Does Yea Forums approve?

does Yea Forums approve?
took me 29 hours

Attached: 0oam6axnhvc31.jpg (640x847, 94K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>the face of your typical hollowshill

OMG yassssss i clapped when he did the cool thing but his chibi so like its soooooooooo coool

Stop ripping photos from reddit to try and bait me motherFUCKER

this! so much this!

cringe and crabposting aside, this is really cool user

those eyes are so empty and dead

why include your face

It's cool, but he should've been more centered. His right horn is clipping.



Attached: 1541195291920.png (624x145, 27K)

That's pretty cool, user.

I for one approve of these people showing off their neat hobbys and staying virgins. Help control overpopulation.

>Doing something not for money but for magic internet points on one of the worst websites to exist
>This will be hung up in his house
>This will be one of his greatest achievements
>This is what he will be remembered for
>He showed his face
>His face looks shit

>Help control overpopulation.
The way to do that would be to sterilize Africa, India, and China after killing about two thirds of each.

>that autistic deadfish stare into nothing
Nigga at least look into the camera and smile

i don't like its eyes, looks like he's wearing sunglasses.

At least it's better than the typical sѹboy gape.


>This is what he will be remembered for
why do you think that

I doubt anyone here has done anything creative in their life.


Attached: Furret.gif (543x306, 458K)

>recreating somebody else's designs

Pretty neat

I make blues songs about wasps as well as pornogrind.

Not gonna share the pornogrind because its on a pretty cool DIY label but yeah

Something about this image disturbs me and I can't put my finger on it.

CIA is working on africa

Not fast enough

i am literally a writer, it's what i do for a living
don't presume you know anything about me, nigger

Attached: 1561800074229.png (644x800, 15K)

I doubt you look any better, mouth breather.

>claims to write for a living
>acts like an edgy 12 year old

I guess you don't keep up with the times.

>29 hours
Making stained glass like that is easy as fuck and shouldn't even take more than 3-4 hours.
>print out design
>cut design apart
>trace pieces on to glass
>cut glass
>put pieces together

Attached: bd8.png (1190x906, 178K)

>posting your face on a nazi image board


>I doubt you look any better, mouth breather.

Attached: 1559612773434.jpg (199x253, 9K)

Looks cool, fuck these other assholes for telling you otherwise. All they do is bitch and whine when they see anything that resembles gaming in the form of art or merch.

you're not worth the dead skin on my feet, let alone the glorious and immaculate intelligent design of my capitalization and subsequent punctuation
learn your place, plebeian

Attached: ya boi.jpg (338x423, 29K)

i recorded a bunch of youtube videos.




Did you make this user?

>cringe, based, yikes, oof
silence, nigger
you are worth less and worthless
you are but a thought

based tard

if gay reddit op had a baseless insult anonymously directed and you took offence to it, wouldn't that make you really insecure in order to respond like that?

Remind me of that When women want to show a picture of something pic

Yeah, that's because he is supposed to be hollow

Oh, wait, you were talking about the guy



Attached: IPFrK7A[1].jpg (500x356, 34K)

Attached: 1544405320827.gif (200x200, 266K)

Fucking gottem

Attached: 1561706054982.jpg (208x147, 12K)

>I doubt you look any better, mouth breather.

Attached: 1564173068607.png (665x800, 54K)

I force memes, faggot

Holy shit this faggot isnt even trying to hide the fact that he is samefagging
Holy fucking shit this site is filled with garbage normalfags nowadays

you look like you fuck black chicks

Attached: 333059_orig.png (785x580, 520K)

of course not
i'm sitting here naked blaring religious hymens while hopped up on amphetamines looking for something to do
i am bored and tortured, not insecure
you wish you were half as pretty and a third as smart

Its perfect

Attached: 1556867927905.gif (200x150, 3.26M)

I make art whenever I bust a fart, lulz

worst board on Yea Forums is /pol/
next is Yea Forums

nothing comes close to /cgl/
people that say this are either newfags or nonwhites

>not /trash/
>not Yea Forums

/cgl/ has long since been the worst board on Yea Forums because it literally has the most amount of tumblr users
while furries of /trash/ can be bad, there are factions within it that are more sensible than others
Yea Forums is just Yea Forums, nobody even thinks about it these days