Resident Evil Remake HD

Find a single flaw

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no claire

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It's one of five games I've ever given a 10/10 to.

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>Tropical Freeze
I'm judging you, user

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I can't watch Jill get gangbanged by zombies


Burning zombies is annoying

There isn't. Literally the finest survival horror game ever made.

this is the true answer

you can't play as daddy barry

That's a positive since Clairefags don't ruin comfy REmake threads.

>I can't watch Jill get gangbanged by zombies
You don't have to if you're good at the game

Not enough becca

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>Find a single flaw
Photoshop-filtered BGs, instead of proper re-renders.

Really silly nitpick. The game as a whole is still 10/10. The greatest true remake ever done.

The ending doesnt show both Barry and Rebecca surviving. One of them is straight up missing yet somehow both survive

??? the game is easy, I'm saying its flaw is i cant watch Jill get fucked by zombies.

>find a flaw
capcom are shitters and threw out the source code for the pre-rendered backgrounds. This meant they couldn't re-render them in HD, and instead had to use filters to upscale the 480p backdrops.

In terms of the game itself, the only real flaw IMO is how annoying it is that you cannot pick up and combine things without doing those as two separate actions. For example if you have 8/8 slots filled and are carrying a green herb, and then you come across a red herb, you cannot use it to mix with the green because you first need to pick it up, then combine. So even though the net would still be the same amount of item slots used, you can't pick it up and mix it.

This leads to especially annoying scenarios like when playing as Jill and mixing the chemicals for plant 42. You basically need to go there with a completely empty inventory to avoid getting cucked by a bunch of slots taken up by chemical ingredients and jars

There's less dynamic shadows than in the GC version.

>expand dong
yeah, no.

Also fallout 1 is superior to fallout 2

voice acting

Will we ever get another RE game with as much souls as REmake, Yea Forumsros?

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Shit game play. There.

it's a remake, therefore not as good as the original

is there any explanation for that?
did they throw away the files like the retards at konami did with SH2?

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Quite the opposite. The open ended, non linear exploration of the mansion is great and the puzzles tow the line between too easy and too hard. It's also a game that relies hard on player improvisation, meaning that each moment of the game can play out differently per playthrough. Not to mention all the bonus modes/replayabiltiy this game has.

There are none!

Jill's crotch was censored in PC release.

>did they throw away the files like the retards at konami did with SH2?
Pretty much ALL Japanese devs (and prolly tons of others too) did that. Square's had to deal with that jazz too.
You gotta remember that back in early 00s, storage space used to be limited and more expensive, and no one in their brightest minds thought that the #1 best selling vidya products of some far-off future of late 2010s would mostly consist of re-releases of decades old vidya.

Fortunately (?) the AI Upscaling algorithms are now providing a quite decent alternative to the quick filter-jobs or painstakingly recreating all assets from scratch. There already exists AI up-rezzed BG mods for the classic RE-games, REmake, and even FF7.

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>is there any explanation for that?
That it would probably be a massive pain in the ass to find 18 year old 3D files, transition them to current-day modelling software, and then re-render every single one of them under conditions that allowed them to look similar, and then remap all of them to look proper within the game itself?

>did they throw away the files like the retards
They used original files to render fully 3D mansion in Umbrella Chronicles on Wii, so they simply decided not to use them in HD remaster for some reason.

The only part that holds truth is "finding" the files, since they were never stored. The formats and shit have really not changed much at all in the past ~20 years; Softimage and 3DS Max were already industry standards during early 00s.

This is proven by the fact that RE0 HD was actually done in record time, because they DID still have its model files, and could thus render the BGs and FMVs in much, much higher resolution.
Holy shit they really did.


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>They used original files to render fully 3D mansion in Umbrella Chronicles on Wii,
No, not quite. The 3D models used in UC are much lower poly, with notably lower res texturing and pre-baked lighting. They just followed close enough art-style to be convincing at the time; probably used some of the original model data to create decent normal-maps for the lowpoly meshes.

When you leave the mansion the game isn’t that good compared to the first hours in the mansion, still a very good game tho












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Bloodborne is kino. Is true that soulsfag and snoyfags are two of the worst fandoms, but that doesn’t deny how good bloodborne is

Remastered version removes a bunch of animated backgrounds and used sharpening filters to upscale the gamecube versions of the backgrounds because they lost the original files or something.

It's a great game but I want them to find the source files and re-render at 4k.

It's a good game, don't get me wrong, but it's certainly not something I'd list in a collection of "greatest games of all time"
Even among the souls games, DeS and DaS1 are better.

I never burned any zombie. In fact, Idk how to do it

The jiggle physics break all immersion
I'm not joking, either. She's specifically wearing an outfit that would reduce virtually all potential jiggle, but it's so blatant and unrealistic that it ruins the game's atmosphere

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Won't ever happen, sadly. They lost all the originals. You have to keep in mind that back in the day companies simply didn't keep shit like that laying around. That data is all gone, and nothing short of completely redoing everything from scratch will ever give us REmake in true HD

It has prerendered backgrounds in one of the lowest resolutions possible, therefore aging absolutely terribly. If it had like 16k resolution backgrounds it would hold up at least for a little while longer.

What's your fastest clear time?

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The weirdest part about it is that 0 was re-rendered and not just upscaled. It really is the most impressive of the fixed camera horror games.

pre rendered backgrounds is utter shit technology and they scale horribly

did the original REmake have jiggle or just the HD port? Never played the HD version since I prefer playing my original GC discs on my CRT for maximum comfy

You are retard/10

It’s one of the only ratings I’m ever going to give you

i am stuck right now, the game is too confusing. I just did the puzzle with like fish hooks and bugs or something, now i am lost.

>tropical freeze
>NOT a 10/10
You have shit taste

Because they still had the original files for RE0

All of the fixed camera RE games looked way better than anything else possible at the time. It was incredible technology. Now I don't see any reason to use it anymore but there is a reason REmake/0 have aged so much better than other games from that era.

You can’t honestly think DKCTF is bad and like any of the fallout games

It’s not a we, not with that soulless art style, weird physics, and having to memorie where enemies are to get a good speed run.

no 2.5D platformer will ever be 10/10, that's a fact.

>Even among the souls games, DeS and DaS1 are better.

lmao no, hipster

bloodborne has a lot of problems and is really a step down in its totality from something like dark souls, despite the better gameplay

Holy cringe.

IIRC it was only in the GC release, but it's in the HD remaster on all platforms.
I like tits as much as the next guy, but I don't need 'em bouncing all over the place to get a bone, especially out of context.

>if you don't think something is a perfect 10/10 then that means you think it's bad
lrn2 read

Name one flaw with Bloodborne.

>this is a 2002 video game

I don't think we achieved anything close to this in real time until late ps3.

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That doesn't even make sense.

lack of playstyle variety

I miss a lot of the color of the original and I feel that it loses a lot of the camp value.

The gamecube version has much better atmosphere. But apparently CAPCOM has lost the source code and the assets of the game.

But lately, I believe that there was a game that they found the source and the assets with Nintendo, which is very interesting... does that mean that Nintendo stores all the Source and assets before the game is released? If that's true... than it's awesome.

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>The weirdest part about it is that 0 was re-rendered and not just upscaled.

>soulless artstyle
You don’t even know what that means
>the rest of that shit
You need to git gud at video games.

Zoomers need to leave

Designed around fast travel from the start.
Too much healing.
Homogenous boss design.
Chalice Dungeons.

That's about it.

Everything regarding Crimson Heads are annoying. And they nerfed the shotgun because of it

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>What is the Magnum

I still hate capcom for changing the story into a mystic voodoo shit.

The beta was awesome and was congruent to RE1.

She even had her hat, which she would probably lose at some point.

The series lost itself after Code Veronica.

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None. It's one of the best RE games. I find it hilarious that the Tyrant in this game can swipe away the rocket at the end but Mr X can't in RE2make. Just goes to show the chasm between classic and modern RE.

>non linear
I don't think you know what non linear is. Also constant backtracking for items and fixed camera is outdated by today standards. It was great in 1997 though.

It's not an ots action shooter like RE4 and REimagining 2

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How was the beta's story different?

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>they saved the files for one of the shittiest RE games
fuck capcom

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Real zombies, not leeches things that were turned into human, would make sense since some STARS team would interact with Rebecca, as seen in the video I posted.

No "follow me" mechanic.

Rebecca had her had, which she probably would lose at some point, leading to RE1.

In general it's still the same, but the devil is in the details.

>No one mentions Nintendo
>Snoy fags fly off the handle
Rent Free

Are you able to formulate a proper sentence or do you just talk in meme speak? Bloodborne runs like shit, everywhere outside of Yharnam is poorly designed, the game got cut short just so you can go through randomly generated dungeons 1000 times. The covenants are unfinished and the multiplayer is actually broken.

on paper, sure, there are less stats and investment isn't as 1:1 rigid in regards to builds, but the playstyles derived from each and every weapon is completely unique and varied
It's a different kind of strategy and timing, versus Dark Souls reliance on just doing overpowered retard shit while looking like an uncouth boor
I will say that no multiplayer experience will ever beat sl35 dex/crit chameleon backstabbing at Sen's Funhouse, but Bloodborne was easily the superior singleplayer experience for more reasons than the pace and trick weapon combat
>tfw Blueblood 2.0 never ever

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>RE4 S tier

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T. Cube, baby

RE4 is godly, though. It having a negative impact on the gaming industry as a whole and the franchise doesn't change that fact.

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And what is so "Godly" about it sweet summer child


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>B tier

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you have no soul if you think RE4 isn't an S-tier game.

>but the playstyles derived from each and every weapon is completely unique and varied
What? Every weapon is balanced around the same sort of play style: aggressive. Had the game had more gimmicky weapons, like Logarius' Wheel and the Amygdalan Arm, you might have a point.

>Dude lol, your hand comes off

fuck off, Leon fag.

Only issue is that OG RE1 is better. The pacing makes it a better game, alongside the fact there's no crimson heads or lisa trevor. Also the new items kill the pacing in remake.

>he can't appreciate 10/10 campkino
no soul

Oh don’t fucking start ruining a thread by being a belligerent cockrash. If you didn’t like it then fine but you’re still in a minority and even you have to figure out why

>The pacing
>The level design
>The enemy encounter design
>The replayability
>The memorable characters
Just face it, RE4 is a 10.

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Re1 was camp. Re4 is LOLWACKY.

Are DeS and DaS two of most overrated games ever created?

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They're underrated.

I have faster but this is the only one I've capped

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I like REmake a LOT, but I prefer Zero. I think I'm retarded.

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Maybe you should head to Resetera, the mods will keep you safe from the world.

what a nice guy

>Find a single flaw
Its a shitty cashgrab demaster.

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Where can I find that Jill portrait transparent? I mist know.

Here's mine. Haven't touched the Revelations games yet but I've heard good things.

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I still wish we got REmake 2.

sharks are scary

Okay so you have justified the first third of the game, but what about the castle and the island?

Also, the only two "memorable" characters are Leon since you play him and Ashley since shes by your side almost the whole game and shes eye candy.

>It isn’t a little bit longer
That’s RE4 flaw

Pre rendered stuff still low res. Is there a completed mod replacing all the textures with higher res ones using that one program? Would be nice.

I've recently played it for the first time. I absolutely agree that the level design is fantastic, I didn't want to believe the "all rooms are memorable" but it is probably close to it. My biggest problems with it is that I think it overstays its welcome a bit too much, especially in the island. Many rooms would've been appreciable with less enemies and considering you will kill hundreds and hundreds of them a bit more variety in what types of assholes attack you would have been nice. I was so disappointed when the marine dudes turned out to just be reskinned castle cultists.

move 4 up to B tier and you've nailed it.

>Are you able to formulate a proper sentence or do you just talk in meme speak?
No way fag

So what makes RE4 so good? I’ve never played it.

"Photoshop-filtered BGs" what does that even mean?

What makes it good is being 12 years old when you play it

Its funny how this garbage port reveals pretentious hipsters who loves to brag about REmake but actually never played the original on GC or Wii. I could've tell right from the start that capcom fucked everything up.

Idk which one is better, RE4 or REmake. Both are good but they’re so different that is weird comparing to them. Yeah I can say the REmake have better exploration and ambientation/atmosphere, and I would also say RE4 have better weapons, controls and variety, but that’s comparision is useless because it doesn’t feel like game from the same franchise. Is like comparing Super Mario World wirh Mario 64.
Also Salazar should have been the main villain

DS version you could tap on them for a little animation

>Yea Forums has good ta-

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It’ll not have the same impact now as the jump from the original style had at the time. It was fucking incredible.

Ignore this faggot:

>Is like comparing SMB3 wirh Mario 64.

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I've ever only played it on the GCN.

REupscale project helps things though. I originally played the GC version but eventually did the HD pc port with the mod and I thought it was generally solid

no one has ever said Yea Forums has good taste.

It's one of those game where you just had to have been there during release to experience how big it was. It's still a good game now, but the "impact" is gone, especially compared to similar games released since then. Same applies to Half Life 2. Super impressive and influential on release, not so much when experienced for the first time several years later.

>what does that even mean?
It means that the pre-rendered background images are NOT re-rendered at higher resolution. Instead, they took the GC original, roughly 480p quality images, run some basic upscale tricks + gamma boosts + noise filters on top, and called it a day.
This can literally be done in a few moments in Photoshop, and it makes some areas look extremely ugly and "fake", especially if you play at high resolutions. A few sections and assets were properly re-created or touched up a bit more, such as the Death Masks room, which is why they look fine. Meanwhile, places like the Shark Tank look just awful; literally "Looking Good!" -meme tier filters.

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>the big cheese
Want to try that again retard?

>calling people hipsters for enjoying a great game even with less graphical fidelity and not some specific version
do you see the irony or...?

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they removed the secret room from the library

>More backtracking than the original
>More tedium than the original
>Worse pacing than the original
>Worse setting than the original (Goes from a common mansion overrun with horrors and some strange puzzles into a SAW like carnival funhouse of death)
>Entire Lisa backstory and game sections are terrible and completely out of place
>Turned Wesker into a generic evil badguy through the whole game
>Tried to "fix" the campy B-movie style of the original that people loved and turned it into the typical overly dry and boring monotone jap writing
>Easier than the original
>Less memorable than the original
The only thing it improved on was the sharks which are an absolute joke in the original.

>le funny merchant man XD
Yeah dude I remember those Mega64 videos, they were pretty funny.

Chalice Dungeons and everything to do with them.
Multiplayer being worse than Dark Souls

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It was on a nintendo system first

The fake loading times between every single room make it literally a 5/10 game for everyone with a real life and errands and standards.

there should have been more crimson heads.

I use to beat this game bout every week in college and got it down to 1hour 59 if I remember correctly, also, this one dude on youtube does no hit/knife only runs and has about 300 subs.

>CV and 0 that low

I mean the same argument can be made against it
>it's shit because it came out on the Gamecube first
See Tales of Symphonia

really good maps/enemy placement.

Agreed. Other people might give you shit for it but 4 and REmake are both the very best at what they do.

It hasn't been 24h since you made those exact same two posts

Get a fucking life

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You're not using REupscale.

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the re release of code Veronica on ps2, specifically the cutscene where Wesker beats the shit out of veronica, is the exact moment where resident evil went off the rails. the fact that they changed that cutscene to make Wesker look cooler proves it. and it never recovered until resident evil 7 (or even re2 remake)

I don't think I'm who you're talking about, user. I'm not even the second poster you replied to.

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You might want this.

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Go back.

Honestly I think RE really went to shit as soon as they decided that Umbrella was cobra. I always liked the idea better that they where just some bit of background lore who died to their own creations. The real enemy was the mansion or the city, not some maniacal super villain

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You should see the ai enhance versions they look pretty good, all they need are touchups by hand.

>RE1 and RE4 same as RECV and Zero
>RE3 being A-tier

Literally the only thing different is that the cage isn't casting a shadow, which sucks but it's one thing.

Cage lost the dynamic shadow, but table on which it stands gained one. Everything else is the same.

I agree, but if they did it right we wouldn't have the masterpiece that is resident evil 5
also none of the slicked back hair matrix wesker

I love our AI overlords.

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>the masterpiece that is resident evil 5

I don't care if you're trolling or not but fuck off

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>no claire

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>the source code for the pre-rendered backgrounds
>source code
>pre-rendered backgrounds
uh what

You're retarded. The textures are original

He's tech illiterate but he got the general gist of it.

That's the HD remake


well I meant masterpiece as in wesker is a masterpiece
how can you not love his antics in that game
the game itself is shit though


I guess were I nitpicky I'd say no one campaign actually makes sense given all 4 major characters survive and that isnt possible in game. But I dont care about REs story so that is as microscopic a fault as I can find.

You are fucking gay then.


proper remake of outbreak when?

I’m just gonna day it: resident evil DS is criminally underrated.
>can play on the go
>classic and rebirth mode
>cool costumes

>well I meant masterpiece as in wesker is a masterpiece

No. No he's not. Just because he's a meme doesn't make him a masterpiece. He was shit in Code V he's extra shit here.

>mentions bloodborne and other games
>bunch of fags come from nowhere, ignore the others (that are just as "flawed") just to attack bloodborne alone
It's becoming pathetic already. No matter how much you seethe, bloodborne will always be one of the most loved games on Yea Forums.

opening doors 50 percent of the playtime

Demons is underrated, dark is incredibly overrated

Demon's Souls is garbage.

you are gay

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>no one in their brightest minds thought that the #1 best selling vidya products of some far-off future of late 2010s would mostly consist of re-releases of decades old vidya.
>they saved the files for one of the shittiest RE games

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I like that it contains a file mentioning Alexia. I was sorely disappointed to learn that REmake 2 makes no mention of either her or Alfred.

sorry you can't have fun

it does have a coded letter with Chris talking about going to Europe and picking up french girls


it is retarded, that's why it's fun

Then why aren't you fun.

i don't know :(

Easily fixed with a popular mod

>The ending

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I like these comparison images. Post more of whatever game you have.

4 is A, 3 is S, CV is B, original 1 is C
Otherwise correct

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Me neither, and crimson heads were a pain in the arse as a result. It's not necessary to burn any.

rev2 is a great action game, one of the better games in the series. rev1 is a shoddy attempt at making something between re6 and classic re. not the worst game in the series but not that great

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What the fuck did they do to Claire?

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No doubt it's better than the RE1 director's cut overall, but the shotgun not being a guaranteed one shot kill headshot was stupid as fuck.

what make RE0 so bad? never played it.

Too hard I hate being a classic RE casual

Just very not good
You can't use item boxes and have to drop items on the floor, controlling two people isn't that fun, the story is pretty bad even for RE and the levels are very so-so except the train

It doesn't deserve to be on the bottom. I honestly don't understand the love Outbreak gets on Yea Forums

No battle mode

Why was Billy so fucking hot?

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Yeah, and despite Claire saying the writing doesn’t sound like Chris at all, she makes no mention of going after him at the end of the game either.

its not worthy of 10 though, it has some of the least memorable bosses in FROMs works. (excluding the DLC bosses which are all great)

Something something old good something something new bad

Actually REmake might be old enough that SOULfags don't call it souless.

Doesn't this have tank controls?

HD version made tank controls optional.
But of course you wouldn't turn off tank controls, right user?