how bad will it bomb?
How bad will it bomb?
Those are fucking dick helmets, I just now fucking noticed. Holy fucking shit, how could I have not noticed that immediately?
kys degenerate
I noticed it right away, there is NO way thats not intentional.
Excuse me, the Yaas Kween Slay has already debunked this as being the work of alt-right trolls. They are literally not even on the same continent as the costume designers and thus have no input into it so there.
It won't bomb. Sois will always swallow whatever greasy turd Netflix drops into their mouths and happily pay to do so.
I don't believe it.
I bet $50 she's a jew
What is funny is you can't believe a word they say because they will absolutely deny doing something so absolutely childish unless it was being praised. Writers may not be in control of what exactly the costumes look like but they can decide what the outline will look like especially at a place as incestuous as netflix which doesn't have nearly as structured and separated a development process as it should have.
>he doesn't know
Netflix is hemorrhaging money
They're billions in debt.
So which books are they adapting?
hahahahaah holy shit the left are retarded
>they got caught
>they got backlash
>the lie to cover it up
Well clearly we have to believe women user.
>showrunner has no control over costumes
>how can anyone actually believe that lol
how does that even work? The metalwork required for these creases is astronomically unfeasible for mass production.
It looks like they slapped a car tire onto him.
just put grooves in the mold
lmao i guess they finally drop the act of "faithful to the books" also some bs about "i spoke to a polish retard, so time to nigger em up"
lol there's better ways to make them look like dicks than that
plate armor isn't molded, it's hammered into shape
that's not how refining works
Idk, I don't believe the image but the dick helmet/scrotum armor is undeniable, someone did that on purpose for whatever reason and NOBODY, including strong independent female showrunner Lauren S. Kikestein called them out on it.
That is fucking unreal, I'm sorry that is just bizarre. This is the kind of weird shit I've only seen in stuff like Hunting Down the Freeman.
There is also the fact that they are all dressed up as BIG BLACK DICKS which is doubly amusing.
it's because they are dicks lol haha get it?
I give it one season tops.
They're doing preemptive damage control already, it's a dumpster fire.
I don't want to believe it but I just don't see another explanation for it. There's just nothing else that makes sense, it's so fucking bizarre...
>we're not adapting the games
>wont mention that until people clock on though coz we wanna leech off CDPR's publicity hehe xd
I have no sympathy for them, they tried to have their cake and eat it.
I see
>Era of complex villains is over
>All villains must now be cartoonishly evil white men dressed as dickheads with the occasional minority villain who is pressed into their service against their will
lmao the damage control is just reaching the levels of some bipolar bitch
>r-read the books, triss has brown hair
>-o-oh i mean, its red, stop nitpicking
I let Nilfgaard take over in my game. The rest are incompetent morons.
That's a fucking half truth, the real truth is they're supposed to be adapting the book which the games did FAITHFULLY. These faggots are just that, faggots.
Left isn't a foot soldier. He's an officer in charge on an entire region.
The idea, user, is to make a bet someone will bet against.
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
The Wticher was wildly successful despite having an almost entirely white cast. Yet for some reason when casting a TV series you have to arbitrarily change the races of characters despite the game series proving it can be utterly and completely successful as it is. I don't get it. This controversy did not need to happen. Why would a company who lost BILLIONS do something so needlessly stupid as fucking with something that was already printing money by changing the formula people loved.
I agree the armor is whack. But you have to literally be the dumbest motherfucker alive to think it's some kinda political statement. Like the dumbest.
The guy who tweeted that is probably one of those incel fucks who beats his meat to the profile pics of the girls who block him after he sends random dick pics and then goes online behind the safety of his computer and shits on women.
We all know that guy.
I'm literally tired of the so called anti-sjw crowd.
>but the dick helmet/scrotum armor is undeniable
It's undeniable that it looks stupid as shit sure. That it is an attack on the patriarchy and was specifically designed as a trigger to Yea Forums, bit of a stretch.
>don't believe what you read on the internet
>unless I'm the one posting it!!!
even pleb armor is ornate in nilfgaard
>just the enlisted scum that look like walking ballsacks with penis helms
Oh that's much better.
>Social shaming
Oh look its a woman.
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
>reddit spacing
that's a lot of projection there, buddy, and I never even mentioned politics.
Eat shit and die.
>don't believe everything you read on the internet
>except me, you can believe me
>get woke, go broke
Its like the spergs who cant go 5 minutes without bringing up trump or leftie warhammer 40k fans who frouth at the mouth when Arx gets brought up. faith and blind loyality to the ideology comes before all else.
>not believing everything you read on the internet
You think I'm not retarded or something?
>That it is an attack on the patriarchy and was specifically designed as a trigger to Yea Forums, bit of a stretch.
I've already said that. There's no denying the armour is intended to look like a cock and balls though.
I did some extra work when I was younger, people on sets talk. Someone would have mentioned this, a few people would probably have bailed out on the $100 they'd be paid for the days shooting because this is fucking embarrassing, I would have. There is no way this is an accident, I simply can't believe that.
>It's undeniable that it looks stupid as shit sure. That it is an attack on the patriarchy and was specifically designed as a trigger to Yea Forums, bit of a stretch.
If you don't think it was intentionally designed to be a dick head and scrotum armor you are being disingenuous. But who am I kidding. Of course you are. You aren't being honest in the slightest.
>"The Black Ones"
>their armor literally designed to look like wrinkly testicles topped off with a penis helmet
I think these writers are subversively racist by depicting black people as nothing but invading penises come to rape the northlands.
Not everyone is a flaming faggot like yourself that sees dicks in everything.
Not really. Generic soldier have a variety of armor, no ballsacks though.
Shit pic is what I could find on the Internet and I can't be bothered to open my game.
Freud is a hack btw
lmao is this the switch version? Looks like a 2008 game.
You probably can't even recognize yourself in a mirror if you can't tell that the helmet looks like a dickhead.
>i-it doesn't look like a ballsack ur just g-gay uwu~
You fucking wine sipping dick sucking boot licking apologist fuck, you can't be serious right now. Whatever nigger, lap this shit up.
Here's a better pic.
I am being 100% genuine, I don't believe it was intentionally designed to be a dick head and scrotum armor.
I do believe it simply looks shitty. Full stop. No nefarious reason behind it. No dog whistling to SJWs or Yea Forums or whoever the fuck you think this is supposed to attack/encourage. They just made shitty looking armor.
To both of you can I ask why you think they made it look like a cock and balls? I'm willing to hear you out because if they initially designed it to look like a cock and testies they would have to do it for a reason.
What do you think that reason is?
>To both of you can I ask why you think they made it look like a cock and balls?
Because they wanted them to be dickheads, literally fighting an enemy made of penises.
How hard is it to just get gambesons some chainmail and helmets? Why waste time making up this shit retarded "armour"
yeah I played the game I'm aware what we're talking about, it's just those graphics that bother me.
>gambeson, studded leather jerkin, issued greaves and joint protection for shield walls and a stupid helmet
Minus the helmet this isn't leagues off though. It's a million times better than that shit and the thing is this: that would almost certainly be cheaper to produce given that half of it is fucking worthless.
Same reason they blackwashed characters. Politics.
Sounds ridiculous and childish if true. I'd personally avoid anything to do with this show if I held that opinion, no way anything positive can come from consuming or engaging with creators who would do that.
That's not the real costume design right?
They blackwash characters because they believe it will bring in more minority viewers. Same reason Disney has crammed a Chinese into all the new Star Wars movies. But I wouldn't confuse that for politics, it's pandering for $$$
Business not politics
Why not both ?
Unfortunately it is, shills and redditors claim the armour will look better in season 2 though :^)
uhhm sweaty, niggers are quintessential polish culture
>has big cans
>therefore allowed to make shit decisions her entire life
It's that simple
Sound familiar.
>I, an outsider, will define your culture for you, poles
>you are niggers now
1 season, it's literally just a GOT fix for most people anyway.
wtf poles are niggers now
>you think poles are white?
>haha i'm going to make everyone niggers now
>also fuck gingers
Is this person intentionally trying to fuck everything up?
Because they are counteractive goals. Mass appeal is what a show wants. A grand political statement is at its best polarizing and at its worst a reason people won't watch.
No one who is actually in charge of a show, writers aren't in charge of the show, wants to give people a reason to not watch.
Minorities are not the Chinese. Adding minority characters doesn't increase the viewership in the same way it does for the Chinese. More importantly that was not on the mind of the person casting those characters it was a purely political decision in their heads because you have seen the writers.
>Yea Forums and Yea Forums are upset that black penises are portrayed as the enemy
i had no idea you guys were so progressive.
Anyone genuinely trusting one and not the other is 100% driven by which conclusion they agree with, and had a completely anonymous poster on Yea Forums with equally as many credentials as the one in OP posted something that didn't conform to their world view that the production team is literally insane, he would've been told to fuck off.
You don't really care about what's going on unless you're conveniently in the right.
>What do you think that reason is?
That's what I'm asking. I don't know - but I just can't believe that NOBODY IN THE PRODUCTION LINE, NOBODY IN THE EXTRA POOL, NOBODY ON SET, NOONE INVOLVED IN POST said anything about this.
Other than a ballsack the only thing it resembles is Derelicte from Zoolander.
Any argument for plausible deniability goes out the window when you see the helmet, really. You think 15-20 blokes on set filming for like an hour and fucking around for the other 7 every day for 2 weeks aren't gonna figure this shit out? Cmon broski, it's not like Yea Forums cracked the secret, PCMag is laughing about it. Reddit is laughing about it. The whole world can see the resemblance, someone involved in the project knew about it and greenlit the process anyway.
finding a good cast that fits the role isn't the same as "appealing towards a wider audience", and the irony that only niggers are the victims of racism kek
>it's about species, not skin color. What makes Characters "other" is the shape of the their ears, height, etc.
I can't even make a snide comment on this one boys. I've given up.
>stormfags think polaks are niggers
>now leftist think they are niggers as well
toppest of keks
Sane people will just not watch the show while you spend all day obsessing about it
chinks hate muds on screen too
>Same reason Disney has crammed a Chinese
Uh, you think a black male/chink female romance went down well in China? That wasn't a profit orientated decision mate, these people aren't that fucking stupid.
The games did fine without minorities, it's not about money and it's certainly not about "best person for the job xddd".
>"no skin color racism"
>when everything weird and mystical in the Northern Kingdoms is often blamed on Zerrikanian, brown people
>"We saw all ages, all ethnicities, all levels of talents"
>mfw we could have had an Japanese 3d loli playing Triss, a brown south american 3d loli playing Geralt and a ginger 3d loli playing Yen
>Being this fucking stupid
Netflix is dying because its a Political vehicle and making choices based on politics and not what would make the best business sense. Your points are invalid.
You're a massive fool.
Spacing sentences line by line.
Like a trash-tier poem.
Why are you?
Why do you think they didn't?
All productions have conflicting opinions and ultimately the higher ups are the ones who get the final say even if they were contradicted by other way. This has absolutely nothing to do with user's post that it was just a shitty design decision and not an insane political maneuver by feminists like Yea Forums would really personally prefer to believe.
>racism about species
Writers are not in charge of casting, they will give their input but are not the ones who make that call.
So your insight into why black people were cast is just you talking out of your ass. But if you want to believe the writer controls the showSays her reasoning right there "We want to appeal to a broader base" that simple. Not politics, again the blackening is about money
Witcher 3 is a shitty game and I'm glad it's now gonna be a shitty show. Those retarded fans deserve everything that they get.
People making netflix shows have race representation quotas to fill, its pretty obvious when you watch anything they make
You can't possibly be this retarded, user.
As a slav i approve of penis armor and blacks as elves.
Nigger Eskimos when?
But if a grand political statement is agreed by the majority of people and it's just basically a reinforcement of that message doesnt it then become both open to a wide audience and political.
Netflix is dying because every other content producer (NBC,Disney) saw how much money they were making using their shows and created their own streaming services instead of letting Netflix play middle man.
This has both lowered the appeal of Netflix to the consumer who just wants The Office and increased the competitive market reducing Netflix's market share
It isn't because they put niggers into live action Death Note
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
why are white women obsessed with big black dicks?
>seething this hard while projecting
roasties get the rope
>She says its for this reason so its for this reason
>It can't possibly be because she has ulterior motives and is using the generic appealing to a wider audience as a guise
No you are the idiot.
Why are you guys gullible enough to believe some random ass user giving a /pol/ tier bait response?
Not saying the costumes arent shit but do you honestly think the writing team is in charge of the costume design and would ruin it because of some obscenely stupid reason like ''the patriarchy''?
OP's thread is retarded, screenshot is fake bait, but you're right. Like in the Castlevania anime series, they incorporate an antagonist of one of the PS2 games as one of the secondary villains but randomly make him a bald black guy. It's so obvious why.
Based. All the sjw shit in the media that the alt-right complains about is basically a direct result of long term underregulated capitalism but it's so fucking rare to see people who realize this because everyone is so fucking far off the deep end to one side or the other, you can't be anti-PC shit and a socialist or you're just hated by both sides and called an "enlightened centrist" and stupid shit.
The very fucking fact that extremism in all its forms is so much more common is the result of hate-click farming articles and shit like Google showing everyone only the results that both confirm their existing views and also rile them up. Anger and fear = clickthru rate and comments and time spent on site = $$$$. Everyone is fucking depressed and full of hate and politically radicalized because it's making someone rich to make you that way.
Also video games.
I got some people to give up netflix already
since when are cuckcels white women?
But he already had a generic personality in the games. Making him black allowed the writing team to portray Dracula as someone who's being able to travel and explore the world and see how a slave can rise up and become their own master. It adds an interesting dynamic when he's later no longer bound to Dracula's services as now he is his own master and the first he does is commit an act of evil.
normies don't have standards it won't bomb but i doubt it will be big as GoT
>people make flops on purpose just to fuck with (YOU) personally
/pol/cels actually believe this
>pretend janny commie pseud
After "The Last Jedi" made it clear that the people working on beloved franchises/adaptations don't necessarily give a shit about telling a good story, honoring the source material, or respecting the fans; yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if a project that was preemptively praised for having a majority female cast cared more about politics than telling a good story.
Ok, now this is epic. Take all my upvotes XD
If a grand political statement is agreed upon by the majority of people it isn't a grand political statement. It is agreeing with the status quo, which every politician in the history of the world "fights" against.
But I see the point you are trying to make, and I would argue that if a for profit company ever makes a political statement it is to make money. They don't give a shit about the message as long as you are consuming it with their logo attached.
see star wars or disney. They made incredibles 2 into a le girl power dumpster fire, and toy story 4 makes woody gay
>Why do you think they didn't?
I think you missed my point: if this wasn't a conscious decision, people made management aware of it and they went with it anyway, so either
A: they did it on purpose for the get go for whatever reason
B: it was a mistake, the costume department are retarded (they're not, other aspects look rock solid), people mentioned that the troops looked like walking ballbags with a glans helmet (cmon bro, the helmet... really nigger? really?) and they gave it the go ahead anyway for whatever reason
Or I suppose C: they were/are completely unaware of it despite everyone else spotting it instantly and this makes them complete retards.
>not an insane political maneuver by feminists
I've said it several times, I don't believe the OP picture, I don't think many people do either; you're buying into the hype here, that picture was made to stir controversy, which it is successfully doing.
Its both actually. Netflix would have had a place if they kept making shows like Dark, Strange Things S1/S2 and a few other shows and kept the popular shows that people wanted to watch. However they kept sinking money into "White Woman gets BLACKED 4" and a thousand other niche shit productions nobody cared about that were all politically motivated. Netflix absolutely killed itself putting niggers into Netflix it just wasn't the only thing it did to kill itself.
>Do you honestly think feminists would do stupid things?
Read the first few words then i nearly fell asleep from your post. You either make your writing skill better or you stop being retarded uninteresting commie NPC number 90294
It could flop, not everything Netflix churns out is gold and this likely will have budget problems stemming from CGI monsters and magic. They can't skip Yen and Geralt first meeting. So that whole part has teleporting multiple times, summoning a Djinn, Yennefer trying to control the Djinn and it going ballistic destroying parts of a town. The CGI will be insane.
The story could be rushed, we already see stuff from Last Wish, Sword of Destiny, Blood of Elves and Time of Contempt in ONE trailer. In EIGHT episodes total they will fit that in. If its not a flop its going to last 3 seasons max at that pace.
So again you're gonna fully believe someone from the writing team would purposefully self-sabotage something and nearly everyone else would be okay with it? You're delusional and have clearly never worked in the industry.
>people won't sacrifice profits to politicise their work
retards actually believe this
>BBC Adaptions
>toy story 4 makes woody gay
bullshit nigger, there is no toy story 4
>that passive aggressive reply
This just confirms that story as true, lmao
Agreed and desu this show just looks like any other project that's taken by film/tv producers meaning a watering down of the source material and a rounding of the uniqueness of the material to allow for mass market appeal.
I don't see any suggestion of ulterior motive but I'd love for you to show why you think there are some.
The reasoning of "I want my show to be seen by alot of people so I'll put minorities in because minorities like looking at minorities" is flawed logic IMO but I can understand how people in media can reach that conclusion.
I don't believe there needs to be an ulterior motive because their actual motive is obvious, making money
user, I...
desu the witcher is quite progressive in its message, but also about the nuances how most of the time the oppressed can be just as bad as the oppressors when given the power. Something the writers probably don't get. It seems like they are stuck with a "the more opressed, the more virtuous" mindset.
Also can we finnaly note how female producers are just as bad as male one ny this point? Casting 6/10 women for the sorceresses and then fucking greek god Henry Cavill as Geralt!? I bet he will take of his shirt in every episode, at least twice. Fuck roasties and fuck netflix.
Oh and if you read this, fuck punchy.
>it's Americans put their retarded propaganda into foreign works episode 200
Brits are basically Americans
>Don't believe everything you read on the internet
That would include her tweet though
>I don't believe there needs to be an ulterior motive because their actual motive is obvious, making money
Their actual motive isn't making money its making a statement.
>Casting Japanese people
They're just as bad as the whites, that's not progressive!!!
im going to just start telling random women that they shouldnt have any rights
It's as a simple as the writers themselves believing it's not self-sabotage, thinking it's doing the world a favour, where in reality everyone else thinks it's shit. You've never met a writer who loved to eat their own shit?
There is no motive, they have been put in the writers room by nepotism.
why are people like this?
This actually, If it has "A Netflix Original" in the title its your average diverse cast which is everyone sick of. You know, they funneled all their budget on that shit instead of the story.
>"oh sweety honey you're so stupid, this is all made up" laughinggirls.png
>even resetera ROASTING the ballsack dudes
>The Witcher is REALLY interesting when it comes to depicting racism because it's about species, not skin color.
I can't get over this comment. That so overly common in fantasy worlds its not even funny. What does this imply? She doesn't even know anything about the genre? That's all I can say.
They are unironically not people. They are fucking lizards making as jews masking as people.
Seriously? Huh this is the kind of shit they would love.
WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY where at this point this is actually the most sane explanation for the picture of the soldier with the scrotom costume
This, I hate what this fucking world has turned into.
Bitches and faggots are literally ruining everything we like right infront of us and calling us liars when we confront them.
We should have never let them out of the kitchen/closet.
with all the jewy pedo shit coming out the woodwork recently, I'm half inclined to believe your statement and half of /x/'.
I feel as if the world we live in is a farce, and that each and every one of us pleb shit shovelers is beyond fucked.
If The Witcher season is the most progressive,enlightened and empowering show ever made and no one watches do you think it would be cancelled?
I do and that suggests to me that the show is about making something that people will watch, for whatever reason, and that translates into money.
If they genuinely just want to make a statement they would do it and continue to do it regardless of if it made them money, which I don't believe they would do.
>They are fucking lizards masking as jews masking as people
Possessed by demons sounds more likely. Also the story of Philip Schneider of them basically being skinwalking aliens who feed on endocrine glands, sounds quite plausible given the whole pineal gland child sacrifice thing.
didn't that yas kween slay bojack horseman spinoff get shitcanned recently?
i dont think you're looking at the big picture. the people at the top arent "going broke", they profit even more by throwing away a little bit of shekels and destroying IPs just to brainwash the masses to accept politics which enrich them far more than if they actually just allowed people to make quality products
look at mainstream media, they ignore tons of good stories, tons of sensational shit, and make a big deal out of non issues like black men attacking police and getting killed for it. the media doesnt care about views, the media doesnt care about the money they make for themselves, they're simply taking orders from higher ups so the people above them get far richer.
entertainment media is no different at this point
>We should have never let them out of the kitchen/closet.
implying you have any power over anyone
but more than half of that shit gets panned to hell and back.
Disneyworld opened a star wars themed area, and it's a fucking ghost town because it's all nuwars shite.
>Why do they look like freshly shaven ballsacks in winter time?
>"I want my armor to look like a shriveled scrotum." "I got u senpai."
>I've seen kids larping with much better looking armor than that, I feel embarrassed by the cheapness.
>I'm not one to just randomly hate something but what the fuck?
>Terrible. Wtf is that?
>Why does it look like wrinkly thing?
my personal favorite - from a verified tranny:
>While I know this is still based on the books and not the game, I have to ask.......... did they play the game?
I really hope so, I like bojack and that spinoff seemed really pandering to extreme "leftists"
Now if Netflix was all about making statements wouldn't they keep that show going even if it wasn't making them money?
whoa vee and incels btfo how will they ever recover
This show is a fucking meme before its even come out.
> Anime
> Manga
> Netflix adaptation.
Everything about this stupid fucking piece of shit show has been one big fucking netflix adaptation meme. There is literally not one single fucking thing about it that hasn't fallen into this category. It's going to be the bedrock of netflix adaptation memes for a goddamn decade.
There is not going to be one single person who isn't a thirsty cuckold who won't be dropping dookie on this garbage fire for at least five years, and the memes about how fucking terrible it is will continue for another five years more.
Holy shit what a fucking train wreck.
I like how Cavill does some alchemy himself haha real method actor
>they're supposed to be adapting the book which the games did FAITHFULLY
Wasn't the author pissed with the game adaptation though?
white males are the only demographic even paying taxes as a whole
without us continuing to be slaves for everyone else, everyone would literally fucking die
and the mainstream media has some of the worst ratings in history but they keep ignoring good stories and making big deals out of non-stories to push a narrative anyway
yes because he is a retard and took a lump sum as payment
You now remember Death Note adaptation
>Yeah I just so happen to have polish friends who are experts in polish culture and history and they so happen to have the exact opinion I am now parroting. This all really happened
Also does this retard not know that the original versions for each game is polish ? How the fuck does someone like this get their way? What the fuck are Americans breeding over there ?
Actually, that'd be pretty good Monty P's skit.
>the games did FAITHFULLY
No, they didn’t. They missed the point of the series and butchered the characters.
my primary news source is /pol/ nowadays.
The news are usually late a day, and the story gets spun and edited to suit whatever they're peddling.
the people who cry /pol/ fail to read past the word nigger to see it for what it is, /int/ + happenings.
Put grooves into the hammer, then.
>Now if Netflix was all about making statements wouldn't they keep that show going even if it wasn't making them money?
because they can take other shows that are profiting and run them into the ground, and continue moving on to new shows
its the same shit with movies and video game franchises. do you niggers not have eyes? do you not see what EA is doing? EA runs every franchise into the ground and then they just buy another and run it into the ground too. its cheaper than throwing money away on the same IP which has already lost the interest of its previous consumers
how many fucking years will it take for you retards to recognize this pattern and realize it doesnt apply to just video games
Not him, but the books were awful and CDPR did all the heavy lifting.
> the media doesnt care about views, the media doesnt care about the money they make for themselves
Except that they ignore the good stories and focus on the sensational shit because those stories get them views and help them make money for themselves.
You kinda defeated your own argument in your own argument.
I mean ya every major newsline is owned by a billionaire who can, and does, use it to promote themselves and their ideas. But small local stations do the sensationalism bit too and that is because it works better than well researched thought provoking journalism
you would ruin its structural rigidity by denting it willy nilly.
What upsets me the most about this show is that Cavil is going to be wasted with a shitty LITERALLY everything else from cast to writing to sets and costume. He wasn't my first choice for Geralt but he was still a good one.
Next level blacksmithing nigger.
What upsets me the most about this show is that Cavil isn't my boyfriend
... why tho
is it even metal or is just really really dried out blackened leather?
I've been pretty butt blasted about this topic for a while but what I find more interesting is that ONLY in western media does this happen.
I have been watching a korean historic drama recently where america is occupying korea and they literally have korean dudes with blue contacts and the worst korean english accent you've ever heard playing american officers.
Not only does nobody give a shit but its a non issue. Same goes for bollywood or japanese or chinese or ANY other region besides the shitholes that are the western anglosphere.
>>Except that they ignore the good stories and focus on the sensational shit
no you idiot, you dont know what is going on in the world if you believe this
white people can be doused in gasoline and SET ON FIRE and the media will completely ignore it, but they'll make a big deal out of the 50th guy in a year to violently attack a cop and get shot for it
they ignored all the sensational stories about all the crazy shit in hillaries emails, so much shit, just to cry about complete fucking nonsense that only a vocal minority of retards care about
do you seriously think more people care about a nigger being shot by police for acting like a nigger, than VIDEO of two white women doused in gasoline and set on fire by a nigger who was just robbing a gas station? because they fucking ignored the latter story and push the former one every other week
I really hope millennials don't eat this shit up as the new Game of Thrones. I want to believe that people as a whole have some semblance of taste.
>CDPR did all the heavy lifting.
They literally copypasted whole dialogues from the books. They didn’t add anything new to series.
>white people can be doused in gasoline and SET ON FIRE and the media will completely ignore it, but they'll make a big deal out of the 50th guy in a year to violently attack a cop and get shot for it
Brainwashed retard
Remember that one time in the books when Geralt and Vesemir forgot that Ciri was an adolescent girl and tried to get her to run a 10k on her period?
Jesus Christ, is a horror story about love and Geralts 3 swords, with cosmic shit thrown in, what is this hippie bullshit I just tried to read?
>But small local stations do the sensationalism bit too
no fucking shit retard obviously i was talking about the major news outlets, the ones that are dictating political discourse because they have so much more influence
But that reasoning only works if the goal is money. You keep reviving IPs so people will buy it for brand recognition and then pump out as much of that IP as you can before it stops making money.
Congratulation you noticed a shitty thing that EA is doing, but it isn't applicable to the money vs politics that we are talking about.
Your example would make sense if EA bought an IP, changed everything in it to match a message they wanted to. And they continued to produce it regardless of how popular it was.
I've always thought that every race had some sort of massive flaw. I'm convinced at this point that the flaw of that white race is that it is the only race that can be convinced to kill itself to prove how virtuous it is.
The only monsters that give a shit whether a woman is bleeding or not are the ones that want to rape her.
just a friendly reminder that 13% of the population commits 53% of all crimes
JUSSIE SMOLETTE and his fake ass beating doesnt even come close to two white women being fucking doused in gasoline and set on fire by a nigger, yet nobody fucking knows that happened and everybody knows of jussies obvious fake bullshit story
eat a fucking bullet you disgusting sack of shit
Can any culture be reduced solely down to skin colour, tho?
>Polaks (and any Slavs at that)
pick one
You see nilfgaurd symbolizes rape.
They all look like smug pieces of shit
>You keep reviving IPs so people will buy it for brand recognition and then pump out as much of that IP as you can before it stops making money.
>Congratulation you noticed a shitty thing that EA is doing
thats not what EA is doing you fucking cum dribbling retard, EA is gutting content from their franchises, and putting leftist propaganda in them too. or ARE YOU FUCKING GOD DAMN BLIND?????????????????
holy fucking shit you're all so fucking insufferably fucking stupid
Very badly
>it's nothing like the books
>they copy pasted the books
Shut up nigger, it is nothing like the books because none of the events in game happen in the books, which you haven't read.
That's a good thing though coz they suck dick, save yourself the time and enjoy your weekend user.
nice penis helmets shitflix
leftists and SJWs kill another franchise
feels bad to know we will live to see the demise of our own race. At this point the damage is already done. The west is over.
>believe the same woman whos literally lied about everything she said from a year ago
Ok now I believe her
L was far from the worst thing about that.
gutting either content or quality i should say
They copypasted the books but they misinterpreted them
>Lifeboat Ethics and Why the White Race is Doomed by user
I can understand not wanting to follow the games but it comes off as a bitch move when you go "lol fuck those games!!" The showrunner has said this a few times like the game are beneath them
But both of those stories are complete sensationalism, so you just want the sensationalism to pander to you instead of blacks.
If you wanted to disprove me you would point out that throughout the entirety of the Trump admin news organizations have focused on the drama and the behind the scenes stuff, instead of actual legislation presented on the floor.
That is ignoring good, useful information for the sensational and scandalous
Get back in the writers room lauren
>wogs kidnap and torture retarded white kid for hours and livestream it; bare minimal coverage
>roided up criminal with >20 prior convictions carrying an unlicensed pistol gets shot while struggling on the floor; riots in the streets, front page news HE A GOOD BOY HE DINDU NOTHING etc. etc.
Fuck off bender.
why do ((they)) do it?
>can only come up with 2 sentences
quite literally can't make this shit up
I don't know it looks like a melted tractor tire
Smollet gonna enter the vernacular for trash subhuman nigger fake hoaxes. That leftist black negress already got called Erica smollet when her dumb story got destroyed a week ago
The writers are disconnected from reality , typing on your macbook while in a nice bed in a bathrobe is not work
Really I could blot out the penis helmets in my mind's eye but the armour. Holy fuck. You could have used something from reality, which the games did and mess with it a little. The swords are shit too.
I wouldnt say no to those either
And since none of them preformed to the levels of the other games in the series they stopped supporting them.
Seems to suggest that EA cares more about money than "the message" being pushed. Which is what I was responding to.