If you could only use ONE WORD to describe this game, what would it be?
If you could only use ONE WORD to describe this game, what would it be?
a cute
Reminder Hollow Knight looks a million times better with a hundredth of the budget
is this the bloodstained thread?
Whats the best 8bitcoin weapon?
No user, this is the shit on Bloodstained thread.
>Backed this shit for 175 bucks
>Didn't back a cent on Hollow Knight
Is there an infinite supply of 8bit coins?
If there is I'll buy a weapon with it.
Ruined. Majority of people who backed this game didn't want nerfs but the people outside of that got nerfs to happen. Don't buy it lads it's only going to get worse with more updates.
Look at those timestamps and the last post bringing them all together.
Fuck off with your samefagging, you couldn't make it any more obvious.
Yeah, you can buy coins from the shop. Dunno about the best weapon. Maybe the shield?
>2 posts literally in the same second
Wow it's so hard to post from the desktop and the phone at roughly the same time.
>the same second
It's fine. I personally liked hollow Knight better, but I havn't beaten Bloodstained yet. The art style through me at first, but I was over it by the time I was into the castle. This is a good Castlevania game
Yeah, because it's never been said before that Bloodstained looks like shit, dude. Only one person would think that.
There are lots of caveats to that statement, bu in the end it did not disappoint me and that defies my expectations. Can't help but find that amazing.
retard confirmed
only retards like bloodstained
Why is the Hollow Knight fanbase one of the most cancerous on Yea Forums?
You don't need to be a Hollow Knight fan to see how thoroughly it embarrasses Bloodstained in the looks department. You just need to have eyes.
Because you easily fall for falseflagging.
99% of the time when someone is comparing this game to Hollow Knight they're just trying to stir shit.
I was thinking about the shield or the whip.
can we get a couple more words to explain that?
Not him but I don't understand how people can think Hollow Knight looks good, it looks like a shitty flash game from 10 years ago, and the colors are fucking awful.
I wanna kill unholy demons not bugs
what were they thinking
>muh flash
classic shitstained fan sunk cost fallacy cope
Your denial is useless, it's a fact that it looks like a shitty flash game
In terms of raw power, once you upgrade the gun (Renee's Requiem) it does more damage than the Adrasteia
Although the Encrypted Orchid is a good pick too
Because everything is hand drawn and actually looks nice in motion and screenshots.
Say what you want about it, but i'd take something like that over 3D models or "retro" pixel graphics any day.
What about puppy heads? Paintings?
but muh flash!!! newgrounds!!!
>Because everything is hand drawn
By a blind kid?
>actually looks nice in motion and screenshots
Nope, looks like it was animated on flash
Still can't believe this had a budget in the millions. They couldn't even be assed to do proper lip sync.
The game is fun but the way it looks really puts me off.
They should have went with 2D artstyle.
yeah, not so hard
>literally the same second
probably a bit harder
Let's hear some actual constructive criticism, user.
You do have actual reasons that aren't just "it look bad >:(", right?
Simple lines that any 1st grade kid can draw, ugly colors, boring scenarios and background, same repetitive style everywhere, uninteresting character design.
And that's only the looks, I'm not even going to comment on the game itself.
Mirmir is beautiful.
Unpolished. Game is good, but could be much more.
The game is amazing up until you get the Zangetsuto, but everything after that seems rushed and unfinished.
Simplicity isn't necessarily a negative, simple designs are often alot more effective, hence why Pokemon took off more than something like Digimon for example (Digifag btw).
I don't know what "ugly colors" is even supposed to mean, i though there wasn't any cases where anything stuck out in particular.
I could comment on the rest but the tl:dr is that alot of this is merely opinion based and what you find boring others might find great, infact many do evidently.
Personally i stand by what i said about preferring this over the usual aesthetics indie games offer.
This, game ends after only 40% map completion, like what were they actually thinkeng with this?
Like is it a joke?
Are they saving room for DLC?
I don't know which game is the best, but anyone who says Bloodstained looks even a fifth as good as Hollow Knight is out of their god damn mind. Bloodstained looks like a PSP game. It sends into question all your other positive comments of Bloodstained, to be honest.
Reminder that both games are great while aiming for distinctly different experiences.
dumb cat poster
I do think Bloodstained looks better, I can barely look at Hollow Knight, what are you going to do about it?
Maybe ure dumb for liking a stupid game lmao.
Like I ended up fighting the naked blood lady by accident because apparently you're not supposed to jumpkick and there is a skill to teleport.
Did these devs even play test this shit?
Is Bloodstained aiming for the "Looks like shit" experience? Cause I thought they were emulating the Castlevania games, which looked pretty good for their time and still look much better than Bloodstained, a game released over a decade later.
I'm gonna suspect you spent 200 bucks on the Bloodstained kickstarter and are currently coping with sunk cost fallacy.
you niggers don't even hide anymore...
Nope, pirated it day 1, which is the best way to play it since I'm not getting those shitty nerfs in my shards
>tfw original mock-up was full 2D 'hand-drawn' style
Personally I think it looks decent, sure there are some low parts but it's not that bad.
Should have just gone for sprites though.
I don't even know where that comparison camo from, isn't Hollow Knight some shitty game that isn't even an RPG?
Bloodstained is a Castlevania game.
Hollow Knight is a Metroid game.
>Should have just gone for sprites though.
Iga has still not given an adequate explanation for why he didn't do this
>muh budget
Hollow Knight had a hundredth of the budget and looked fine. Not a good excuse.
The comparison comes from Hollow Knight being a 2D game with a hundredth of the budget that looks a million times better, my man.
Hollow Knight was one of the worst metroidvanias I've ever had the misery of playing. Clearly designed by complete fucking morons with no understanding of even the absolute basics of game design, it's a bland journey through a drab world of "animation" with some nice music, while the gameplay itself is like pulling out your nails with rusty pliers because you're so bored you'd do anything just to feel something again.
As for Bloodstained, average.
HK is a Souls inspired 2d game created in the times of "edgy" and "dark" and "sorrow" games that sucked on Dark Souls dick.
The focus is entirely on the bosses being hard (same with DS games) and pure combat-wise ability (like gues what series?)
Then fuckers want to compare with a pure castlevania rpg from the motherfucker who created many of its best selles. Fucking unbelievable
Yeah there really is no excuse at this point.
Did they at least unfuck Switch so they can start making the hopefully free DLC?
HK has bosses that are hard? Are they all optional or something?
>that looks a million times better
No? It looks fucking terrible, you retards are fucking blind,
The graphical styles of the two games are being compared. Hollow Knight looks much better with a much lower budget. Your deflection can't deny that fact.
If prefference is what you are after buddy. I rather have the art of Bloodstained, with its colors its animations than the pixel hand-drawn from HK. Simple as that
A metroidvania with really hard bosses? I know a really good one.
I hate how HS looks
Ah yes, the flash game visuals and ever-popular ultra-simple background with a blur filter over it to hide the fact that no effort went into it. Truly the epitome of the fine arts.
What's wrong with Honey Select?
I had "Souls" in mind for some reason
If Shitstained fans were smart, they'd go "Hey, Iga, great game, my dude, it was a bit lacking in the visual department, though, you think you can improve that for the sequel?"
But no, Shitstained fans are too deeply entrenched into buyer's remorse and sunk cost fallacy syndrome and must suck the entire game's cock as thoroughly as possible to convince themselves they didn't waste their money backing this grotesque abomination.
And being a Nippon he would say something along the lines of "fuck you, this is my game" or "Broodstained was a mistake."
>the only guy that write "Shitstained"
Like clockwork, this autistic faggot appears...
>buyer's remorse
I don't understand this meme, I didn't pay a single cent for the game and I don't think it looks bad at all, I fucking loved the game.
mah men
They're both considered metroidvanias,
Hollow Knight is very popular because it does alot of stuff right and is just generally a great game,
naturally lots of praise attract lots of hate, "how dare you like and constantly talk about this thing i don't know?" and all that, so now there's just falseflaggers constantly trying to make HK fans look bad by claiming it's better than [new metroidvania] it apparently happened with La-Mulana 2 aswell when that came out.
Stop shilling that pile of shit.
I don't want people to fall for your trap, wasting money on le hard maymay game.
I love it, I know it is buggy and all, and until they fix them it is a 0/10 for me since it is wrong to sell broken games, but when they do fix them it becomes a 10/10, my favourite igavania ever.
I don't give a shit about Hollow Knight, I'm just saying it looks much better than Shitstained. The fact it's creating some resentment for Hollow Knight is not my intention, but not that relevant either.
And it's certainly understandable. If I wasted my money on Bloodstained and saw a game with a hundredth of the budget looking much better and people pointed this out to me, I might be pissed too.
You DO have all the boss medals, right?
You know that this thread is about Bloodstained and suddently HK fanboys came here to spray shit, don't you?
HK fanboys are a disgrace to every metroidvania
Are you trying to make people hate hollow knight?
Or are you trying to shill it? I don't understand.
Koikatsu looks better. We need a new AA game with KK's character creator.
I... I'm working on it..
It still holds true in general, even if it doesn't apply to you.
I don't like bugs or chibi art with stubs for arms and legs. So I don't like the art in Hollow Knight. That is it? Looks? Wow...
You mean the usual "This game bad, Hollow Knight better!" schtick.
Cause that ain't Hollow Knight fans buddy, quite the opposite infact.
well, then i surely must have read wrong or caught some kind of fever in the past weeks. because everytime i went into a bloodstained thread to post memes, art and shit, there they were.
I literally just said it's not my intention, but I don't really care. If it makes you end up having a grudge against Hollow Knight, good for you. I mean, it did embarrass Iga thoroughly by looking much better with a hundredth of the budget.
I was too lazy to get OD's and IGA's, but I have all the others
It's just a new shitposting tactic after the MN9 tortanic tier shitposting went out of style.
Nuns are for _____.
Witches are for _____.
drinking nun milk
>I'm just saying it looks much better than Shitstained
And I say again, I hate how Hollow Knight looks, Bloodstained isn't perfect but it sure as fuck looks better.
Pfft. Everyone knows witches can dwarf nuns in milk capacity.
Shitposters are persistent, it was also hard to find a smash thread without Steve a few months ago.
>Bloodless will never bathe in your virgin blood
Why live?
You don't get boss medals from locked room bosses do you? ( Millionaire's Bane, and Revenant, and that chisel guy)
I've pretty sure I've beaten them without taking damage but I got nothing.
>I can't cheese the game any more because Im a massive faggot
>why even
It's playable and I don't regret backing, but IGA had better improve on everything if he ever makes a sequel.
you didn't cheat and get them in NG+, right?
Yes, I did but I'm going to amend for that by taking the developer's challenge and killing them all in a new file using only a knife, without getting hit.
>We live in the timeline where Iga fell for the 2.5D meme
It's not fucking fair
you get em if you do it damageless the first time
Do it.
Nah, they don't have medals.
>uses same cartoon engine every western indie dev uses
Kill yourself
is that vectorman's retarded girlfriend?
It's not going to get worse, and you can still cheese the game with zero effort. Screencap this if you think I'm wrong.
This. At worst, bosses just take a bit longer to slaughter. Maybe on a New Game Nightmare, it'll make an actual difference, but not in normal gameplay.
Honestly, I'd be lucky to have either as a mommy.
Thanks to the user from yesterday who gave me advice on dodging OD's timestop attack. Didn't work, though, the sword still hits you 50% of the time even if you aim Directed Shield at it. Figured out a way, though. I think it took less tries than 1st Zangetsu.
For anyone who wants to try, you have to switch to Dimension Shift, stay around the middle of the screen, and shift upwards below the uppermost spikes right after he says "time". Once you get the hang of it, it's easy to avoid and gives you several free hits when he pulls the sword back to himself.
Fuck, wrong file
Playable Dominique when?
Not with the budget Bloodstained has.
cute miriam
This and truthpilled.
it's literally one guy who has been making these shitpost "comparisons" since the day bloodstained was released
It can't be only one guy
>only one guy
I wish...
>you will never have a big titted goth witch gf rest her tits on your head
Or just duck in the corner. OD's windup for the timestop is so long that you should be getting to the corner as soon as you see it.
I need this sister to discipline me
She's busy, being a sextoy in hell for giant monsters.
We can loan you other nuns, though. Would you prefer one that shows you her panties and then scolds you, or one that ties you up and sticks her tongue down your throat while giving you a handjob?
Won't he just nail you with his sword, though? Even if you invert he throws it right at you.
Who's the latter?
He never had such an attack when I fought him. If anything, he's not nearly as hard as they boast so long as you keep some distance and don't get greedy for hits.
>that one shill who can't accept HK is just an okay game and not great
It did some things right and some things wrong. There's no shame in being average, especially with such a small team and it being their first game.
You can't play this game with a PS4 controller if you pirated it, right?
I'm just saying it looks much better
>hollow knight
>everything is dark, underground, and bugs
>half a dozen diverse environments covering the full spectrum of colors and locations in a castle, as well a several unexpected ones like a boat, a town, and a japanese style fortress
Sword throw is only on hard/nightmare, makes dodging timestop much harder.
There are a few ways though.
What difficulty did you play on? I was doing Nightmare, so maybe he doesn't have that attack on Hard.
What's that? Do you mean Nippon?
But really, is there any reason it's not translated as "Japan". They even mention England specifically.
The problem I have with Bloodstained is that during my first playthrough I thought the combat was some of the best I've ever played in a metroidvania. Fighting the 1st form of the last boss felt so insane dash dancing around with good swordplay. But then during my second playthrough I realized magic was just overpowered, and there wasn't really any reason to even do those insane swordfights in the first place. It's kind of a shame. Still an overall great game, but the flaws with it definitely start to show when you look closer. Also fuck the water shard.
>there wasn't really any reason to even do those insane swordfights in the first place
Fun isn't a good reason?
for switch
>you can just hang in the corner and jump out of the way
Wow, didn't know you could move that early. What is she using to block in the second example? And how are people even able to fight him on the ground instead of the ceiling?
>get the water shard by pure luck my first playthrough
>after spending an hour running up and down the castle because Dominique never gave me the hint about the train needing credentials
I assume they were going to add the water-themed CotM boss but didn't have time. I was wondering why I never fought it my first run. Although that doesn't explain why Dominique doesn't give you a hint about it.
Second example is Beast Guardian shard from Wolfman. Works as a shield and swipes at enemies.
For me the easiest way to dodge is how it's done here , double jump towards a wall and divekick,
I'm about two hours in, having a pretty decent time although some enemies are hp sinks. I think I like Hollow Knights art style more though. 2.5 isn't my favorite.
>Second example is Beast Guardian shard from Wolfman
Huh, never tried that myself. Didn't think it would be able to block better than Directed Shield.
That's gotta be some frame-perfect shit though, unless you can input it before time returns. Shift could be used even while time was stopped, so I went with that.
Nah the divekick is easy because as long as you are in the air and have already used your double jump, you can spam down+jump during timestop and get it immediately when time resumes. Shift is probably still the safest though yeah.
Pic unrelated.
stop the Black Hand Edition
>had to switch between spamming Chaser Arrow and hiding behind Directed Shield for well over a minute to beat Alfred damageless
>fuckers can beat him shardless in 17 seconds
I really need to do a shardless run next. Shards make the game way too easy later on, even on nightmare. I barely had to fight true Zangetsu; I just spammed True Arrow right next to him as soon as he did his first phase change.
Actually, is there a way to avoid his desperation attack without shards? I only know how to do it with directed shield.
I-frames from weapon techniques(spamming flashing air kick is basically full invulnerability during the 3 animations) or getting glitched through it using invert while it's dragging you around or some other jank way.
Anyone, please?
I don't see why you wouldn't be able to, but even if the game doesn't detect it there are programs you can use like joy2key and xpadder to make the buttons emulate keyboard keys.
I didn't believe you so I looked around for another way, but there just isn't. None of the other bosses in the game requires you to use a non-boss shard to beat them, so that's kinda fucked up.
Although I did find an example of being able to just run away from the gravity well if he's on one side of the field and you can quickly move to the other. But even that doesn't seem like a reasonable or reliable way to avoid it.
Yeah it's a surprisingly stubborn move, I still have no idea what was supposed to be the intended way to survive.
Reflector Ray feels to me like the most legitimate, logically, since it's an unmissable shard and there are gaps in the circle, but even that is extremely inconsistent and probably just glitching when it DOES work.
to replicate sotn and the likes. the big armor guys also had that kind of scream in jp version.
Even before that it started to fall apart right after the twin dragon towers.
The train went to no where, and every path except the oriental garden was a straight line.
First half of the game had some great overlap and backtracking.
Who’s the black haired one?
One of the many possessed nuns that sexually assault Miriam's girlfriend.
The games last 3 or 4 areas are utter dogshit. Sand cave, fire cave, ice cave... and den of behemoths is the biggest sack of shit ive seen in a game for a long time. After hidden desert you stop seeing new enemies altogether.
Started off really strong and then they obviously ran out of time and money
>and every path except the oriental garden was a straight line
Gotta disagree. The only thing that felt weird to me was the fucking awkward transition between secret lab and lava cave. But in between you have
>all the different areas and items that open up after you get reflector ray
>the fucking maze that is the underground waterway
>the loops in the underground desert
>have to backtrack through the waterway to get to the lab
Really, it's just the lab to lava transition that's linear. But after lava you get all the stuff from invert, so that makes up for it.
>then they obviously ran out of time and money
>they've claimed the dlc was going to be free
>then they charged for the secret boss and weapon
>people say it's fair because it was backer content
>now the outfits are paid dlc
>if they're actually out of money, then the bonus modes are about to become paid dlc
Wow. I'd imagine there is overlap with some of the other boring cave areas as well mind. The fire, sand and ice caves are so generic it's criminal. Especially after the fucking cathedral and library areas were so awesome.
Hopefully someday. If IGA is choosing a bootleg Miriam over other, more unique characters as the third main, then it's obvious he has something in mind for Dom.
Is that a mode or something?
Or do you need to go through a new playthrough?
Not a mode or anything, beating a boss without getting hit gives you a medal.
Will I need to play again?
Maybe Iga should have concentrated on making one area look good because he worried about variety.
>They ran out of money
Hollow Knight is about as big as this game with a hundredth of the budget
>liking this piss easy shit
>s.oy sucking pl*bbitor can’t beat HK
Big fucking kek
Okay, they still ran out of time and money though.
Game development isn't exactly inserting money into a vending machine and a new game of that value popping out.
>when you enhance a passive shard to max level it becomes a permanent skill shard
Huh, imagine that.
>extremely useful ability is mentioned once when you get your first passive shard and then never again
T-Thanks Iga
Why do Bloodstained fans constantly shit on Hollow Knight? It's a really good game and only makes the Bloodstained fans look super petty always trying to say their game is better.
Because they're jealous it embarrassed Iga by looking much better at an astronomical fraction of the cost
It's proof that Iga is a fool for not going with 2D instead of the 2.5D meme
the rapier has really high attack power for a 1st level coin weapon.
The loading times for how ugly it is are absurd
Based zoomer retard
>If you could only use ONE WORD to describe this game, what would it be?
>foot pressing against the other
this is a blue board
What didn't you like about it, this is one of the few kickstarter games I backed where I was 100% happy with the product
What's your biggest problem with the game? The fact it's ugly?