Will it save AAA games?

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no bannerlord will



>ever coming out

Bloodborne already did, and this shit's got nothing on BB

Can I ride a Harley or am I stuck riding this hairdryer piece of junk?

It will be Dark Souls of videogames.

yeah, same as Witcher 3 did

It will be very good, possibly the best game of the generation. And by god this board will do everything in its power to make sure we can never discuss it.

>no third person
>even though there clearly is a third person model for mirrors to work
>driving cars and motorcycle in third person too
what's the point?

nothing can save AAA games


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Who knows, for the best game ever made they sure aren't showing any of it.

>Wont reveal any more gameplay until just before winter and then we go silent for 6+ months until release
There's no way it's good

I hope not. Fuck slavs.

>doesn't show more gameplay until the game's features are finalized and closer to completion

Honestly, that's based and more devs should do that.

Eh, not if what they show is extremely underwhelming and unfinished

I think waiting 7 years and only getting two gameplay reveals is outrageous.

>pats you on the head

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>wanting third person
>in a shooting game

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>copies dark souls combat

I thought it was an action game, people seem hesitant to call it an FPS.

And? Doom copied Wolfenstein and Half Life copied Doom and Halo copied Half Life. That’s the natural progression of things.

>Will it save AAA games?

No, because saving AAA games would require other companies learning from CDPR. They won't.
The best we can realistically hope for is that CP77 is a pretty good RPG with no AIDS in it, and prompts CDPR to make pretty good games in the future too, with no AIDS in them.

>Not wanting more options

But 90% of the game is just aborted dark souls combat

No, hopefully it will be the meteor that will kill the dinosaurs

Cyberpunk needs to succeed, if for no other reason than to demonstrate to the industry that you don’t need MTX and predatory Skinner box gameplay to make a wildly successful franchise. The biggest issue in AAA gaming is the overwhelming amount of minimum viable products with a fuckton of MTX and life service. Bethesda and Rockstar have snorted that cocaine already so they can’t be relied upon. It’s literally just CDPR now.

The Mr. T Experience is a pretty good band.

>It’s literally just CDPR now.
You mean the guys who only know how to make cutscenes and copy other videogame's success?

Companies do all that in lockstep because when shareholders see it work for one company they strong arm all companies to do it, otherwise they're seen as negligent of shareholder interests.

CDPR is a publicly traded company too so it's just a matter of time for them, they just need to find a way to do it that won't alert and piss off their brainwashed fans too much.

No, that's going to be Halo Infinite.

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Because RDR2 and God of War already saved AAA


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When you're starving and you eat something that would be bland normally it tastes delicious

I think I need new hardware for the next generation which will hopefully be better than the previous that I skipped out on because the only decent game was Witcher 3 but that was just a discussion about how difficult its going to be to make Dnd games without it turning out like a gore flick..

dilate, nintranny

>I think I need new hardware for the next generation
They already said 2077 will be downgraded

T. Never played a CDPR game
I don’t believe that simply because a company is publicly owned that it HAS to default to fucking its consumers. Everything else CDPR is doing (GOG Galaxy 2.0 launcher integration, pushing DRM-free software) is out of sync with a purely per capita profit-driven approach, and instead focuses on grander brand image.

Tell me something that Witcher does that's original.

For every good AAA game there are like 50 bad ones so no

>food metaphors

I'm unironically looking forward to this game because it's going to end up being the fallout game 4 should've been.

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What’s your definition of original? What other games have Geralt of Rivia and the entire backstory of the Witcher series in game form? What did Halo do that was original compared to Half Life and why was it such a success? Are you asking for a mechanic like sign casting and potion builds?

No, only another video game crash of biblical proportions, in which all the "big" publishers/developers are utterly annihilated can save AAA games.

TL;DR: Won't happen, AAA games are doomed to mediocrity.

>Are you asking for a mechanic like sign casting and potion builds?

PC players praying this game is actually good, because with Bethesda and Blizzard going down the toilet there’s not much left to look forward to for them.

lol NO

>Bethesda and Blizzard going down the toilet
Yes, this would be a huge loss to gamers in general.

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It's a huge loss that already happened, that's the point.

>7 years
Based retard.

>It's a huge loss
To whom? Zoomers?

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You're the zoomer if you don't remember the time both were genuinely good companies.

No. TW3 released in 2015 and since then the AAA industry just went to hell further with the scummiest practices yet. Suits don't care about "good examples" or the consumers.

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Based retard

why are the cars driving like they're in a school zone

Dunno. Cars seem slow in this game. The only fast segment was the scripted turret section with the van.

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You fags said this about TW2 and TW3 too, but both are complete garbage.

What? The only good game EA ever created was Need for Speed

even bloodlines 2 looks to be better than that now

Lol nope. It will bomb, hard.

They went with a shitty design choice and they're trying their hardest to justify it because no time to make third person works properly.
>No flying car confirmed
>Remove UI on hardcore mode
My hype is slowly going negative with each piece of new information they show

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It doesn't need to be a shooting game though. It's not supposed to be a braindead FPS. It's supposed to be an RPG. With lots of options and play styles. Even VTMB had 3rd person when you went melee. Even Fallout and TES have 3rd person modes that only improved in sequels.

CDPR boasts about offering stealth sneaking, non-lethal chokes, double jumping, side dashing, sliding, wall running, wall climbing, bullet time, melee fighting with hammers, katanas, boxing, mantis blades etc. All of these work better in 3rd person.
Not to mention that it's an RPG with customizable protagonist. Including not only the looks but lots and lots of apparel that are meant to be mixed and matched for both the stats and fashion.

Making it into a bland consoletrash FPS was a mistake.

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This. It's hilarious watching them try to defend no third person when they've only ever made 3rd person games.

Now I don't like hoping anything fails. But also it is going to be hilarious watching Reddit and Yea Forums smug posters get on suicide watch when the game turns out to be a piece of shit.

It's an FPS action game, like the Fallout or Morrowind series.

>You can switch to thir-
Yeah, but nobody plays it like that. The games are completely unplayable in third person. It's a gimmick at best.

Elder scrolls games are action games?

Action RPG but Morrowind isn't.

In the most simple terms I can think of, in an action RPG you shoot someone, you connect, does a set amount of damage, more skill based

In an RPG you shoot someone it connects dice roll, you might miss they might do a shit ton of damage.

Not in my opinion. That was the point. I haven't been to these threads for a while, but there used to be some poster that turned up in every single thread, posting about how since they changed a flavour text somewhere, it isn't an RPG anymore. Even though you have stats, stats for items, choices in conversations and even clothing possibly affecting your outcomes, it isn't an RPG because muh flavour text.

(Actually, wikipedia calls both games Action Role-Playing games - "The games emphasize real-time combat where the player has direct control over the characters as opposed to turn or menu-based combat.")

>Morrowind series
You mean TES. And like I said here they improved the 3rd person in Oblivion and further improved it in Skyrim. Fallout 4 is perfectly fine in 3rd person too. In comparison to those games CP2077 will have even more movement, platforming and melee options which work better in 3rd person.

And that's just the combat mechanics. 3rd person in free-roam is also appreciated to look at our highly customized character roaming through the city.

>FPS action game
They marketed it as an RPG.

See point here The third person wasn't "perfectly fine". Compared to almost literally any other game actually developed with third person in mind, it's complete and utter dog shit. Your character is wooden and stiff, slides around as if he's on skates, and the animations are shit as well.

I don't mind a third-person camera mode for Cyberpunk 2077, where you "see through" (some uplink) a small camera drone that can fly around your character. But it should be some kind of item or upgrade, then, not a default mode that just magically lets you hallucinate yourself in the third person, and not for action. It'd be pretty lame to imagine roleplaying as a character that constantly sees himself in the third person in my opinion. The viewpoint to limb movement disconnect would be enormous. You certainly wouldn't be able to aim a gun or effectively cut anyone with a knife, like that. It'd probably also ruin their vision for a lot of areas, if you were simply stuck against the ceiling with your third person camera, and stuff was happening in front of the character. It's not a good choice for an RPG, if you want any immersion. It's fine for something like GTA, where you don't handle anything but guns in your hands anyway, but that's not the case here.

>(Actually, wikipedia calls both games Action Role-Playing games - "The games emphasize real-time combat where the player has direct control over the characters as opposed to turn or menu-based combat.")
Well it's good to know that wikipedia is once again wrong

>a small camera drone that can fly around your character. But it should be some kind of item or upgrade, then, not a default mode that just magically lets you hallucinate yourself in the third person, and not for action
>It's not a good choice for an RPG, if you want any immersion
Did you seriously just shit out the "immersion" PR buzzword here? Straight faced?

You do realize you'll see your character in third person in some cutscenes right? You do realize your character talks on their own sometimes right? That's already immersion breaking, inconsistent and lazy on its own. But most importantly this game already has an optional 3rd person view. But it's for vehicles only. Meaning the "immersion" argument was always just damage control for their laziness. How the fuck do you justify that?

>It'd be pretty lame to imagine roleplaying as a character that constantly sees himself in the third person in my opinion
Your opinion is trash and it doesn't even make sense due to aforementioned reasons.

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It's possible, but it lists it as a sub-genre of RPG (as in, it is an RPG, but of the action type). The only real distinction is that it's real-time, which qualifies it as an "action RPG" as opposed to a traditional turn-based RPG. Filtering the Bethesda store by category "Action" shows both Fallout and Skyrim as well, so there's that.

>When you have no real argument, so you post some two-bit chink idol instead
That look of disgust, you realise that that's what they feel about you, user - right?

You don't control your character in cutscenes. It's like a piece of video, even if in-engine. It's not gameplay, hence not relevant to the argument. You're right about the car, though. When your car is busy talking to another car headlights-on, or you're heading into a small bar with the car, and it sits down at the stool look into its glass and seeing the world spin because it drank too much E85 (shit burns real hot in the ol' engine), it's still, in my opinion, immersion (did I trigger you again, I'm sorry, Xir) breaking that you can only see its exhaust pipe and not actually what the fuck it's doing, even more so if you can flip the camera around and see "yourself" from the fron- wait a minute. A car can't do that! Ha, how silly of me, I was being as dumb a faggot as you for a minute there, user, but see, the difference is that I caught myself halfway through.

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>You don't control your character in cutscenes.
Which shits on the whole immersion argument yeah. This is why I brought up V talking without your input even in gameplay sections too. It takes you out of the character. Again, "immersion" here was always just a PR buzzword covering their laziness and you're a parroting cuckold for unironically using it.

I just skimmed through the rest of your post and you might actually be mentally fucking ill holy shit.
You wrote this wall of autism here first >But it should be some kind of item or upgrade, then, not a default mode that just magically lets you hallucinate yourself in the third person
To make some scenario where a 3rd person view would make sense in-universe in order to preserve "immersion". But then you just seemingly malfunctioned and sperged the fuck out when you got reminded of the fact that CDPR already gave us optional 3rd person view in one segment of the gameplay without going out of their way to appease autists like you with an in-universe explanation as to how we're doing that. Just simply zoom out the camera and rotate it however you want when you're in a vehicle. Once again, shitting on the "immersion" excuse. You can see your character on a bike too. If the summary from the latest gameplay demo are correct you can even talk to NPCs out of the vehicles.

To provide all that but not to let people zoom out while on foot destroys both their damage control and your demented inconsistent wall of autistic diarrhea that you squeezed out in a written format just now.

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