Do you play on your laptop?

do you play on your laptop?

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no after getting a gaming pc I never use it

I hate women so much, why don't they allow me inside her ?

>skinny but big tits
you can't name a better combo

i have a couple emulators on my laptop
other than that, no

have sex

bigger tits

big tits + colostomy bag

>Skinny, small tits, wide hips
Nothing personel

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I would play my dick on her lap if you know what i mean.


Why do girls prefer laptops over desktops?

Pic unrelated.

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I don't

Can we cut to brass tacks and talk about how this girl LITERALLY shits in a BAG?

I'm gonna need an explanation on that one friend


She had some disease or something and now shits in a colostomy bag.

creepy eyes and mouth

>thin upwards curving nose

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Oh fuck really? Damn dude. Colostomy bags are no joke. I feel really sad for people that have those. Your intestines are literally poking out of your body. Imagine how embarrassing that must be for those poor people.

Takes up a lot less space compared to desktop + monitor + keyboard and most games they are interested in will run just fine on the laptops they get.


id fuck the shit out of her

there are no losers in this debate

Crohn's Disease. It's an inflammatory disease for the digestive tract, among some other issues. Generally it's not something one would get a colostomy bag for, but hers was probably extremely bad and she needed a surgery to correct it to some degree.

Colostomy bags aren't always permanent btw, they can stitch your intestines back inside you. People with colon cancer generally have this done for a time and can be stitched bag up to not needing one anymore.


Yeah but without use the sphincter will heal over.

Well you're a doctor, so I believe whatever you say. Sounds legit.

Yeah, diseases are hilarious. haha What if you or someone in your family got one right? haha that would be so funny

i dont own one

Depends on where the surgery is done. If it's done on the abdomen its temporary in most cases and only takes about a week or two within the hospital. Elsewhere its regularly checked at the anus and routinely dealt with.

Chances are, she was given an artificial colon for it and lives just fine now without the need of a bag. This seems to be the case.

peanut butter and jelly

no no I meant this bit
>Imagine how embarrassing that must be for those poor people.
reminded me of haha posting

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spotted the sub

How do they routinely deal with the anus?

>Yeah but without use the sphincter will heal over.

user here with stoma and anus intact for nearly 10 years. No it doesn't.

have sex

So, could people fuck your ass while never having to worry about shit?

Yes but it'll be dangerous as fuck because it's a opening to all my insides.


rent free

Sadly yes, until I get an actual PC.

how much does she charge? owo included?

fellas I'm thinking I wanna have sex