Name a better game released in 2019.
I'll wait.
Name a better game released in 2019
Super Robot Wars T
1. katana zero
2. bloodstained
3. risk of rain 2
Any of them.
AC7 is easily the worst game in the series; it's even worse than Assault Horizon and the PSP titles.
I love me some Risk 2 but better than Ace Combat 7? Ehhhhhh..
>Any of them.
>AC7 is easily the worst game in the series; it's even worse than Assault Horizon and the PSP titles.
Done and don't at me.
>No reply, just a Wojack
Nice of you to concede.
>it's even worse than Assault Horizon
tard detected
Well, that was easy.
RE2 remake. Contrarians aren't human btw
Remakes aren't real games.
Yes they are
It's worse than 4, 5, and 6, but that's to be expected.
Can somebody explain to me why AC6 is still Xbox360 exclusive to this day?
Sequels aren't real games. Nyeh, we can both act like huge cocksuckers.
Assault Horizon at least tried to modernize the series, to make it grow. That alone makes it good.
Ace Combat 7 was just a rehash of the old games but worse on every single aspect. Like a coked-up 50 years old whore trying to captivate her audience 20 years past her prime.
Ace Combat 5
Bamco is retarded
>Assault Horizon at least tried to modernize the series, to make it grow. That alone makes it good.
Here's your (you), now fuck off.
MS probably paid for it. It was released early in the 360's life cycle, back when Microsoft was paying for Japanese exclusives to cater to nips.
Go dance with the angels
Kek literally this.
Sequel =/= remake.
A sequel is an expansion of the original concept along with actual new content.
A remake is just a lazy coat of paint. It disgusts me to not end seeing so much people dicksucking the Resident 2 remake.
God I hate summer Yea Forums.
What's wrong with AC7 exactly? I haven't had a chance to play it yet but I remember there being a ton of hype on Yea Forums before this game was released
Nothing, it's great. There are some hints of rough production with plotlines that are not delivered on or properly set up, but the game in itself is great. Aside from a couple balance issues, PLSL too stronk.
You described a remaster not a remake.
ACAH's hangar > AC7s tech tree
Including the parts system from ACI was a mistake. The "play multiplayer or grind forever" credit system is also not a good look for a series that used to let you unlock everything in singleplayer
Ace Combat 7 sold well on launch day but after that it had a very sharp decline. to the point where it ended being one of 2019's biggest failures.
Bandai Namco just hid the game's failure, pretending that it was one of their top sellers along with Soul Calibur VI and Jump Force because there is nothing more embarrassing than accepting in public that only one of your projects was successful.
It was like the PS2 games but worse, extremely worse, on every single aspect; unpolished, unfinished, a mishmash of ideas and a heavy focus on drones to the point where the game should be named Drone Combat 7.
Basically the Dark Souls 2 of Ace Combat.
>What's wrong with AC7 exactly?
There is nothing wrong with it. It's a great game. Most reviewers hated it because it was too hard for them (literally every reviewer was playing in assisted flying mode) and because was gameplay focused.
Don't listen to reddit.
It's better than 5 and 6.
haven't even played AC7 yet, I'm playing through the series right now, on 0 after playing 4 and 5. Having tons of fun
>Remake same game but with a new engine pasted over the old engine.
>Remaster: same game but stretched over a bigger resolution.
Same shit.
This is sad, because the director was getting bullied in executive meetings about the dev progress. Hope he doesn't lose his job over the game.
Stop after finishing 0. 7 was a bitter disappointment; it will remind you of Devil May Cry 2.
The plot is terrible, most of the cast is barely utilised and they're bland and forgettable, the clouds gimmick serves no purpose outside of two stages, and the drones are unfun to fight and the big bad arsenal bird is just a shittier version of 6's Aigaion.
But hopefully 8 will get an actual budget and be a lot better.
The game isn't the same though.
it's funny because if REmake2 was a remaster it would actually be good.
user, I know you're trolling, but for the record RE2 remake is nothing like classic RE2 gameplay wise. It's a completely different game, like a movie adapting a book.
>Ace Combat 7 sold well on launch day but after that it had a very sharp decline. to the point where it ended being one of 2019's biggest failures.
>Bandai Namco just hid the game's failure, pretending that it was one of their top sellers along with Soul Calibur VI and Jump Force because there is nothing more embarrassing than accepting in public that only one of your projects was successful.
IIRC they wanted co-op multiplayer in AC7 but they can't because of >UE4
>What's wrong with AC7 exactly?
in addition to what said, the multiplayer is complete arse
it's a solid game mostly but there's nothing new or remarkable about it, certainly not goty material, nowhere close
It was extremely mediocre. A set of stairs down from the holy trinity on every aspect.
I pirated it as soon as they cracked its Denuvo protection and still felt robbed.
Don't listen to the AC fanbase; they're so starved for a new AC game that they willingly ate the bag of manure named AC7 in the hope of keeping the series alive, but we know better. Sometimes dead is better.
Guy saying it's a failure is probably talking out of his ass though. Everything seems to indicate that AC7 is the strongest performer in the series, sales-wise.
People like you are why gaming is in the shitter right now.
Have some standards. Have some dignity.
Doubt, nothing is as bad as DMC2, it's one of the worst games ever made.
Are the PSP games any good?
Maybe, but the disappointment will be all the same.
Trust me on this one. Stay the fuck away from 7.
Nothing, it's a great game, ignore the turbospergs
>played the holy trinity with a friend's recommendation recently after AC7 came out, loved all three, played AC7 and genuinely preferred it over the trinity
>tfw this thread
It's not so bad it's not worth playing, it's just not anything special or remarkable compared to the previous games.
Nothing. It's fine, but it's more of a return to form after Assault Horizon almost killing the series. I'm hoping they try to bring some new or old mechanics back in with AC8
I mean, it's not like there's much to argue about, all the posts quoted are literally variations of "NEW BAD, OLD GOOD" with barely any explanation of why the game is actually bad.
it's nice to see ace combat threads has it's own autism-kun just like the shadow of the colossus remake threads
It was the best selling game in the series, it almost got sold out in Japan and hit #1 on the PS4 in both the UK and Australia
Please don't listen to retards wanting another tortatic with no proof to back up their statements
Been playing since around the time 4 came out. It's good but doesn't hold up that well for me. I've seen some people say they love the whole "here's 20 minutes and a map full of enemies" mission type, but to me there's no sense of pacing with that. Its abundance kind of kills 4 for me. Likewise, I think 6 just generally has too much stuff in most levels. I remember using FAEB for like half the game which p much means I thought it was a slog.
Not much just the story falls off after Farbanti, Sol squadron and Mihaly could have been built better and some of the missions are just pure cancer
Shit story
Shit missions
Shit multiplayer
Clouds ended being a garbage gimmick
The same dated gameplay as the older games
One of the worst PC ports in recent history
It was a disaster.
Except several of them explained why the game was bad and you're just reducing them to "old good new bad" in order to avoid making any actual arguments in its defence. No shit a new entry in a long running series is going to warrant comparisons of what it did better or worse than previous entries.
this is singlehandedly the worst post i've ever seen regarding ace combat and i'm a DCS simdad
>replies 61
>IPs 25
Please fuck off turbosperg
6 > 5 > 2 > 4 > 7 > 0 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1
I still haven't gotten to 3 yet.
>Less than 3 posts per person
Each series has their own individual autism-kun, even the risk of rain threads.
It's ok, your average AC. Like, there's some people who swear by AC5 and some who hate it. Same thing.
Count was good but Clown was better
Gee, there sure are a lot of individual, completely different people in this thread who all say AC7 is the next TORtanic
>It was like the PS2 games but worse, extremely worse, on every single aspect; unpolished, unfinished, a mishmash of ideas and a heavy focus on drones to the point where the game should be named Drone Combat 7.
Not an actual argument, nothing is explained about how it's worse in any way. The point about drone is hardly worth noting in this post.
>The plot is terrible, most of the cast is barely utilised and they're bland and forgettable, the clouds gimmick serves no purpose outside of two stages, and the drones are unfun to fight and the big bad arsenal bird is just a shittier version of 6's Aigaion.
Now that's better, and two arguments are very much right, the cast is barely utilized, are bland and forgettable, and the drones are indeed pretty unfun to fight. The cloud mechanics is present in a lot more than two missions, but I guess people have to be spoonfed the mechanics.
>it's a solid game mostly but there's nothing new or remarkable about it, certainly not goty material, nowhere close
No argument.
>It was extremely mediocre. A set of stairs down from the holy trinity on every aspect.
I pirated it as soon as they cracked its Denuvo protection and still felt robbed.
No argument.
>Stop after finishing 0. 7 was a bitter disappointment; it will remind you of Devil May Cry 2.
No argument.
>People like you are why gaming is in the shitter right now.
No argument.
Most of the complaints are bullshit. It's literally "old good new bad"
You can't be serious, I can't imagine a person being more wrong.
>People denouncing AC7 as the awful game it is: solid arguments
>People defending AC7 : "it-it's good! Buzzwords Buzzwords Buzzwords Buzzwords!".
AC7 was a bad game. Deal with it and move on.
Mainline Super Robot Wars hasn't been good since Alpha 3
>It's bad because I said it was, Now shut up!
I absolutely loathe ace combat because I can't for the life of me get into arcade flying games, but even I can tell you that you're a crock of bullshit.
You haven't made an argument outside of 'it's not as good as the older ones.'
I mean it's sure as shit better than fucking AH and 5.
AC7 is fine when you consider that the game had a very troubled development and what we got was pretty much done in a single year.
Goty 2019
>The cloud mechanics is present in a lot more than two missions, but I guess people have to be spoonfed the mechanics.
Clouds are present, that does not make the mechanics meaningful, hence the statement. The dust cloud stage and the mountains stage with the clouds needed to avoid long range missiles are the only stages that actually utilise clouds in a meaningful way, perhaps arguably the stage where you need to take out all the SAMs before they kill the escort, but in every other stage the clouds are just there and sometimes get in your way to fuck up your missiles when an enemy flies into them and block your vision when you do, they don't even work properly with missiles on your end because enemies can still shoot you just fine with missiles even in the clouds, especially on higher difficulties. The clouds are just fucking obnoxious with no meaningful gameplay impact. Oh and lightning is fucking retarded, it'd be one thing if it was relatively rare but instead you get hit by lightning like 5 times in every stage that has it.
And the Arsenal Bird is just a shitty Aigaion, it's the exact same concept except the AB sends 50 drones at you instead of 10 fighters.
I always knew 9/11 was done by commies
Let's analyze the posts defending the game.
>Nothing, it's great. There are some hints of rough production with plotlines that are not delivered on or properly set up, but the game in itself is great. Aside from a couple balance issues, PLSL too stronk.
No arguments besides conjectures and talking about balance issues, which are negative.
>There is nothing wrong with it. It's a great game. Most reviewers hated it because it was too hard for them (literally every reviewer was playing in assisted flying mode) and because was gameplay focused.
>Don't listen to reddit.
Not argument at all, relies on strawmen.
>Nothing, it's a great game, ignore the turbospergs
No argument, strawmen again.
See? There is simply no way to defend AC7 because it has nothing worth defending.
>Kono confirmed on stream AC8 will explore Sotoa
Can't fucking wait, I'm tired of the lore baggage
I don't remember the clouds being marketed as a game changing mechanic.
They're just a nice addition to add a little bit more complexity to the levels.
The missions that utilized them were unironically fun even if a bit gimmicky.
Fighting Mihaly in the middle of all of those rock formations, the rain, the lighting, and the clouds was fun as shit.
I can't. Some games are as good, but for AC7 I was totally satisfied.
I did enjoy AC7.
But I liked RE2:Remake, Sekiro and Bloodstained better.
autism-kun is so cute!!
Not an argument.
By that logic you can argue that YIIK could be the best western-made JRPG ever if it didn't have retarded developers.
Don't listen to the reddit cucks, theres absolutely nothing wrong with it. The only hits against it are the weak plot (which is result of rushing and weak translation, nothing inherently wrong with the plot itself) and the fact that game journalists shit all over it because they don't know how to play games.
There won't be an AC8.
You have yet to make an argument yourself beyond
>it's like the ps2 games but bad
Everything I've heard says that AC7 was one of the better selling ace combat games.
Why do you think there won't be a sequel?
I miss when these threads were fun now it's all pc shitters complaining about their flight sticks and shit.
>I don't remember the clouds being marketed as a game changing mechanic.
They were a focal point of pre-release marketing as one of the biggest changes to the game and tech that the devs were incredibly proud of.
>They're just a nice addition to add a little bit more complexity to the levels.
Except for the specific stages mentioned, they add nothing but annoyance.
>The missions that utilized them were unironically fun even if a bit gimmicky.
I agree, altitude-ducking mission is one of my favourites in the game, which just makes it sad that they did so little with the clouds otherwise.
>Fighting Mihaly in the middle of all of those rock formations, the rain, the lighting, and the clouds was fun as shit.
I can't agree with this because of the aforementioned lightning idiocy which can cause you to crash by hitting you when you need to make a turn and because of how bullshit Mihaly's turning ability is even compared to previous aces of the series. I don't think the clouds sometimes obscuring your vision added much to that stage.
Despite our local autist at it again, Which planefu did you main in the campaign and multiplayer?
>For me, it's the F15-E
>which is result of rushing and weak translation, nothing inherently wrong with the plot itself
How the fuck is the shit plot the fault of "weak translation"? It's not like Fire Emblem Fates where the localisers threw out the original script and made their own.
You are the first person to bring up flight sticks.
Also so far as I'm aware, they've added support for a lot more of them since launch.
>Assault Horizon almost killing the series
I don't get why people say this. AH was successful both commercially and critically. And then Infinity came along, which basically printed money for them from all the whales.
The series was never in any danger of dying. It was just never a high priority for Bamco.
Do you think the mechanic is bad because it supposedly only adds difficulty to the player?
If the odds weren't stacked against you, the game wouldn't be any fun.
If you don't want to get hit by lightning stay out of the clouds.
Where the fuck is my XFA-27, Bamco?
>Everything I've heard says that AC7 was one of the better selling ace combat games.
It wasn't. Learn to read among the lines.
>Bandai Namco's financial report says that Soul Calibur VI, Ace Combat 7 and Jump Force where their best selling games.
>Granted, Sould Calibur has been one of the most popular games this year, but having Jump Force, an unmitigated disaster, along with it makes no sense. Unless they're saving face.
>No AC7 total sales reports besides a couple articles back when the game launched and people were hyped for it.
>Why do you think there won't be a sequel?
Because it sold like shit.
They may claim that the game sold better than the rest of the games in the series but that doesn't mean it was successful.
>The old games just recycled everything from each other so it was fine if they only sold 100.000 copies.
>7 has a new engine, new development team, has to be ported across three platforms so it has to sell 1 million copies to break even
>Sells 200.000 copies. Granted, sold better than the old games but not enough to recoup its costs, let alone make a profit.
Stupid fucking meme poster.
Fuck your XFA, where's my CFA?
>Do you think the mechanic is bad because it supposedly only adds difficulty to the player?
The unequal enforcement of its lock-on breaking gimmick is certainly one complaint, but I find it obscuring your vision much more annoying because there's nothing interesting about spending five seconds seeing nothing but white on your screen. I think it's a bad mechanic because as previously mentioned it has no meaningful impact on stages outside of a select few and is otherwise just a nuisance, which is a bad thing.
>If the odds weren't stacked against you, the game wouldn't be any fun.
The odds have always been stacked against you, adding a shitty new mechanic like this doesn't change that.
>If you don't want to get hit by lightning stay out of the clouds.
Lightning doesn't only hit you when inside the clouds and good luck getting a shot at Mihaly in that stage without following him through them.
>>Sells 200.000 copies. Granted, sold better than the old games but not enough to recoup its costs, let alone make a profit.
So you don't really know, you're just speculating because they said it in the same breath as Jump Force.
> sold better than the rest of the games in the series but that doesn't mean it was successful.
It does if they were willing to adapt it in the first place knowing that the other games didn't sell as well.
Do you have a fucking hobby besides lying and shitposting on Yea Forums?
Go back to /acg/
>Learn to read among the lines.
>Aka: learn to eat my bullshit
But I don't play Animal Crossing.
and pc autists are still bitching
>500k that supposed to be impressive? What about the United States and Europe sales, the only ones that actually count?
>The unequal enforcement of its lock-on breaking gimmick is certainly one complaint
How do you even know that it's unequal.
I'm pretty sure I lost plenty of planes by going into the clouds myself.
>good luck getting a shot at Mihaly in that stage without following him through them.
You've got guns too, bud. Pretty easy to see where your bullets will go even without UI.
Or play it safe and don't go in the clouds.
>because there's nothing interesting about spending five seconds seeing nothing but white on your screen
Use your map.
>stop talking about video games on the video game board
What the hell is wrong with you?
Like I said, you are the first person to bring this up.
>within release month
>in asia
That's pretty damn good for a niche title like Ace Combat.
stinky fish
Literally one guy shitposting
>How do you even know that it's unequal.
>I'm pretty sure I lost plenty of planes by going into the clouds myself.
Then it's my anecdotal evidence versus your anecdotal evidence.
>You've got guns too, bud. Pretty easy to see where your bullets will go even without UI.
Yeah, obviously you use your guns when inside the clouds. How the fuck are you going to shoot Mihaly with guns without being near him?
>Or play it safe and don't go in the clouds.
And then never get a shot at him because his entire AI script in that stage is based around weaving through the clouds and rocks?
>Use your map.
How did you think this was an amazing idea that was worth typing and not what's obviously the only thing to look at when you're in the clouds?
In a first month for physical release ? It doesn't seem close to bad to me. Especially for a game which likely was lower budget, with a fast/rushed development.
Also my point was that his entire post about sales was bullshit, since an easily findable tweet clearly prove his estimations are terribly wrong.
Now watch as the autist moves goalposts yet again!
Absolutely nothing. It's not as great as the originals, but it's a return to how the series use to be imo.
>Can't criticise the game without getting lumped in with this retarded doomposter
>it will remind you of Devil May Cry 2.
He actually loves AC7, he's just acting as a straw man to get more people to support the game
I've noticed this. Does this faggot always shit up AC7 threads? Is it autism?
I remember Yea Forums liking the game back when it was released. AC7 threads were almost shitposting-free.
It's not hard to be the best seller when the console is in the middle of a drought. You look at those games: even fucking Overwatch is there.
By the way still no numbers.
Try to call this goalmoving, faggot.
>Then it's my anecdotal evidence versus your anecdotal evidence.
And even accepting the possibility that you're right, I don't think it's an issue.
>Yeah, obviously you use your guns when inside the clouds.
No, I mean if you get hit by lightning, your guns are still a good weapon.
>How the fuck are you going to shoot Mihaly with guns without being near him?
How do you hit anything with guns without being near them?
>And then never get a shot at him because his entire AI script in that stage is based around weaving through the clouds and rocks?
You don't need to beat him to complete that mission iirc.
>How did you think this was an amazing idea that was worth typing and not what's obviously the only thing to look at when you're in the clouds?
Because you decided 'I can't see anything in the clouds' was a meaningful complaint.
No shit you can't see anything in the middle of a cloud.
>Ace Combat
>Try to call this goalmoving, faggot.
...okay, you literally just moved goalposts
>muh Hotas
>muh HOTAS
I thought he was shitposting about AC7 so he could shill for some AC knockoff kickstarter that he supported.
ace combat 7 was shit
fuck off speedonvhs you stupid shill
The entire series is "modernized" it's simple as fuck "green dot turns red and fire" trash. Simple shit for braindead zoomers.
How many of those are complaining about flight sticks?
Reviews from people who actually own the game on steam are quite positive.
I thought the F-15 line went to the shitty kite known as the YF-23 not seeing that it branched off to the F-22, so I went the middle line spending most of the game on the F-18 because the F-35 is expensive.
They're fucking clouds. Most times they don't bother you, sometimes they can add a bit of variety or emergence to the game. Clouds are not obligated to do anything mother fucker.
Literally who?
PC fags sperging over MUH HOTAS. They fucked up steam reviews too. It's funny because AC is an arcade game but those fags are too stupid to realize that not every game with aircrafts is a flight sim.
PC was a mistake and I'm a PC fag.
Nobody talks about Ace Combat or enjoys it except 5 people who played 4 or 5 when they were like twelve.
>monster slashes that angle so it looks like Trigger's three strikes
>why do you like things I don't?
I know you posted this so people here would laugh at him but he's not wrong.
Is this another DCSnigger breakdown episode?
You can like them in your dead general with the rest of your discord friends, all 5 of them.
Literally every AC thread
Flightsticks are synonymous with plane games. Why are you defending Project Aces' retardation?
>loves assault horizon
>wants cinematic experience bullshit
>complains about clouds
This is actually the guy in the thread, isn't it?
I know
>No, I mean if you get hit by lightning, your guns are still a good weapon.
If you get hit by lightning then attacking the enemy is hardly a concern since you can barely move for a few seconds afterwards.
>You don't need to beat him to complete that mission iirc.
You need to damage him sufficiently.
>Because you decided 'I can't see anything in the clouds' was a meaningful complaint.
>No shit you can't see anything in the middle of a cloud.
The fuck are you on? No shit it's obvious, that doesn't make it interesting nor does it make looking at the radar an interesting replacement.
Because the game isn't automatically bad just because you can't use your particular flight stick.
It's such a small dumb fucking thing to shit all over a game for.
Do you think GTA also needs flight stick support?
>says game is better than all other games
>worst game this year
>posts arguments
>Flightsticks are synonymous with plane games.
No they are not. I've never seen someone playing AC with anything other than a controller.
Who are you quoting?
>You need to damage him sufficiently.
Which there are enough openings for outside of danger zones.
> that doesn't make it interesting nor does it make looking at the radar an interesting replacement.
So you are literally just complaining that you don't have full visibility in clouds?
Also is this your only complaint about the game?
You don't like how they've implemented clouds?
Are you for real?
Not him, but if you're going to be flying a plane in GTAV then yes.
It is. A game where planes are the focus should support flightsticks. End of the discussion.
GTA may have vehicles but it isn't a flight game.
They're console players; they don't know any better.
Then you're retarded. People who play games with planes use sticks, Ace Combat included.
>has to try and validate his opinion by going onto steam reviews and cherrypicking opinions he agrees with
>Which there are enough openings for outside of danger zones.
If you want to take forever I guess.
>So you are literally just complaining that you don't have full visibility in clouds?
I'm complaining that it's fucking boring and not an interesting or engaging or worthwhile mechanic due to the reasons I've repeatedly gone over.
>Also is this your only complaint about the game?
>You don't like how they've implemented clouds?
No, but it does seem to be the only point you're attempting to defend. You have a very short memory regardless.
Even though it's an arcade game with controls tailored for a controller/keyboard? Are you autistic?
>A game where planes are the focus should support flightsticks
Sure, but not having them isn't enough to ruin a game.
It's always a good idea to support them, but it's not a must for a well designed arcade plane game.
And they did support flight sticks at launch, they just didn't support HOTAS if I recall correctly.
>If you want to take forever I guess.
Or you can take the risk and play more aggressively.
If you're going to take the safe route, obviously there's going to be a tradeoff.
>I'm complaining that it's fucking boring and not an interesting or engaging or worthwhile mechanic due to the reasons I've repeatedly gone over.
You haven't given me any good reasons.
Why did you link me to a post where you write a paragraph complaining about clouds again?
I fucking love autism
>2019's biggest failures
U fuckin wot m8
It sold like hotcakes
> at least tried to modernize the series, to make it grow
Remember, no clouds.
>Complain about the game while acting so retarded it makes anyone else who complains about the game look worse by association
4D chess right here lads.
Jesus christ, I can feel the blood coming out of the pores on my feet.
Post the one where it sends the guy into a nosedive into the ground
My rule of thumb about shitposters is: if they're so good at it, they have to be a huge fan
out fucking skilled
The reception in Japan was less than enthusiastic. Kono himself said he was shocked by how much the fans hated it.
0 Making the mission end as soon as you hit the required amount of points was such a breath of fresh air.
Source or gay.
Holy shit what a garbage ranking.
Good point. I like 7, but there are so many missions where they just make you wait around once or twice in the MIDDLE of the mission, not even mentioning the end.
A picture can speak a thousand words
Okay fag, lets see your patrician taste then
>it's even worse than Assault Horizon
LITERALLY impossible. AH set a bar so low, no game will ever surpass it.
0 is massively overrated and wouldn't be half as popular if not for Pixy's catchphrase.
nope, 0 is the best game in the entire series and quite literally all fronts. It has the best OST, best level and mission design, best plane selection, best wingman, best final level, and is only second to stonehenge when it comes to best superweapon
Not him but 3=0 > 4 > 7 > 5 > 6 > rest
>Shimomoto: Both of us were heavily involved in a work called Ace Combat: Assault Horizon which is the complete opposite of 7.
>Kono: From an Ace Combat franchise perspective, it was a kind of a defiant work where we thought “maybe this direction is good too?” Thinking about it now, if I had to say whether we were faithful to the feelings and needs of the customers…, it was the concept of “we have to change [from previous works].” It’s not uncommon for the desire for change to come from the developer side first rather than the customers. But that came about since we and the company wanted to challenge ourselves to the proposition of a “rebirth” of the franchise.
>However upon release, we received disappointed comments from fans all over the world saying, “these are not what we wanted in an Ace Combat!” It wasn’t too bad sales-wise, but after launch, I collapsed to my knees in my home. It took me 2 years to recover from that.
I enjoyed AC7 but I wish it were only like 15-20 bucks for the amount of time I got out of it
It's better than 4.
More jets, more mission, more missions, more mission types, high g turns and post stall manoeuvres.
The only things that AC4 has over it is the cutscenes and megalith.
The biggest reason 4 is worse than 5 and 6 is because there's only Score and Destroy Target based missions. inb4"hurr gimmick missions bad!"
Opinion discarded
PSMs really are fun.
>Both of us were heavily involved in a work called Ace Combat: Assault Horizon
>literally talking about fans hating Assault Horizon
>>>>>>>>> being the best
Fuck off with your angels, I'll give you it had some of the best gameplay in the series, but they weren't that much better than the trilogy to excuse the shitty story and your wingman constantly being an annoyance, I would've preferred if you had Sky Kid or Avalanche as your wingman. Shamrock can be boiled down to "muh family" and it got worn out quick as hell with how predictable with what was going to happen to them
Oh fuck, nevermind, I misread your first post.
I thought you were talking about 7.
I hope the new Top Gun makes fighter jets cool again, thus boosting Ace Combat even further.
My only complaint is that we didn't get enough carrier take offs/landings in 7.
Is RoR2 actually worth buying now? I played the shit out of the first game and have seen the threads for the sequel, but I completely wrote it off for the time being since it's in Early Access.
Not likely.
Someone post the kill ratio comparing Russian and American fighter jets.
Don't bully Super Bug
>President Harling
Wait, I just played 5 last week and haven't gotten around to 7 yet. Is it the same President Harling? How much are the games connected?
>Is it the same President Harling?
>How much are the games connected?
Two AC5 characters make a return, and a carrier is named after another character
That's about it
>carrier is named after another character
Big lass
If they are really working on AC8, they would be really stupid if they don't release it close to Top Gun 2.
Its probably going to release around 2021, I think.
They'll probably keep using UE4 and trueSKY, so all they need to do is import the AC7 plane models and add new ones to the roster. Kono teased the addition of the BAE Tempest and the chink J-20, that'll be nice.
Why did Mihaly Dumitru Margareta Corneliu Leopold Blanca Karol Aeon Ignatius Raphael Maria Niketas A. Shilage kill her anyway? It's not like she was important or anything. Did he just hate roasties?
Why would you not shoot down enemy aircraft?
Why do people like 4 so much? I consider it strictly worse than 0 and 5.
Story, atmosphere, nostalgia.
Getting into this series is a mess Jesus fucking christ
>First game ain't even called Ace Combat
>2 get gets a remake on the 3DS only and is named after the hated spinoff
>3 game localization streamlines it and cuts content
>4 still can't be emulated properly in 2019
>4,5 and 0 supposedly to be so good yet not ported into newer systems
>6 Xbox is 360 only
>then an awful spinoff and dead online game
>please buy 7 + DLC! You played all others somehow riiiight?
AC5 is ported to PS4 for those who preordered 7