League of Legends vs Dota 2, which game is better?
League of Legends vs Dota 2, which game is better?
>Tanking in Dota 2
>Pick tank
>Build tank items
>Become trusty meatshield for your team
>Tank the worst enemy has to offer so your teammates are safe
>Be unkillable
>carry game as tank
>Tanking in Laughs of Lols
>Pick tank
>Build tank items
>Become trusty meatshield for your team
>Tank the worst enemy has to offer so your teammates are safe
>Be hard to kill
>ALmost carry game
>Random enemy buys 1 item
>You become paper now and game is 4v5
Riot ruined tanking in LoL what means Dota 2 is better
I don't even need to play dota to know that that's better
They are both trash games made with minimum effort with the main purpose of selling lootboxes
way to show you never played Dota
>They are both trash games made with minimum effort with the main purpose of selling lootboxes
League is the superior moba
Are you retarded, this isn't an mmo
>playerbase consists of seething dotards
>no seething dotards in the playerbase
the answer is clear
LoL doesn't crash my whole PC.
seething loltard
more depth
better esport scene
completely free
better balance
>>>Tanking in Dota 2
Dota has ruskies though
lol has frogs
>Dota has ruskies
It ONLY has ruskies and peruniggers
Dota has more depth
Once you’ve played one or two matches of league in ranked you’ve already experienced what the next 10000 games has to offer
theyre both shit
frogs > ruskies anyday
No user, there is no such role as tank in assfaggots, initiator? Yes, Support? Yes, Jungler? Yes.
There is no tank that just focuses on taunting enemies and soaking damage. Even Axe, who has a taunt, is a Jungler/Initiator.
>Complaining about Peruvians and Russians when soft
region lock just throws them onto the enemy team
Now you get to beat up third worlders with your fellow Mericans. That said it's extra embarrassing when you lose. If you lose they spam weird shit like ñ > NA.
>There is no tank that just focuses on taunting enemies and soaking damage
Even with your asinine definition I found an example.
Dota doesnt have censorship
Bristleback is kind of one
But Rammus is one of the biggest initiators/gankers in LoL and he does assloads of damage
If you're a retarded chink.
DOTA 2 is the superior game but league has better waifus
Rammus is a pusher/initiator/disruptor
Bristleback is an initiator/annoyance, there is nothing about him that is a tank because if you are attacking bristleback first in a teamfight you are literally playing the game wrong and should uninstall
Lol can literally run on a potato, great way to gatekeep the loltards from ruining other games if you ask me.
>Dota doesnt have censorship
>Pixelated Axe dick
His main purpose is damage soaking though. Like I said, your definition is asinine.
>they dont play on your server because they dont like it on theirs either
This is generally the consensus, LoL = better waifus, Dota = better husbandos
But because Dota is too hard to get into for women, it completely cuts out the fujoshit audience
dota has better voice acting and art style that's all that matters
Hey now
DOTA has the better dragon
I still like Shyvana
user that's a wyvern
She has the greatest voice of any Dota-like character. It's so fucking mesmerizing.
tanks are heroes that can take a beating, that's all
by your definitions tanks can't possibly exist in pvp games because players know that it's best to ignore them
>reply to another post specifically talking about Rammus
>Somehow come to the conclusion I'm talking about Bristleback
>The audacity to call others brainlets
Unbiased opinion from a fag with a ton of hours on both, league is faster but way more shallow and lacks soul. Dota 2 also lacks soul but less than LoL, more intricate gameplay which is more fun in the long run, playing a lot of league at once makes me want to legit die.
if you're a horny casual normalfag preteen pmaybe
Wyverns are dragons
Also dota looks better, both graphics wise as in design wise, lol heroes are either waifus or dogshit.
Dota had a fuckton of soul before source 2
it still has soul though, the game is 15 years old and it has a pretty solid universe that managed to keep its identity (thanks to icefrog not releasing heroes often)
>design wise
imagine saying this when every single hero is running around with some clown tier cosmetic that turns that particle effects into golden farts nowdays
The Dota universe is so weird. Sometimes it's mindblowing and you want to look at the lore more, but then you get heroes like Zeus that are just "Lol we got lazy and just threw the literal Greek God into Dota".
Wouldnt say a lot, but definetly much more than League
.Your preferences dont matter to me, also customization is much better on dota, too, skins suck donkey dick.
lol skins are unironically less obnoxious compared to the shit that valve puts in the game nowdays though
That's not what a tank means at all, a tank in a video game means something that utilizes AGGRO mechanics to maintain the primary focus of the target for DPS to attack.
Tanks also need to be a heal target.
In NO moba, should a healer be focusing on healing a "tanky" character over a carry or mid
>hating robot unicorn
oh so obnoxious cosmetics are now a preference?
they added a way to turn them off?
Show me literally anything in dota that fits "clown tier cosmetic that turns that particle effects into golden farts nowdays" more than that
Don't forget that LoL literally has a rainbow trail cosmetic for running out of base now
The definition of tank isnt defined by MMOs. A meatier dude who walks between the enemy without fear, starts fights, is constantly harassing opponents so they cant focus on the squishy hard carry, is a tank
>Show me literally anything in dota that fits "clown tier cosmetic that turns that particle effects into golden farts nowdays"
take your pick from any of the immortal chests and the community ones, or whatever they call them now
>for running out of base now
yeah for the first 20 seconds of the fucking game
LoL doesn't come close to Dota in any way, it's always been the dumbed down version of Dota and always will be
LoLfaggots can never cope with this and it's hilarious
>take your pick from any of the immortal chests and the community ones, or whatever they call them now
So you can't actually show me any and you're admitting you're wrong? Got it!
>yeah for the first 20 seconds of the fucking game
No, every time you walk out of base
>Be tank in LoL
>Go top
>Can barely get poked, have enough base damage to bully
>Build tank items, your damage scales with them
>Get really ahead, roam around after pushing lane with AoE
>Deal tons of damage while not taking any
>Ask team to 5v5. If answer is yes: go all in and win game. If answer is no: stay around the carry until someone fucks up, hope not to lose the game because you get one shot while your team looks
Riot has bad design guidelines overall, but with tanks they just have no clue. Either they're useless or they make the tankmeta.
Although they went so crazy with so many characters that every champion has crowd control therefore the only way to make a tank a tank is to make them walking stat monsters.
>every time you walk out of base
bruh you trying to argue with me about not showing you clown cosmetics in dota when you don't even know your shit about lol?
please dotard, never leave your containment game
That is called an initiator, not a tank.
You are splitting hairs because you have some sort of unnatural fetish and you need to seek help
ah the thread where the anti-valve shill just samefags the thread until the bumplimit
>literally just a limited time only effect you got under the haste effect during an event.
>had to have a special icon for it to work.
this guy isnt the one you first replied to, im playing league rn, i didnt answer your clown thingy
i see
It happens at the start of the game and then every time you walk out of base once homeguard is active
You're trying to defend a game you don't even fucking know anything about and it's pathetic
And you still haven't shown me a dota cosmetic that's more gaudy and theme-breaking than a sparkly rainbow unicorn with rainbow trails because it doesn't exist and you're wrong and you're a retard
Sometimes you can be tanky without having strong initiation tools.
Bristleback has shit-all proper initiations tools (AoE stun, AoE slow, strong debuffs, displacement effects), but still gets inside and cant be ignored.
Both games have clown cosmetics, imagine paying to rent a virtual hat, you fucking faggots
>but atleast in dota you can sell your hats!
Not all of them, and valve is making sure every cosmetic now is a fucking treasure shit.
>more depth
>better esport scene
couldn't care less about chinkshit and russian mongoloids playing it for money
>completely free
How is LoL not completely free? "MUH SKINS" have fun with dota's cosmetic items that are so much different
>better balance
Yes, it is very balanced to have a carry that can't be killed without at least 3 people in the late game (Spectre). Haven't played for a while, but dota has always been "play a couple of really op picks for a few months and seethe every time someone in the enemy team picks them instead of you". With LoL, it's a shitfest all the time in all the ways. At least that polish shitter can press q with Nasus and kill something, some retard in Dota will play furion top and fail miserably.
>Both games have clown cosmetics
And LoL's are astronomically worse, which is the thing being argued
Try actually reading, it isn't hard
>commerce bad
>Dota2 but faster and with a smother engine.
HoN will always be the best. ASSFAGGOTS died with it. Stop playing a dead and desecrated genre.
>be in dota 2
>some fucking 2k shitstain says pick tank
>pick np and tp into enemy base
DotA's that true shit.
*posts golden extra rare IMMORTAL COCK CAGE*
theres one example
im taking you don't need an image
I EXPLAINED THAT Bristleback is NOT a tank, he does NO damage if he is not attacked.
If you aren't ignoring bristleback in a teamfight you are exactly stating why you have trash MMR
Not an argument, concession accepted
>couldn't care less about chinkshit and russian mongoloids playing it for money
Most teams at TI are glorious chad euro teams, I don't think there's ever even been a Russian team there
>How is LoL not completely free?
Because you have to grind or pay to unlock characters, Dota gives you access to all characters from day one
>Yes, it is very balanced to have a carry that can't be killed without at least 3 people in the late game (Spectre)
There is nothing imbalanced about that. Dota being better balanced than LoL is fact, it's proven by how much wider the picked/banned ratio is in Dota's TI versus LoL's Worlds.
Everything in his post is objectively correct and everything in yours is objectively wrong
>Anime bait type of artwork with big tits vs Pajeet looking Anti Mage
I mean, the complexity of Dota beats LoL out of the park, but with cosmetics it's not even a competition. Dota looks like complete dogshit 70% of the time.
Bristle is a prime stun target so he stops disrupting you and many stuns dont do much damage.
If you are soaking resources (cooldowns) into him, he is taking something for the team, aka tanking.
Arguing about whether dog shit or cat shit smells worse is retarded
no, it's true
>How is LoL not completely free? "MUH SKINS" have fun with dota's cosmetic items that are so much different
oh yeah I have to play for 50000 hours to finally have access to all of the characters
>Yes, it is very balanced to have a carry that can't be killed without at least 3 people in the late game (Spectre). Haven't played for a while, but dota has always been "play a couple of really op picks for a few months and seethe every time someone in the enemy team picks them instead of you".
t.1k shitter
Nobody in dota thinks, we need a tank.
What actually matters is initiation and spell usage to kite the enemy team properly. For example pugna, has no hp all game, but if he was with a team of low hp heroes he can delay fights and initiations with them so their hp doesnt matter. Also if someone is saying a tanky hero, they most likely mean an initiator, that doesn't mean an enigma or shaker or something. It means an axe, a bristle, tiny, ursa, someone who goes in and gives your team vision advantage in a fight, who also have high hp but arent worth killing because their combo is done.
Why do I see 1 or 2 people LARPing as S2 Employees in these threads recently? HoN was ran like shit and the devs have nobody to blame but themselves for their game dying.
Moving the goalposts is admitting defeat user
>Uzbek, Arab, Indian as some of the highest rated rated players
>euro chads
>bristle is a prime stun target
Icefrog knew BB is just a pubstomp hero, which is why he tried pushing nasal goo power level up, but it's still trash, BB is one of the EASIEST heroes to make irrelevant and if you lose to him you and your team deserved to lose
Bristle is a safelane carry retards
crest first item, then bkb/aghs/ac/basher etc.
they can speak english, that's what matters
virtus pro only has one english speaking member and it's an ukrainian
>Dota is balanced better
I take it that's why obviously broken heroes go unnerfed for patches(which take like 6 months to shit out)
Some autists cant let old things go and this place is full of autists.
I really liked HoN and dropped the genre a few years ago as it was dying.
I never said its failure wasnt S2's fault, it absolutely was, but thats not the point.
It's literally just LoL (including all its flaws and bad design) with the camera panned down
It's not even actually 3D
No it's not, valve has let some atrocious shit be made and sold, and so has riot, there is no winning anything, it's all virtual clothes
Pro tip, buy REAL clothes with that money and you might get laid and stop giving a shit about hats in an assfaggots
nobody is saying the balance is perfect, but it's definitely a lot better than lol's balance
>Dota's cosmetics are worse!!
>get proven wrong
>o-oh yeah well they both suck!!
Moving the goalposts and admitting defeat.
^this user is about the only user that gets it, bristle is not a fucking """tank"""" he is a character that rewards being hit so smart people don't hit him, so mind as well build him as a carry
>LoL "115 million players play League of Legends in 2019" but let's cut it in half vs Dota 12 million
>Have to actually invest time in Dota to be good
>LoL's artwork is superior to Dota's
Literally dabbed on Dota in every possible way, and I'm being unironic. Seethe steamshits, just like the art hoes and hispters fags when it comes to music.
I like league of legends because the heroes are more fun to micro.
How many hats in Dota barely connect to the model and have giant invisible unmodelled zones? Too fucking many, I started taking all my cosmetics off dota shit because I realized how awful skins in general are and have started the long process of selling shit
>LoLbabbies in charge of knowing what "micro" means
Read the context please
Phantom Assassin is good at every stage of the game, explain this dotard
The camera being panned down is what I like most about it to be honest with you, it's me interactive
Of course the mythology stuff is great too
I've started LoL recently and what annoys me the most compared to dota is the lack of flexibility brought by items
Someone from /lolg/ on /vg/ here to say League is fucking trash so I'm going to say Dota2
LoL players in general are retards who buy shit like kpop skins, dota players have no excuse on why they buy skins except to resell like steam bitcoins
I don't know anyone that plays league, are they lying about the size of their playerbase?
dota is objectively better but i just dont have the patience to play it, that's why I play the moba retirement home known as heroes of the storm
just drop the game, you life will be better, accept that you wasted a lot of time and money on your account and just move on as a mistake of your youth
PA struggles to maintain a 50%winrate above 2.5mmr and it drops down to 47% in 4.5k+
PA gets fucked by any type of magic damage and she is too reliant on bkb against most drafts
Asians play it, that's all they need
In the mind of a League player, where items amount to merely stat bonuses, 'zomg hUEG CRITSSS' is op, dont reply to them.
I played LeL for a year and then 4 years of Dota 2.
I sometimes logged on to LeL and obliterated everyone using Teemo with my Dota 2 skills. Hell, just knowing how to use items gave me a huge advantage.
Is Teemo still good? Last time I played was probably in 2014.
Shaco is like the only one in my mind that has to micro and being honest Meepo is way better and fun once you master him than mastering Shaco
It's shrinking in NA and growing pretty much everywhere else, particularly Asia.
Fucking this. Hots is the perfect game if you just got tired of Dota's 1hr long games where fuck all happens. Also Whitemane, Whitemane is pretty good too.
>Is Teemo still good? Last time I played was probably in 2014.
Teemo has never been good at any high level of play, largely because he doesn't really fit into any of the positions in Riot's shitty forced meta
I wish that weren't the case though because he's the best boy and I love him very much
But teammates in HOTS are literal homunculi, they cant follow calls for shit.
Teemo is ok in high level play if you main him, actually. Hes not *good* but hes not dogshit either, you gain so much control with your shrooms.
is blizzard still supporting the game
i've heard that a huge portion of the playerbase left since the esport scene died
It's on life support, but yes
Lol is simplified and less """gimmiky""" (i dont know how to explain it any better) but it doesnt mean its easier.
Lol runs better than source 2.
I honestly play and have fun with both, (4k hours on lol and 2k on dota) they all have their pros and cons. People that make those threads dont play mobas or are hots dummies, all lol players and dota players i know play both games and like them both
>but it doesnt mean its easier.
It does though
Just pick support and wrangle the tards. Heroes like Whitemane and Anduin are built to keep idiots alive long enough to kill the other team's idiots.
I played 5k hours of dota and i fucking hated it by last years end when i quit
if you're a-
not unless you-
excuse me for one second...
both are assfaggots that hold you hostage for 40 minutes
how so?
5k hours is a lot, maybe you just got burned out
>how so?
There are a lot more special case interactions and counters that completely make or break a fight. I say this as someone who started with LoL but now has thousands of hours on both games
>smaller map
>barely any active items
>similar skills on most heroes (slow, dash, shield)
>no chance of a comeback if the enemy team is overfarmed/fed
The fact that a pure roamer or a 2-1-2 lineup is incomprehensible to LoLfags already a telling sign.
I stopped playing Dota bout the time Monkey King came out. Also about when I started working full time. Theres just not enough hrs in the day to sit down and play Dota, shit takes too long and some games are so tedious its unreal.
Still have some happy memories from playing, mind you.
HotS is being skeleton crewed and I honestly wouldn't be surprised if it was shut down entirely in a couple years
the way i see it, lol being more narrow and simple allows people to push the game to its max, having a really gimmiky game just add too much noise and doesnt necessairly make it better and harder, its just complicated for no real reason other than the fact that it always was
>no chance of a comeback if the enemy team is overfarmed/fed
There is a slight chance,if the enemy team is retarded and/or a single baron steal makes a difference
>>no chance of a comeback if the enemy team is overfarmed/fed
This is good.
You're free to see it like that, but it's wrong
Jungle is way too important for 2-1-2 laning,seriously try it and you will always get defeated as you have no jungler and you make the enemy jungler have total control of the jungle
nice counter argument, get lost
You already got counter arguments and your logic makes literally no sense
Taking depth away from something doesn't magically make it harder, people still push the game to its limit when it's not dumbed down
Because of how shallow LeL is, pushing its mechanics to the max still looks extremely underwhelming as opposed to, say, watching a good Chen/Meepo player.
Because LoL was designed to have a jungler and Dota wasn't. Having a jungler makes the meta more rigid and less interesting than a flexible meta.
>>no chance of a comeback if the enemy team is overfarmed/fed
>keeps saying this despite there literally being comeback mechanic through the bounty system.
now that dota is dumbed down and supports can kill carries it is unquestionably the better moba
back in the day it was super punishing and complex, but that's really no longer the case considering all the good learning content
there is no reason to ever play league unless you are just playing casually
That's the point, LoL's design is completely forced so there's no variety. Jungling is optional in dota because the game wasn't designed for anything else to be non-viable.
neither making something needlessly complicated makes it any deeper
thats just engine limitations im afraid, also it wouldnt work on lols meta
LoL is a solved game due to the role locks though. The only thing that ever changes is what the flavor of the month champions and items are due to the constant balance updates, and anything that breaks the mold of 1-1-2 + Jungler almost immediately gets squashed by Riot like when Yi/Taric or Karthus/Nunu double jungle strats popped up or when people were doing 2-1-2 with Targon stacking.
Sure having a set meta like that makes it easier for people to pick the game back up if they stop playing but it also makes things extremely stale.
the additionals gimmick only make the game longer to learn, but every single player past a certain point can be as aware of them as any pro player
and once you know them all you realize the huge flexibility that dota has, literally anything can work, the meta isn't all-powerful
jungling in dota is """optional""" because its actual trash to jungle in dota unless the support stacks all the camps. If they had actual rewards for killing camps youd see jungle as a mandatory role in dota too
>neither making something needlessly complicated makes it any deeper
Complexity makes a game deeper. This isn't "needless" complexity. You have no argument. Your logic is literally that reducing a game's skill ceiling makes it harder which makes absolutely no fucking sense
jungle used to be extremely viable retard and it still was never a dedicated role
>If they had actual rewards for killing camps youd see jungle as a mandatory role in dota too
No you wouldn't. Even when there was a dedicated jungle item (iron talon) it was still completely optional. Riot forces its meta and that's the only reason things are as rigid as they are.
>we dont want to promote emergent gameplay
this is the main issue with league, the simplicity and cookie cutter item builds really aren't the issue
Will there ever be a hero as based as Lord Salforis in a game?
Mordekaiser was kinda like that but they ruined him with the rework.
jungle is usually safer, it's what makes it valuable compared to lanes
and since it is safer it is only natural for it to be less rewarding than lane creeps
even in high immortal games you see carries retreating in the jungle at level 4 because their lane turned out to be fucking shit
who are you quoting?
Kitting is fun so league
>be me
>main ivern
>feel good
life is good bros
sorry but until valve releases 500$ loli pugna persona Lol will be 1000 light years obove dota
Every lane master and every person that cried when memebsck was introduced
dumb anime poster
Biden is going to stomp Trump so hard your shitty country will be filled with shitskins the republicans will never get another president in the next century
It all stems from the locked heroes monetization.
>People dont have all heroes
>So there must be viable alternative heroes for the same roles
>Every hero ends up being similar because of that
>Outliers and alternative play methods are much harder to balance
>So just lock down the game to a single meta
>implying im amerimutt
>Get early lead
>Don't use to win
This is surely the enemy carry fault
>"win" early game / lane phase
>Dont actually finish the game
>Lose because you squandered your early game advantage
'wow i killed the 27/3 zed! now I can afford 1/3 of an item! Wait, what do you mean it doesnt stop him from manhandling my team?'
>lose game
>get carried by your hero's kit at 30 minutes
great design shitters. if you pick a late game hero and get shut down in lane because you can't play the game, that should be the end of it. you should be encouraged to play early game heroes well and at least try to not feed instead of banking off of the fact that if your team can just clear waves for long enough you have strong enough late game abilities to where none of your massive shitter play matters.
I’ve never played LoL, but I hear there are almost no items like Dota, fixed meta positions and lanes that never change, only a couple of heroes that are viable, and no unique heroes such a Invoker or any type of micro hero. Also you have to unlock everything with playtime or money. It just seems like Dota 2 is superior in every way.
lmao dotards enjoy your LP because you ragequitted the game ONCE. Actual coping idiots
>lose ONE part of the game
can't believe lolnigs are advocating that the game end before 15 minutes 100% of the time
>don't try to win by pushing with early game advantage
>lose because you fall off
waow it's like it's your fault you let spectre farm for 50 minutes
Wow I killed a 27/3 zed! That means for a full minute I don't have to worry about 27/3 zed manhandling my team! That's a free baron that me and my team can use force a stalemate until we even out vs their lead and make zed useless! AND I got 1000g out of it, Which allows me to purchase this little 600g item called stopwatch which will allow me to fuck over Zed some more until I finish my build and get a GA/Zhonyas!
LoL sounds so cringey compared to Dota.
dota has techies and lol has teemo
take of that what you will
It's been an hour user come back
nobody plays your shit little tykes game
Because he doesn't nearly do enough damage to be a pos 1 carry, if you have a line up based all around bb being your damage then you are going to get shit on as bb does almost nothing in the late game as he gets kited to shit and gets blown up by so many other pos1 carries after 40minutes
>When on the extreme low chance the other team fucks up badly is when u can barely make a comeback
defend this lolbabbies