Be Yea Forumsirgin

>Be Yea Forumsirgin
>Swore never to use my PS4 again after all the censorship/SJW bullshit
>Have been saving some shekels to build a nice PC
>IRL shit happens, realize I gotta spend money on more important shit
>Still want to play vidya tho
>Might have to settle for something less powerful and more stupid like a used gayming laptop
I understand it's retarded but if I can't get a NASA computer right now and almost all my budget is going to something else then might as well get something kinda cheap that I can use from my bed or take places with me, etc.

What should I look for in gay laptops? Just saw an Alienware Pro R4 17, i7-6820HK @2.7GHz, 32gb Ram and a 1070 for like $630. Dunno, seems kinda too cheap to be true, might be a scam. Give me a hand here, you fucking retarded bros.
Something something something please validate my autism.

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you already bought the thing, you fuckin momo. play it, but don't buy anymore games

>you already bought the thing, you fuckin momo
But I haven't.

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i don't get why you have to settle for a laptop. i built a pretty good PC for $700 back in 2012.

nigger what are you doing

>wahh wahhh Sony hide boobies
Have sex

>making excuses to get a nigger "gayman" laptop

Don't get a laptop you retarded turbonigger, just get a cheaper PC.

Reminder that a laptop 1070 is basically a 1060. Also 32 gigs of RAM what in the fuck?

Well, in case you haven't noticed, it isn't 2012 anymore.

fug, has inflation got that bad or parts got more expensive due to bitcoin.

I'm pretty sure you can get a decent 1080p build for your budget. Maybe not full settings, but as long as you plan for the future and get parts you can replace/expand on(like making sure your mobo can handle upgrades), you should be fine for now.

I hadn't considered it until now, now I'm curious about them. I don't want to upgrade a desktop a little every 6 months for the next 10 years, if I'm building a desktop I want it to be top of the line from the start, so a laptop could be a placeholder while I get my shit together. Besides, if it's less than $650 and it'll work for at least a year or two then I'll be happy with it.

>Reminder that a laptop 1070 is basically a 1060
So what is the 1060 like? I'm retarded as fuck and I have my early 2000's nostalgia autism corner with my 1280x1024 monitor ready for some vidya in case whatever I get can't do 1080p. I don't plan on playing most recent shit anyways.

No. I don't want to.

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I've seen these threads as long as I've been on Yea Forums. People trying to justify to themselves and Yea Forums for approval why they can't build a PC and need either a prebuilt or a gayman laptop. From "oh the deal was just to good!" to "i need to play games while traveling!".

You are a moron making excuses. Why drop $650 on a 1 year investment? That's retarded, if you don't care then just buy your laptop and then drop 2k on an alienware and keep it to yourself. You can build a good gaming PC for $650/$700 that'll last you at least 5 years running games at high to med-high in a couple of years. And you can upgrade every few years. You can't do shit with a gaming laptop besides maybe replace the screen and ram. You're getting poor performance for what you're spending. They're hot and if something breaks you're fucked.

I am , and I own a 1070. From my experience, I can get high frames at 1080p. The 1060 benchmarks look like it'll put out at least 60 frames in the games i've seen, but benchmarks always have different CPU and etc configurations. Look at benchmarks at the resolutions you want with the games/cards that seem interesting. You just need to know what resolution and what the settings/specs you want.

Also, as a rule of thumb, a gaming laptop would have short battery/high heat, and as mentioned, you can't upgrade much. If you're looking to spend money till you get more money, a desktop would have more room for new shit, and you wouldn't have to deal with an extra piece of tech once you get the machine you want.

i built a pc with a 1060 in it for $350
i can run everything on high-ultra in 1080 at 60 fps minimum unless it's brand new and highly demanding in which case I just lower some to medium-high and go back to 60fps
this thing cost less than my xbox did. people are retarded

PC = Upgradable and lasts five years till it needs another upgrade
Laptop = Not upgradable and also lasts five years but maybe shorter if something fries in your hardware

Laptop is never worth it once you know desktop
I bought a PC that half the price of my asus laptop but double the performance
>but it's too hard to build/I'm too much of a brainlet
Just buy a cheap secondhand prebuilt like Dell Optiplex, change its PSU, and add some GPU. It sounds stupid but it less retarded than buying a gayman laptop and cost cheaper too.

Building a pc is just lego and the instrunction booklet is on the internet

this is one of the worst priced machines I have ever seen

I spent less than 1/5th of that on my pc which includes a full desktop 1070. do not.

Try not being such an easily manipulated loser. Christ you're fucking stupid

>Swore never to use my PS4 again after all the censorship/SJW bullshit
lmao imagine being this much of a fat incel

Those go for 4 times that, retard.

$1500 can get you a PC for the full upcoming console gen plus more.

>Something something something please validate my autism.
Unironically fuck off to reddit if you expect something like this

It's funny how we went from videogames being entertainment systems to videogames being a statement about who you're voting for.

>case cracks, cant' do shit
>charging port breaks, need to repair
>accidentally sit or step on screen, need to replace or dump
>overheats fucking up lifespan of components
All of these have happened to me and can happen to you. Laptops are finicky stash.

Meanwhile, I built my current PC in 2012 and upgraded the GPU and bought a SSD since. ONLY. And it's still running fine. Might finally get a new CPU and Mobo this Christmas. Also need new RAM so it'll be a total replacement from the 2012 components except for my PSU, case and one of the HDDs.

Hahaha 40k for a shit gaymin laptop
are you pretending to be retarded?

>USD is the only currency in the world

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Mostly bitcoin.

Who mentioned anything about USD?
Oh, right, you did. Just now.

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Only one that matters.

Bitcoin fad ended and so ram has gone down from ludicrous $160 to a sensible $85 these days. The newest amd cpu is i5 tier but cheaper and is driving intel cpus down in price by 15%. Its actually a great time again to buy pc parts

Nobody mines with GPU anymore so they're cheap
The most absurdly expensive parts you need to buy recently was DDR4 RAM but that too is cheaper these days
Like the other user said, today is a great day to build a PC. Probably the best time in the last 7 years.

guess i should start locking shit down then. i'm still using the same parts i got in 2012 and need a new GPU and motherboard.

maybe sell your ps4 you stupid retard?

>I'm building a desktop I want it to be top of the line from the start
Thats gotta be the dumbest thing I have ever heard, not only top of the line pcs are expensive as fuck they become outdatted pretty fucking fast, specially in prices. A solid PC will cost you like 1k at most and will last you for at least 5+years playing on max in most games. And after those 5 years it will still be pretty good.

>I don't want to upgrade a desktop a little every 6 months for the next 10 years,
I've been running on a 1070 since the thing came out and I can run 95% of games on ultra. You're a retarded consolefag with no clue.

Imagine saying this in a post-dogecoin/Venezulan Bolivar world

>>Swore never to use my PS4 again after all the censorship/SJW bullshit

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Those currencies can be important, but at the end of the day everyone will still want to know how many dollars they're worth.
That's why the dollar is the only one that matters.

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Yeah, OP is a gay-retard. You already gave them your money, just use your PS4.

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Good to know you didn't read the OP. Stupid fucking retarded faggot.