Infamous vs prototype

Attached: prototype.jpg (202x250, 12K)

Bizzaro Yea Forums thread?

what the fuck, seeing something different after reading the same posts on Yea Forums for years feels so weird


Can you imagine the mass confusion on Yea Forums if everyone just started doing it like OP

i don't it's my first post on Yea Forums

It really makes me think OP

in what?

sorry for my english I'm mexican

and I'm trying to answer quickly and english is not my native language


God i miss these threads, prototype vs infamouse

Attached: erectus.png (495x506, 161K)

Now THIS is shitposting

Answering because its something i too think is interesting

They released at the exact same time, so definitely some fuckery behind the scenes.

well there a difference of on month maybe it was going to be a copy-paste

a month sorry

i've never understood the forced rivaly between these two games when in prototype the very first thing you do is jump over a building while in infamous gravelvoice has to slowly climb up a much smaller one

Prototype 1 > Infamous > Prototype 2

don't forget infamous 2

Great thread

I like to think it was just a coincidence