Hired to work at a game studio

>hired to work at a game studio
>working on an action rpg similar in aesthetic to Final Fantasy XV with better designed action combat
>get to help design the main villain, who is supposed to be a female crime boss of some mafia group stealing souls for some nefarious purpose, mafia group has a Yakuza aesthetic like FF Versus 13
>crime boss has a human form and a demon form
>come up with an amazing and unique design for her never before seen in a jrp styled game, her human form is a light skinned black woman with a thicc body(like Cardi B), with a real urban inner city style aesthetic to her clothes, wears a leopard fur coat and a tight orange miniskirt with thigh high boots and green hair, her demon form has very very dark skin and her hair and look is similar to Lupita Nyong'o(from Black Panther) with gold runes all over her nearly naked body
>the team fucking disregards my design, and instead goes in a "completely different direction" and wants to make something else
>her human form is instead some brown asian(blasian? I can't tell, looks like some ambiguous brown race to me) in some overly elaborate black and purple pantsuit with slicked back blonde hair and red shades, her demon form is now a dark elf looking woman with bluuish grey skin, silver hair, giant horns and wings, and weird looking "demon bio armor" shit, she basically looks like a female Devilman or Devil Trigger. Her body isn't thicc either, she's thin like every other asian female game character you expect
>also changed her weapon, my idea used golden glocks, theirs uses a "demon" katana blade or some shit with eyes on it and "demon" guns

My fucking awesome character got scrapped for some fucking "weeb" design to appeal to losers that can't stand the idea of a black woman in their precious weeb aesthetic game. I seriously can't believe this shit. So sick of the racist shit in this fanbase.

Attached: 71j4mtS+67L.jpg (1807x1280, 171K)

You got proof?

Your character is shit tho, their too

wow those weeaboos ruined your fucking design man

seriously their character sounds like any other generic FF villain now

It's an edited pasta.

>My fucking awesome character
An idiot, no matter how fast he turns his head, will never be able to see his own ears.

OP are you the same guy who made this thread?

The fuck did you say? My character is an original design, not the same tired ass shit in your precious weeb games.

Omega F is such a hot bitch.

Very epic meme, I recognized the template and I have audibly kekk'd so the people in my street noticed and so I stopped.

>skinny asian girl with grey skin in tight leather bondage outfit

wow so creative

why the fuck is omega weapon a weeb thing now?

op has a point, why are there no thicc women in FF games?

How many times has this been posted now?

Fuck your nigger shit, faggot.

oh but your ambiguous brown shit is fine? fuck you weeaboo asiaphile

I will emulate your weakness, to comprehend your strength.


post your work

why do asians love to design brown characters but not make them fully black?

I'd fuck them both. preferably together.

fuck japan

I want to congratulate you on the effort. This thread may not get 300+ replies but if you keep posting it every day, you'll become a good bait thread creator. I have suggestions for making it better, but I'll leave those for next time. Well done, genuinely impressed. It's good to see people at least try.

Yea Forums deserves a higher quality of shit, and by god you're delivering.

Your design sound more appealing to the weeb losing in me though.

thank you, glad to see people taking a stand against weeb shit

Thanks for the kind words.
What can I do to improve?

>skinny asian
She's not skinny, she has a normal asian body type. Meaning she's not diseased. Nice pasta, tho

lol get rekt nigger

How the fuck is Omega -F not skinny? Female FF chars are skinny across all the games. Cindy, Gentiana, Aranea, skinny as fuck. Yuna and the X girls, skinny. Ashe, Fran Penelo, skinny. Rinoa, Tifa, Aeris, Ultimecia, skinny as fuck.

what are you trying to achieve with these LARPing threads?

The absolute state of ameritards