home to the most elite assassin group to walk azeroth.
>Humans of Gilneas: like above but when engaged in combat turn into hulking 8 ft monsters that can rip apart most things with their bare hands.
>Humans of Dalaran: Literally some of the most most powerful magic users on the planet.
And finally
>Humans of Kul'tiras: Giant sea faring monster hunters that bench press bears for fun and have ocean controlling magic users. Also have the best navy to ever exist.
Humans of warcraft are actually the most OP race in warcraft but are unironically to stupid to realize it. Basically 40k orks but less green and not as cool.

Lore wise, the Achilles heal of humanity was always politics. When the horde came through the portal, humans got no help from the alliance of lorderon because dragons were fucking around in the human courts. The hero of humanity, the guardian of tirisfal was literally a hedonistic aristocrat who played politics and even during the second war, Arathi betrayed the alliance and sided with the Horde just because. The horde would be crushed in every sense of the world if Humanity could ever stop trying to dick each other over for a higher spot in the social ladder.

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>and home to the most elite assassin group to walk azeroth.

Because humans made the game.

Just like with adventure time,and star wars and literally every instance of this happening: just because you make a really good story and set up a really amazing world, it will completely become unrecognizable and turn to shit as soon as you hand it over to a completely different writer, it becomes worse when you do that every month and set no presidence over what happens and just make shit up as you go, it becomes triply so when you have a writing crew of 50 different people doing 100 different stories at once with no oversight.

Wow is hundreds of different writers wiping their self insert across the story of wow and dragging us along into their bullshit stories based off tabletop sessions.

Wow was developed when warcraft 3 was being made. They literally didn't know what the story was about or where it left off. They didn't even fucking play it. They were given a list of names and just started making people killable raid bosses.

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How is s:7 not the best spy organization when that cave in ogrimmar is the only thing standing up to them?

>wow seems to be set in a time around like the 1200s.
What made you think that? The magic, the dragons or the evil demons from outer space?

Honor, diplomacy, industry, versatility, the Light.

They were taken over by a Dreadlord and the Shattered Hand wasn't.

Also the Uncrowned is obviously better retard.

>he doesn't remember the alien dragon invasion of 1242
Fucking plebeian, read a history book.

Yes retard. Prior to space satan invading and every master assassin coming together to form a super secret club the S:7 were consider the best.

Considered the best by nationalistic humans.

Even Ravenholdt alone was better than the SI:7.

The Order of Light was destroyed in WC3. The survivors split into Argent Dawn and those other fags over in Tyr's Hand. Them suddenly giving a fuck about other evils like Old Gods and elementals (that fucker in Desolace, at least) made no fucking sense at all.

Tauren joining the Horde made sense and happened before WoW. The Forsaken should never have been able to join, tho. Same goes for night elves and the Alliance. Blizzard should just have given us 4 factions to begin with.

Not the same guy, by the way.

The Uncrowned predate the SI:7 though.

My level 7 goblin killed a bunch of Si:7 agents so I dont know what you are on. If I had to pick the best stealth fuckers in the world it would be the Night Elves. Their literal introduction in WC3 was that everyone in Kalimdor feared them as unseen killed and no one dared to step into their forests

Also shadow hunters > Literally anything stealth related in the entire alliance.

>void elves
yo wtf blizzard

t. asspained orc
fake news
and my lvl 1 priest human killed every orc spy and then fucked the commander to death. I do agree about shadow hunters. They're fucking cool and I wish we could play as one.

Don't forget: the Draenai have their very own space magic god down in their basement who looks out for them.

They aren't though. Overall they're one of the weakest races. An average Orc, Troll, or Tauren soldier would completely destroy them in 1 on 1 combat.

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He was killed in Legion though.

>Hes never played on a pvp server

Alliance don't believe in 1v1 if they don't have overwhelming advantage- if there is even the smallest chance they might lose; they will refuse to engage.

Obviously we didn't have fucking dragons and magic but their armor is not as advanced as armor from high medieval times since they don't have full plate armor they have plate with gaps filled in with chain or most the time nothing.


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As people said its a lot when combined with abundant plate armor

lmao at that armor not covering vitals

One more image for reference

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Horde do the same exact shit buddy

>tfw regularly engage people 1v1 in the world but everyone always gets bored fighting me because it takes forever because I'm a healer

I wanna fight too :(

"Muh human spirit" is one of the worst, most godawful tropes in all of writing. Fuck off with that shit.
>bruh you can do anything as long as you put your mind to it!

That doesnt exist in WoW. Humans are powerful as all fuck because they are written to be. They are creations of the titans who are largely arcane beings. This is why they are so naturally talented with magic

>>They are creations of the Titans
WoW Humans are shitty low test Vrykul that got shipped away for being shit and useless, you fucking Alliance lorelet.

And yet the Vrykul get turbofucked everytime they try to fight the alliance

really makes you think

I mean yeah if you want to go deep dive into the lore. But why spend paragraphs saying what I can in two sentences to the non initiated?

> Fat neckbeards seething at human race because they play the bad guys despite being humans themselves


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That's because the Vrykul are uncoordinated and are largely dumb as bricks

Not the guy but you made me remember that night elves are actually degenerate trolls who couldn't handle a bit of magic.

Is the entire Alliance made up of rejects and mutants?

>Meanwhile the Alliance is going to get next level cucking because they're going to let Sylvanas get away with everything she's done and just say that they're friends with the Horde now


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>muh human spirit
>That doesnt exist in WoW.
What was their racial ability again?

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>In a real life situation
Pick one, you delusional faggot.

>can regenerate them easily

> Mastery
> Versatility

What? That's definitely not how i remember it

>that alliance armor set was bugged out on my worgen warrior back when I played bfa like 6 months ago
bet you anything its still bugged the fuck out and the model glitches out when you wear it. blizz takes eons to fix the simplest bugs

>Night Elves lost their immortality

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I don't even know what those are.

>A Plate set on Worgen is bugged
Literally why are you surprised.
>Inb4 the new models don't fix the unbelievably fucked skeletons

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The Night Elves and Tauren should just form their own faction at this point.

have they updated these fucking things yet? they announced that shit like 6 years ago

Reminder that Vulpera are all but confirmed at this point.


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Tauren here, please let us into the alliance. This hasn't been the faction for us since Cata.

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>another furshit race

Ogres when?

>giving a shit about WoW lore after Wrath of the Lich King

I was onboard until the end of legion. BfA was so fucking shitty it unironically makes me rather want to play classic WoW and just follow that for the next 10 years, while they re-release all the expansions like you fucking know they will except in the same vein as classic, keeping it challenging and fun the entire way this time.

fucking casuals ruin everything

>being onboard for fucking Warlords and the dumbass Legion sci-fi adventure
ultra mega cringe

>orcs were space niggers who invade other worlds and infest it with their space aids to please their demon lords
>humans just try to kick these filthy invaders out
Oh no, can't have this anymore! Now orcs are not nigger invaders, everything is morally grey now!

legion was a climactic finale as far as I'm concerned you pleb. the world-soul of argus felt fitting as the final boss. you can't just keep getting more and more epic forever.

I keep waiting for the day that the horde becomes good again

>Cata rolls around
>The least racist group in the entire game, orcs. Literally get hitler as a warchief and inexplicably get portrayed as huge racists despite instantly making friends with trolls once coming to Azeroth and infact joining arms with the oldest rivals the ogres.
>Mop Rolls around
>Siege of orgimmar sees the honorable Kor Kron as little more than gestapo and horde shamans enslaving the spirits
>WOD attempts to retcon orcs from peaceful shamans into always being war mongers and it makes no sense.
>Legion comes around and its just a huge alliance expansion so whatever
>BFA launches and we're back to being first war level evil.

talking about the human who got skewered

The factions are going to dissipate at the end of the expansion anyway. Also, not all Tauren are as nature-loving as Night Elves. So stop spreading this shit.

>Wanting to join the faction that has showed you no mercy in the past
Yeah, make Tauren even more cucked than they already are.

>Down to farmers at this point

>WOD attempts to retcon orcs from peaceful shamans into always being war mongers
Nigga they ARE fucking war mongers. How do you think they ended up in Azeroth in the first place? Their demonic overlords literally force them to build portals into other worlds to invade and siphon life from.

>The least racist group in the entire game, orcs.
>multiple genocidal campaigns against humans, dwarves, elves, night elves, etc

Elves understand the potential of magic to corrupt and destroy. That's why they're not known for amazing magical feats: they're wise enough not to remodel the continents just because someone they don't like is around. Humans are short-lived and psychotic. The greatest magic user is the one that never has to use magic.

pre corruption orcs were largely peaceful with only outlier clans that shared borders with the ogre empire being particularly war like. They tried to retcon orcs into being war like but it really doesn't work. the AU orcs of WOD aren't compatible with what we know of mainline orcs for them to be a true reflection

Orcs were never peaceful. Even before the demons, their society was based on physical dominance.

Garrosh did not start out as Hitler. They turned him into Hitler around the time of MoP because of all the people complaining about him. Namely Alliance pussies that were mad they were getting stomped.

>elfshits literally tore world asunder by fucking around with magic millennia ago

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>unironic orc apologism

Yeah, they learned their lesson. Humans will never learn.

Hes half right. Humans have a natural talent for magic because of their heritage. Humans can brute force magic in a way elves never could. But humans can't finesse magic in the way that elves can.

>they learnt their lesson
>blood elves get addicted to demon cum the second their pond gets fucked up


>Literally enslaved the light
>Then gets a slap on the wrist and acts like they are oh so innocent and devout followers of the light now
>Literally exiles some "void elves" for practicing shadow magic
>But is fine with warlocks strolling down the street with demons in tow

Elf lore doesn't always make the most sense.

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>They tried to retcon orcs into being war like but it really doesn't work. the AU orcs of WOD aren't compatible with what we know of mainline orcs
true, but I'm sure blizzard has forgotten whatever they came up with for MU Draenor before WOD so if we ever get old MU draenor/old MU orc stuff, they'll just copy whatever they came up with in WOD

>a race of retarded noshoes mudhut dwellers somehow survived old gods, the thundering and all other shit that has happened in Azeroth
How do these retarded trolls do it?

By regenerating 5 hp a second

i thought they were homeless because they got morally grey'd by the horde

Da loa

If you cut off their dicks, they just regrow them.

I also can show a art where a human cuts the green/blue niggers and say that everything is exactly the opposite.

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>arrows stuck into plate armor

Tauren burned their tree

>tiniest trolls ever seen
Nice Alliance propaganda there, faggot. Forced perspective works wonders on the feeble human mind.

incorrect. Sylvanas moved all the druids to silithis before burning the tree cause of course she did.

Most just due to the fact that it's an established trope in anything with multiple races. To be fair though humans really are incredible due to all the shit we've accomplished when all we started with was sticks and rocks. Warcraft humans are essentially just us but better so it make sense

Not the one that matters, Teldrassil was slowly corrupting.
Imagine being this triggered by art.

I killed a dozens taurens in pre patch event. I remember exactly.

They changed it to be actually useful to anyone, not just healers.

Isn't the mid animation just the male goblin animation since their switched it for that to be the base?

I had an undead priest on my old server who was a fucking escape artist.
>Chilling out in Ashran, waiting to enter because HURR DURR QUEUE TIMES FOR WORLD PVP
>Suddenly a lone shadow priest comes in to the Alliance base on a glider
>Toys with everyone using fears, dots, and all sorts of shit
>Has a small gang of players chasing him, not a single one able to stop him
>He's an engineer, so he has all sorts of useful gadgets to escape with
>I finally catch up to him and chase him around the whole damn island, swimming and gliding while shooting him on my hunter (also engineer)
>Spend a fucking 15 minutes or so doing this chase sequence, one of us is going to tire out first
>I'm the only one still chasing him, everyone else just gave up
>Eventually I get a lucky string of crits and kill him with a mix of stuns (pet intimidation and some trinket, forgot what it was) and high damage (WoD hunters were strong)
>I log out, make a horde alt, and whisper him saying that he's a damn magician with how well he can flee as a shadow priest
>Been on my friend list since

>le niggers xd
fucking epic

Fel magic is fine, Void magic has the potential to corrupt the Sunwell.

fuck off subhumans

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Go roleplay Lord of the Rings somewhere else, incel.

>No mercy
Wrong. Alliance loves the Tauren, or at least greatly respects them. Two recent(ish) examples;
>Evacuate Taurajo before burning it, leaving as few casualties as possible
>Go out of their way to rescue Baine from Sylvanas' rape dungeon below Orgrimmar because he's respected despite being pretty much useless

They really don't gain anything from evacuating their enemy from their settlement, nor do they gain anything by saving Baine from Sylvanas' nonsense. They still do it though. Hell, Anduin and Baine are basically best friends every time they're together and Wrathion isn't sucking Anduin off.


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A demon Lord wanted to attack an actual threat, not a bunch of autists in a cave. Face it, humans are Mary sues.

>Falseinfo Allianceposter trying to look like the good guys in Taurajo still
Don't start.

>Alliance burns Taurajo, leaves gaps in the lines for civvies and punishes looting
>Horde burns countless Alliance settlements, commits genocide and gets a slap on the wrist and constantly defended by "muh underdog" faggots

>Evacuate Taurajo before burning it, leaving as few casualties as possible
Fuck off, if you go back and do those quests every officer other than the general who's killed is full-on scorched earth genocide mode.

>Meanwhile orcish warlocks use their magic to speed up the aging process of young orcs to produce fierce warriors in half that time

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I used to make friends with the dudes who would keep fucking around on Stormwind's walls/flying high above them. Druid + Typhoon / Faerie Fire + Flap was the shit and the eventual bane of everybody flying.
Taurajo was a false flag attack and it's already been discussed to death.
>let's attack our enemy with as little will to fight as possible
I don't think that logic quite works out for you here.

>Could you even imagine having flesh Odynson?
>Ew, gross.

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seething alliance nigger

>Taurajo was a false flag attack and it's already been discussed to death.
No it wasn't.

>no defense so you have to rely on Yea Forums buzzwords
well done hordefag

Then where did the orders to attack come from?

Why is Andorhal even in that image?

No I quite agree the forsaken are pure evil and should be cut from the horde. We already rebelled against Garrosh so the two non forsaken images you have in that macro are no longer a valid argument.

that was made in like Mists, Horde racked up like another dozen atrocities since


Human farming settlements in the outskirts got annihilated by Horde, even though Lordaeron is literally their land

>be Jaina
>pretend to be an innocent, neutral, faction
>proceed to give the alliance a direct supply line into the Barrens for their invasion thus siding with the alliance
>Get your shit slapped by Chadrosh's bombs
>While traitorous baine literally tells you to pull the fuck out while you still can
>I better go kill these innocent shop keepers as punishment for me being a dumbass who bit off more than she can chew

Jaina hate against the horde is so forced. It makes no sense.

>every time you attempt to convince the world that the Horde aren't a bunch of raving niggers they pull some shit and destroy an Alliance settlement
>finally have enough of their shit and try to put an end to them
reasonable tbqh

I know man, I hate my faction. I keep hoping one day Thrall will wake up in his tent, watching Ogrimmar get constructed and this will all be a bad dream. Feels like every expansion sees a new writer who has no grasp of what the horde is about

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Theramore, are you retarded?

by that logic America should invade Iran because they support people they don't like

As a Warhammerfag, I've always had some interest in Warcraft's lore, especially considering that it is essentially Warhammer's bastard child. Someone care to give me a quick rundown on the races and how they compare between franchises?

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The Alliance forces recruited those farmers and they charged the Horde themselves though.

America should glass the whole fucking middle east to be honest senpai. Those fuckers are the closest thing we have to IRL uruks

They don't compare, stick to Warhammer.

Warhammer is awful, especially because it takes itself seriously

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It's funny cuz orcs are literally niggers.
Goblins are kikes.

And forsaken are muslims.

It all makes sence now.

By who specifically? It's stated that the guy leading the attack didn't even get to figure out who sent the order, even though he wanted to send a someone to find out. He otherwise figured he'd be executed for disobeying orders. This was -entirely- during the time period where Blizz wanted to make 'muh alliance' appear as the good guys.

Does not include allied, neutral, or enemy races.

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>Warlords of Draenor shows what would happen if they didn't drink the demon semen
>they're still warmongering cunts and drink it later anyways

>>proceed to give the alliance a direct supply line into the Barrens
So? Booty Bay also provides haven and stuff to Alliance. And still it is neutral.

Garrosh wanted to be as kewl as his father that's why he wanted the war. He didn't even think about justifying anything, so your argument is invalid, horde nigger ;)

Unbiased opinion not fettered by pretend nationalism

>Off shoots of giant golems created by the gods to protect the planet

Elves of all kinds
>A group of trolls sipped some magic that evolved them into elves, which then spun off into every variant of elf we have now.

>From another planet. A titan showed up to their world and saw that it was being taken over by a plant-life hive mind and he created a giant stone kaiju to fight it. Through centuries the stone create broke apart and the stones that fell away became orcs, ogres, etc. Later on they got corrupted by demons to invade azeroth then managed to break free

>The oldest race of Azeroth, true natives, worships wild gods

>Another of the oldest races, lots of variants of them exist about.

>Uncorrupted space demons

>Found an ore called Kajamite that made them insanely intelligent, had a golden age in which they invented literally everything, Kajamite began to run dry and they are just a decaying empire now.

>By who specifically?
Jaina, the chain of command down from Stormwind, who knows?

>It's stated that the guy leading the attack didn't even get to figure out who sent the order, even though he wanted to send a someone to find out. He otherwise figured he'd be executed for disobeying orders.

WOD doesn't really reflect mainline orcs, they are an AU hyper aggressive branch. In the mainline it took starvation, manipulation and Guldan going around murdering clans then framing the Draes for it before the clans agreed to go to war. In the AU they go to war just because. Literally two completely different species.

Theramore was never neutral. I have no idea why people ever believed that shit.

Warcraft humans are not normal humans. They are mutants created from the iron golems the Titans used as war fodder. Being good at fighting is in human DNA.

Undead need to be in a 'stab' category

Exactly. What do orcs do? They chimp out. Why? Well, why do leaves fall? It's their nature.

Can a nigger, I mean an orc, make a piece of art? Write a book about flowers?

It went to hell after Lich King. Dont bother or stick to W3. Almost all BC got retconed with fanservice on Legion aswell.
It could have been an interesant contender for Warhammer (yet not close) years ago, now modernism and Christie Golden fucked it up beyond your comprehension. I´m talking over Age of Sigmar-tier.

humans beat the ever living fuck out of the orcs when those green niggers first showed up
orcs had to use warlock tricks and sneak attack the king to have a chance

>more fucking retcons by Blizzard desperate to give the orcs justification

It did not participate in the war. Alliance had quests to punish those who were provoking the war even. Btw dumb horde niggers itt think that those deserters were under Jaina's orders.

nice retcon

Can you?

It was before CAT. While being "aliance" for lvling purpouses, you even had quests to kill pro-war Theramore soldiers.
Jaina was always seen as a traitor among alliance players till she got her "you only had to listen" moment.

It's not a retcon, it's that guy's bullshit.

WoD orcs are the same species. They are good now though, Draenor is freeeeeeeee. Aslo new allied race.

Lads, can an MMO without a basic human race succeed? Or will normalfags always throw a fit?

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defective children of mutant robots cursed to have flesh instead of metal
same thing but short and beard. nigger clan is actually not evil like in warhammer, just self-serving retards
same thing but even shorter and mustache instead. masters of technology but promptly gassed themselves with it, now somewhat recovered though
defective trolls who blew half the planet up with magic 10000 years ago then splintered into a dozen factions because some of them want to try again while others swore it off. now mortal due to the world tree getting raped by a demon, and homeless due to their other tree getting raped by an undead elf
alien invaders who are defective children of mutant golems cursed to have flesh instead of rock
retards made smart by a rare ore, obsessed with explosions and money, only survive by virtue of rapid replacement rate
peaceful shamen/druids instead of chaos worshipping brutes like wh beastmen

any i missed?

Yes, I can.

Azeroth would be better off if the orcs were genocided after the Second War

Incorrect the lore im referencing predates WOD and it is the reason the two are incompatible. WOD is infact an AU and the orcs of it are AU. Far more war like than the main like orcs ever were.

To put things into perspective. The AU world picks up during the meet when they were to drink the demons blood. in WOD, the back story is that Garrosh told them what was gonna happen so they all inexplicably united for no real reason

in the main universe, only the clans that bordered the ogre empire were war like because they had to deal with ogre slavery. Guldan had to go around murdering all the elementals (Something that never occured in AU) in order to starve the shamanistic tribes of their magic and ability to defend themselves. They had to spread the red pox around to starve out the orcs and kill off the wild life to manufacture a false starvation scenario. Then after murdering a clan and framing the draes, the clans agreed to attack the draes. And only once they were beaten back by the Drae forces did Guldan have his orcs drink the blood in order to rally them for a final push

>Write a book about flowers?
>he doesn't know about the flowerpeaker clan
Post discarded.

no, what you posted was retcons from WC3

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>It did not participate in the war.
Yes, it did. Most of the Alliance forces in the Barrens, Durotar, and the Lost Isles were all led by Theramore.

>Alliance had quests to punish those who were provoking the war even.
>you even had quests to kill pro-war Theramore soldiers.
Yes, there are quests to reign in deserters who were unsatisfied with Jaina's leadership. That doesn't change the fact that in the same fucking zone, and in the next two over, Jaina has Theramore on a warpath into Horde territory.

>It was before CAT.
No, it wasn't. Go there on a Horde character and tell me what happens to you. Hint, you'll get fucking killed.

You can't show how Alliance wins because Alliance is literally white males.

You can't show how evil wins either because good guys always win (and thus it's obviously that good guys won in WW2).

So you have one option only. You pick one part of the horde to show that #notallhorde is evil, there is good (in them), make that part of the horde join Alliance and defeat the bad part of the horde. Blizzard are doing it for a long time now. At last you truly see.

>giving a shit about books written by C-list authors
fuck this shit, if I want to get invested in a games universe stop giving me fucking homework to do just so I know what the hell is going on.

Well they're very generic and simply "just are". The only interesting human lore is how they jewed elves into giving them magic and their blood relations to giant vikings (One of the good lore additions WoW came up with).

Literal magic.

>Jaina has Theramore on a warpath into Horde territory.
No. Those are deserters.


the elves were getting their shit pushed in by trolls so they begged the humans for help in exchange for magic
then the humans turned out to be better magic users than the faggy elves

Why do normalfags like playing humans in fantasy settings? Do they have souls?

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I'm an RPfag man, its my job to know this dumb shit. Every expansion brings new retcons that make the lore worse but being part of an RP community means you have to capitulate to what is Canon, else you end up in an environment where no one is RPing in the same universe.

Side note: High Elves would be dead right now were it not for humans giving them food during their first winter in the eastern kingdoms. Silvermoon is kept perpetually in a season of summer because elves hate the fucking cold

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>play as treehugging purple human with pointy ears
>completely different

Does Azeroth even have seasons?

>humans giving them food during their first winter in the eastern kingdoms.
Is that the origin for high elf lust for human dick?

In OG WoW Dwarves were the main race in the Alliance. Things would be better if that were still the case.


>No. Those are deserters.
No, they aren't. You're telling me there are like four fleets and three armies of deserters? With mixed units from other Alliance nations? That the Alliance player fucking QUESTS for? Fuck off retard.

>elves are humans
soulless normalfag detected

>Taurens love undead and their respect of nature for some reason, let's bring them in horde lmao.

The high elves were assholes until they get their shit kicked in by Arthas. Blood elves aren't anywhere near as cuntish as the high elves

Yes, we just don't see it.

>missing the point this hard

do you have brain damage?

WoW taught me to never make factions integral in an MMO ever again. Thanks Blizz!

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It's their constant need to feel validated and incapacity to play something they can't relate to.

>blood elves aren't cunts
holy shit good one senpai

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No but I did have an auction house at launch you shitty fucking humie.

You lie or you're a retard. We're talking pre cata.

When it was cata Teramor was as much as help to Alliance as Booty Bay is. Yes, it's a port. So what.

they really shouldn't have been
at the very least night elves and undead should have remained their own deal

Why are they so inhuman bros? What is wrong with normalfags?

Divine right.

Human fighter in every RPG here. Exotic characters tend to pop more when you are just an average joe for them to play off of.

yeah, it happens off screen. Anything worth knowing about in WoW lore happens off screen.
I mean they were literally responsible for the world breaking in half.

would be if the Warcraft races weren't the most generic in video game history
>nature elves
>pompous elves
>barbarian orcs
wow so original, so special user

just because ironforge was the main city doesn't mean anything when 80% of the players were humans or night elves

I didn't say that retard, I said Blood elves aren't as cuntish as High elves. At least blood elves are loyal, the high elves turned their back on the Alliance more than once

>The high elves were assholes until they get their shit kicked in by Arthas. Blood elves aren't anywhere near as cuntish as the high elves
Other way around.

High elves are (not were) just as good as Tolkins elves. Humans but better at everything but numbers.

Blood elves are junkies with no principles.

>At least blood elves are loyal
they literally cut a secret deal with the Alliance and tried to rejoin them

DA ELVES.....took his eye

>defending playing a generic human with "no u!!!!"

Tolkien elves were literally human, but immortal but not favoured by Eru. Hell, some people in the Silmarillon were given a choice to live as human or elf. In Warcraft they are 2 separate biological entities

Those pandas.

Wildstar had better races than WoW. Prove me wrong.

The High Elves quite literally betrayed the Alliance on more than one occasion and came crying for help when they where getting thier shit kicked in. Blood Elves haven't been mana junkies for over a decade

>arguments found: 0

>literal junkies selling their ass to the horde because they fucked over the alliance too many times
>their warchief is arthas n*2 by now, the very thing that raped their dumb faces
>literally stole a whole fucking naaru to use for their own power
not too cuntish btw

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Tolkien lore also sucks complete fucking dick unless you're a brainless hipster.

swtor unironically did the factions way better than wow.

I've mentioned this in other threads, but the reason this keeps happening is you CAN NOT write a story with two factions that are simultaneously protagonists and antagonists depending on who's playing.
You could do things like give two different biased "interpretations" of events depending on the side but there is always a factual account.

The reason the horde gets ultimately shafted in these dumb faction war storylines is because they know the horde players can "take it". It's the alliance playerbase that has extreme inflexibility with how their faction is portrayed.

why is jaina so strong anyway? She was a talented wizard apprentice sure but nothing out of the ordinary. Player characters are stronger than her canonically yet she just btfo everyone

holy fuck what a complete brainlet opinion

elf girls crave paladin cock

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>doing anything better than wow

Wrong and wrong.

she's got some super staff

His point is that the High Elves were worse and they were, literally responsible for Azeroth's gaping wound

Retard. Feanor alone is much bettar as a character than all warcraft heros combiened and I've played wow for 13 years.

No, we're talking Cata. Yes, pre-Cata Theramore wasn't very active and had some deserters. But in Cata, it's not just "a port", it's actively invading every Horde zone in the northern half of the continent.

Fuck, even back in vanilla it wasn't neutral either. It was still Alliance, they just didn't go to war, neither faction did fully.

nice city planning retard, enjoy your rock/mud slides

>holy fuck what a complete brainlet opinion

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Disagree, you can absolutely write a faction war story line without assigning one side as evil bads and one guy as good guys. Most wars in human history didn't have a defacto good guy and the emergence of Azerite gave Sylvanas a credible casus beli against the Alliance. In the book preceding BFA she has a talk with Saurfang about her cause for the war and its 100% justified. The problem is she goes absolutely bat shit insane, commits mass genocide on a whim and then literally, LITERALLY starts plauge bombing her own fucking soldiers. They tossed any notion of a morally grey conflict out of the window and just from the get go assigned horde as the evil bads.

She has a vagina in 2019, and that makes her more powerful than you can possibly imagine. hells that alone makes people worthy of lifting Thor's hammer these days

>t. seething fedorafag mad that an ultra-Christfag did fantasy first and better than everyone else

Highborne =/= High elves

Retard much? Highborne and high elves are different.

i dunno what their actual origin was but i remember they were there as early as the trolls, who tried to wipe them out but got btfo in the doing. they were also slaves to another robot race, but managed to overthrow them
for basically their entire civilization's lifespan an eldritch monster beneath their island fed off their negative emotions, so they just dulled their senses with beer and tried to pretend everything was all good so they wouldn't wake it. that's all over with now and they're just jolly furfags these days though

>night elves
>blood elves
>high elves
>void elves

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DUDE............ THE DEVIL

>But in Cata, it's not just "a port", it's actively invading every Horde zone in the northern half of the continent

>it wasn't neutral
>didn't go to war
Well, you played yourseld, dog.

high elves are former highborne who couldn't give up magic and made a new well
they are the fucking same

High Elves are literally the highborne who noped the fuck out when she started going sour

I know just who to call

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By this logic night elves, nightbornes, blood elves and void elves all are fucking the same Highbornes. Nope.

Can humans impregnate Pandaren?

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Orcs are SLIGHTLY more different than that. They weren't cursed to have flesh like the others, rather the plant monster hive mind that the golems (or rather, the original golem the smaller one broke off of) were made to fight released spores that over time turned Breakers into organic beings.

Holy fuck you're retarded guys. They aren't literally the same people who fucked up Azeroth, niggers.

To be fair, Blizzard pretty much regrets doing WoD.

Except they actually are. They literally had to fuck off to the eastern kingdoms because they were KoS for the remaining night elves. They were reviled for quite literally blowing up the planet. The only difference is they didn't follow their queen into the briney depths. You literally did not know how to cast arcane magic as a night elf unless you were a highborne.

The faction yes, both side had their flaws and qualities, the faction conflict wasn't just about good vs evil.
plus the sith were actually justified

yes, that is correct

That's like saying current year people are responsible for all past wars.

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Her staff got empowered by the essence of the thunder KANG who himself had stolen it from a titan keeper AKA the strongest titan creations around in charge of overseeing their operations

>Be the Alliance
>Allow greymane to openly attack the Horde fleet during Legion
>Allow greymane to attempt assassination on the sitting warchief during Legion
>Spend half of legion pointlessly fighting over towers
>Azerite is discovered and the horde sends goblin miners into Silithis to mine
>You, the alliance, literally send Si:7 agents. The wow equivalent of Shinobi to murder them for no apparent reason

BFA's war is a war of alliance agression. Sylvy is fighting the war now on her terms rather than waiting for the alliance war mongers to attack when they deem fit. Anduin is literally the only big voice in the alliance that doesn't blame the horde for rightly slapping the Alliance's shit when it steps out of line

>Lei Shen

All elves are technically the same series, they've just adapted to their environments via magic

>muh greymane
sylvanasfag cope

>you CAN NOT write a story with two factions that are simultaneously protagonists and antagonists depending on who's playing
You can as long one side isn't in the right no matter what and vice versa.

Elves live for hundreds of years and many of the ones in SIlvermoon were part of Queen Ashara's highborne.

>Allow greymane to openly attack the Horde fleet during Legion
It was after Horde betrayed Alliance on the broken shores.

>>Azerite is discovered and the horde sends goblin miners into Silithis to mine
Silithis is neutral land. Also Si:7 were just watching, goblins and their guards attacked first.

Opinion discarded.

When was the last time the Alliance started a war without provocation?

>BFA's war is a war of alliance agression
The Horde restarted the war during WoD when they attacked the Alliance thinking they were going to use an artifact against them.

>why are humans dominant in warcraft?
Big dick answer here.
It's because playing yourself or something akin to yourself is a good way of familiarising and immersing yourself to a high fantasy setting

You can relate more to what it's like exploring a vast world of cultures as a human than an elf

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member when the elves got roasted

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Like who ?

>I disagree, you can!
You can't, the "neutrality" of moral conflict in war is a matter of hindsight, the "Good and Bad" depends on what side and who's the victor. Blizzard could very easily make both factions grey areas but the problem is people would not be satisfied with that. You can make your protagonist in a story do amoral things, but only in certain ways, if you just do it in a more realistic matter in that "humanity is fucked up and people do X horrible thing all the time" all of a sudden your "protagonist" is unlikable.

First war -> Demonic Blood Infused Horde invades Azeroth

Second War -> Ogrim Doomhammer knows the Alliance of lorderon will never respect his claim to the land, goes on a preemptive war. Damn near wins too.

Third War - >general proudmoore starts some shit because hes a big stinky racist.

Fourth war -> garrosh is an absolute bastard. tried to do trade deals but it didn't shake out.

Fifth war -> War of alliance agression

are you guys ready for the end of BFA though?

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Where's the rest of the body?

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sylvanas' very existence is provocation

I'd prefer that over Garrosh 2.0 honestly. Both options are shit though

Incorrect, simply because faction wars only happen in the RTS. They always set things back to status quo by the end of the expansion and they always blame an old god for it.

>Cut to burning of teldrassil
>Just have some shadow cultist be the one to start the fire instead of Sylvanas
>Horde gets blamed for the fire
>Both sides now feel vindicated as the good guys
>Old gods get sleutehd out and things are set to rights

Legion did it pretty nicely with the Horde retreat. It was much more palatable then literally making Sylvanas worse than Stalin

she's proven to be worse than garrosh
a kerrigan 2.0 would be the worst thing they've ever done

>Horde betrayed Alliance on the broken shores.

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>all humans are mages and paladins
>magic is human exclusive
Stop being retarded.

>you CAN NOT write a story with two factions that are simultaneously protagonists and antagonists depending on who's playing.
Yes, you can. Just have them be cunts to each other in the opposite side's questing so each side feels justified.

The problem is they try to make the Horde feel bad about doing things they'd do to any NPC faction anyway, and never go in on the Alliance being an actual threat. So the Alliance feel like limpwristed faggots and the Horde feels like insane monsters.

>be Garrosh
>Live on a doomed world, told your father is the downfall of your race
>Thrall and his green orcs show up and prove your father was actually a great hero
>Go from whiny baby to roid raging orc zerker who even challenges thrall for leadership
>Get put in charge of the Northrend offensive, learn the true meaning of orcish honor from saurfang.
>Come back, Thrall wants you as warchief. You decline but he insists promising the other leaders will aid you
>Handle things the orcish way and 1 v 1 Cairne bloodhoof as honor dictates
>people hate you now for posioning the weapon which you had no idea about.
>Vol'jin literally threatens to kill you in your own throne room and despite the fact that you could break him in half with a flick of your wrist you let him live
>As evil as everyone claims you are, even you know that necromancy is fucking wrong and forbay Sylvanas from using it. She does it anyway
>Since many races of the Horde inexplicably hate you for no real reason, you just oust them
>All the while you spread horde borders and make Kalimdor great again
>Go to panda jail where teh celestials even side with you. Time dragon breaks you out
>he proceeds to admit he wants to use WOD orcs as his own personal army. Murder him on the spot because through your whole life, you always put your Horde first
>thrall shows up and challenges you to Mok'gora, ends up cheating to win
>There you die, in another reality, dishonored by a man in a dress

Garrosh.....Garrosh had a hard life.

I will nigger, it's free building materials. Checkmate pinkskin.

They also had Fel which according to Illidan's whole story is stronger than arcane which what the humans were using.

he was a true orc, a true horde
the one that existed before the WC3 retcons and green jesus

>Goblin - Last I checked goblin lore didn't have a defenitive origin but corrupt me if im wrong
If I remember right in the goblin starting zone you run across a faceless that seems to imply old god origins.

But yeah though.

>Well, you played yourseld, dog.
If a faction doesn't go to war they're neutral
Are you retarded? The Alliance and Horde weren't at war in vanilla, of course Theramore wouldn't be at war. That didn't stop them from still being part of the Alliance and being hostile to the Horde in general.

The alliance players would just google the horde quests and cinematic doing things "The Alliance wouldn't do wtf?" and bitch non-stop to blizzard about the inconsistency of their factions portrayal.

You forgot to mention
>he goes back in time to prevent """""them""""" from corrupting his entire race in that time line

He spoke the truth, and they hated him for it.

Of course it will, they're doing their best to antagonize her without either giving her reedming qualities or justification for her acts, not like they ever did for any villain before.

>High Elves: Racemixing degenerates
>Night Elves: Tree-hugging faggots
>Blood Elves: You have bad allies
One of these things is not like the others.

The writers are human and the players are human, so humanity must always be relevant.

They already tho

>tree-hugging faggots
they were actually badass until wow were they became actual faggots

Someone please explain to me the appeal of playing as human. Is it that they have nothing that makes them stick out?

Wasn't Garrosh's corpse also left to rot?

So? Fuck off. The Horde has to put up with laughable shit like being swapped in for the Quilboar in Stormsong.

I installed WC3 today and played for 3 hours before uninstalling because it was so boring.

Wow really fucked over the night elves.

>literally, LITERALLY no IP where all if not most of the characters are aliens
fucking missed opportunity

You forgot,
>Other bronze dragon literally says that in all of the infinite timelines, your fate was the worst by far, with most other incarnations of you being hailed as the greatest Warchief of all time

Blank slate maybe? My best guess is they think they have to play everything else a certain way. Kinda like the guy who picks neutral alignment in D&D.

>Implying Garrosh wasn't already that until the backstabbing by his "allies"

I'm so mad about this, it's not even funny.
>you had your revenge bro, now go back to your burned down home faggot

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Yes, so you can imagine how impossible it would be for Blizzard to try and come up with ways of making the opposing faction look like the villains without "going over the line".

This is WC we're talking about, so shit like realistic reasons for war that are easier to astro-turf for the respective faction don't apply (I.E Orcs and Humans fighting due to unironic racial tension caused by cultural differences, resource acquisition, economic etc). The only thing left really is "crossing the line" into mustache twirling bullshit.

And here we are, Sylvanas is mustache twirling bullshit. She's on the horde which is used be the "conflict" bitch boy because blizzard can not do anything that would make the alliance convincing villians for the horde without pissing the alliance players off.

Don't worry pal you can still fruit-up in Goldshire. Your ERP tree will be forgotten.

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Yep, still stuck in the clenched stone fist to this day

It's sad really, they go from being the greatest thing ever who saves the world multiple times from threats to a group of hippies on a tree in the middle of the ocean and only very recently gained some fame with the return of Malfurion in Bfa. While I'm not a fan of them myself, the decline they went through is really painful to watch, I personally blame Tyrande who does jack shit despite having ample knowledge and experience to assist the Alliance.

He should at the very least have been buried with ancestors, Thrall is not a honorable orc.

aren't wow humans not even humans? They're descendants of the vrykuls a literal warrior race.

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They're still humans even if their origins are not the same as ours

Weak and feeble descendants, Yes. Nevermind that the Vrykuls are already a weak and feeble version of the original Iron Vrykuls.

Short end of it is that they are mutated retard babies from a race of magical golems that got cursed to become fleshy by the old gods

My rage over the cucks at Blizzard censoring Whitemane's design will never be extinguished.

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It wasn't Jaina's chest being covered what broke me
it wasn't Whitemane's thighs being nerfed what broke me
it was the succubus being deleted
fuck blizzard and fuck china.

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Forsaken - Plauge
Blood Elves - Masters of magic
Orcs - Indisputably best warriors around
Goblin - Literally nuke sand jets.
Tauren -....?

At least the high mountains have a fucking dragon. The hell do Mulgore tauren bring the horde?

savage multiculturalism

Order and Sanity/spiritual guidance
Also they are strong warriors aswell

Spiritual guidance apparently

>Anduin calls Jaina 'auntie'
Now that I think of it, isn’t Jaina in her 40’s by now? I guess the Proudmoore bloodline is ending with her, since she’s reaching that age where she won’t be able to have children anymore.
Her father would be proud.

And don't forget the most important one
Zandalari - Dinosaur kaijus

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>isn’t Jaina in her 40’s by now?
She was born 3 years before the first war, so somebody can do the math if they want.

Trolls dont matter.

>Have space goats that fought against the Legion single handedly and retreated when the guy who could literally see the future and was on par with Sargaras lose to a bunch of Orcs for no fucking reason.
I've always found it fuckign retarded how Draenei EVER LOST ANY TYPE OF FIGHT. They are the most advanced beings in existence and lost to a bunch of fucking mudhut Orcs. What makes it even worse is that Draenei are not only more technologically advanced then Orcs, but they are also taller and more muscular. Draeneis are literal tanks. I don't understand.

Plot induced stupidity

>what is Wildstar

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too soon

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what if zandalari are just dinosaur druids that learned to transform into trolls?

The draes were actually winning at Karabor and only ended up losing because of Guldan regrouping and having his minions drink the demons blood to throw them into a frothing frenzy

Isn't killing N'zoth a bad idea? He's the only one left and killing all of them was a bad idea according to the titans

also, what is Mass Effect you dipshit

We didn't kill the other old gods we fought previously, we only knocked them out for now

Yogg and Cthun are still alive, Y'shaarj is the only one canonically dead

Pretty sure that's been debunked, they were killed. They can be resurrected but they are dead at the moment.

>Killing them is bad
The reason killing them is bad is because they tend to taint and corrupt everything around them.
>The only one left is....
Not really, the way the story is headed is that we only killed the physical manifestations of the other ones.

>"I would say that we should consider them dead. But! As with all things in World of Warcraft and in general in the Warcraft universe, death is not always final. Therefore, if there is the coming of the Old Gods, or some precursor of the Old Gods appear from the eternal darkness, from the Void, for example, if there is any way or opportunity to return them, I imagine that this may well happen."

that's what happens when you decide swamp dwelling mutant shamans and magic space goats are one species
well the titans are retarded and nothing they've ever done worked out so I don't care what they think, FFS they flat out made an old god by accident

This. Warcraft just does everything Warhammer does.

so basically they are all coming back. thanks blizz you hacks

Are we due for Age of Thrallmar?

the going theory is that N'zoth is going to awaken all the old gods at once, maybe bring in a void lord and the follow up expansion is basically going to re-awkwaen the black empire

Why even make this post

So the Void gods are going to win and thrall will remake the universe with the help of a dragon?

mass effect is about the worst concept when it comes to alien characters. humans were supreme mary fucking sues the likes of which I rarely see anywhere else. also it was written by literal SJW's and it shows and the ending was a fucking holocaust of bad

That's why they won the first war, Orcs are stupid now and greatly restrict the freedoms of warlocks in the nu-horde.

People rolled alliance more and humans are extremely popular.

No other reason.

Ogrim Doomhammer's horde was the best. All the bloodthirst of the old horde but accented with true orcish honor. it was his law that decreed no Warlocks.

Because a certain human race traitor whore is sucking Orc and Horde cock for slut points.

Undead joining horde was a smart move that helped them mutually. Undead might be a risk but Sylvana aint dumb, she would accept a shitty deal to survive. Without horde alliance would just wreck them. Taurens are generally nice, it makes sense for them to respect the underdogs.
Your night elf shit is complete hyperbole.

Face it, vanilla lore was not bad at all. It followed pretty nicely from WC3:FT. At least compared to everything afterwards.

Warcraft humans don't take that long to mature and canonically, humans are really that fuckin ripped from all the bullshit native wildlife they normally have to deal with

Her nuking her own city just felt like a sorry excuse to get rid of two cities at once, The Alliance should've never gotten that close to the Undercity by conventional means, There's literally nothing to take either with nothing but ruins on the surface and completely toxic sewer system, Any sensible military force would've have made the city a sinkhole before Sylvanas had the bright idea.

>bad guys
Of course that could be true if you accept like a sheep what they did to Warcraft lore

Havent been following nuLore. How do they explain crack elves on the Sunwell Plateau if the retconned Arcane magic to be a force of Order?


Elves cured their addiction a long time ago, but the going lore is that inundating yourself in magic is what causes the crack-head like corruption. Humans dont have that corruption because they dont have magical usage to the extremes of elves. They dont have any kind of magical immunity to it

and he would have won too if it wasn't for that meddling Gul'dan

That's fucking gay. How do they explain The Burning Legion's attraction to Azeroth was directly linked to Arcane magic usage?
Why are the nu writers such fucking shit?

Retcon, The Burning Legion was looking for the world because of the titan soul Azeroth contains.

because this change is not incompatible with that one. Arcane magic is still a very addictive and corrupting power source. You just dont become crack addled unless you do some shit like build your entire society around it

IIRC the Tauren in vanilla were all about trying to find cures for undeath

the second WoW went full sci-fi everything went to shit

I dont even plag wow but Im gonna assume that the world has existed for atleast 18 years before the game takes place, and the organizational power of humans in real life anyways is one of the primary reasons --for better or worse-- that humans have been so unimaginably successful

Blame the Draenei for that, they are also at fault for retconning large parts of the legions lore.

Because they don't recognise you as a human. You're more like a kobold and contrary to your shit memes, human girls only want human cock. Because everyone wants human giga chad cock, elf, orc, you name it.

Maybe this has been answered in this thread but its because there are 3 humans for every 2 orcs, humans have access to superior manufacturing of high quality metals, and are trained to fight in formations.

This is of course going by wc3 lore.

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It's more like there's three quarters of a human to every one quarter of an Orc.

They should both be completely decimated.


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orc society is like 90% warriors though? At least the ones who came through the dark portal.

There are many humans but most of them are not fighters. Even though they still indirectly participate in the war front by farming, scribing, forging superior metal, etc etc.

We're dominant in real life because there is no other intelligent race we have to deal with

If there was something like an orc race, creatures smart like us, built like us, but just overall BETTER than us in at least one way and equal in others we probably wouldn't be on top

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>orc society is like 90% warriors
sounds good in theory, but you always need fuckers at home to keep the logistics running properly. Even still, i'm pretty sure most humans can at least defend themselves in Warcraft considering footmen are citizen-soldiers. Orcs are brainlets so they don't think about this shit.

Everyone missed it. Warcraft humans aren't IRL humans, they're Vrykul mutants. i.e. they're disproportionately strong, hence their forearms looking like Popeye.

t. lore incel


I don't know how helpful metals are against a 10 foot tall cow man

They're in the sweet-spot of r/K selection.

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Even taking that into account, Orcs are quite a bit stronger than humans. The old metric was it would take 2 humans to take down 1 orc and only the strongest of humans could beat a Orc 1v1 with the clan leaders only being beatable by the greatest heroes of the humans with assistance his troops.


Strongest Paladin: Human
Strongest Warrior: Human
Strongest Hunter: High Elf, but Alliance aligned
Strongest Warlock: Human
Strongest Priest: Draenei
Strongest Mage: Human
Strongest Demon Hunter: Night Elf
Strongest Druid: Night Elf
Strongest DK: Human

Strongest Monk: Panda

Strongest Shaman: Orc
Strongest Rogue: Orc(debatable)

Oh geez whiz

>The Alliance technological advantage wasn't that big though. Currently, it's practically nonexistent.

Alliance now literally has an army of space marines that have lived for 10,000 years and who control a spaceship that could literally nuke Ogrimmar from orbit.

>hurr durr we want humans with slight animal features
Fucking hate this shit, fuck off.

>b-b--b-b-but alliance

The Vindicar can't nuke anything. They also barely use it.

>Strongest Priest: Draenei
But isn't Anduin the most powerful priest? He literally becomes a god later.

They've had ships that could nuke the Horde since BC. It literally makes no sense why they never use them.

>The Vindicar can't nuke anything.

Someone didn't play Legion to the end.

Later. He's still weaker than Velen.
Still doesn't change my point.

Are we talking currently? or across history?

>Strongest Mage: Human


She's been "defeated" and isn't part of the factions.
Otherwise I'd just say "Titan" or "demon" for most of those classes.

Quickly Yea Forums, without looking at the wowpedia, name each one of those.

Fair enough, The orcs held multiple of those titles at some point but they keep getting killed off.

In the last 5 years or so.

You're not me, stop this shit.

It's lazer beam isn't a nuke.

Burning Crusade was the beginning of the end for the lore
I wish they stuck to their original design docs which were going to flesh out Azshara area and add more regions that were blank on the map but they were so incompetent they couldn't add new areas to the map and so had to instance it which gave them the idea to just make an expansion and collect ducats (You can fly to both BE and Dranei starting areas if you noclip through Shadowmoon Valley)

>We're dominant in real life because there is no other intelligent race we have to deal with
Because we KILLED the other proto-humans competing against homo sapien sapien

Reminder that we fucked the shit out of Neanderthal, literally. We interbred them out of existence

Aegwynn and/or Medivh. She literally 1v1'd Sargeras and won.

no one's ever really gone


Or they interbred with us and became extinct in the process i.e Neanderthal.

1. It was an avatar not the real thing
2. Sargeras let her win
3. We don't really have a scale to compare her to the best highbourne mages nevermind her power wasn't just her own in the first place, it's was a collection of the council's abilities

1. Literally a host for Sargeras, he does not count

Let's not forget the guns, helicopters, planes, and robots

Judging by the 1st and 2nd war, those aren't enough to win.

excuse you user, I think you mean Warcraft 3

>blizz recycled the giant octopus design for azshara's palace for a bfa dungeon and raid
>azshara goes full mustache-twirling saturday morning cartoon villain retard so players can beat her up for loot

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Warcraft 1 and 2 were Kino


Nah m8 stop this bullshit. Guardians' powers count. Medivh and Aegwynn were absurdly powerful, and Medivh even without Sargeras' bullshit would have been the strongest one in history

Yeah the Alliance only firebombed the camp when all the hunters had left, then sent the worst criminals from the Stockades to the camp.

How dare the Horde not like the Alliance's great mercy.

>Guardians' powers count
Not really.

>Medivh even without Sargeras' bullshit
We have no metric to see if that's true or not, never mind the guardian powers he had.

Source? Anduin Lothar killed orcs by the literal dozen, including a few Orc leaders if I recall

>it no count cause I say no

>sargeras let her win
literally headcanon

>It counts cause I say so

>fucking around in the forrest gazing at the moon
>becoming powerful wise leaders
lel knife ear please

The druids spent most of those 10,000 years sleeping.

It's not really fair to count either of them as the large majority of their power was never their own, The council is the only reason they became stupidly OP and Medivh was basically just Sargeas until Warcraft 3. They are good mages but their power is not their own unlike Azshara whose power was her's and her's alone. They don't count

I'm just gonna say this now

Jaina honestly would've just blown up Undercity.
The writers obviously have no footing and are trying to force the plot to go a certain way by making characters act in ways they have no reason to.
>See: Stupidity by plot

Another thing is recently in a quest the horde is said to be in love with Sylvanas and every single citizen loves her and will follow her no matter what she does.
These are the same people who not even 30 years prior were being killed by a high elven Sylvanas.

The same people who not even 20 years ago were being slaughtered by Sylvanas under the Lich King's control.
And again
The same horde who recently during the events of Cataclysm, Mists, Legion and BFA were being plague bombed by Sylvanas

The only likely thing is that majority like fucking LARGE MAJORITY of the Horde are simply tolerating Sylvanas because given her track record if they so much as tell her to fuck off she'll kill every last citizen.
Orcs, Blood Elves, Trolls, Undead, Tauren, Goblins. They're nothing to her at all but pawns.

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u sure love nazi's eh?

not everything is about ww2

what would happen to the horde if they didn't have goblin technology?
what would they rely on?

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They would have lost the 2nd war before it really started.

They literally cucked themselves for Elf magics, then let everyone else murder each other (trolls v elves, elves v other elves, mongrel horde v itself) until they finally showed up
It's like America, it's SUPER EASY to claim superiority when you show up near the end of any fight and sucker punch both sides

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This really made me think
Now that the whole of Azeroth has access to Legion tech/Titan tech. What's stopping them from literally just becoming gods and exploring space and finding other species/races that want to aid in their fight against the oldgods/void lords

Blizzard's writers.

Gul'dan is an orc

He doesn't count dead people or the list would be much fairer.

Why can't the hacks make the story interesting for once and stop with
>Expac 1 - Ancient Evil arises, defeat them
>Expac 2 - Horde vs Alliance, stopped by Ancient Evil arising
>Expac 3 - Another Ancient Evil has arisen

I honestly believe that inside the twisting nether there's countless other species and races that are more technologically advanced than Azerothian, Draenor or Argussian races.

Maybe even other Titans too.

He's also dead

>a Horde character/race is really strong
>Blizzard kills them

T-thanks blizz

>representing Horde

He was always a selfish prick who merely created the Horde to further his quest for godhood

real life situation
>orc has to eat twice as much and needs a far more meat heavy diet (no protein powder in le middle ages
>orc's joints are fucked at 20 and dies at 40 because being tall kills you
>orc's cardiovascular system gives up after 5 minutes of marching becaue overweight is overweight whether it's muscle or fat
>orcs occasionally just drop dead due to sudden cardiac death syndrome caused by the walls of the heart being too muscular for the electrical signals that regulate its pulse to travel correctly through the tissue


Just give both sides legitimate grievances, make the people in charge warmongering asshats, and write a story about a good thing gone sour and trying to get out alive.

You're assuming Azeroth has the same properties as Earth. Could be it's gravity is much lighter. It would certainly explain a lot of bullshit.

Can the Alliance be the "bad" guys for once? I'm getting a tad sick of the horde playing musical chairs with it's leaders

Remember when the cow men were almost driven to extinction by the centaurs
If there were Mongols or even just horse archers in the Warcraft world they would exterminate the Horde faggots with a true horde

I think that without assuming that Azeroth is fundamentally similar to Earth in physical laws and properties there's no chance of a reasonable discussion.

I consider myself an authority on the reality and practicality of being between 7 and 9 feet tall and unusually muscular because that's my fetish and I've looked into it. Take it from me: being an orc would let you absolutely mog all humans one on one, but orcish 'civilisation' would be far from untouchable. Just think about how much meat an orcish town would have to cultivate to sustain that level of size and muscularity. Either the average orc is a stunted weakling about the same size as a human or slightly bigger (remember: for almost all of human history your maximum size was determined by nutrition, not genetics, although orcs would probably have somewhat better nutrition due to being semi-tribal and less feudal), or there simply are not very many orcs.

Orcish infantry would be incredibly intimidating though.

If you knew aliens were coming to fuck up Earth would you waste your time educating Africans to fight them? Fuck no.

actually I would. they'd make good cannon fodder

>I think that without assuming that Azeroth is fundamentally similar to Earth in physical laws and properties there's no chance of a reasonable discussion.
I think assuming that Azeroth and the Orcs are the same as Earth and humans on a fundamental level is unreasonable.

They have shamans that literally can shape the earth, and suck off earth elementals for fun. I doubt they are worried about natural disaster.

What is the worst change lore wise made by Blizzard?

>Titans are planets.
>the Light is evil
>the Legion being shifted from demons with portals to aliens with spaceships
>everything about Warlords

Too bad all good WoW players snowballed into Horde because of racials. Like 80% of top guilds are all Horde

Alliance do it more with an overwhelming amount of evidence

>In a real life situation a roman would stand as much of a chance against an german barbarian as a woman does against a man. Romans would have been wiped out early on.

>You're assuming Azeroth has the same properties as Earth.
You have to assume this in the first place if you're going to say "In a real life situation a human would stand as much of a chance against an orc," which was what he was responding to.

Lothar death retcon and TBC Draenei started the ball of shit lore

>Lothar death retcon


lothar went from being betrayed and slaughtered at a parley requested by the orcs to dying in muh honorable orc duel

You don't need to assume they're the same to think that a smaller, weaker organism is disadvantaged i a fight against a bigger, stronger one.

And that's just the thing, you aren't just assuming they're similar, you're assuming they're the SAME. That every property is identical.

Correct except for Draenei.

the parley wasn't requested by the orcs, but they were murdered en route to the meeting place

>you aren't just assuming they're similar, you're assuming they're the SAME
Like I wrote, you would have to if you're going to use "real life situations." Which is what the other user wrote. Obviously WoW is not real life, but if it does have laws of physics they would have to stretch pretty far from our own to change orcs from a physiological mess to something advantageous.