>game has friendly random encounters
Game has friendly random encounters
Other urls found in this thread:
>when you took a fat hit of spice and meet a friend on bath salts
>game punishes you if you fail a charisma check
>game has educational encounters
The ultimate state of britcucks
kek my sides
Deepak is gonna carry those scrubs.
No fucking way lol
Why is London so cucked
Raya best girl
>Hurrr all non-whites are stupid savages
>Whites completely unable to compete
Kinda like
>"Hurrrs Jews are so stupid they aren't human"
>Jews control all whites
el o fucking el
oi, dose the presenta have a loicense for bein whoite? oi?
Nothing surprises me about them anymore then again it's not much better in germanistan.
t. nigger
The ultimate state of Europe in general
it doesn't really look like we're winning. that's for sure.
>all the white students were too dumb to get on Top Class
Deepak sounds like a relative of 2pac.
The balkans is the only place safe but we have our own problems here.
Blacks are just incapable of deep thought and abstract thinking. In that regard, they are literally animals. I will never understand the historical obsession of whites all over the planet trying to domesticate and help blacks. It never fucking works, the experiment has been done and it should be clear and evident that it's a massive failure. What a fucking depressing world. They should've been left alone in Africa or whatever other shitholes they came from.
if whites lose everyone loses, except you know (them)
Damn, that's sad.
Redpilled and based.
It brings a tear to my eye. This is so diverse and beautiful. Aren't you glad for those kids? Their parents were probably migrants and now the kids are one of the smartest.
>>"Hurrrs Jews are so stupid they aren't human"
>>Jews control all whites
this is my favorite element of fascism. all of it is nonsense if you look at it for more than 30 seconds and don't let your incoherent rage guide your thoughts
As a Hungarian i feel like our country is too poor for immigrants to stay. I am not sure how i should feel about this.
>game lets you pretend to be an animal
I like how they keep rebranding arabs as asians over there
How do Jews win if white people become a minority?
They're basically the only reason why they haven't been eviscerated by Muslims.
That is.....a very elegant strut
>white """""""""people"""""""""
do you think she only fucks her retarded boyfriend doggystyle?
>game has a certain person living rent free
fucking disgraceful
yea but you secretly have the hottest women so it evens out.
wtf is wrong with wh*toids?
>game lets you live a dream
Dvar thread? Dvar thread.
what kind of name is that for a location?
.....steel wood
user, stop posting hidden gems!
>game has an unzip button
It's named after the best pleasure in the world, being in the middle of a sandwich.
Easy as fuck clickbait and jokes
And the flowers will grow
>Not "Postal 2.webm"
I'm still convinced /pol/ is just /erp/ but with racism.
this is the dumbest thing to complain about
Holy kek
>mfw the gfci trips
Jews, like whites, are self hating and self destructive
white 87.2%, black/African/Caribbean/black British 3%, Asian/Asian British: Indian 2.3%, Asian/Asian British: Pakistani 1.9%, mixed 2%, other 3.7% (2011 est.)
Source: the motherfucking CIA
>game punishes you for playing chaotic good
>tripped the outlet with his piss
this would be so much better if that wasn't a safety outlet.
uhh can't relate cause i don't do drugs lol
white 72.4%, black 12.6%, Asian 4.8%, Amerindian and Alaska native 0.9%, native Hawaiian and other Pacific islander 0.2%, other 6.2%, two or more races 2.9% (2010 est.)
and looks like a relative of Biggie
so these are the Anglos everybody is talking about.
don't look so tough irl, ngl.
May I please have a source? Reverse searching gets me nothing.
'ave a cheeki laugh m8
>living in a cuntry where you are forced to pay tv tax
what the fuck do you expect?
Who said that kikes arent smart? They are sneaky and cunning and thats what makes them so dangerous.
Subhuman? Of course
Stupid? Hardly
>game has monsters
>they aren't mindless killing machine as they exist within the ecosystem
>can be befriended
clean it it up janny
It's on panda
i think london is a good example of how you can train those barbarians.
Sure there's crime and shit from recent immigrants, but over a generation or two, they will be even bigger cucks than the current brits.
It's optional, and apparently Japan is way way worse for enforcing their TV fees than bongland
Its probably SSS2sonic
i wasn't ready
>game doesn't understand code words
>Game is filled with people that make you nervous and uncomfortable
Game is exclusive to ps4
>game has too many plot twists
Someone post that police muggers picture with "white" people from USA.
>game shows you a glimpse of what's been lost forever
>game villain was the good guy all along
panda is dead bro
Pakis and Indians aren't arabs?
Why did you let the subhumans dominate you?
lol, kino
>the white kids were too dumb
>he doesn't know how to download stuff from panda
yeah building signs used to be so much cooler
>The söýcop
That's not what has happened though. Criminality doesn't decrease in the 2nd gen.
>he can't get past the bowing girls
fake and gay
what white students?
It's like I can hear the future, because I'm listening to her endless whining about her lower back and shoulders being a twisted mess in twenty years.
Why would you want a source for that? It's just some furshit zoomed in. You don't even know what's going on. Do you just ask for source on any cropped image ever? Are you that fucking horny? tha
>game lets you trick people into killing themselves
If they're smart why are they subhumans then?
Because you're butthurt that they were smarter than your ancestors?
20$ is all you need
This wasn't funny when megaupload died
This wasn't funny when thepiratebay died the first time
This still isn't funny
It may be optional but they love to send threatening letters to people who don't have one, and sometimes claiming they have been caught by magic detector vans
making the same joke over and over isn't funny
Seriously wtf is going on?
Where are all the whites? Too busy shitposting on /pol/?
>game gives you strange fetishes
They'd all be white if this were in America
based ending. gay love is the only real love.
>propaganda is okay if it fits my beliefs
It fucking sucks when politics get involved in science, because even if you wanted to replicate the experiments that led him to this conclusion no institution in the world would allow you to for fear of being labeled racist. Even suggesting it is grounds for you getting depersoned like this guy.
Population of Washington DC:
Black 49.0%
White (includes White Hispanics) 43.6%
Asian 3.0%
Other 1.4%
Hispanic or Latino (of any race) 4.0%
>The statements he made in the documentary are... incompatible with our mission, values, and policies
This has literally nothing to do with scientific data.
>most famous person in the country does something literally everyday that offers low-hanging fruit comedy
>"but why do comedians capitalize on that?"
Reminds me of I think the London OW team that was nothing but Koreans from Korea.
ay yay yay yay yayyy
not peak performance
Kino as fuck. What a ride.
>frog cult
>thread has no videogames in it
>game hits you hard with truth bombs
Government funded channels are actually pretty great in Japan. It was the only shit I used to watch there for a month. Very informative. Think old school History Channel.
you just know...
You don't even need to make jokes, everything he does is hilarious.
Are you denying that Trump isn't funny? The dude is a living cartoon. He had a white house dinner catered by McDonalds. You expect comedy shows to just ignore that because people might think it's "propaganda"?
For real bro; I get depressed reading all the proposed megastructures from 60s-80s.
Even my law school friends are amazed when I talk about active supports.
>game lets you fail skill checks
>You don't even need to make jokes
Then why are they trying?
>expects vidya @ Yea Forums
Ehl oh eel
time to hit up some dance threads
I mean, yeah. That's the most logical explanation.
Everyone needs to blame someone.
Big talk from a 56%er.
>animation quality turns the game from good to incredible
Nigga how can it be fake when it's playing out right in front of you!?
Because it makes people laugh and it's a comedy show. Honestly where are you going with this?
Is this proper form?
>game gives you secondhand embarrassment
Wtf is that steven segall
>Because it makes people laugh
Only people who are politically opposed to the ones being made fun of
I doubt that many centrists or right-wingers find colbert funny.
Kek. Fpbp.
It seems like to me, if you're going to try and "help" 3rd world immigrants, they should be placed in cities that are literally police states with enforced curfews and harsh punishments for crime. If that's the stipulation of their immigration, it would either curb the flow of immigrants due to the restrictions placed on their daily life, or it would bring them in line and make them actual useful citizens over a few generations.
trap is correct oddly enough
They send thugs in suits to go shake down and scare people though, usually make up bullshit about how you have to pay and make you out to be a criminal if you don't
How can he be so fat in everything he does?!
He literally cannot convey that fact any more strongly, whatever he does.
He's not fucking poor, and I cannot understand why he keeps going down on the flavortown guy.
>enemies can use taunt on you
>still effective
>I doubt that many centrists or right-wingers find colbert funny.
probably because he's making fun of the tard they've supported.
You know the world will end when whites become minority
Traps are male
>all these plot twists in a 30 second juice commercial
this satanic matrix sure has its (((jew)))els
looking at women is rape.
Plenty of people find Trump's buffoonery funny. The only people who'd be staunchly opposed would be the diehard Trumptards.
Didn't find him funny either when he was sucking King NIgger's cock either, but hey!
>game shows disdain for modern women
I didn't vote for Trump. I just find the constant jokes to be unfunny to the point of being pathetic.
what the fuck?
>quicksave a second before death
Not really
Name one reason.
My dad died while on bath salts xD
>Plenty of people find Trump's buffoonery funny.
I'm not talking about finding Trump funny, I'm talking about not finding Colbert funny. I don't need someone to tell me "look this is funny", because I have eyes and ears.
>it's pathetic to laugh at the disabled
no it isn't.
As does the majority of Europe. The only reason they have silly scare-ads is because you can avoid paying it.
This guy fucking sucks. Everything he draws looks the same.
>how dare a political comedy show talk about the president
Based negro of sense.
It's pathetic to try to make fun of literally every thing that a person does, to the point of mocking typos on tweets. Are you gonna tell me that every person who makes fun of that has never made a typo in their lives?
I know a Deepak
>Butthole lane
>cum lake
Those cant be real, right?
Actually whites will probably colonize mars while leaving the rest behind
>It's pathetic to try to make fun of literally every thing that a person does
even if everything said person says or does is amazingly retarded?
He's not a person. He's a president.
Yeah because it's like making fun of a retarded kid
Wow that looks incredibly annoying
>He thinks humans will even still be a concept by the time we colonise Mars
When we reach the point where we can live on the surface of a resuscitated planet, we'll either be a full-blown machine race or so genetically modified that we resemble aliens of fiction.
You'd have to agree what makes a person white first.
Otherwise you will share your lifeless rock with a bunch of slavs.
And let me tell you, you won't last long among slavs.
not seeing the problem with that. everyone does that.
unless you were the retarded kid getting laughed at lmao.
Huh, I have literally never made that connection to fingeringhoe and I live like two miles away from it.
>retarded kid
I think the fact that you dumbfuck country elected a retarded kid as a president is pretty funny.
>not seeing the problem with that. everyone does that.
I mean a literal retarded kid. Like a kid with an actual mental disease, not the Yea Forums "someone who was wrong in a particular instance" definition.
>You know the world will end when whites become minority
It's already happening.
>furry art isn't hot
look at this literal faggot faggot
Stretch Fiturr 3: Thurd Stroke
Are you never tired from making the exact same posts? We get it : you don't like his style. Move on already.
>he says when the majority of furshit art is homosexual in nature
For you.
Your race became too weak to survive without comfort.
are you saying trump doesn't have mental problems?
raya a cute
Trump acts like a bafoon to distract media and idiots like you, while in the background he's passing legislation left and right, and it's been working tremendously for the past few years.
based Harishian
>I'm only pretending!!
The more dignified the position, the more funny it becomes when they mess up. It's basic comedy. Nobody cares if some slob slips and falls while stumbling around drunk, but if the Queen of England does it it becomes funny. Trump tweeting "covfefe" is funny because it's the fucking president of the free world and he's fucking up on twitter like he's some brainless zoomer.
I can't believe I have to explain basic comedic principles to you smoothbrains. I'm convinced you're all being obtuse on purpose because you're ass hurt so many people find the tard you elected hilarious.
spite, the last ones will probably set the entire planet on fire
>only one person hates sssonic2 and everyone else loves him
big if true
Жaлкий yблюдoк чтo ты нecёшь?
/pol/ BTFO
>b-but muh bullshit stat on w-wh*tes having higher IQ!!!1
This is genuinely impressive as fuck
Incredibly autistic but also impressive
Again, I did not vote for Trump.
I remember watching a documentary a while back about a college studying the psychological effects of phobias on infants and how it develops throughout their lives, but the study never really got that far due to outside influences that considered the acts far too unethical to persue, so it was shut down and banned from continuing. Probably for the best, but it does make you wonder what kind of discoveries would have come to light if there was no interruptions from the public opinion.
Good for them.
It's sad that the reason they stripped his titles was because of politics when he's clearly senile at that point.
They would be east Asians
>brits natives
This truly makes sense user. And I'm not b8ing you. That's logical thinking right there. But you're a racist for thinking outside of the box according to some. I would not be opposed to (fair) curfew laws, strict enforcement, etc in a city only for refugees. But remember when Tr*mp said he was just going to send all illegal immigrants to Sanctuary Cities? All the mayors freaked the fuck out. So who's going to police these people?
At first I thought someone just shooped a human over these big dog things
What the fuck
>She cheated
>sike he's a cuck
>sike they're a gay couple and the woman is merely their surrogate
What a fucking ride.
incredibly based
>Implying they would even allow white kids on the show.
Oh shit that's fucking hard to watch
Jesus Christ, anything with Stegal I can't watch.
This is what i'm talking about.
These apes won't even have some basic decency to use a decent language. GTFO with your animalspeak.
Dude, there's so much we could learn about humanity if we just got a couple of sociopath scientists and supplied them with an endless supply of babies for a few decades. It would be the most horrible thing we could do as a species, but it would advance our medical knowledge 100 fold. Unit 731 was almost that, back in WW2, but unfortunately those crazy Japs seemed more interested in satisfying sadistic curiosity than advancing any kind of scientific knowledge.
Sounds like some butter you'd find at Aldi.
We were not meant to stand upright. It exposes all our vital organs and it causes uneven pressure head to toe. Yet we don't have thick hide nor fangs or talons to defend ourselves in a crouched position. Mankind is a flawed construction.
>game lets you be chaotic evil
the yppm was never caught
he could be anyone
Top fucking kek. I hit a bicyclist a few weeks ago. Entirely his fault since he veered straight into me, and I could not veer left or right. But now he'll probably sue me. Fucking assholes. They never obey laws even though they're the most vulnerable to die.
This is chaotic good though.
Does anyone have the webm of the first person game that has someone driving a car until something off putting happens?
Like there was one where the car was stuck in traffick and decided to levitate. And another where the place was blowing up so the car just went in reverse.
based cao cao
As far as I know, this programme is like University Challenge for children. All this proves is that two area codes in the gated city of London have some brown people.
They're following traffic laws
No. Now fuck off, will ya?
That's chaotic good.
Why is this cringe? The dumb bitch from off camera tried to gank a hug that very clearly intended for her and got shutdown because of it. She brought that embarrassment on herself.
Fucking Britfags
No, it means that white people aren't the pure breaded, miracle working, future doctors and professors that /pol/ thinks they are. /pol/ continually parrots the idea that skin color dictates IQ
Obeying laws doesn't mean they're being moral or not deserving of punishment.
> Mankind is a flawed construction.
Humans are so flawed that the females can barely give birth without dying in droves.
Literally a retard mutation that had all the right points in int.
>"Rednecks don't behave like violent nig-"
Really though, this is almost certainly assault.
Ethics exist in the first place because sociopaths DON'T make good scientists. Contrary to popular belief, their views are clouded by emotion even more than normal people, not less.
- Cnn be like:
-Trump supporter assaults duck for supporting Kamala Harris
>game is pushing diversity
How are they being immoral
i want a duck
>all these replies
>not a single umama joke
what a sorry state this board has fallen into
>innocent off-topic threads becomes about politics
ain't that 56% white
>game lets you WOLOLO
They're intentionally being assholes to others.
>implying it doesnt
you havent lived around black people
No, it means that there aren't many white people in Middlesex primary.
What the fuck is going on here
I don't see that in the webm
Can you point it out
Read up the fucking law before embarrassing youself any further, race baiter.
Those cyclists in the webm? How do you know?
yea couldn't be other factors. especially when we have hundreds of years of history that says the opposite. there is your free reply pajeet.
Name 73 games that do this.
The issue, ironically, is that the African American community largely has no room for diversity. You can't divert from the culture, you simply can't not act "black".
Yeah guess shit like affirmative action and
doesn't exist.
we had a good run.
>he's senile because he tells the truth about niggers
Your the newfag you fucking mouth breathing nigger, fuck you you absolute god damn retard
They didn't pull off the road when a car was coming up behind them in the lane they were in.
>game has a potion crafting system
Its the Yea Forums bar
Why are Yea Forumsermin so fucking stupid?
>chaotic evil
They're under no obligation to do that though.
Ghost Trick
It actually shows that the BBC has a bias.
Everyone in this clip is white, even the stomping homunculus. This is an extreme example of every rural village pub at happy hour.
stay mad reddit. you'll never fit in
That's not how traffic laws work. I really hope that you don't have a license.
What the fuck is wrong with you people what did we ever do to you?
Congratulations on becoming a double-captain, Mr Skeltal.
w-why are those two boys kissing?
Falling for the your bait is absolute proof. FUCK OFF AND LEAVE NEWFAG
>meanwhile muzzies who hate fags are taking over England
Again, it isn't about legality; it's about morality.
Wrong,you freaking moron. Do you REALLY think that a migrant is exactly the same as, let's say, Thomas Sowell?
Do you REALLY think that a deep south redneck living in a trailer / white trash is exactly the same as you or any white in this thread?
You will never have that. :^)
I find most anti-cyclist people are from crowded cities. They're jealous they get stuck in gridlock where cyclists can choose to become cars or pedestrians at will.
his friends are so proud of him, it's great.
There's another one with even more but this should suffice
M8, i dont want to scare you, but i think your Dog has autism
They won't. They need whites. Without whites, they'll be completely destroyed by the others.
THEY never got over what happened in the middle of the last century. They're permanently traumatised and in their desperate fury for revenge, they're going to destroy themselves just as much as they're destroying us.
Sad state of things.
Yes I have. I went to school where two violent rappers went. That doesn't mean different skin color makes you inherently evil/violent
Or white people are declining. Stop fooling yourself thinking white people are some amazing race. We're all the same race, and that is the human race.
You can't with whites either. Good job forgeting hundreds of thousands of years of white people genociding races.
No. It shows that white kids didn't qualify for the event. Fucking stop it with the "muhh liberal agenda!!!"
"All muslims hate gays!"
That's like saying all Christians hate gays (although there seems to be more than evidence for that one *ahem Catholic church, I'm looking at you).
Morality differs between individuals so that's not exactly a good argument
Bicyclists being fuckfaces is one thing, but bullying people that are following traffic laws and keeping to their own lanes and sidewalks is just fucking retarded. Those people are probably trying to get a relaxing workout in and apparently they gotta worry about sadistic assholes in 10-ton machines going 35-70 pulling off stunts like this because "BICYCLE BAD."
not a dog lad.
Comedy Central doesn't have a single show host that doesn't have the exact same views, except maybe Bill Maher when it comes to Islam.
How is it immoral to not giving up the street to a car? Why do you feel you have more rights than the cyclist? It's like saying people that don't let you go in front of them at the grocery store are immoral and deserve to be harmed because you have less items than them. You have some weird entitlement issues.
>We're all the same race, and that is the human race
Fucking stop it. You made me give you a (you)
Because intentionally being an asshole to someone is an immoral act
Has /pol/ never watched a spelling bee? They are always filled with Indians, no matter the demographics, Indian parents for some reason really like pushing their kids into spelling bees
Fuck off. You probably ride a bike to your job at McDonald's you poorfag. I hope you get your head run over.
>Read up the fucking law before embarrassing youself any further, race baiter.
*leans into mic* Ahem...
They're not being an asshole. They got there first. Your feelings aren't more important than everyone else's.
Chaotic good? Rosalind Franklin would like to have a word with you...
>Seriously wtf is going on?
Evangelicals in Africa.
2 different cases. And the one you didnt reply to was in England. So probably not rednecks you dense fuck
>Game has jump scares
Whites are the only major net contributors to taxes in the west, all brown people are tax drains, so societal collapse is inevitable. If you're one of those guys that thinks China is going to come in and take everything over, they're not going to treat brown people nearly as well as whites have. They're going to put them in fucking labor camps.
Shoe Rice
they aren't being an asshole
you don't have any higher rights than them
>IQ tests as a metric of anything past 70s with the discovery of the reverse flynn effect
If what he's saying about niggers is true then we should all turn ourselves over to the chinese and jews who score markedly higher than whites on IQ tests. Or we can do what the rest if the world did and realize that environmental factors confound IQ tests too much to use them for measuring anything other than pointing out who's literally retarded. We've parsed through the DNA of all the races and the only differences are phenotypical.
But maybe that's just the evil [insert boogyman here] conspiracy. find the black exclusive stupid genes and you'll save this man, his honor, and win a nobel prize.
>you'll never live up to Jim Jones' legacy
Bullshit lies right there. Why do you spread lies on the internet???
>it's no higher education politic/race bait thread
>One of the bicyclists could have had asthma
Now what, fuckhead?
People who are senile dont speak in complete coherent sentences like he did dummy
T.Worked in assisted living for 5 years and currently work at an inpatient center
NORF roisin', m8
Posts like this remind me why I intentionally pass lycra-fetishists as close as I can at redline. If they pull out into the middle of the road in an effort to force me to dangerously cross to the oncoming lane, you're getting borderline clipped.
what a dumb fuck you are
im the one that posted it. i dont go to /pol/ its full of actual boomers posting facebook memes. I just have eyes that work.
Yea Forums comes up with the worst fucking memes
>game difficulty is too hard but you try your best
>hispanic ''''''''''whites''''''''''
I got the source furga- i mean user, come meet me later tonight by the lake.
Then hopefully they'd die because bikers are scum of the earth.
Wouldnt that be lawful good?
He is doing the right thing even though it will condemn him
and people striping him of his honors to protect others even if it is the truth would be chaotic good
nice anecdote retard
>have to play a mini game to level up your stats
You're all dumb faggots, that's what. You're legally treated like a car even though you're a fucking PERSON ON A BIKE so not only can you not keep up with the flow of traffic, you're a fucking PERSON ON A BIKE so anyone who hits you is likely to go to jail and get sued. You have 0 fucking situational awareness because you're looking straight while riding with traffic instead of against so you can't see what's coming up behind you because you don't have any mirrors because you're a dumb fucking PERSON ON A BIKE pretending to be a car.
You're like deer, but at least deer don't try to sue you after they suicidally launch themselves in front of a 2000lb metal box moving 50mph.
>takes a moment to think if he should say the truth or keep his titles
>h-h-he's senile goyim
>don't listen to him
From gross, to disgusting, to wholesome in 30 seconds.
>doesn't have any kind of rebuttal
>just admits he's a sociopathic retard
This is the most American post I've ever read
>manlet tries height extension.webm
Where's the lie?
There's nothing wrong with hating gays, I'm just pointing out the obvious disconnect between progressives clamoring for more faggotry, but also open borders so immigrants who hate fags can come in en masse.
Lmao, is that one of /fit/ comics coming to life?
wouldn't that be considered a suicide attempt?
Learn how to drive and maybe you wont get sued retard
simple as
>Stop fooling yourself thinking white people are some amazing race.
Just about everything you use to make your life the way it is was originally invented by a white person.
>Game makes you horny
Nah, he was definitely senile. He literally didn't even understand what he said, it was pure stream of consciousness with no thought.
If what he said was true then Jewish people are genetically superior to whites because they score higher on average in IQ. Once again the racist goes out of his way to kneel to judaism. Next you're going to show israel who's boss by voting for trump? kek,
might be the most painful i've watched in years.
none of these are muslim. they are indian immigrants from upper class families who go to london for the good schools.
Yeah lets talk about these webums tho
The majority of blacks and hispanics in the US are barely above the poverty line user, they're not going to be contributing to taxes, stop fooling yourself. They're also mostly on welfare.
>fun off-topic threads are now just /pol/shit propaganda threads these days
just take me back to 2007, please
"Whites are the only major net contributors to taxes in the west, all brown people are tax drains"
Blinded by racist bullshit from /pol/, Fox News, and your "can do no wrong" Emperor Drumpf. Fuck off back to /pol/ if you want to spread blatant lies.
>whites become minority
never happen, society will implode and white flight will end up building the last functional society someplace north and cold.
Isn't lawful good to adhere to laws and uphold them to the utmost, even if you know that there's a better way? Chaotic good would be doing to right thing even if you have to break laws or hurt someone to achieve your righteous goal.
What's the cringe here?
this was 8 years ago
it's 70% white now
Someone should watch "Children of men"
You exist. I hate it when i drive on the highway and i see you faggots in your little suits all hunched over trying to go fast
No i just really dont like you guys for no good reason.
He literally just got funding for the wall while everyone was still bitching about his "go back to your country" statement.
You cannot outrun the red pill forever user.
Crossfit? I only heard stories about it how people keep on hurting themselves with it trough insane "exercises".
Kill me yourself, you fucking coward
>where are all the whites?
Not in london.
I think the sociopath in this situation is the one who cares more about his Tour de France LARP than the potential deaths of ten people in a head-on collision. I for one care more about those people than a balding middle-aged faggot pedalling his way to Starbucks in a leotard.
It's not normal to hit anything when driving sir
thats a fuckin strong neck
>gets proven wrong
>instantly deflects to da joos
A brain on /pol/shit is truly a sight to behold.
Tell that to Bill Nye
After the reddit raids and reddit nuking their /pol/ equivalents we're never going back. We're their safe space now.
>If what he's saying about niggers is true then we should all turn ourselves over to the chinese and jews who score markedly higher than whites on IQ tests.
Probably yes, unless there's a reason to keep low IQ people around, or IQ isn't the only redeeming quality a human being can have. Either way genetic material should be archived.
>We've parsed through the DNA of all the races and the only differences are phenotypical.
Yeah that's a contradiction, you probably don't even know what DNA is.
>open Yea Forums
>literally first post is /pol/
no Yea Forums
fuck /pol/
Accidents happen you dumb shit. If I'm following every single traffic law that doesn't make a difference if your retarded faggot self decides to swerve in front of me at the worst moment. Then because of your incompetence I get to go to jail and get sued. You're not a car. Get off the fucking road. I'm glad every time I see a video of someone plowing into cyclists. Maybe if it happens a bit more often no one will have to deal with you cunts anymore.
no he's senile because he's senile
Yeah but the replies are all /pol/, the one I posted is an AMERICAN spelling Bee and it's almost exclusively filled with Indians despite being 1.3% of the population. Not whites, not blacks, not east Asians, not Arabs, not anyone else,just Indians. It's purely a cultural thing but
are all dumb /pol/ replies who take things are face value. Of course /pol/ users are genuinely fucking retarded so I shouldn't be surprised.
>reality is a lie
>muh pol pol pol pol pol
Funny how you trards always try to play the same card once your arguments run out.
There's definitely something wrong with hating gays, asshole
Just because whites have had an advantage doesn't make them a superior race. Look how Chinese and Indian students are doing better than your precious children in your school systems.
Another dickhead blindly parroting whatever Cheeto hitler and /pol/ has to say. Don't worry, keep saying vindictive shit about other people I'm sure /pol/ will accept you as a proud Kekistan citizen soon.
>we're going to make mexico pay for it
>steals it out of the american defense fund
Jesus christ this is a win for you people? No wonder Israel owns us now.
That's for the best.
Both of those drugs are life ending and the shit homeless or people tricked by their dealer take.
Name one (one) smart thing to complain about.
Prove that the statement is wrong.
/pol/ boogeyman!!!11
>If what he said was true then Jewish people are genetically superior to whites because they score higher on average in IQ
Yeah, Ashkenzi Jews are smarter than your average white. Your point?
I did this all the time with my little sister but stopped when I caught her masturbating
>proven wrong
>what is a hypothetical
Man, I know you didn't have an actual reply but just posting "h-ha! got you!" is kind of sad.
Holy fuck stop. This is worse than Yea Forums and Yea Forums boogeyman 5 years ago
>This thread
i just want to be loved by a woman bros
Funny how you continue to be racist after posting flat out lies
>wah nazis
>wah masturbate it's good for you
>don't have kids wah
>pls race mix
Who is this trying to convince, the guy who made it or /pol?
Everyone knows that no matter how big he is you are supposed to fight him.
Standing up for your wife and getting your ass kicked is better than not doing anything and showing your wife she married an omega
Literally the pinnacle of evolution and the most advanced form of life on the planet.
Shut up with your natural, "correct" bullshit.
Imagine being a Jew and knowing you derailed the future of humanity by convincing two and a half generations of whites to hate themselves
>makes claim
>gets called out
>thinks he "won" by pretending it didn't happen
Thant's not how it works, tough I doubt you're able to understand that seeing how you only spout /pol/shit in the first place.
Prove the statement is right
>generalizations are reality
this image is from 2007
hes being "ironic"
At this point I figure you're trolling since you sound just like another retard off of leftypol.
Parisians brought this upon themselves honestly, it always was a notorious leftist city.
>still pretends that he's right
>while not posting even one shred of evidence for it
I know poltards have problems tp understand how the burden of proof works, but you seem to be a special retard on top of it.
Are you claiming that there are no /pol/ users in this thread?
Do you want me to prove you wrong?
user, what you just said was retarded. Also we have already mapped the entire human genome. There is no evidence to suggest there's any differences between the races other than the phenotypical ones. You do know what a phenotype is, right?
Is Yea Forums even about videogames anymore?
>every single reply saying Im from /pol/
>never go to /pol/
>Game has monsters
>They ARE mindless killing machines and don't exist within any ecosystem
>Can be befriended anyway
No. You prove it wrong. It should be easier since you're proving the truth, aren't you? Niggers and spics contribute lots to taxes and they're not all on welfare. Prove it.
>it's not real in my mind so it can't be real anywhere else
>don't have kids
No one tells you guys that because you can't even have sex.
The fuck is a videogame?
Basically. Threads like this always get shitted up by anti-/pol/ circlejerks, despite the fact that anit-/pol/ fags make them in the first place.
>everybody who doesn't love minorities and the mentally ill is from /pol/
dumbass Yea Forums user
looks like a duck, swims like a duck, quacks like a duck...
Middlesex has a ton of white people, a lot of old cockneys moved there. There is a ton of chavs, etc.
Cow cow is my hero
election tourists were a mistake.
Tackar, svea. Absolut kino.
>Or we can do what the rest if the world did and realize that environmental factors confound IQ tests too much
If it's environment then why do black kids raised by rich white parents end up closer to their biological parents in IQ than their adoptive ones?
>Refutes claim
>instead of debunking refutation just pretends he won
>tries to force his tactics on me all the while still never debunking the refutation.
Yikes. No wonder you too my rhetoric about jewish scores as a deflection and not a hypothetical. You're senile.
>Discovered I lived half an hour's drive from Seething a while back
>Now find out I'm a short hop from Slutshole Lane
Living in this country's a laugh, sometimes.
most people who say that shit have never been to /pol/ though, its a boogeyman they just spout
Ok, what team won?
Fuck him instead.
I realize how easily I recognize furry porn artists now. My dad must be so proud
The fact that you don't understand the difference between mapping and decoding the human genome is enough for me to tell you to fuck off.
And it's a fact that differences are not just phenotypical (from the environment), proven by the incidence of certain hereditary diseases in some genetic groups.
You all need to go outside and live a little.
kek @ wagies
>i don't understand the hate for jews.
Just read the Talmud/Torah.
>never even tried to refute it in the first place
>just made shit up while failing to provide any evidence for it
>now probably really think he "refuted" anything at all
Keep going little /pol/shitter, we both know that you need to get all the retardness out of you.
so if we were looking for a duck that derails threads, what would we find in this thread? a bunch of posts crying about sjws and jews or a bunch of posts crying about /pol/?
>ctrl f
but if /pol/tards go outside they might encounter minorities!
>live a little
Is this the new "have sex"?
That's literally what Yea Forums is and always has been you dumb cunt americuck
>game let's you taunt dead enemies
>we gud boiz we dindu nuffin it falseflaggers
Tell me fags, Why shouldn't i hate Jews and minority's?