Both long established and beloved Nintendo franchises

>Both long established and beloved Nintendo franchises
>Both saved their respective companies from shuttering their doors (Prime, Awakening)
>Keeping niche genres alive in an industry that kills them left and right
>Mostly serious takes on genres that Nintendo typically doesn't do in comparison to other series (hard sci-fi, low fantasy)
>prime waifu material
You know, we should be friends more than enemies

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Luci's voice warms my heart when nothing else will.

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I like you

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Well thanks!

based luciposter

>Both saved their respective companies from shuttering their doors (Prime)
This is wrong though, Super, Sakamoto, and R&D1 did that, they kept Yokoi from killing the series and Sakamoto was planning for a Metroid 4 for a while before it finally released on the GBA you're believing fan bullshit that came from their ass about low sales being the cause.

awakening is the 'other m' of the fire emblem franchise

No, that's Fates. Awakening is the Prime 3 of FE.

>Both should have had their journeys continue beyond their series namesake, but were met with a refusal to move forward.

We should have gotten Super Samus World and Lucina's Adventures in Slumberland ages ago, but instead we got Federation Force and Fates. .

Keep seething

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user, I was talking about Retro

considering the cancer sakamoto brings to the series when he has any major input is would I would take Yokoi over him anyday

>buh mah Federation Force

should never have been announce after a drought for so long and after M;om. it was a ok game that needed refinement ando more power, should have been on the wii U then the 3DS

>You know, we should be friends more than enemies
Tell that to Nintendo. They're the ones who can't keep these two franchises alive at the same time.
I've been meaning to get into FE though. Is Awakening really as bad as they say?

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The only cancer in the series was Other M, done by Sakamoto, Team Ninja, and D-Rockets with SPD1 having very little (if any) involvement at all. He's been fine since and him along with Makoto Kano (a man you so-called Yokoifags like to forget) gave us the greatest Metroid game ever made, Super Metroid, now be a good boy and go kill yourself for me.

Lucinia is too flat

Nah. It's middle of the road FE if anything. Not bad mind you, but one can do far better. Try Echoes, or the SNES games.
Three Houses is also pretty good as far as I've played

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Yeah, it really is obvious that you know shit about both franchises. You are a stupid Smashsecondary waifufag


It's because of the picture and not shitting on Awakening isn't it?

LucixSamus is canon?


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Yokoi wanted to KILL the franchise, hw hated how little the games sold in Japan, and wasn't happy with the idea making Super to begin.

He treated Sakamoto with canceling Super flat out if he wasn't able to finish the game quick so they could stop "wasting time" on it's development.

Sakamoto made a huge mistake on Other M, but he is the only reason Super, Fusion, Zero Mission or Samus Returns even exist, so I forgive (don't forget) his mistakes a long time ago.

Not yet... when not succumbing to her daddy issues with Snake, Samus then to prever her princesses more femenine, while Palucina is popular ship among some artists. Still, with enough time, and enough Smash games, it could become a thing.

Awakening or the first GBA (Fire Emblem, not Sacred Stones) are a very good place to start, all the basics while being beginner friendly (but not as easy as Sacred Stones)

I wouldn't recommend Echoes over Awakening , that game come with a lot of map and gameplay issues from before the SNES, is a solid game, but between having it's own rules among the series, and some serious issues on the missions and maps, is not the best starting point.

Samus is like 2mts tall, how does this work

She is also sitting on that picture.