Game lets you kill children

>game lets you kill children

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What games actually do this? the only one I can think of is Fallout 1 and 2.

Why couldn't you kill children in Skyrim?


he punched her so hard in the face she turned into some kind of asian stereotype

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Alien Hominid allowed for this on the very start.

Attached: childkiller.gif (620x446, 165K)

What anime?

That's obviously Yu-Gi-Oh, lil zoom.

Didn't saw the card.

Add the Stranger Danger mode to Skyrim

>kill Myron, the one who created jet the most addictive drug in the wasteland through experiments which resulted in a lot of slaves dying, who tries to rape you if you are female, and who clearly says he did it just to get money
>get Childkiller

Samurai Shodown can have you bisect girls as young as 14

i like her expression. it looks like she saw my brother naked.

> kill a child
> 'what the fuck, how am I a child killer, that kid did something bad!'

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Yeah but he's just a kid so he's not morally responsible for his actions you fucking monster! Shame on you!

Hello America

You only get Childkiller if you murder three or more children.
Clearly you did something else wrong at some point.
Also you don't need to kill Myron, he dies any way. Future games then neglect that his "invention of Jet being forgotten" was a thing and have Jet as a chem.

You can murder as many random kids as you want in Baldur's Gate as well. At a loss of reputation, sure, but you can do it.

Deus Ex
Dwarf Fortress

They look 10

>game has essential npc

Happy Wheels


la creatura...

>Game lets you fuck and impregnate children
>You can also marry them.
What game?

Fire Emblem

Didn't they remove this from the dub?

Attached: DwarfFortChildBTFO.png (1366x768, 307K)

this is how modern american looks like

>game lets you discipline children

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