What's the one rule on Omega?
What's the one rule on Omega?
Asari have gigantic futa cocks
Perform cunnilingus on Aria
Let her fuck you
>tfw living on omega
nobody fucks with Shep
well, maybe a little
That Aria is a shitty, Mary Sue character who is proven to a pathetic manchild in the ending of the Omega DLC.
dont fuck with aria
i always fuck with her anyway cause i know she cant do anything. also what a short sightedness not allowing a renegade character to romance her. i love boss bitches
Fuck Aria
>taking drinks from Batarians
Nothing like making them literally taste their own poison
Carrie Ann Moss must chew ALL the scenery
Seriously, Aria is the worst character in the whole trilogy. She's so two-dimensional and ridiculous.
Dont fuck with renegade shepard
Dunno I'm hardbanned from doing anything. Guess I'll just follow this storypipe the makers gave us.
Such a waste of fine ass
>gets her wet enough to kiss him if you do the omega dlc renegade style
that was pretty based I will say
ME2 is only decent after getting off the story leash
ME 3 is only decent in multiplayer
Are you implying Mass Effect 1 was open world or something? Yeah maybe if you consider retextured barren worlds and recycled assets outside of the main plot worlds + DLC to be "content"
open galaxy :^)
Do fuck Aria
trinity cums first, no matter what
Ooops, sorry!
>open world
It was better than open world, it was semi-linear with side content that gave the game a sense of scope.
Driving on uncharted worlds was comfy as fuck if you have a +70 IQ and can therefore drive the Mako.
>Driving on uncharted worlds was comfy as fuck
It really wasn't, or at least the feeling didn't last thanks to the copy-pasted environments with the copy-pasted bases.
You're objectively wrong, its Kai leng, so terrible that you didnt even remember him as the worst character in the trilogy
In 2007 that was the level "bonus" content was at. Just look at Witcher
I mean that is the least surprising thing I've seen considering she was fucking Nyreen.
They're space rocks nigga
Most of them are going to be cragy and dusty
Also there was environmental diversity with some earth-like environments peppered in with the more barren worlds.
Having more than 3 interiors would have been good though. I like the "prefab habitat drilled into a rock" aesthetic of the side areas in ME1 but the ONE cave the ONE ship and the ONE complex do get old.
Kai Leng can't ruin a bad game and his being a horribly-written unironic edgelord is almost funny.
Every line Trinity reads makes me want to drink concrete.
honestly my only issues with uncharted worlds are the fact the textures are horrible, in fact for me the only textures that haven't aged well out of the game, and the fact the terrain elevation doesn't feel very natural let alone look it
3 isn't that bad. It's mediocre in many ways but far from bad.
planet exploration in ME1 was one of the best things about ME in general, even those shitty buildings on a empty heightmaps had a feeling of exploring the unknown because it was about the narrative and the scenario you were roleplaying, as shit as it was no other game captured that feeling
>but far from bad.
Pretty nitpicky when all of the story planets are hand crafted with dozens of assets. The only reason you should visit the other planets is for more money
>and the fact the terrain elevation doesn't feel very natural let alone look it
I loved the weirdly jagged and cragy mountainous environments where there's only 3 small points of interest on a relatively large map that's nonetheless easy to traverse quickly.
Stepping out of the Mako to take in the scale of the environment, especially with the subtle ambient sounds and skyboxes are some of my favourite parts of any Bioware game.
But in the same game there is Noveria, which is a more guided version of the subquest planets that is pretty much my perfect comfy vidya environment. So I can see why someone would want something more comparable to that than the sparser uncharted worlds.
In an alternate universe where EA didn't buy Bioware, ME2 could have improved on the good parts of planet exploration instead of animating 25 more awkward sex scenes and derailing most of the story and lore that made ME1 cool.
Not the guy you're arguing with, but I've done 4 sets of Insane 100% completion playthroughs of ME1 out of sheer autism.
The game is flat out more copy pasted and samey than DA2 if you're doing side missions, not even joking. It's the same fucking warehouse and the same fucking cave hundreds of times over. I nearly get anxiety thinking back on it and seeing those exact same areas over and over and over again jesus fucking christ.
I LITERALLY, and I do mean LITERALLY, said EXACTLY that in the comment you just quoted, champ.
We'll bang, ok?
fuck nigger i didnt read that far before posting
dont be a cunt about it
Keep in mind the game came out in 2007, the same year as bioshock.
Is this the most Zoomer post ever made?
Nigga mediocre =/= bad.
And the best part is, when people get past seething and mod it on PC, it actually becomes overall decent/good.
wow you bigot
being born in 2001 doesnt make me any less of a 4channeler than you
>and mod it on PC, it actually becomes overall decent/good
That mod helps improve the game a little but it's a bandaid on a shitshow of a game. By all means like it regardless of literally everyone else agreeing is so bad that Bioware themselves avoid it like the plauge but don't fucking argue it's anything but shit that completley falls apart after Tuchunka.
that mod is fucking awful. whoever did the voiceover for it put the lowest effort in. it wouldve been an improvement if they used microsoft sam
Are you referring to Mehem/Jam? And the clips sampled for red ending?
>falls apart after Tuchunka
Citadel 2:
Decent, very average plot, Kay Lang or Kie Lang or whatever doesn't do anything good for it at all, being the low point of that mission. Ash/Kaiden are also a bit retarded but they're diehard jarheads so it's understandable how they act.
Quarian Arc:
It's good. Geth/Quarian conflict is probably the most interesting piece of elaborated history in the series. And the endings are fine the way they are for it, all 3 of them.
Good until Kai Ling, but a mediocre ending doesn't make me discredit the rest of the mission being good, if not short. Should really have had some impactful optional missions beside it.
Decent. It's needed because you lost at Thessia, but having low moments in a war is important too. Nothing special about the mission at all.
Cerberus HQ:
Decent mission that's fun to fight through, Kai Ling is again the weakest part. Wraps up cerberus.
Good until you're talking to starchild. Even then it ain't the worst. Ending hate is half bullshit angst and half justified.
So overall, decent. Would be better without Kai Lang but well, he's there.
Fuck Mummy Aria.
Don't water the term down to be meaningless...
brosheps reaction is fucking priceless
The animations are so fucking awful
How old are you?
>go to another planet
>it's blue rocks instead of red
Oh my gosh, so epic!
Old enough to know people have shit on Bioware's trash animations since KotOR
>everything must be Ubisoft grindfests with a pointless side objective every 5 meters
Do you know what a Mary Sue is?
why did the thread continue after this post, everything necessary was said already.
Then you should know those animations were pretty decent for 2012
Aria would be a Sue if she was the main character
She's the most generically annoying alpha bitch stereotype ever. Which is doubly funny since Miranda is also an alpha bitch pseudo-Sue but actually has character flaws addressed in the story.
How did you access Stanley Woo's private archive?
It wasn't decent, just barely serviceable. Compared even to the mediocre parts of the previous games, the difference in quality is jarring at best, depressing at worst.
If I see that blue alien bitch's model in a SFM video I instantly lose my boner. Fucking cornrow-having Eiffel 65-looking ass motherfucker.
That's a no then...
>ywn get to fuck Aria
As has it ever been confirmed or only just strongly alluded to that Aria is the Asari Commando friend that Wrex had a duel with when he talks about his past in ME1?
Was it fun?
>bioware had decent animations at any point in their history
>perfect at everything
>dominates every character including Shepard
>the one time she loses is off camera in a side comic to set up the DLC that involves her being cheated
Aria is an author wank character like every Asari
If you actually compare it to games that year it was pretty decent. The only thing that stands out is farcry 3 and that's pretty much a downgraded moviegame
Being a condescending bitch is a character flaw, but probably not by today's standard.
but she's hot, tho
That's literally any female character nowadays.
I actually can't remember the last time I saw a fictional female that wasn't some kind of smarmy, perfect in every way cunt.
>tfw there will never be a ME remaster trilogy
You'd figure it's an easy cash-grab and good gesture for the fans, both of which EA and Bioware desperately need right now.
I will never forgive EA and Bioware for what they did to ME, it was the only game that filled the void left by Kotor.
honestly the thing about 3 for me is that a lot of the shit parts would have been great had they been executed better, Kai Leng as a concept is a good idea but they fucked up in acting like he's some better than you edgelord while simultaneously have him barely hold his own against a drell assassin who is on death's doorstep and isn't even supposed to move much.Or the ptsd scenes where you get hints of kino with the voiceovers of people who died only to get ruined by the retarded child who probably didn't even exist. Or the catalyst which takes on the fucking form of said human child instead of a leviathan like an ai built by said species should.
if you want my unpopular opinion destroy is perfectly fine as an ending and was the only logical solution to the series anyway, except for needing to headcanon away the retarded "woops it kills all ai ;)" that is clearly put there because the devs were shilling for synthesis and gave that retarded ending virtually no downsides but you being a martyr
my thoughts exactly, though bioware went full retard in then having everyone pretend that Thessia getting raped by reapers was somehow your fault. Like grabbing the info from the VI was not going to stop the assraping the asari were taking and for at least a while it would continue until you got back to the citadel with the crucible.
She has a mannish face with a sunken brow and face paint that looks like a soul patch and has the worst voice performance I've seen in a AAA release game.
>That's literally any female character nowadays.
Like I said. Feminists think being a festering asshole means you're a "strong" person.
at least 2 and 3 still had some good moments, I guess, and at least ME and DA got 1 good game each before they declined
it's funny now looking back at the order and dates of release and how the quality started dropping hard after DA1
but yeah, imagining what the franchise could be now if it had evolved from ME1 instead of stripping everything that made it unique... fuck
They're basically putting literally everyone but the SWTOR team and a skeleton crew for Anthem on making DA4, because whether or not it is a success is probably going to determine the survival of the studio.
I could see them doing a remaster regardless of if they're fucked otherwise or not though once that's done, it'd be a good final cash in for EA
>because whether or not it is a success is probably going to determine the survival of the studio
That's what we said about Anthem
I think EA just keeps Bioware around to avoid backlash from liquidating another formerly beloved studio. And their gay dating sims are good PR with cuck game journos.
What do you mean? Montreal is gone, Edmonton only survived, because Anthem was, on top of things, a Live Service experiment, mandated by EA's execs and canceling it would mean admission of fault by EA themselves. Dragon Age 4 won't be, though and if they fail again, it's going to be bad.
>That's what we said about Anthem
who is we?
I said it even then that DA4 would be put out regardless of Anthem and is their genuine last chance if Anthem failed. It's an established ip that will probably be the last in the series that is guaranteed to sell pretty well barring massive fuck ups on their part. if they can make it a good success they'll probably get another chance, if they can't even do well with da4 I can't see EA giving them any more leeway.
There's only so many andromedas and anthems a soulless corporation like EA will take considering they are pushing desperately to monetize everything
DA4 needs only to be good enough to carry them to the next release. But Andromeda 2? Oof, I can't see that going down well with anyone.
I use decent to mean it has good and bad parts that overall hamper the final delivery, maybe it'd be better to say "average and uninspired". But I'll give you that Horizon was serviceable at best, it really brought absolutely nothing to the table except being a setup for Cerberus HQ.
Comparing mediocre parts I don't agree it's jarring, but noticeable. 1 had Mako parts needlessly stretch main missions that otherwise had great ground parts and purpose to them, and exploration that was okay but not amazing. Side missions were a mixed bag but many were very dialogue light.
2 had arguably the best main missions and side missions, leaving out stretched "get from point A to B" Mako parts and world building through loyalty missions. To bad family was a theme in like half of them, could have done infinitely more.
3 had the most mixed main missions, but good ground-side optional missions due to unique party dialogue and importance laced on them. The "exploration" was unfortunately non existent, so I'll give you that I can see why that specific part can feel jarring.
Ya, the ptsd scenes had like, glimmers of kino but just that. Why a fucking dark forest? Who not blasted earth or like, something to do with Shepard's background? Why that 1 kid? You saw em for like, 2 minutes. Also agreed, Catalyst taking the child's form is purely retarded, it should have been a laviathon or some construct for sure, that's one of the shitty parts of the ending.
>unpopular opinion
Is it really? Destroy is the best ending hands down, the most logical, and the one most built up to. Also, I just beat the trilogy again and FUCK, synthesis is shilled SO HARD. The fucking catalyst even calls it the best solution. Fuck EA, no it isn't. And I agree it's stupid how red need a retarded downside, completely invalidating Rannoch's solution of peace and what it stands for. That's why replaying it with JAM and CEM is key imo, helps make the ending proper.
Let Aria fuck you
>Is it really?
A lot of people are so mad at the fact they only had 3 choices that were basically unrelated to your choices in the games that there's a lot of people who act like they're all terrible choices. Which I don't agree with but I see that sort of statement posted a lot.
>good ground-side optional missions
No. Those where some of the absolute worst. Who the fuck asked for the fetch quests and the N7 missions? They where all shit.
>due to unique party dialogue
Are you talking about the missions that were accompanied by the ME2 squad members? The ones we didn't actually to spend time with, because Bioware sidelined the entire game? It's as if the game could have been better if they had been included in the main squad, instead of Blast Hardcheese. Hmm ... hmmmm ... what could that fucking mean?
>The "exploration" was unfortunately non existent, so I'll give you that I can see why that specific part can feel jarring.
I loved scanning, but worse, with Reapers on the galaxy map that served no real fucking purpose, other than being a ticket to the load savepoint screen.
More emasculated Quarian fics
>tfw no anonasari friend
>extranet erp threads
Fuck, imagine introducing Yea Forums to the Asari or Quarians
/d/ would become the best board
Do it user, become the change you want
How do I quit Liara?
I remember making a friend in an aco thread about asari, was a good lewd time
by posting more of her, and maybe sucking balls
>quitting the option that's basically canon
you don't
Realize Jack and Tali are better?
>walking STD
>the option that's basically canon
This made me hate Liara over time. She was the best in ME1 but then she became an author's waifu action girl.
I thought the argument was always "waaaaah color coding bad!" ignoring that the end choices break that convention where now red is the best (logical) choice, blue is the ominous possibly bad choice, and green (middle?) is the shilled "canon" best choice (when the fuck was the middle choice ever the best in any of the three games?). I doubt half the audience would understand what they were doing if the choices weren't color coded, it'd be thermal clips as a bonus resource all over again.
>ground-side optional missions
Yes, the missions where you are on foot were some of the best and overall good, due in no small part to the unique party dialogue. The space fetch quests were ass, zero argument. I was talking about shit like Turian platoon, Tuchanka Bomb, Rannoch Geth Fighters, hell even the Cerberus scientist (probably the best N7 because it involved a ME2 companion so they had to flesh it out). But yes, shit like the raids on the civis or the uh some of the other forgettable ones were filler, but at least it had the war narrative to back why you did it. ME1 had filler too, like Derelict freighter or Exogeni scientist (had to look em up, didn't even remember), and you had no reason to even really do them. Zero tie-in to the main story.
>Are you talking about the missions that were accompanied by the ME2 squad members?
I was talking about just taking your party favorites from 1 and 2 with you for main missions or ground side optional ones like Turian Platoon, not missions that included a return from a ME2 part member. I understand why they broke up the squad, it makes sense in almost every way, it'd be nice to see everyone more, but that's why you got citadel.
>Reapers on the galaxy map that served no real fucking purpose
Ya, agreed. They weren't even pressing, just escape, pivot in place, re-enter system from needed point, reapers reset to slow. Done, easy.
>Thiccness to witness > writers pet
LOL jealous Volus detected
post blue sluts please
don't not fuck Aria
>that's why you got citadel.
>A DLC filled with memes and broken characterization
>2 years too late
>still can't recruit your ME2 squadmates into your ship
No thanks.
>A DLC filled with memes and broken characterization
That was the only way to salvage ME3's single player. The only problem was singalong mode
I demand Liara in massive stripper heels.
do not tread on Opera
You really gonna tell me that after all the mediocre writing and grim this grim that you can't for a moment enjoy something campy and lighthearted?
>Your autistic gf sharing something close and embarrassing with you
Good thing she's cute enough
I've never seen this before and I swear I've drank at Afterlife before.
>That was the only way to salvage ME3's single player
How about fixing the shit you shipped in the first place? You hear talks about how Bioware needs to take Anthem down and give it the Realm Reborn treatment that FFXIV did. ME3 needed that. Perhaps today they'd have less people bitching about their shit mess.
>You really gonna tell me that after all the mediocre writing and grim this grim that you can't for a moment enjoy something campy and lighthearted?
I'm saying that at that point nothing fucking mattered. You still got the same base ME3 with the same base flaws and nothing that was done after that fixed the damn game. Just like Andromeda, all the patches and DLC in the world doesn't make it a good game. But at least Andromeda didn't also nuke its galaxy in the end and called its playerbase stupid and entitled. It just made Jaal bisexual. Waste of fucking resources for a content, if you ask me, but that's the priorities of the group Bioware pandered to. Too bad they won't buy your games, Bioware.
Singalong mode literally knocked Tali down to #2 below Jack for me
I actually can't bring myself to watch it because I grind my teeth when I cringe
>How about fixing the shit you shipped in the first place?
They weren't going to be rewriting the whole fucking game for a DLC user.
Plus they'd have to fix shit going back to ME2 to make the story not suck.
dont fug aira :DDDD
Not the consumer's problem, not my problem. They new they had to cut corners to ship the game on EA's mandated deadline and they believed they could weather the storm, ride out the wave. Well, they didn't. Now every new release of theirs is drowned in memes and buried critically. They made their bed and they can sleep on it. Unless they suck the fanbase's dick for their next title, they're going to have a really hard time moving forward intact. Montreal already paid for it.
>every asari r34 has a giant futa cock or tits twice as big as their heads
They brought that VA back in ME3 and had her do that line in Jack's mission
>please be patient I have autism
Good times
>only knocks her down 1 place to below one of the series' more/if not most complex characters.
See? Not that bad. Slightly teeth grinding? Yes. Cringy? Yes. But you gotta overcome that autism for her. But for real, they could have made her voice a lot better for that part. It ain't bad enough to drop her down, but it's some high-caliber autism
I get what you're saying, but as I've pointed out, the flaws (while existent) don't make it as shit as many people loves to say.
And while I understand carrying seething that you had as a teenager into adulthood is hard, you gotta open your eyes a little and let go. Also while Bioware were retards that can't handle proper criticism when it did happen, much of the playerbase was also fucking painfully braindead or seeded with sweaty "real sci-fi fans" who either couldn't accept the reality of game constraints leading to a finite number of endings, or articulate the more nuanced issues with the game.
And Andromeda make's a shit galaxy with barely visible stakes and fucks up so many things that the real issues massively drown out the "priorities of the group Bioware pandered to". Calm down.
This is the good kind of jank that makes a game more endearing
>the flaws (while existent) don't make it as shit as many people loves to say
That's your opinion and frankly it doesn't matter. The general reception is what matters. People will even say that Andromeda wasn't that bad, but it was received as such and as a result, Montreal got shafted. Perhaps you can tell that to the people that lost their jobs. I'm sure they'll appreciate it, as they look for another job as a games developer.
>ctrl+f 'Krogan Cock'
>0 Results
Aria gets throat fucked by Krogan.
>liking tali
autist detected, or in a fanbase so autistic bioware even took a jab at it in the citadel dlc
>tfw playable batarians before playable elcor
>tfw no option for femshep to be sandwiched between aria and nyreen
>not liking a chick with a cute Slavic accent and thicc hips who'll literally risk dying to taste Shepard's sausage
>andromeda didn't include an adult grunt, fully realized leader of all krogans with 4 balls and a song in his heart
>That's your opinion and frankly it doesn't matter.
That's fine. I'm pretty content downloading mods for graphics, the ending, and Citadel as epilogue and not seething about my experience. I wish you could have it this way too, along with anyone else who feel stuck with what they got.
Be gentle user, people who like Liara are in the same vain as the people who like Triss.
why would it ? they left before grunt even got out of his tube
It didn't end before he got out of his tube, dum-dum, what point are you trying to make?
>not the blue autist who was a confirmed virgin before you fucked her and is the entire reason you even came back from the dead
as opposed to the suitrat who will switch to garrus in six months if you say now versus liara who still keep your armor and shit at her apartment even if you didn't romance her
>people who like Liara are in the same vain as the people who like Triss
that's really ironic since I picked Liara in ME and Yen in the Witcher Series, even Shani is better than Triss
I'm actually a gay man but Kaidan is only an okay romance and honestly Liara just fits the story better since you can keep romancing her the entire trilogy
they would have had no contact with him at all, and no reason to have contact with him
he was rogue krogan top-secret/classified
>people who like Triss
Most of the Witcher waifus are fine imo
There's no real stinkers like in ME where everyone who isn't Jack or Tali is objectively inferior to them.
Which one is it?
If ME1 Liara stayed in the series, she'd rival Tali.
But turning Liara into an ice queen action girl makes her meh, then making her an obvious author's pet makes her shit.
He helped Shepard save the universe on two occasions, pretty hard to think that's top-secret/classified especially if you consider how many people he met in that time. You don't have to know his history to meet him, people cross paths all the time without knowing intimate details about the status of their genetic make-up. What words did you read in my post that gave you these very specific circumstances that you tried to argue against?
I just don't understand how adult Grunt is meant to be included in Andromeda without him directly sending a message to the Andromeda initiative
The Arks left around the same time that the events of ME2 occurred, so it's unlikely that word of Grunt and his accomplishments were known far and wide by then
>If ME1 Liara stayed in the series, she'd rival Tali
If ME1 Liara stayed in the series she'd BE Tali
If memory serves right, not romancing Liara kinda cuts a lot of her lines out in 3 where she's one of the more conversational characters. Replay went Liara>Tali>Tali for me so it's been 7 years to compare to a Liara>Liara>Liara play through. I Thought Tali's developement from just a friend in 1 to something more in 2 felt more organic then a relationship built on 2 weeks time (How long did ME1 even take in-universe?)
Ya weird turn around, really out of the blue. At least the Shadow Broker DLC bridges this change some by necessity, but it still felt odd. There had to be more ways to make Liara a more relevant character based on her past instead of making her the Shadow Broker
>I just don't understand how adult Grunt is meant to be included in Andromeda without him directly sending a message to the Andromeda initiative
>whoa, there's a really important krogan here
>cool, his name is grunt
>does he have to be part of our party?
>do we know all of his accomplishments?
>did the andromeda initiative get any messages about him?
>no, but look there he is and we've crossed paths with him
I'm wasting too much effort on you.
ME:A nuked its galaxy by being ME:A.
>no, but look there he is and we've crossed paths with him
You've lost me bud
Are you saying people, 600yrs after the downfall of the Milky Way, are seeing Grunt in some form when they have no reason to be seeing him 600 years later ? When he wasn't high profile nor in the same galaxy ?
Funny how the decrease in quality lines up perfectly with the feminist millenials being hired to the workforce.
Hmm, must be a coincidence, huh Hamburger Helper?
There isn't wrong with character consistance, but Tali's growth make sense. Young women on pilgrimage > Adult living in her fathers shadow/mess > Admiral trying to save her people makes sense. I don't think Liara going Young(for asari) researcher > Most powerful and all knowing information broker in the galaxy > That but with less pull and in your spare room is a good progression. The disconnect is almost too much.
Futa is dick and pussy
God, I remember this cunt being paraded around like she was the answer to all of bioware's woes.
>she'd rival Tali.
that's because they'd both be the same character archetype of awkward adorable autists, I personally understand why some people didn't like the changes in her character but I really didn't mind them.
I just did a paragon Liara>Liara>Liara run and a renegade Ashley run (boy was that a fucking letdown for the record)recently, there are areas where shes less talkative and some scenes like on earth where you merge minds for a bit are a lot more poignant if you're in a romance, but I don't think it was too drastic a drop.
>I Thought Tali's developement from just a friend in 1 to something more in 2 felt more organic then a relationship built on 2 weeks time
understandable but on the other hand I enjoyed how in 2 your relationship is up in the air because so much has changed and Liara is still traumatized by the fact you died, rekindling it in 2 showed that it wasn't just a quiet fling that didn't stand the test of time.
>How long did ME1 even take in-universe?)
garrus' comment from 2 or 3 (can't remember which right now) implies like 2-3 weeks, though you could probably add like a month after the game before you got Collector'd. 2 probably takes a few months and 3 takes 2-6 months with my guess being 2-3 being more likely.
>Ya weird turn around, really out of the blue.
They set it up in the comics so unless you read that or looked at a summary it just pops out of no where definitely.
how would they include grunt in andromeda
they have no communication with the milk way and grunt was only out of his tube for 2 years by the time the milkyway got blasted by the colours of the rainbow
10 eight oz glasses of water per day
Maybe she was, in some way or another.
You know those seniour founding employees cost big bucks!
I hate how money always wins.
If the doctors never sold out to EA this shit wouldn't have happened. They put years and years into crafting the ME and DA worlds and as soon as they sold out their legacies were in the toilet.
Same shit happened to Rareware when they sold out to Microsoft.
I'll laugh if in like 5 years the doctors start a Kickstarter for Not Mass Effect.
There is another bar in lower afterlife.
To be fair they probably didn't have much of a choise.
Its been what, a decade or two since that and only now indie and AA-projects are starting to work financially on a broader sense.
They probably sold out cause they had to.
The post mortems of DA and ME both confirm that both projects were made with shoestring budget and with massive limitations. Probably also why they are good, nobody would see that effort if they didn't really want to do it. So when they got done and there was more resources, the burnt out people already HAD made that game they wanted and now they had money but no passion.
>She was the one responsible for the "magic bad" plotline
Oh, no wonder there was always a somewhat autistic feel to the writing.
I was gonna post some asari and see how the thread goes with anons, but ip range ban on uploading files
>They set it up
I mean. At least it's in a fun(possibly) format. Weren't parts of the comics actually hot-garbage tier drawings? Still, better then whatever the most recent EA/Bioware catastrophe was that had you go to some internet site to read lore that could have easily been delivered in any codex or almanac format.
How old are you? Or are you just that retarded?
Name a game with better animations from 2012
There is a reason why after a magical point in time there is so much fan service, diversity agenda and romance in Bioware games. (excluding Anthem)
Personal favorite was Dragon Age 2 Anders.
Just did a quick google search, you really want me to bfto you that bad?
From fucking Fifa to Farcry to AC.. jesus you lost that argument boyo.
Google 2012 games before you say something like that.
To be exact bioware games have really never been technically top notch. The closest to that I think goes Shattered Steel.
Bioware games used to be about story. Their games sold cause they had good stories that you could play out. Everyone thinks Kotor is a god tier game but remove the story and you have a fucking clunky grindy mess of a game.
While the latest installments of Bioware games have been somewhat dissapointing in their stories or execution, they have atleast still been above average or at the very least serviceable.
Now after their relative failures Bioware decided that Anthem was a good idea. Subverted my expectations atleast.
I already mentioned farcry, are you really ready to argue about fifa 11 having "good animations"
Compared to ME series, yeah.
Note: Im not a fan of Fifa or any sports games.
Well I find that retarded enough to not even believe you're unironic
Dragon's Dogma, AC3, Max Payne 3, and I can keep going with plenty more.
You know what's sad? In the half or so of Andromeda I actually made myself play, I really liked the characters conversing while driving the Nomad. It did a good job revealed their dynamics to each other as well as their backstories and opinions. If they ever do a ME:Remastered, it'd be great to add more conversations to the Mako sections or during planet exploration.
Make a brand new story not involving any tranny shit etc.. and add more variety to everything and Andromeda would've been good.
>Dragon's Dogma
>hire competent writers, ignore whinging about trivial shit, and shoot EA invester/stockholders
Easier said then done.
Why the FUCK has nobody made a Mass Effect knockoff yet?
what would you Anons do if there was a way you can jumped into the game and game's (the end of the first game) universe as Commander Shepard with your look and all, what would be the first thing you do?
I would use my status as a specter to bang as many aliens girls as I can
It's called Cyberpunk 2077
Because conversation simulator in space interspersed with generic third person shooting isn't worth knocking off. Mass Effect fucking sucks.
There are some similar games but they are kinda jank since they are AA games.
>one city
>wannabe edgelord shit
>boring GTA bullshit with tech on top
No, a Mass Effect knockoff, not a shit Deus Ex wannabe game. A game with stellar exploration, Star Trek away missions, and alien boning.
Oh wow. Now show the character's face
Why come to a Mass Effect thread just to moan about Mass Effect, don't you have a Smash thread to shitpost in?
Yeah, that's Cdpr's "thing" now. Hope you like it.
Someone post those blue sluts
The faces are pretty bare minimum but that's because they aren't nearly as important as they are in ME games. Besides, you still keep ignoring AC3 and MP3.
It's not even a Deus Ex wannabe. It's literally just GTA in the future.
If you're retarded enough to thing dragon's dogma's animations are better than ME3 I'm afraid there's nothing I can do to convince you you're wrong.
Everything besides the faces is.
What a strangely specific and limited animation you pulled out of your ass there.
The running animation you'll be looking at for 99% of the game?
That's limited to
>the pistol
>no armor
and only available in
>The first mission in the game
user, you don't need to bait to keep your thread alive. You can just post lewd asari pics.
I'm not baiting, you're posting an animation most people wont see but once a playthough. You're retarded
This, also do you fellas think a RTS spinoff could work with Mass effect? like set it where it was first contact and add new Races as expansions I want to play as Hanar or Humans
>You can just post lewd asari pics.
this please, more getting off together instead of mad at eachother
Pretty good! I just can't ever get too excited about stuff like that though, because I know that I'm reading some guy's described fantasies, but it's good for what it is.
Wasn't First Contact like, 90% in space besides Shanxi and the Turians just demolishing any marines that come within visual of the cities?
If it's in space then it could be like Star Wars Empire at War. But how'd the ground war aspect play in?
The First Contact War was a small detachment of turian scouts getting overwhelmed by the humans mobilizing their whole Starfleet since the humans thought it was an alien invasion instead of a police action.
It could be a good setting for a Republic Commando-like game, but fuck me for wanting anything good out of an IP that's been shit since 2009.
this would be a fun fan made game what race would you play as? Krogen seems up my ally or as rag tag group of organized space pirates
Someone competent really should make a Mass Effect like universe. Starfield could've been that if Bethesda hadn't followed in the direction of all the other major western developers.
It was just humans and turians from the lore.
You could fudge it and have Salarian or Asari characters, but beyond that would be overkill.
>Republic Commando-like game
So, give ME3 multiplayer a good storyline and solid characterization? Could just as easily be set in the reaper war.
i just want more of the universe, maybe it could be a what if situation where there was no reapers the world ending is just everyone at war with each other destined for domination
>Taking out space pirates and slavers
I would play the shit out of that
>Could just as easily be set in the reaper w
The Reaper shit taints the whole series now despite being the shittiest part of it.
ME should have been a TES-style game where they have threats contained to one game and the point is exploring a world.
>If the doctors never sold out to EA
Didn't they tell EA to fuck off and then EA just went and bought Bioware's holding company instead?
I don't remember
All I know is good Bioware is lost in time like tears in the rain
Even if they never sold out Bioware would still be shit today. EA didn't make them swallow the SJW koolaid, they did that themselves.
Why do you say that? Do you think it's conceptually, or just from ME3 and how it executed the idea?
BioWare has had problems with development schedules since before ME1 btw, so I'd expect regardless of EA they would have released unfinished games anyway
The generic alien monsters shackled the world to a boring Marvel movie space war instead of encouraging exploration and discovery.
Sovereign was cool in ME1, but everything involving the Reapers after ME1 became more and more shlocky to the point where they were basically indistinguishable from the Flood, the Grubs, or any other space monsters from generic sci fi shootbang multiplayer games.
you ronald reagan
Come to aco you nerds, I want to fap with some of you
worst porn board
But there's an asari thread user
probs some deformed futa and hyper bullshit