Is he the best Final Fantasy villain?
I can't remember any other FF villain as deep and well done as Emeth-Selch.
Is he the best Final Fantasy villain?
I can't remember any other FF villain as deep and well done as Emeth-Selch.
You fucked up, OP, or didn't get the memo. FF XIV threads are banned on Yea Forums because the mods/janitors and their cuck army said so. Usually people will report and sage these threads so their mod overlords will delete it and then they get good boy points that can be spent on one ERP session with the mods/janitors, and if they save up enough they can get dick pics from one of the mods/janitors. I heard a tale that if you report like 200 FF XIV threads they'll mail you a choker that says "Mods little slut" with rhinestones on it, also you get a pair of slutty underwear as well. Man, I'm just so jealous of these guys going around being good boys for the mods and janitors. You'd think they could just ERP or get dick pics from anyone off the internet, but no, it's gotta be from the mods and janitors so they can feel superior to everyone else on the site. It makes them feel special, so let them have it. It's about the only thing they probably have to look forward to each day.
I’m not meant for xivg not even a quarter way through there was a post about changing diapers.
Fuck the mods
Fuck anyone reporting these
Once the countless WoW and Overwatch threads go to /vg/ then we'll talk.
Just finished penta-melding for next patch
Why is Kefka a good villain?
i like gnb
Will people laugh at me for using chuuni macros?
Tell me how the mod's cock taste.
>no sound
>Bardams Mettle
>DRK, myself on AST, a DNC and a BLM
>Wall to wall pulls
>BLM is buffed to all hell and back
>Everything just explodes
This game is alright sometimes.
Probably one of the best quality FF villains in a VERY long time. Hell, FF itself has been lacking in quality since IX, X, XI, or XII depending on who you ask.
I'd love this expansion as a 10/10 if they didn't fuck Healers over.
Yes but you chuuni them to submission.
Is Ninja shit?
Requires good ping and triple weaving.
you have to work four times as hard as everyone else for a fraction of the output
at least you have trick attack
So will she be showing up in the MSQ once Gabranth fucks everything up by digging a hole to the center of the planet?
>countless WoW threads
pfff, what wow threads?
>that main theme drop
Imagine being able to single handedly make the fucking ASCIANS into good characters. Selch didn't just make it as a great villain, he redeemed an entire race of characters who've been absolute shit since 1.0. We dreaded Ascians getting involved in the plot of Shadbringers.
>people still fuck up tether and adds
>people are still below i440
>last time mount dropped I rolled a 97 and someone else took it with 98
I'll never get that dragon am I?
>The Twinning
>DRK, SCH, DNC (me) and MCH
>Wall to wall packs that get melted by ridiculous AOE
Hope Elidibus gets some love, because he's an absolute joke.
The whole "NOOO EMET SAVE ME" scene is probably a forced way to remove him from Zenos body, since it was absolutely retarded to begin with, so that the writer can use him in a better way or some shit
God I hate this fucker. His retarded love questline truly helped cement WAR as a joke class.
I found it entertaining and it cemented my love for WAR
>it's another "Curious Gorge loses control of his inner beast and the WoL has to fix things again" episode
>Eden 1 to 3 alright, good groups and everything's fine
>E4 get paired with shitters and have brainfarts myself
it's good if you live in japan, europe or cali
nuke cali
Lmfao he pentamelded gear that won't last 2 months
It can be really fun, but it can be annoying as fuck if you're trying to play it very efficiently. The good answer is to not fret over small dps losses since you're a low dps, but my autism couldn't handle it.
Also NA apparently have latency problems with it.
He's not. He's slightly memorable because he managed to nuke the world, but he's utterly forgettable as a character.
I spent 3 mil gil so I can two-macro craft new stuff to sell from shit I have gathered.
Also got the collectables to get all the master books as well :^)
yo what reshade package do you guys use?
>Take your last breath
>The Joker and he manages to ascend to godhood and nuke the world
I like him and his theme's great, but I'm not sure I'd say he's a great villain.
Of course, they will also make fun of you, but the real chad chuunis do it anyway just to dab on the normies.
I don't think he is liked because of his character, it has more to do with how his story was told in the game, that's what really fascinates the players.
The only sin they have commited against healers is that they haven't made them as braindead faceroll as tanks.
>Dude why don't we let an enthralled ananta into our council meeting what could go wrong?
I want off the stormblood ride.
Hien, Tsuyu and Goesestu make up for this dumb thot
>want to play again
Can somebody convince me not to resub?
I think you mean they carry the expansion on their back. Those three are the only ones worth a damn in the ENTIRE EXPANSION. Fuck Stormblood.
That was really damn stupid and the other characters at least told her she was being dumb but still didn't stop her so that makes everyone else as dumb as her too in my book.
It wasn't that bad, I really enjoyed the feeling and music of Yanxia and the eastern territories like the steppes and the Ruby Sea. It was a bit weaker than Heavensward but still overall I found it a lot more enjoyable than ARR.
>innocence red aoes can pop starbirth without even touching them
why the FUCK is this allowed
What's the fastest way to get tanks to 71?
I have DRK at 80 already, and I want to get GNB and PLD to 80 so I can toss the rest of my tank gear
Nigga just position them better
We've spent the most time with him though, we have a ton of memories of him being a useless joke.
>the only Scion catboy didn't bring to the first despite ehr still being a Scion during LotA
what did he mean by this?
>nukes world because *holds up spork* nihilism
>later you find out he was a Bad Science test subject and that's why he's crazy
With a bad party, TA doesn't make up for the low dps especially if you're also bad
>Doing post-HW MSQ
>It makes you do a fucking primal from ARR
Swear every screen capture of this bastard is either photogenic as hell or a moment when he isn't trolling the shit out of whomever he's talking to and just feeling sorry for himself.
So the Fates are the worst part of the ARR Relic books right? Hoping it gets better from here
That part is kino. Pay attention to the text.
The Exarch said he accidentally summoned people who were close to the WoL when trying to summon him. Lyse is canonically not close to the WoL.
Do you like Zenos? because he is going to same way
Atmas and rare fates for the books are the bad parts, all the rest should be pretty easy
the rest is even worse! it cost money, OY VEY
Don't resub you indecisive faggot
I think you can get those with seals now. I might be thinking of the HW relics, though.
Lyse is canonically not a scion anymore, if anything you should wonder why he didn't summon Krile
Just go back and do that quest instead of complaining about stupid shit here you nig-nog.
>Good heel. It's incredibly frustrating to see him get away with stuff right up until the end of the game.
>Foil to heroes, works well enough.
no you can't, only hw
I'm fine with doing it. I only complain about queue times.
Marche is the best villain.
>"I shall be your judge."
God, we need a judge class in the next expansion, and it could be a DPS class, though I'm sure they'll be tempted to make it a tank.
He shouldn't have sperged out at the end.
He should have stayed dedicated to a peaceful solution, but we realize a return to the Ancients' civilization will only repeat their calamity, since it was due to their powers going out of control. We fight him because he would unmake the world just to doom it again.
I knew I was going to love this guy the moment he popped up from behind the throne.
>since it was due to their powers going out of control
Speedreaders get the gas too
guess the race/gender
Nope, we don't know what kicked it off, but their fear is what kept it going and made it go nuclear
female elezen
male elezen
Faggot elf that race changed to hroth or viera without name changing
male au ra
The sound is what kicked it off and what made them lose control of their powers.
I want to say female cat by the ";3" but I'll go with male au ra.
>name changing
what a chad
>1s apart
The duality of elf
You like him because he enjoys being obtusely evil with funny lines and he's a good foil to the protagonists. That's about it though you can like Kefka and I think he is well written for what he is, but there isn't a lot of depth there. Only FF villain to come close to Emet is probably Kuja, everyone else ranges from Kefka level to trash like fucking Zemas from ff4.
>having a lore name but for the wrong race
God I hope they go all in with letting you "remember" him and his people. I want a portrait you can hang on your wall. I want a landscape of Amaurot. I want housing and tabletop items.
Literally not a single VA fits their character. What was Square thinking?
jannies are asleep, post minions
Isn't that a male elezen name?
But it wasn't just a literal sound. Horrors got unleashed that weren't designed by their creation magiks. Other continents fell to these things. Lahabrea managed to capture one and house it in his lab. Their paranoia hastened their demise, but it wasn't the cause. Whatever is at the center of the planet has horrors protecting it.
It’s only fitting since garlemald might be a point of interest in the future.
Could have a rouge legatus like reddas teach us.
I'm close to maxing out MCH and my AoE feels weak as fuck.
>But it wasn't just a literal sound
Yes, it literally was. That's what multiple NPCs describe it as. The elements stopped working like in FF1 and FF5, and then a horrific sound came from inside the planet that made them lose control of their own powers.
God I wish Amaurot had a proper ilvl req so retarded skippers couldn't enter until they figure out how to get their AF gear.
Bros why is Urianger's VA so great but he's not in anything except some side roles in games no one cares about?
Every good actor gets their break somewhere.
Stop making fun of Lyse. She spent the better part of the last decade pretending to be someone she's not. We're lucky she turned out with a stable personality at all.
Her stable personality is being an unstable retard. I'll make fun of her all I want.
I really spend too much energy trying to top dps list in fights, I get too tense. I'm just thinking of playing RDM and shutting my brain off and let other people carry me.
After doing it I assume you mean the things that Titan says.
Do other people see that? Or just me?
Just you
I'm not gay or anything but something about Magnai...I don't know anymore.
I got addicted to the braindead rotation from playing rezmage in Eureka too much, now everything else is too much effort.
>Got dancer with idyllshire gear in Amaurot
>22k health
>Literally just dies to raid wide cuz they don't have the HP to survive
>Healer just leaves them dead after awhile
>Later that same day I get a healer in Holminster with a fucking 260 ilvl astrolobe and one in Dohn Mheg with a 290 AF one
Fuck my life I wish story dungeons had min ilvl, all 3 of those runs made me want to fucking die
>I'm not gay
i mean to be fair she had no idea the guards were tempered and had tossed a shitload of crystals into the meeting room prior to everything
she did take all of their crystals off of them before hand so if they hadn't 4D chessed her it wouldn't have happened
i was more mad that the qirean with the beard didn't have any lines what the fuck
I've been maining MCH since 4.0 and now in SHB it became about as braindead as RDM. Then I tried MNK and fuck that, it's boring and the fast gcd gets bothersome fast. Then I tried SMN, and I kinda started to understand it and then I thought fuck man, all this work for less dps than MCH? I need to relax playing the game, I'm done trying to be this perfect super player.
male elezens are always played by stoners
I had a Scholar in Holminster that didn't use his Fairy until we told him to fucking summon it.
His response was something like.
>Oh it was greyed out so I didn't check my skills.
Which means he somehow played through Kholusia and Amh Araeng without even checking his skills.
>play RDM
>top dps almost all the time
The horrifying thing is you'll be doing the carrying
>she did take all of their crystals off of them before hand so if they hadn't 4D chessed her it wouldn't have happened
>one tempered Ananta slits her own throat
>the aether and intense emotion released summons Lakshmi
Hell the very first Lakshmi summoning was entirely on accident and didn't even use crystals
>Doma Castle
>dps are two catboy DNCs in matching slut glams
>Viera AST (mentor)
just fuck my shit up
xivg is literally unusable
They're all terrible. Alphinaud should have a higher pitched voice, NO lalafell should have a deep voice, Y'shtola should have a qt voice, and nobody in the game should be fucking British.
You only see it if you're on that part of the questline, and it's the only time you'll see Titan say that text.
I did 10.5k dps as MCH in Innocence ex with normal food and in 90% of cases (I cleared the fight over 100 times) the next best dps was 2k dps below me.
Are you playing on a 90s calculator?
the first summoning lasted for literal moments and didn't actually temper any of them (which is why we had that cutscene where we blocked the tempering wave)
if they had did that it wouldn't have caused anywhere near as much of a problem, since even just the WoL and Arenvald were able to hold out for a pretty good amount of time before they needed Fordola
/vg/ is literally unusable and should be deleted. Anyone who wants to maintain a culture inside threads and treat them like a chatroom should just move to discord. It's a breeding ground for the mentally ill and is antithetical to Yea Forums's concept.
He's just a handsome man, fuck you.
But Pippin is great in Japanese. Having both Viral and Kamina come running out into battle during that one dungeon with everyone was a treat.
It wasn't JUST a sound. There was more to it than that. The Debate Quest and the other Expert Dungeon both outline this. What you said is true, but there was more to it than that. The Dooms weren't from Ascian minds. The beast that escaped Lahabrea's lab, none of them were Amarautine creations. They were created differently.
The Planet's collapse took Amaurot LAST. The rest of the world fell to the Sound first. It was the fear of the impending Doom coming to Amaurot that caused their minds to fill with nightmarish thoughts.
there's no escaping the deep voice
even in the japanese dub
>Alphinaud should have a higher pitched voice
Why? So you can jack off to him more easily? He's 16, not fucking 8.
>Y'shtola should have a qt voice
No, she shouldn't. She's a bitter old witch.
>and nobody in the game should be fucking British
Actually lorewise the Eorzean language, Hyuran Common, is an analogue to English. If you read any of the written text in the game you'll see it's just English with an altered alphabet. Hyuran Common is also the language spoken across most of the world including in Doma and Kugane.
>NO lalafell should have a deep voice
A MCH does not out dps a SAM and I don't find SAM hard to play at all. I guess you're just retarded.
Alphinaud is like 17 and for Elezen that's really fucking young his voice should be as shrill as it is, and Y'shtola is a cranky smart ass witch I don't need her going "uguuuuuuu~" every fucking cutscene
hot desu
Learn to read you moron I said SMN not SAM.
Now that you mention it, SAMs are played mostly by retards and I outdpsed them as mch many times.
>Alphinaud is like 17 and for Elezen that's really fucking young
Elezen only live a decade or two more than Hyurs and aside from getting a later puberty they also age at the same rate.
Does anyone have a /mouseover macro for placing the 1 Sign above an enemy player during PvP?
Why does Holy have to be so big and bright
Yeah I noticed you said SMN and not SAM, but it was too late at that point. Also if you're out dpsing a SAM as a MCH then the SAM is either undergeared or retarded. SAM usually tends to have the top physical DPS in the game, or at least it did.
I personally think MCH is boring as fuck, but a lot of people play it, so to each their own I guess. The robot summon is cool, but everything else in the kit feels boring to me. Build up some heat, do some shots, blah blah blah. You get a shitty flamethrower and poison spewer but the damage on them always looked weak to me. Don't know what the appeal is honestly about MCH, but I do see a lot of people playing it. Everyone tells me it's fun and I just don't see it.
>Get AST for Holminster
>Keeps giving balances to the SAM and arrows to the MCH
>Puts the bowl on me
>Don't think much of it cuz it boosts my DPS
>Wipe on pull after the bull breaks down the fence
>"I thought the bowl would help more :/"
>Lol what?
>"Did they need it's damage reduction"
>Whole party fucking stops and just takes a second to sit him dosn
That fucker didn't realise they changed AST cards, he kept me alive afterwards but I'm frankly insulted he was that ignorant go the job changes.
I don't know but whenever I get WHM whilst tanking I feel like I'm killing my eyesight.
iconic FF spell
Because it's Holy
Kefka exists.
Why do the water effects of some of the new content hobble my frame rate, when everything runs just fine otherwise?
Most SAMs in PF suck balls, they die and lose a ton of dps.
MCH, imo, is boring as fuck and gives you carpal tunnel syndrome just to make it seem like the class has some depth because you're mashing buttons all the time. I really don't give a shit about the animations, I don't notice them at all during fights and I turn them down because I don't want them cluttering my screen and me not seeing what's going on. Casuals are happy with it because they can finally play the class, in SB when they saw the opener they noped the fuck out.
Everyone on my server that I talk to really shits on AST, so not sure why people even play it. I know jack shit about healer jobs, but AST does seem the coolest and most fun, but it sucks that it seems to be the shittest of the healing jobs. I see more people jerking off to SCH than WM on my server as well.
This reminds me of a WHM I got a while ago that didn't want to use holy because they were afraid it would hurt everyone else's eyes and be annoying
This is your new dps swashbuckler job for tonight
mch opener is a joke compared to even drg. what made them nope the fuck out was the ping requirement
>Vote Dismiss has been initiated
Kefka is a one dimensional meme villain you fucking brainlet.
Whoa mama! Hummina hummina hummina bazooooooooing! eyes pop out AROOOOOOOOGA! jaw drops tongue rolls out WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF tongue bursts out of the outh uncontrollably leaking face and everything in reach WURBLWUBRLBWURblrwurblwurlbrwubrlwburlwbruwrlblwublr tiny cupid shoots an arrow through heart Ahhhhhhhhhhh me lady... heart in the shape of a heart starts beating so hard you can see it through shirt ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum milk truck crashes into a bakery store in the background spiling white liquid and dough on the streets BABY WANTS TO FUCK inhales from the gas tank honka honka honka honka masturabtes furiously ohhhh my gooooodd~
I get it if you miss the first math mechanic in lighthouse, hell I get if you miss 2 of them.
If you fucking miss all of them or don't know how to do it. That's fucking embarassing. How are NA so bad at numbers?
Why do some gunbreaker skills have a weird animation for the cooldown? What's wrong with the normal cooldown look?
>short viera
if my head isn't level with her tits i ain't interested
He summoned those closest to WoL. Lyse is good friends with WoL but isnt on the same tier as the others as she spent most of her time either pretending to be Yda in WoL's presence or was off fucking around in Ala Mhigo whilst WoL was galavanting around Ishgard and Dravania. She is firmly inside the second ring of friends that WoL has, along with folks like Hien; Estinien; Yugiri and the like
I've mained healers since 1.23, and even got a 99 parse on a Stormblood extreme primal by accident on AST.
AST has never been fun. Maybe that's changed in ShB but I haven't bothered to touch it yet.
don't make fun of my dyscalculia bigot
Got PLD to 80, just got my titty ex weapons, around 441 ilvl, kind of tired of playing it already.
Should I level GNB or WAR? Never touched DRK so its sitting at 30, while my gnb and war are 60.
you literally can;t tell if shes short
Fuck math.
One retard in my party said this and I doubled down because I thought they were joking.
I guess I'm going to end up in the gaol anytime soon. Fuck NA players. Learn to carry your weight.
How many times did they change Yugiri's VA?
I fear that Yoshi's newfound autism for balancing roles will lead to there never being a new melee DPS or tank.
Alright, Yea Forums. What job is
Not complicated
Does decent damage
Cool aesthetics
Does such a job exist? I want to have fun, but not play something complex? I couldn't really get into RDM, but apparently that is a braindead job.
>person on friends list changes their name
>cant remember who they were
Play Blamalam
should i dance partner the ninja or the off tank
If it weren't for the ;3 I'd have to go with male Elezen but that's a female cat.
Oh great. It's the miqote spam fucker again. Go away
ShB literally introduced a new tank and a new ranged DPS. I think we are a bit overdue for a new melee DPS job, or it'll be a new healer. Just sucks for people that have no interest in healing.
OFFICIAL FF villain ranking list
>Dr. Cid
>Lady Lilith
>Eald'narche (and the Zilart in general)
>Emperor Mateus
Don't help this faggot.
You just described SAM.
XIV is in desperate need of more tights.
>our hero, after proving themselves a capable healer and dps now sets their sights on revolutionizing the tank role
BLM? got that at 80, don't like it want to stay tank.
I have absolutely no idea who you're talking about. I just asked a question, wasn't aware that particular question was common.
Fuck off
And yet everyone hates SAM? Hmmmm
the original died, so I have no idea.
Remember to play as the canon character for maximum immersion
>16 year old girl has bigger tits than Lyse who's like a decade older
the First is putting growth hormones in their water or something.
And yet everyone hates SAM?
Who cares.
Bardam got nerfed to shit in 5.0, it used to be pretty tough but it's an absolute joke now.
Do everyone a favor and overdose on those meds you're ignoring
>Sephiroth that low
Man, people really let how he has been treated in games and media outside the original FF7 fuck up their judgement/view of Sephiroth.
He was a fucking great villan. His ominous presence throughout the plot and his dualiity with JENOVA were kino. He is at least Ardyn tier.
She's got a growth spurt coming too.
Khloe Kunny
But user, that facial hair isn't available for use.
He's interesting but not really a deep character because all of his motivation is taken over by Jenova's will. Most of VII is actually put into motion by Hojo anyway. I should have put Hojo and Jenova on the list honestly.
>don't like it
I don't think that's possible. Gunbad then I guess
Shut the fuck up. I know who you really are faggot. Go back to balmung.
Balance does go on melee you shitter
Ryne > Minfilia
>no Caius
>Ryne says her hair and eyes are a gift from Minfilia
>two more gifts gonna appear in time
Minfilia was a true friend, totally forgive her for all the Waking Sands bullshit.
That's hot
Does dancer’s buff stack on one person? Had two dancers partner with a black mage for some reason.
I'm not an autistic explosion nigger.
>female lizard
>strong and forcing males to mate
The artist doesn't know his stuff.
>deep character
Villans do not need to be "deep" though. Sephiroth was essentially a being that was mostly or entirely an Eldritch abomination by the time we see him in the main story. His influence on the game and its atmosphere really cant be understated. It was simple yet highly effective and cements him (and JENOVA along with him as they cant be counted separately) as a great villan
Did you literally read any of the post? Or do you just have brain damage? He put the balance on the SAM because he thought it was the old damage buff not because it goes on melee you illiterate retard.
How old is Ryne?
Fair enough
>finally OT in Titania
>forget to pop immunity during tether
ARR gave us NIN, HW gave us MCH, SB we got SAM, and ShB DNC. Melee should come next assuming we need a DPS every expansion. Unless we get a caster and a healer.
You do know their are different tribes of lizard girls right?
>SAM is a meme trash jo-
Not stated, probably the 13-16 range.
I'm like 80% sure they said she was 8 when Thancred rescued her from Eulmore, and that was 5 years ago. So she'd be 13 unless I'm remembering wrong.
Old enough
And all of them weak and frail compared to make Au-ra
Are you trying to flex on here? You know people are going to call you retarded.
Yes I read the post you dumbfuck. "Keeps giving balances to the SAM" as if that was suspicious.
Second time in the same thread someone confused SAM and SMN?
No he's kefka and sephiroth tier of edgy shit
Pretty sure one of the dead ones was 15 when she started to get her powers so about that old.
DNC is a ranged DPS though, but you're right, we could get a spellcaster DPS possibly, though RDM could be considered one. I really just think we should get a new melee DPS job next.
The females are warriors to you tard
Tell that to all the midget kawaii uguu lizards we get in game.
>all the cute and funny fags will immediately jump ship to the oracle of darkness once we find out what's under that mask
>he didn't do WAR's job-quests
No you dumbass, I'm saying IM the dumbass here
Sin-Jetch with Yu-yevon behind it all was great.
Not even him dude but the whole point is it wasn't suspicious u til the fucking AST was talking about the bowl damage reduction. Learn to read ESL nigger.
nah she's stated to be a bit older than ryne so they can't shift gears from le epic shuffle khloe posts very easily
What the fuck are you talking about dumbass? People are just going to call you a dumbass here. Is that what you want?
We kinda already know. It's the concept art by nomura, Gaia. You know, the girl with the hammer.
>does big damage
>still not taken to raids
SAM is the job equivalent of Johnny Bravo. Has everything that you'd think he'd need to be popular with the ladies yet never seems to be able to get over with them
desk height prove she's short if we compare ffxiv desk height to the desk height in the picture. She's short.
I really thought he was one of the weakest parts of FF7. Just some weirdo who was wandering around and did absolutely nothing to my party until he finally landed on my healer, then promptly fucked off again for the rest of the game.
>WAR job quests
Why would you ever wish curious gorges shit upon anyone?
>Female Raen
>Overpowering anyone
>once we find out what's under that mask
The game needs a new healer. More specifically a healer that plays an offensive role instead of sitting back casting heals. Think of Warhammer priests.
And they need to expand the job system and introduce support roles. Dancer is a step in the right direction but I'm not sure why it's labelled as a melee dps job.
t. I only watched Advent Children-poster
user stop being a sperg. They were just telling how they did something retarded.
I know how to read. The story makes no sense because giving a ranged class the arrow should have been a giveaway.
Living with autism must really suck, huh.
I know, and Yoshida for some reason thought "players didn't want that facial hair", are you for fucking real you hack?
la dilatura...
Don't samefag, you're still retarded.
Are you dumb? "He" actually Jenova was taunting you and stringing you along for most of the game so you'd get the black materia and come to the reunion.
Did you forget about Dorgono?
I like his whole thing with Cloud, both being "fakes" but it kinda sucks that you end up dealing with Shinra a lot more.
Not a villain in the slightest, never aggresses against you, is loyal as fuck, sexy as shit and is a good step-mom.
Did you even try to read the story or is this bait?
>ingame height
Yeah, I'm sure she must be really imposing. lol
It's Gaia. She has a placeholder model right now though. Her model is probably not done yet.
I'm 100% certain that her ingame art and character model will actually look really nice.
Nomura is going full part 5 Araki with that design
>R A E N
i'd suck nomura's dick if he repeatedly apologized to me over how hasty that was and that it was just his equivalent to a napkin-doodle
>never aggresses against you
He's not evil in the slightest but he does fuse with Vayne so the two of them can go down fighting together as friends against you.
So this is the power...of Geomancer
>Ardyn that high
didnt that fucker just had bad aim and missed us and just grabbed someone close by?
Do not install Gshade.
>Emperor that low
Yeah, I remember. Even as a kid, I wasn't sure why the entire party thought it was a good idea to keep following him around, but then again Cloud wasn't very bright.
A lot of his impression was ruined by how easily broken the game was, to be fair. Seeing the big snake dead didn't really mean much even your party can already slap it around pretty well.
he has a custom face and facial hair, literally cant even be the real WoL
The newest update has malware on it.
The game being shit doesn't detract from him being a great tragic villain.
If you do not mod the game you're factually missing out on a better experience.
>reach 80 on my WHM
>decide to try out other jobs just to mess around
>get Lancer to 28, looks like it has potential to be fun
>switch to SAM and try it out
>notice it has a skill that increases your damage by 10%
>Dragoon has the exact same skill
uh-oh... is this one of those episodes where every melee job plays the same with the exact same buffs and are mostly reskins?
>Vayne that high
he's a bitch ass nigga who got btfo by (((Us))) after spending an entire game successfully killing two persons
I’ll never stop fucking hating Advent Children and the other media for ruining how people think of FF7 characters.
It’s made everyone think of Cloud as this brooding moody always serious character and they shit on him for it.
>Do 50% of damage in a dungeon
>15% more than the SAM who is tied with the tank
>No commendations
I'm going to start dragging ass like everyone else.
Are you sure its not just a false positive tardo?
i need it
>going through POTD for the first time, with my FC
>having a lot of fun
>make it to the floor 50 boss, just manage to defeat her
>wait, why did the boss turn into the girl from the beginning of the story
>Edda slain
fuck off
No, DPS are not at that stage yet.
Probably in a couple of expansions though.
There are too few milf-body mods and the ones that are around are probably incompatible by now. Also NuclearWasabi's lalafell shortstack mod isn't publicly available, probably commissioned and private. Ergo I'm not interested.
>The game being shit doesn't detract from him being a great tragic villain.
He just wanted revenge against the bloodlines of the Oracle and Kings.
then the DLC (and novel) rectonned him into being a "tragic" hero in the most asspull of fashion
Yeah, but did you hear that flowery speech he gave? What a great villain!
>I see now... This is the passion of my ascension...
>Very well, I shall embrace this trial!
Samurai was designed with that, Disembowel being a 10%-damage up is a holdover from Heavy Thrust which got pruned. Before Shadowbringers it was a piercing-resistance down debuff on the enemy.
No it's not. I've seen complaints in people's cpu spiking even though no programs are open even XIV after updating. People are thinking it's a cryptominer
>throwing a fit because no one is giving a meaningless commend
This is why I don't like dps
Tough call. They like to make all the 'cool' jobs into tanks to get people to play them but they also just introduced one. I can't see them adding two tanks in a row.
they have the exact same buffs because it's a shitty tab target mmo with no interactions but their class mechanics are different
Judges are all in the aesthetic and they have no unique powers outside of their stations. You can already basically be one by being a tank in the Elemental armor from Eureka, a "Garlean" job is pointless since the only useful magitek is already covered by Machinist.
Also judges aren't a "main character" job like Paladin, Warrior (Fighter/Berserker), Dark Knight and Gunbreaker are.
fucking parsetrannies and their demand for balance
killed wow and will kill this game too.
Did you ever do Tam-Tara Hard?
>join group fibder party for Brute Savage
>no one says anything so I assume they know mechanics
>6 of them die during dance phase and we wipe
>”the cross-world party has been disbanded”
The DRG attack up skill is fallout of skill pruning. It used to be a Pierce damage up debuff which assisted DRGs but also made BRDS very viable as well
I didn't, no. Does she show up there, did I miss something?
You basically skipped out on an entire sidequest line related to Edda. She goes insane and starts delving into necromancy after her fiancee dies.
>its another t&f medium/thicc size episode
True. If that continues to be his reasoning we need yet another ranged physical, a caster and a healer before we hit complete parity across roles with 4 options each. With only two jobs per expansion it could be until the expansion after next when another melee or tank gets in.
>Stormblood got rid of Cleric Stance dancing and shared class actions
>Shadowbringers trims your DPS skills and casualizes pets (fairies)
>Eos and Selene are now exactly the same
>WHM has GCDs tied to their new insta-cast skills still
>The whole fucking can of worms that is AST
This is just bullshit
You sure did.
more like tfsmall, what is even the fucking point
You could already see it at work on healers, and now it's spread to tanks. I'm calling it right now; next expansion, Bloodfest and Burst Strike are going to become a "use CD to spam the same GCD 5 times" just like Requiescat/IR/Delirium
as close as we gonn get
Her group hangs out around all the early dungeons, and you can talk to them. You'll find out they weren't nearly as successful as you were, and tt all comes to a head in Tam-Tara Hard.
And some stomach enhancements
that quest was pure horror kino
Did they decreased everyones overall defense with ShB or am I imagining it?
I gave doing HoH solo with my RDM another try and I take a lot more damage then remember taking before.
The story is so terribly told. They info dump on you, take 3 paragraphs to say what they could in one sentence. Then the next actual gameplay segment just shows you everything they just spent an absurd amount of time explaining
Yoshi has no concept of show dont tell and it fucking shows
Well, fuck. I guess that dungeon would explain why she's the weird floating girl with scythe now. Serves me right for not doing the hard dungeons first.
>Is just a shitty muh revenge villain for 99% of the story
>The novel and dlc just give him an obtusely sad backstory so we feel bad for him
Too tier fucking writing
>it could be until the expansion after next
And that is assuming they don't decide they have enough jobs once they have 4 in each role.
>3-5 minute DPS dungeons queues the entire day
What's going on? I thought healers were gone?
Does anyone have the leak complication image from prerelease? Specifically looking for the "Mr Happy here and today I am seething"
Do you know who wrote that “questline”? Compared with everything else, it is jarringly dark.
>correct, I exclusively masturbate to Lyse's tummy
did you take the bunny pill?
>Eos and Selene are now exactly the same
you weren't using selene outside of fey wind and the one or two points of the entire game where fey caress was useful
>Still not taken to raids
Flat out false. every job is taken to raiding. The only place that has limitations is the top 1% of world first raiders and even most of them take meme dragoons with them just to say they did
>emet a deep vilain
>is literally tempered by the eikon he summoned
Hes as brainless as everyone else we put down
0/10 bait made me reply FUCK YOU
I hate how nobody is doing some actual good animations with the XIV. There's only one guy on pornhub and it's a bit cringe.
>With only two jobs per expansion
What I am afraid of is of them releasing three jobs in the next expansion to fill every role to four, and then completely stop releasing new jobs.
>Judge wasn’t a main character at any point
ye, buns r fun
>30 minutes of gaius and lahabrea's wrist slashing speeches
>60% exp bar
was msq roulette ever worth it over queueing for the latest available dungeon twice?
He's not a "good" villain. He's just memorable.
He's not like Zeromus, the final boss of FFIV.
Only thing that actually turned out to be incorrect on it was MCH's chainsaw
>can't use unlockable customization
>can't use headwear
>ugly symmetrical faces
>reused underwear
>le cool stoic unmoving warrior lady emotes
Viera are shit.
Are you talking about shapely taters?
>Compared with everything else
>It is jarringly dark
I've tried this before with my experience in it and its primarily because the models if you were to rip them from the game have horrible bones and skeletons, animating them makes it look awkward and weird. You would have to re create the model from scratch to get any sort of fluid movement.
Its also the reason xiv's most lacking feature is character animations. The skeletons and number of bones they use for their models is incredibly low.
Yeah I could see them doing that too. They would have to do something though. Stuff like new races and jobs are big selling points for expansions and they already said they aren't likely to do any more races after this point and if they stop doing jobs too that's a huge blow to expansion hype. I wonder how they would make up for that.
>Compared with everything else, it is jarringly dark.
Nigger the first dungeon in the game has you infiltrate a pirate rape cave full of their victims, you guys never look past the anime graphics
That only further reinforces Blufever being on the art team because there was in fact a chainsaw added in ShB, but it's for CRP.
Perhaps, but tanks will never learn not to LoS their healers if they dont have to fight the giant flying zombie head of a guy who did.
Yes I love her.
>spoils Vauthry and the Beehive
Holy shit
CRP had a chainsaw in Stormblood
Damn it. Do nude mods look better? Last time I saw them they looked like photoshopped messes
That would be pretty awful. Last time they did three jobs the balance of them was pretty fucking awful. I can't imagine them doing that again and then saying
>btw not getting any more enjoy these
what is bottom left about?
Her body is the only thing of value that worthless mhigger whore has. Can't even breed her because her retarded genes are so strong.
>They would have to do something though.
Would they? They have fanboys defending their every move, all they have to do is spin some bullshit about "focusing on existing jobs" and people will swallow it.
FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK these cocksuckers
Jabba the Hutt refers to Vauthry, the stripper either refers to the DNC performing in the trailer or to the Honeybee strip-joint in Eulmore
God I hate hentai foundry artists.
Eulmore having literal strip club and stripper poles.
>They would have to do something though.
Ready for more limited jobs?
Hey can I get a hand here. I just leveled a BTN to 50 and I wanna do gatherers scrips, but the quest this guide is telling me to do isn't there.
I didn't even play the DLC or read any shitty novel and I got way more than that from him just from the main game itself. Ardyn was fucked over because he helped people and then couldn't even find any peace in death. The game was about you helping him die.
>T. some faggot who plays a job that didn't get a cool cinematic.
I bet you play MCH or SMN.
So boys here's what we have going into the rebalancing patch
>BLM is OP
>SAM is not exactly where it should be
>SMN and RDM could use a little bit of help
>NIN and AST are firmly in the shed and their contribution is nowhere near enough to justify even taking them let alone their difficulty
>all physical ranged are considerably behind with DNC being worst off, almost of the point of not being worth taking even for the 1% they bring
>tanks are balanced but DRK could use a little bump
>Last time they did three jobs the balance of them was pretty fucking awful.
To be fair, they were basically doing four jobs in relatively quick succession.
>Oh boy I cant wait for all the doujins I'm sure ShB will inspire!
>sad panda is kill
why are we here, just to suffer?
Is flamethrower on MCH useful? Its super weird to use.
Please no. Limited jobs were a mistake.
I don't think it is, NW's mod looks different. If it is it might be some edit of the mod I don't know about
>That SAM DPS drop
>MNK and DRG with all the damage now.
Fuck MNK, really hate that job. I'd rather play a DRG before a play a faggot MNK.
What's the worst job stories?
Yes, it's good in AOE where you have nothing better to do, better being bioblaster, hypercharge, ricochet or air anchor (the latter below 5 targets)
>Can't even wear hats.
Haha. No.
What fight is that, different jobs perform differently on different fights. FFlogs isn't reliable.
>MFW I forgot people lewd Lalafells
Don't know why I didn't think this was a thing, obviously it appeals to pedos and lolifags.
>Implying Yoshi-p cares about that
He has has this system in mind since HW, he's not dropping it.
Freelancer is the worst
Onion Knight is the best
WAR no contest even the most boring like WHM give you lore dumps on WHM, WAR is just shit.
Lalafell attracts more shortstackfags than le epic cute-and-funny types. The ones that go for them for loli generally haven't played the game since they drill it into your head pretty quickly that lalafell are scheming, Jewish adults who're aware they're cute and use it to their advantage.
what is GCBTW?
>This nigga
He's right you know. Ina humorous way these god-like beings ruined everything because they actually learned fear/panic. Had a Aztecs dying to the common cold type of feel.
BLU's only problem is lack of content and they're addressing that in 5.1.
MNK here, smooth brains like you couldn't pull that DPS even if you did play MNK
Forget unearthing the forgotten secrets of this lost civilization, Alka Zolka is gonna FUCK that Tonberry!
Don't lump lolicons like me with degenerates that actually like lalafells
>ywn beauty-and-the-beast a tonberry and be rewarded with a fat-assed, loyal midget wife
You guys think they're going to make big changes to GNB? I kind of feel like it has to be the best scaling tank dps wise, because it doesn't have anything else going for it. Its middle of the road in everything else, has some good stuff, has some bad stuff, just kind of meh.
But I keep seeing people saying its going to get nerfed.
>What fight is that, different jobs perform differently on different fights.
Eden NM aggregate
>FFlogs isn't reliable.
It's reliable enough, stop making excuses for your bad performance
PLD is boring. WAR is bad after a certain point. Bard has also been pretty boring but I haven't seen the whole thing admittedly so it could improve. Nothing else really stands out as bad from the ones I've done, maybe just uninteresting.
probably dropping nin for sam, fuck monk, shit aesthetic, mhigger trash job
Go back to r3ddit
>It's reliable enough, stop making excuses for your bad performance
The simple fact that you can pick-and-choose which parses you upload inherently makes it an unreliable aggregate of information
Enjoy your 30 buttons per minute or whatever it is now. I'm too lazy for that shit, also MNK gear looks like shit. DRG has some pretty kino armor, but MNK just has shitty leather gear. Leather gear in this game just all looks like garbage to me. Cloth and plate armor are superior aesthetics.
Anyone who posts online about this game.
good lads
Yeah, I can't see them making potency changes to it. It needs that shit to be relevant, its slightly worse than the other tanks in all other areas.
i dont visit reddit
BLM is not OP, they are the class that should be doing the most damage every single patch. SAM should be second after BLM in terms of DPS. DRG is overturned right now for how much damage it does on top of utility. AST/SCH need obvious buffs
fookin saved
PLD and WAR are boring because they're about the job-instructors rather than you actually personifying your job, WAR was most enjoyable when it was about Gorge failing to meet the standards you're setting and about you meeting Mythril Heart's legends while Paladin has never actually had any knight-errant stories for it. Black Mage is kinda boring and doesn't spend much time on Mhach at all, though the Mhach alliance-raids make up for it a bit.
Ready to have the most important and burning questions answered in the live letter?
That's FAR from BLU's only problem.
>they are the class that should be doing the most damage every single patch.
RDPS contribution within the same role should be roughly similar, or at least correspond to difficulty.
BLM is not difficult
>only problem
>Insane RNG grind for spells
>boring "rotation"
>obvious filler spells that exist solely to add more grind (What use is there for Loom save for that one gimmick?)
Why are there so many statics with fucking 3-4 days listed? That's basically a part-time job at that point.
Only that website says gcbtw
All of which were problems in XI too but you could blow through shit no problem so it wasn't as apparent there.
>Still a minigame, but now you can pretend to be a job in HW content too!
how exciting.
>It's reliable enough, stop making excuses for your bad performance
found the parsetranny
I wish the players of this game were this upset and autistic and up Yoshi's ass about an actual classic job being totally gutted and bastardized. But nah fuck gameplay.
There's never been an Astrologian or Dancer main character job either.
>I dont know how to have fun
Try DRK then and be disappointed in that The Blackest Night is your only good skill. WAR isnt for you if you don't like explosions. Self-loathing sounds like your speed.
someone said it in a dungeon run. never mind
>3-4 is too much
Go look for casual statics then, some people actually enjoy raiding.
>Paladin has never actually had any knight-errant stories for it
I don't know how they managed to make Dragoon so knightly and fuck up PLD at the same time
Coincidentally neither of those jobs have been tanks
Damn it’s almost as if yoshi p didn’t see the 1000k+ liked thread w/ 100 pages.
If you dont like the monk job fantasy then its not worth the pain of learning it. Feels nice to always have something to press but you frankly don't get that cathartic moment other jobs have. Like when Sam drops its level 3 iajutsu
Although popping brotherhood in a trial and literally becoming Kenshiro feels nice.
Who the HECK posts good lalafell lewds?
Everywhere I go there's rules against posting lewd lalas because "muh pedophilia" or some other crap.
>All of which were problems in XI too
Yes, but XIV shouldn't be trying to ape XI in the first place.
BLM doesn't bring anything to the table, aside from pure DPS. What's more, they need to stand the most still, and due to ley lines stay still within a much smaller zone than Samurai.
BLM will always, and should, have the highest damage in the game.
Those people are the same types obsessing over dps meters, those shitty images with dps stats, and talking about optimization nonstop when barely anything in this game requires it.
They are the definition of no fun to play with because they're all actual ELITE faggots that think numbers and kill times actually matter beyond just killing the boss.
Now you know they're a r3dditors. What did they say?
difficulty doesn't dictate damage, lack of utility does. The two classes that are selfish damage are BLM/SAM and SAM is the most braindead class. BLM is also difficult for progression
>50 spells that's an inane grind that where more then 40 of them are useless
>One week worth of content per expantion
>Completely ignores BLU has been different in every installment it's fucking been in but acts like this is the way it has to be
>Have to level through monsters in the OW cuz muh job identity idk fuck you
>Endgame is just doing the same outdated content you did before but now you have the worthless ass spells
This is easily the worst rendition of BLU and it's a fucking crime Yoshi P thinks this shit is a success.
That's about the normal for prog raiding.
They weren't problems in XI because the game was designed much differently. RNG on learning in XIV only serves to extend the length of time you spend on the minigame. If there were no RNG you could even remove the limited job aspect because simply running through dungeons one time would get you most of your spells.
The whole point of BLU being limited is it apes XI. I imagine it'll become more apparent with the Heavensward and later content where, outside of some support skills that will always be useful like Peculiar Light/Off-guard/Mighty Guard/White Wind, the majority of the new entries in your spell list will be for dealing damage and other situational effects, like XI.
Being a contrarian doesn't make you cool user
Good, fuck XIV-fags.
dnc, rdm and drg exist
>it's fun to be stuck on the same fight month on end, miss out on a great deal of weekly loot, and beat the content once over geared
Part of the fun is doing the fights when they're at their highest, and enjoying something that will in a few short months be a great deal easier to do, and not as fulfilling
I'm not familiar with dnc, but no way in hell are rdm and drg selfish DPS
>The whole point of BLU being limited is it apes XI
And that's not acceptable.
i was running bardem's mettle. we killed the first boss and everyone jumped down to the next area. the tank seemed upset that nobody grabbed the chest before jumping down, so he let the healer take aggro on the next pack and die so he could grab it. healer freaks out on him and the dungeon doesn't progress until the tank was replaced
are these images global maxes?
in unorganized runs the gap is not that big
Show an example of what you're talking about. It could just be shapely with some trainer magic.
>about to call user a retard
>does it for me
It only takes fucking up once like that. I got half way thru HW until I realized I missed out on too much. Never again
To be fair, it has a 150+ page thread that is almost always on the first page of GD. That's far more than most content ever got.
And that is coming from the most bootlicking discussion platform for the game.
>lists jobs with all the utility
Who said the line?
great community btw
All 3 of them are braindead easy
>all the crafter quest are 1 for 3 classes
>they give massive exp
>after you do them for 1 class you can try them for the other 2
Please tell me there's a way to do them for the other 2 classes.
BLU and discussion of it in general is contrarian as all fucking get-out. Before its announcement and reveal typical discussions were that it wouldn't ever get in, if it did get in it'd be boring,it'd be restricted to a rotation of abilities learned through job-quests that wouldn't mimic monster abilities in anything but name, and it'd be a fairly generic-feeling caster. Once it was revealed and later released, people began begging for the given nightmare-scenario so that it could be in raids, and Yoshida shot their dog and left a fat shit on their porch-step by not allowing it into raids.
Cool this isn't fucking XI just because you replicate something doesn't mean it will work, especially in a game built around an entirely different combat system you mongo.
So do BLM players just enjoy the animations? Or is it just fun to sit in the back and never move except when required? I feel like the job has pretty much zero mobility, so I can only imagine the appeal must be the explosions and animations, also the DPS.
Should I do all the side quests? Because I got told a while back to skip side quests to have something to level for alts.
RDM is, DRG is not. don't know about dnc
how do I git gud at BLM bros
you can't try them
It works fine, whether you like it or not is a wholly different and unrelated matter.
Might be. I think the Ivalice Raid might be a forecast of the MSQ the way crystal tower was.
>>all the crafter quest are 1 for 3 classes
>>they give massive exp
>>after you do them for 1 class you can try them for the other 2
>Please tell me there's a way to do them for the other 2 classes.
No. But leves are really fucking easy this expansion. Save it for WVR/ALC
>SAM is the most braindead class. BLM is also difficult for progression
This is the biggest fucking meme around that gets spouted by people who don't play either BLM or SAM at a serious level. Fuck off.
DNC is somehow easier than RDM
>Before its announcement and reveal typical discussions were that it wouldn't ever get in, if it did get in it'd be boring,it'd be restricted to a rotation of abilities learned through job-quests that wouldn't mimic monster abilities in anything but name, and it'd be a fairly generic-feeling caster
People said literally all the same shit about RDM and they were shown for the idiots they are. Nothing about BLU is impossible.
>lalafell does anything for loli lovers
Lol no
While that's true, the whole point of an expansion to look foward to would also imagine rebalancing. Imagine if Selene could interrupt skills, tether to an enemy as a heavy DoT, or make them take additional damage or tether to someone to act as a souped up Fey Wind. Imagine the possibilities if they gave a shit.
This song always pop in my head when I see him walk down
>It works fine
>Was dead in not even two weeks
Even Rival Wings stayed popular longer.
So just people that have a midget fetish?
Use ice, thunder, and then fire. Repeat.
>Tfw literally forgot about void arc trio's story
So uh did they sweep them under the rug? What was even the story for it?
For the BSM/ARM/GSM one, which one should I use it for?
any list of the must do leves for each class?
What the hell does longevity have to do with whether or not it works
>Week long life span
>Literally can only do outdated content with other BLU
>The job made for doing shit by itself is the worst at doing shit by itself and regularly needs another unsynced 70 to help
If you consider vegitables fucntioning people because they can breath then I can understand why you think BLU is a working job I suppose.
>"Thanks for the carry ;)"
Midgets are hot if they're not ugly.
So it being abandonned after two weeks was part of their design plans?
One on the left looks like she's coated in dry flaky cum
Pale rabbits show poor taste
the other dps
Is Red Mage a good alt for someone who's bored of Dragoon?
i do enjoy not being a dpslet while all the significant movement is done via a button press
What the hell does longevity have to do with whether or not it works
Honestly I just wish they added one of the FFT Holy Knight ability sound effects. Like Crush Punch. I can barely hear that shit
t. asshurt SAMfag
There is. I won't spoonfeed you though.
So some sidequests are trash. Most of them honestly. Hildibrand Manderville is the most noteworthy side quest in the game abd you should do them wherever you can (They have some fights and stuff in the quests ontop of being funny as shit). Blue quests are always useful and their quest chain has something interesting going on atleast. ShB is the only xpac I can think of that normal sidequests are actually interesting and useful (due to them scaling between 70-79)
Is there any fanservice for IX in FFXIV?
>I play perfectly fine and have absolutely no room for improvement, people who talk about parses are all elitists who waste their time doing content when it's difficult and not months later like me after SE hands out enough welfare ilvls
I'm starting to think your just Yoshi P trying to defend a decision that's almost universally hated.
>It works fine
>Designed for solo play
>Not suitable for parties
>Forced to party up to get more than half its skills, including some mandatory ones
It doesn't even fulfil its core design.
it looks more like a potato sack than a young person
"You're a shill if you disagree with me" is a classical retard retort.
Is SMN fun?
You do realize BLM has no competition from the other ranged DPS classes, right? So obviously you're at the top when RDM does garbage DPS and is the only actual other spellcasting DPS job in the game. SMN would be your closest competition but everyone knows SMN will never reach BLM levels of DPS.
Why do you reply to gutter trash level of bait?
no, even as a DRG main RDM is too fucking braindead
yep, eureka. also has a lot of XI glamours
You guys are so weird. Black Mage is so boring to play.
>Designed for solo play
>Not suitable for parties
Said one live-letter and nothing in-game, players railing against Blue Mage cling harder to this line than the developers do
Yeah sure, the link is in the spoiler
. . No. ,............................
if you want something breaindead easy, yes, but dont be surprised by its lame damage output
As much as I am glad we went to the first, part of me wishes we didn't see Mhach/Amdapoor/Nym. But I dont' see it us going back in time to that. So it seems like they are going to leave the void arc behind.
>Everyone that doesn't obsess over number crunching and being a MUH ORANGE is an uber casual.
You're just proving my point, dumbfuck parse tranny.
I doubt we are ever getting another tank. The way I see it the game is only planned out to the 7.X series, anything beyond that is unsure yet. Depending on how the game is doing by that point they may just stop actively developing content and put the game into maintenance like XI, maybe doing occasional minor patches. If the game is still doing extremely well they might still put out expansions but possibly at a smaller scale and less often than the current ones.
They will definitely add a healer in 6.0. But anything more than that is up in the air. I think a new DPS is also likely, but it is possible that they will consider 18 jobs to be their "limit" and not add any more from that point. But they also must realize that new jobs are a HUGE selling feature for the expansions so they might commit to 2 anyway.
If they only do 1 job in 6.0, then 7.0 will be either 1 DPS, or nothing. If they do 2 jobs in 6.0, then 7.0 will likely be either 2 DPS or 1 DPS. I think they might go for just 1 new job at that point to bring the total number to a nice round 20.
I think the devs going for 4 jobs in each role is also fairly likely considering one of the main reasons they made dancer into ranged dps was "there was only two". But one of their main criteria for new jobs is marketability i.e. if the new job will help sell the expansion. Essentially "Is it cool enough for Yoshi to cosplay on stage". That usually means melee jobs since casters and healers are not "cool".
I think it's a meme class, but I haven't played it. MCH, SMN, and SAM are the top meme jobs in the game. If you play one of those jobs you'll get shit for it.
So nobody playing it after two weeks was part of their plan, got it.
She's not fucking a male Au'Ra there though.
nevermind i'm dumb and got those mixed up
And your just a contrarian trying to defend a god awful implementation of BLu
>Yeeee I like it
Doesn't fucking mean it's good or implementated well when it can't fufill any of it's core designs and ignores the fact that BLU has been different in every fucking rendition so there is no standard it had to be held to to make it limited.
how do i get orange on fflogs?
You know why people keep recommending BLM?
It does big dick damage. We're hoping one day you'll get good in BLM so we can stop wiping in ex trials from low DPS
The Mhach raid series
What the fuck is Ilberd doing that high? Nice Kefka placement, though
>Not even the same facial hair
Looks like shit, you should have atleast played as an Ardbert clone.
>forgetting best thighs
Play well with a decent party.
>Still forcing my way through ARR
Heavensward and beyond better be as good as you fuckers say it is.
>How come content in a game has to actually last and can't be over with in two weeks
Your fucking pathetic dude
Oh shit, they put this guy in xiv? Please tell me he's unkillable.
Hildibrand quests in HW. You get Zidane's outfit from membership bonuses. The Prima Vista was the main story ship for SB 24-man raids (tho the actually story was about tactics). Ozma shows up not only as a boss in a 24 man raid but also a mount. I'm prob missing stuff but that is off the top of my head
Mhach has a riff from FF9's battle theme along with Ozma, the first BLM artifact is pretty Vivi once you dye it to the usual colors and the third BLM artifact is straight-up a Vivi glamour, there's a Zidane glamour available for subbing for so-and-so months, Gigi is a character in the Hildibrand quests for Heavensward
I don't even raid, but at least I'm not delusional enough to think that every person who wants to play the game more and improve is automatically obsessed with parsing.
You like pressing buttons? You want to double-weave every single GCD? You want to be punished for dying since you have a two-minute rotation? You want a job that punishes you for fucking up single everything is so rigid, any deviation is a pretty big DPS loss? You want to push harder than most other DPS jobs for little reward?
You might just want to be a Summoner.
live in california
It's cool man I liked XI too
If you're a gameplay over story guy every expansion is going to be a fucking grind and even skipping every cutscene it will still pointlessly sending you doing nothing but talking to NPCs for hours.
>Bard has also been pretty boring
Bard's Job Story is meant to be more chill. You're a bard after all. I personally liked that it wasn't crazy or trying to be really cool.
If she's old enough to fight sin eaters she's old enough for cock
Genesis Rhapsodous.
Oh dont forget Dancer's main theme is Vamo' alla Flamenco.
know your rotation perfectly
maintain uptime
meld/eat food/pots/get bis
run with a full raid buff comp
>Geeeeeeee wHy DoES JoB/CLAss ConTENT have to be relevent and long lasting in an MMO?
This is your brain on BLU
That just makes it so now you never use Eos.
People really don't get how balancing in this game works, do they? A choice between "more damage" and "more survivability" is not a choice, because the correct answer is always damage. That is the whole reason they changed tank stances, that is the whole reason they revamped AST cards, that's the whole reason they rebalanced job synergy. Damage is all that matters. People seem to acknowledge this but it doesn't stop them suggesting dumb stuff like "dude what if tank invulns gave a dps buff" all the time.
If you give players a choice then for that choice to actually be compelling it has to be completely DPS neutral.
he is until a certain condition is met, you have to summon a boss that spawns outside of the dungeon, and hope people outside of the dungeon kill it, otherwise you can't proceed because he just uses hallowed ground and spams meteor
That's good to know. I was talking about people that want to raid 3-4 nights a week, the groups I have a good amount of firsthand experience with.
How about you pipe down if you don't know anything about what you're trying to talk about, faggot
So the developers literally stating what their design intent for BLU was is not good enough for you?
Why respond if you don't actually have a point to make? Why set a dipshit goalpost and then crow about how it's dead when a limited amount of content and its lack of resultant longevity fails to meet it? As if you aren't going to see crowds of blue mages again when 5.1 drops and change your tune about how dead it is, or more likely, complain on Yea Forums about how cringe and bluepilled those players are for playing a cuck job no content lmao got 'em.
It's actually the best at doing shit by itself, it just isn't enough
Learn how to play your class, now do it with a group of people who are also decent at the game. Your party plays a huge part in how much dps you do, purple is really easy to get even if you are playing with retards, orange starts to get harder because things other party members do can actively hurt your dps.
Binding Coils of Bahamut was dead-on-arrival because of its difficulty and is still irrelevant because it's not in the normal raids roulette. Is it in the shed with BLU?
>aLtErNaTiNg CaPs
Ladies and gentleman... we got him.
>It's the best at doing shit by itself
A fucking unsynced Paladin can do literally every EX heavensward primal in the game and your telling me BLU is the best solo content job?
Yeah the potential release date for whatever 8.0 would be is sometime in 2025, I could see SE tapping out unless the game continues to be a massive Shadowbringers-tier success. At that point the game will be around as old as WoW is currently. Either they hit some sort of technical limit, a creative wall, Yoshi leaving, or a simple desire to move on to the next game. There's plenty of things that could end the game after that point.
No matter what happens I agree that a new tank seems unlikely in the future. SE has struggled for years to get people to play the role and they seem pretty popular now but they were also hugely homogenized. DPS continues to be the most popular role and I could see them just doing what's popular if they dip to a single job per expansion after doing the 4th healer.
>Ladies and gentleman... we got him.
That's also a rebbit meme
Who the fuck cares if you can unsync it? An equivalent goal-mark would be unsyncing it as a lv. 50 PLD, not a lv. 70 PLD or lv. 80 PLD. BLU would survive because it can deal with everything in ways PLD cannot.
>Binding Coils of Bahamut was dead-on-arrival
Fucking WHAT?
>comparing a lvl 80 430 ilvl job to a lvl 50 120 ilvl job
Tell that PLD to go solo Wandere's Palace synced and tell me how it goes
yEs BuT cAn tHeY dO iT aT lEVel 50???????
And people said XIV aint fun.
>Binding Coils of Bahamut was dead-on-arrival
Oh, so now you are just making shit up.
are you fucking retarded?
>because of its difficulty
Read, fucking moron.
they can't
People that have a thing for weird shaped human like people?
This picture is you
Which is a fucking lie. Who the fuck do you think you're kidding nigger?
Fuck mhiggers.
>Which is a fucking lie.
I'd be interested to hear your explanation on why after Binding Coils 8-man raids were segregated into Normal and Savage difficulty.
>tfw no dwarf EB for my elf
Just want a whacky sidekick for the buddy cop film that is my life
i wish i could play 1.0
brogetsu ...
Because shitters whined, like they always do. That doesn't mean the content was dead. Coil was extremely active. Don't go spouting horseshit when you weren't even there you shiteating faggot.
>You can level a whole limited job to do it synced
>Or you can just level a normal non limited job and unsynced more then BLU could ever hope for
There is literally zero ZERO fucking reason to do old content synced unless you want to cripple yourself.
honestly the entirety of baldesion arsenal was top notch and i'd argue is the only true raid in the game
it's just that you had to slog through the whole eureka saga, as well as deal with the barriers of entry after clearing eureka to even attempt it
Who cares about the opinion of somebody that misses the point on purpose?
>raided 3 nights a week for half of SB
>going to raid every night for the first two weeks
>me and my group just want to clear quickly and learn how to deal with mechanics optimally
Maybe just join a more casual static like what the other user said? Is everyone that takes the game more serious than you an elitist or something? Relax.
>Who cares if you can unsync it
People who want to do it fast and effectively?
That has less to do with the job and more with SE not giving more incentives for running shit synced
I never got to try it because I made too much money selling logos to the people actually doing it.
You don't have a reason to be going there as an unsynced job beyond running it unsynced for its own sake. There's only overlap with one or two of the Hard ARR dungeons for Heavensward relics.
>Because shitters whined, like they always do
should've just dealt with it like the cuck shitter grey-parsers they are eh
Can blue do unending coil?
Doesn't running old content at minimum ilvl increase the drops for rare stuff like mounts?
So go solo Bismarck EX then.
Even SAM can do it, so what are you waiting for?
You can literally unsync any of the heavensward EX primals as a paladin to grab the weapons or the materials without problem and save yourself time/money. And you can go through progging hell with a team of 8 BLU's. There is plenty of reason to do older content unsynced and PLD is the best at it.
I assume you meant Final Coil, in which case it'll get walled at most bosses but it'll last longer than you'd think against, say, Phoenix.
being sexy doesn't make you a good villain, user.
just orchestrion rolls. everything else doesn't have enough data
What does HW EX stuff have to do with BLU? It's not 5.1 yet, it'll die very quickly.
>undending coil
>I assume you meant Final Coil
Nigger do you even fucking play this game? THE FUCKING STATE OF BLU DEFENDERS
Show me your Ultimate Legend title and your Discord receipt for the clear you bought
>That's not fair handicap yourself so it doesn't make BLU look as bad
New thread where?
Does PLD really have enough DPS at 80 to beat the dps checks of heavensward ex primals? Besides that it seems like there would be mechanics that are impossible for one player to do alone like Bismarck's adds.
>unending coil
God that might actually be somewhat interesting to see. Too bad it will be definitely locked for them.
its adverage fun but i like the big dik dps on the charts
>Besides that it seems like there would be mechanics that are impossible for one player to do alone like Bismarck's adds.
It's definitely possible, I've seen a SAM solo EX Bismarck.
bait baiting bait
Yes because people have already fucking done it, literally every EX primal had been cleared by a solo unsynced PLD. Yes even fucking Fiend.