Why did he do it?

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Other urls found in this thread:


He did nothing wrong.

Because he was a fag.
I liked his voice though. Although Male Inquisitor had a great voice too.

I kinda like fem inquisitor's voice too. I have 6 assassin tanks named after spices all with that same voice.

>play male sith warrior
>go light side
>you don't act like a saint, just a smug asshole
>kick a jedi masters ass so hard and taunt him so much he falls to the dark side
>his padawn becomes your apprentice, and a total dark side edge lord slut

>picking dark side jaina as a light side SW
The fuck are you doing?

Whatever I want.

Like a true sith.

>not just keeping her light side and then getting her later on to be slobbering over you juggernaut benis

>prioritizing the ho
>not the light side bantz

all in all, swtor isn't a horrible game, just a bad MMO

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It would be fun as a pure singleplayer game, I played it a couple years back as a LS SW and had a blast up until I got past unlocking Jaina.

>declare an duel
>lose the duel
>run like a bitch to get backup from your fellow councilors
>you get btfo again anyway

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>tfw the jedi knight class story was the basic plot for KOTOR3

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Sith warrior is a fun story, some of the other class stories are also great.

>Imperial Agent - space James Bond, political intrigue, backstabbing, etc. One of the best stories
>Jedi Knight - movie plot, not bad
>Bounty Hunter - Strong first act, second act stagnates towards the end, third act comes out of nowhere but isn't bad
>Jedi Consular - Space Indiana Jones
>Trooper - Action movie


muh tradition, slave

Zash was hot

>all in all, swtor isn't a horrible game
It very much is you weeb faggot. There's no fucking gameplay to it. It's EZ mode while also still being full of padding.

It was pretty solid too.
I liked how in Shadow of Revan, they directly acknowledge that the Knight actually remembers all the shit he did while brainwashed by the emperor and actually feels pretty guilty about it and you can decide whether you absolve yourself from that guilt (via force), accept what you learned in that time, or work through it personally and just accept that you did some bad shit

gameplay is the exact same as in WoW, story is better than FFXIV shit, only problem is there is not enough content end game to keep people interested once they finish the story stuff.

I honestly don't remember, I think it was because hated slaves. He didn't think some pleb like you should be in any position of power

>play trooper
>someone stole the medicine
>"pls we need it we are refugees pls look at this kid hes so sick"
>"give it back or ill kill the kid"

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To this day, the forums still debate this.


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(Autistic sith lightning noises)

Couldn't take the fact that the Sith inquisitor is one of the chadest being in the Star Wars universe

I just didn't like how NO ONE thought it was a bad idea.

>Hey jedi masters, what is your great idea to stop the war?
>"We're going to kidnap the emperor and turn him to the light side!"
>Oh, what could POSSIBLY go wrong?

If they honestly had a better roster it could have been done feasibly, but unlikely since the Emperor was way out of their league thinking he was just merely a more powerful sith lord.

One thing this game did well was fashion. The inclusion of the orange armors and weapons with empty slots you put new mods in to level up was the best. Like you find a look that you love, and you can just keep upgrading it as you level.

especially at the end of act 1 :^)

>gameplay is the exact same as in WoW
Gameplay is the exact same as Vanilla/BC era WoW, which compared to current WoW is fucking outstanding

>warms up punishment device

Throwing this out there - SWTOR is unironically enjoyable as a SP game. The stories are enjoyable enough to play through once. I'd never drop cash on it though.

Didn't stop me from letting my account accrue coins until I could buy all the Subscribe benefits though.

If it worked against Anakin Skywalker and Darthvader, making it work twice? It could work just fine.
Just a shame the emperor isn't left with much flesh and blood, and instead hungers.

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yup, and the game got easier so you can solo heroics so never have to group

>play as operative
>choose 4 player heroic that has robots
>have one universal stun, 30 or so second duration, immediately usable once wears off
>one robot 30 second stun, has its own cooldown
>stealth, stun robot, stun other enemy, send in tank companion
>heal companion, apply DoT's to enemies, reapply stun when needed

its almost as easy as a consular/inquisitor, being able to shield your comp, heal them, and do damage.

>run speed
>level 3 mounts
>third crafting profession

what else do you really need? haven't played since the first year, thinking of going back in as free and finishing some class story lines I didn't finish. Pretty sure I have almost all of the crafting professions maxed so I can provide my own mods for my characters. pretty sure i should have most everything available since i was a legacy player from when it was subbed, and I know i had a shit ton of coins from the monthly sub that they handed out.

>You can't just choose to be a good boy pusy slave for Zash and obey her every order
Why even play this shit game?

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Playing SI as a pure DS Sorc was the best.
>zap everything and everyone
>commit war crimes nearly every planet
>trick jedi padawan to join you after killing her masters
>can even fuck her so hard she starts humming the Imperial March
>get titled Darth Nox, coolest of the three SI can get
embrace your inner Sheev, let it flow through you.

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>bad MMO
That's redundant, there's no such thing as a good MMO.

Light side Jaina is super annoying though

Vette is one of the hardest characters to be mean to I've ever seen in a videogame
Just couldn't make myself do anything evil around her

>saw that SWTOR had a quadrible exp bonus event two years ago
>decided to make an account
>didn't really enjoy it initially because of the f2p restrictions
>learned that you can only access the addon story if you purchase atleast one month of subscription
>did that and cancelled the sub right away
>finished the Sith Warrior story and had a good time
>even ended up joining a little guild and did some operations
>at the end i went from buyfag status to preferred which was still okay
>didn't really need more operations because i was already max leveled and geared after one month of playing thanks to the quad exp event

Maybe one day i will finish the Imperial Agent and Inquisitor campaigns i started. And because of the account protection thing i am sitting on like 3k cartel coins.

>Vette is one of the hardest characters to be mean to I've ever seen in a videogame
really? it was easy for me

Credit cap is annoying, the recent upgrade helped but not being able to get stuff off the auction house sucks
Also the little lootboxes you get for leveling past max were kinda fun

That's what Warrior is for
Honestly it kinda sucked bouncing between being different master's pet bodyguard after playing Inquisitor

The Republic Navy is trash.

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Agent and Inquisitor are both top notch. Jedi Knight is also a good story, and trooper is like an 80's cheesy action movie with commando shenanigans.

>light side warrior
>constantly poking fun at Darth Cartman
>gets mad and tells you to "respect his authoritah'!"

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Didn't play far into Jedi Knight, but felt like I cleaning up behind the scenes Republican mess. Don't remember why I dropped that time, but it started okay

do what? have gay buttsex? that's all bioware knows how to write anymore

>Playing expansions
>Party member about to die
>Emperor says he can save her if you accept his power
>Reject him because he's killed multiple planets at this point
>She doesn't die anyway

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>light side Warrior
>help out that one jedi
>when he reports the thing to the jedi council they say he is bullshitting and that a Sith can't be a decent human being

The best thing about the Warrior campaign is that you can constantly troll and confuse both sides and call them out on their bullshit.

>Repeatedly refuse to kill Jedi
>Mindbreak a dozen people by the end of the story

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but Vanilla and BC WoW was trash gameplay, 3-4 buttons at most and hunters/warlocks pressing 1. Talking PVE ofc.

>warlocks pressing 1
aff warlock was like playing the piano, stop talking about stuff you don't know about

Light Side Warrior was pure kino and one of the games best additions

Making her light side was actually my biggest mistake as an LS Sith.

>spare the republic soldiers, so long as they help you take down the criminal gang
>they show up to help fight
>betray both sides and slaughter everyone

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>we will never get these as a series

oh man I remember playing full dark side female inquisitor, never had so much fun in my life

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On the other hand its pretty dumb to play a dark side Jedi Knight

>constantly evil and acting like a dick
>nobody on the Jedi council gives a fuck and you still race through the jedi career ladder

>guy tries to hit on you
>guy tries to hit on you
>fuck him
>then *execute*

Meanwhile in Disney Wars

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I finished the jedi knight story first, so I made my inquisitor one of the green skinned republic races, the mialukka were they called? The best part was all of the NPCs calling me a slave race and not worthy of being a sith. Made it feel better to go full dark side on them.

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Disney Star Wars is such a travesty compared to what it could be

just go ahead and bring back teras kasi masters already, then you can have someone kung fu fighting jedi and sith like we know you want them to. pretty sure the ADD zoomers would think its the coolest shit ever.

Hoes Knights of the fallen? I only played shadow of revan

it was nice

>a fucking BOW energy weapon

For fucks sake, they've given up even trying.

I remember watching my friend play ds Knight and some of the options you get as it are darker and more evil than a lot of the shit you get as a Sith it was ridiculous.

So it’s the old clone armor and the new helmet painted red?
Bravo jj


>change the color


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How much grinding is there? I remembering playing it a few years back and getting bored because I was constantly having to do shitty mmo type quests to get to the actual decent story missions (yes I realise that is kind of the point of these games but the discrepancy in quality between the two quest types became too much and I gave up). Have they improved things I.e enough so for main missions that you can skip the other shit? Is it worth downloading and playing through some classes or will I be stuck doing fetch quests again?

Operativechads ww@ sniperfags need not apply

Last time I played you basically could just level doing the class and planet storyline, and most of the optional side quests don’t even show up on the map unless you enable it in an option.

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This would be nice to know. I loved the class stories and didn't mind the grinding for new abilities, but I did mind the grinding for new gear/clothing. I have the autistic need to outfit every class with appropriate attire for their role and environment, and the cartel coins don't seem easy to come by unless you're an oldfag sub or have a secret hoard of command tokens or something. I wouldn't mind just playing a boring class so I could accumulate the goodies and coins to outfit other chars and make the story mode for them fun, but at the same time I don't want to make the investment at all since I'm constantly paranoid that EA/Bio will just shut the game down for good within the next 2 years, and I actually wanted to engage in the guilds after grinding through all the class stories and expansions.

JJ is doing this on purpose. He's laughing all the while. He doesn't give a shit. He hates star wars, anyway.

His arc definitely got some cuts. There is a lot of thing that don't make sense. For exemple he said that the inquisitor was like a son to him, when we talked to him face to face like, two times?

>gameplay is the exact same as in WoW
So it's not a good videogame. Wow. Dumb fucking weeb tranny. MMOs suck.

>play Trooper
>Get to FE
>Suddenly Im capable of 1 v 1ing a force user with a pistol.

It really feels like they dont intend you to play as the non force users in this game. I should never be able to take on any jedi/sith

>Sith Warrior
Darth Vader the Campaign if you play dark side. Just force choke and push everyone who stands in your way. You are a god and you know it.
Hilarious and original if you play light side.

>Sith Inquisitor
"Let's basicly electrocute everything" as dark side.Light side you zap less people. Indiana Jones meets Sith politics with you hunting artifacts and genociding people.

>Imperial Agent
"WHAT A TWIST" the campaign and sorta Mass Effect feel - Especially with your ship. Qualitywise probably the best campaign.

>Bounty Hunter
You either do your shit because of the pay, because you wanna help or because you are a massive dick just killing things for the sake of it. Has Mandalorian fanservice. You also get an annoying female sidekick.

>Jedi Knight
What KOTOR III would have been if Bioware made it. Really.

>Jedi Councelor
Tries to show things from a different perspective but at the end of the day you are just a jedi who can throw rocks instead of zapping people. If Jedi Knight is Luke - This is Obi-Wan.

FOR DA REPUBLIC ! ! ! ! with some questionable dark side choices. It is what you expect.

You would expect Han Solo here but what you get is probably the most annoying MC the game has to offer. It's your average smuggler/pirate story but the MC is dumb and a luckshitter so the quality here is probably the worst you can find in SWTOR.

>Thread got me wanting to finish some story arcs
>Download the client
>The client downloading the game pushes my PC to 70 C

I know its summer but come on, hopefully the game is better optimized.

>could just act like a total idiot dickbag as an Imperial Agent
TOR would have actually been decent if it was a single player game

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>Bioware is a studio where all the experience is tied to single player RPGs
>EA lets them create Destiny clones, FPS "RPGs" and MMOs.

No wonder the company is dying.

>refresh 5 dots
>spam shadowbolts

woah....... tbc affliction was truly difficult............. 6 whole buttons .......

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>people pretending like swtor is anything other than a complete an utter joke of a a game
>and also what we got instead of kotor 3

please stop, only IA's storyline was any good and even then u had to wade through the fucking awful, boring gameplay to get to it

Reminder Jew Jew is also gonna direct the Half Life movie

Israel always wins goy

>Half Life movie

Wait what?

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I just wish light sided jedi wasn't so dull and dark side jedi wasn't just war crimes. If Dark side republic had been like renegade shepard, that would have been great.

That said, I always went light side empire, because I'm a moral fag, but being a moralfag in the empire was interesting.

wtf im right wing now????????????

I went neutral on my bounty hunter, since honestly if you were playing it like a fucking bounty hunter (eliminate rivals, ignore those who don't or can't help you) then mixing the options gives you the best narrative. Of course I did this at launch (powertech was so much fucking fun to play, crits refreshing all of your skills with Steve Blume cackling like a madman while you set people on fire), then we found out if you wanted the best buffs (at the time) then you needed to be full light or dark side.

>dude this shitty mmo's outdated singleplayer campaign is SO GOOD LMAO
Stop playing SWTOR.

Go play what you enjoy, friend.

I was dissapointed when I tried to go neutral bounty hunter. I was expecting that simply capturing your targets would be alignment neutral, but most of the time it was lightsided to take them alive, meaning you have to do some psychopath shit to maintain a neutral alignment

Still think its better than being the full dark asshole kneecapping people as he walks by, or the social worker that tries to turn the bounties to space christ and offer them a fresh start with the lord.

>playing a sith
>NOT wearing a helmet or mask

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The helmets are kinda ugly generally. But you know I got a rebreather with my sith warrior as soon as I could, and that shit stayed on for the rest of time. Shame there weren't any armors with a hood and cape like what's his face from the trailers

I think there is the revan mask, I thought it had a hood.

Yeah but that costs fucking millions. My gatherer and crafter skills are horribly underleveled and I'm never gonna be rich.

And the one way to easily grind out money became impossible when they added level sync.

>tfw I got the monocycle mount from a crate
>I used it on my character before realizing it was going for 12mil on marketboard
It was a painful feeling. At least it's a damn cool mount.

There is this one, which I think is craftable or from a planet quest early on. Its fairly plain, but still looks cool enough. And it dyes well, which can be very important.

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Imperial agent was damn good. I think it's the only storyline with actual different endings and it almost made me wish it was its own game. After that comes warrior for me and trooper to be honest. I quite enjoyed the story for my trooper. Inquisitor is nice and my first was a more neutral / good one but my second one which is a female is just a edgelord.

That being said I haven't played swtor for quite some time and I don't think I finished knights of the eternal empire on neither warrior or trooper. Maybe I should do that and check the new expansion out also.

KotEE and KotET were basically where Bioware broke down and accepted people wanted a single player Swtor.

Shame the story is clearly written around you being a force sensitive class, since you have to make a special force weapon to beat the emperor at the end.

I never tried trooper or smuggler. most ranged weapon classes just seem "weaker", if that makes sense. Like less impact from your attacks. The exceptions being powertechs since they fight in melee range with punches and flamethrowers mixed with their blaster, and operatives that fight in close range as well.

bounty hunter sold me completely on what being a bounty hunter in star wars would be like. the shit talking responses to dialogue were great (female bh)

I didn't really feel my trooper werent fitting in. But you are right that it's more focused on force users.

The trooper class that gets a minigun and I can't remember the name of is pretty decent.

>Might light aligned Inquisitor talks about how he will become Emperor when everything is said and done to be better than THE emperor
>At the end, becoming Emperor is the dark sided option.

The expansion duology had a lot of issues like that. i don't think that the choices of relying on the emperor's power should have been a light or dark choice, both should have been neutral.

The VA for the male imperial agent is pretty damn good. I think it's because he is a theatre actor and that helped him put on a role better as you often have to do that In a theatre being in front of a live audience. I wonder if he has done any more recent games.

>was former slave
>always going on about muh tradition

She keeps the shock collar if you romance her.
For bedroom play of course.

That Ghostbusters shit in the Inquisitor story was weird

Quick paths to power are seldom safe, or some bullshit like that.

Was he a former slave? I forget

yeah, inquisitors start off as slaves. unless you are a sith pureblood race i think.

Purebloods practically get worshipped on the very ground they walk on in the empire, to the point that even non force sensitives still get tons of mileage if they have a career in the Imperial navy.

>>Jedi Knight
>What KOTOR III would have been if Bioware made it. Really.
Generic crap where you destroy a superweapon every chapter. Be more clear what you mean.

Dunno, I got bored at Dromund Kaas

How could they shamelessly plagiarise from a Nick cartoon and get away with it?

They used the script for KOTOR 3 that they never made for the jedi knight class story.

>Act 1: The nukes have been kidnapped by Siths. Are you a bad enough dude to rescue the nukes?
>Act 2: Let's convert an omnicidal maniac to the light side
>Act 3: Oh no, it didn't worked
tbqfhwy, the Knight story was pretty weak.

i completely forgot what my combos were, i need to go back to a lower level planet and fight a world boss that has a lot of health but can't kill me too fast. need to just relearn my keys, worst part of coming back to a game.

>Keeping up with the Valkorians for two expansions
>become conqueror of the galaxy and lose all your power three patches later
>Republic vs Empire is back and defecting has been teased several times, even though they have no intention of actually allowing you to defect
>Malgus is alive...somehow
>48/50 companions are now irrelevant to the story because the writers allowed edgefags to kill them
It's not even worth if for the story anymore. FFXIV and ESO can't be this bad

You can defect though, unless future patches bring you back to your faction again.

For me, personally, in my main, LS Sith Inquisitor, the LS ending of Fallen aas perfect.

He rises up from slavery, talking about how he’ll be emperor one day and how he’ll do things different, slowly proving to be more LS than most Jedi, and at the end, he rejects ultimate power.

...Not that it matters much, they destroyed your powerbase shortly afterwards anyway

ESO is pretty good. Go with daggerfall covenant, it has the strongest main quest line and the most interesting zone quest lines and sub quests. Once you go through the main quest you get the chance to start over with a different faction from the very beginning, "to see what other fate you may have had." you get a title and a special hat to show you went through all 3 faction quest lines.

I really should finish my LS female Chiss Inquisitor playthrough one of these days before the server shuts down, but every time I log back in I get overwhelmed forgetting where I was and what I was doing and what the plot was up to that point, and then I stand around looking for party members for a heroic quest and remember why I stopped playing in the first place.

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Best girl. i almost wanna go back and play just to get more scenes with her

*LS female Chiss Imperial Agent

>You also get an annoying female sidekick.
respect my waifu faggot

>You can defect though, unless future patches bring you back to your faction again.

>before the server shuts down
didn't know that the game got the axe

The republic and empire go to war over the weapon planet, and you decide which side of the conflict you want to be on regardless of previous ties. Either Jace Malcom or whats her name, the darth who became empress of the empire becomes the final boss of the arc and die.

no word yet, but there are whispers

They made it so all the side-quests are unnecessary, you can do only story missions if you want

Back in the day you had to do them in order to be overleveled just enough. These days it's far more forgiving.

At this point just do them if you want the reward like a moddable piece of gear or if the summary just happens to interest you. Ignore everything else, especially fetch quests.

I'm currently replaying it, they've done a really good job 'streamlining' it, as compared to WoW who hacked the game to bits. SWTOR has also aged alarmingly well, I assume they've redone some of the textures. It plays at 4K like it was developed for it

Some of the side quests I've done are actually sort of interesting. Like Jedi Sage has side quests in the first hour with light and dark side choices that change the objectives. Breddy cool

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Your choices often change the main planet quest lines quite a bit. Some side quests as well.

I think you gotta have a subscription though, otherwise you gotta do sidequests to keep leveling up

maybe, only played for a bit after i finished redownloading it.

There's still a ton of ways to get by, especially since they're raising the credit limit.